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(PATHFit 2)


1. Established proper first Aid techniques.

2. Adapt the safety measures/tips in performing Physical Activity.

Exercise Precautions and Safety Tips

Physical activity carries risks as well as benefits. The most common adverse effects of
physical activity are burnout and musculoskeletal injury. Depending on the type of activity,
injury risk can be augmented with increased intensity, frequency, and duration of activity.
To minimize the risk of activity-induced injuries, you should be aware of the signs of over-
exertion (such as breathlessness and muscle soreness) and take reasonable

Here are some exercise precautions and safety tips:

• Wear comfortable clothing and well-padded shoes that can protect the
heels and arches of the feet;

• Always warm up before doing exercise and cool down afterwards to lower
the risk of strains and sprains;

• Take appropriate breaks during the activity;

• Do not exercise with an empty stomach. Eat something light (such as

toast with jam or skimmed milk) to give you some stamina. Do not
exercise immediately after a full meal because this will affect digestion;

• Replenish extra fluids before, during and after physical activity, especially
for prolonged exercise;

• Beware of the weather and environmental conditions. Avoid doing outdoor

vigorous exercises in hot or humid weather;
• Listen to the body. Do not exercise when unwell. If there is dizziness,
shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea or vomiting, or muscle and joint
pain during exercise, stop the activity and seek medical advice as soon as


✓ Wearing the right clothing helps to reduce the risk of serious injury.

✓ Choose clothes that work with your activity.

✓ Make sure your exercise clothes are comfortable and let you move easily.

✓ Still, supporters of mandatory PE dress codes cite benefits to standardizing how

students dress for gym class, such as safety, hygiene, encouraging active
participation, and engendering a sense of school pride. Many schools still require
students to purchase and wear a specific PE uniform.

✓ Physical Education (PE) is a required class in almost every school across the nation. The
PE uniform is an integral part of any successful PE program.


Fluid replacement is required to maintain hydration and allow the students to

continue to perform. Inadequate fluid intake will adversely affect temperature regulation,
cardiovascular function, and muscle metabolism.
You're losing fluids and electrolytes through sweat, so you'll want to rehydrate while
exercising. The American Council on Exercise recommends drinking 7 to 10 ounces of
fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise. That's approximately 1 cup of water during
your workout.

We all know that we should drink more water while working out, but sometimes it's
hard to remember. Drinking enough water is important for your health, it's also important
to stay hydrated during exercise. Dehydration can lead to cramping, soreness, fatigue,
and even heat stroke, especially if you're exercising in hot weather. If you're not drinking
enough water before and after your workout then you could be putting yourself at risk of
serious health problems.

Hydration- is the replacement of body fluids lost through sweating, exhaling, and
eliminating waste. On average, the body loses and needs to replace about 2-3 quarts of
water daily. Luckily, many foods we eat are composed mostly of water. Foods with high
water content include greens and most fruits and vegetables.

Dehydration- is caused by not drinking enough fluid or by losing more fluid than you
take in. Fluid is lost through sweat, tears, vomiting, urine or diarrhea. The severity of
dehydration can depend on a number of factors, such as climate, level of physical activity
and diet.

Department of Health 2024

American Council on Exercise 2021

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