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Health and Skill Related Fitness Components

5 Health-Related Fitness Components
1. Muscular Strength: The ability of muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one time.
2. Muscular Endurance: The ability to use muscles for a long period of time without tiring.
3. Cardiovascular Endurance: The ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood to work efficiently and
to supply the body with oxygen.
4. Body Composition: The combination of all of the tissues that make up the body such as bones
muscle, organs and body fat.
5. Flexibility: The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.

6 Skill Related Fitness Components

1. Agility - The ability to change body positions quickly and keep the body under control when moving.
2. Balance - The ability to keep the body in a steady position while standing and moving.
3. Coordination - The ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity.
4. Power - The ability to combine strength with speed while moving.
5. Speed - The ability to move all or a part of the body quickly.
6. Reaction Time - The ability to move quickly once a signal to start moving is received.
Posture is the attitude assumed by body either when the body is stationary or when it is moving. Posture is attained
as a result of coordinated action of various muscles working to maintain stability. Posture in easy terms can be
understood as the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.
The Importance of Posture to Health, Fitness and Physical Attractiveness
Posture is important for health, we all know this and yet many of us don’t appear to give it much thought or try
to rectify bad posture. Good posture is also a vital component of being a successful athlete and a more attractive
individual whereas poor posture leaves you prone to muscular pain, injury and a less than desirable appearance.
Good posture helps to:
• Prevent back ache and muscular pain.
• Prevent overuse problems.
• Prevent fatigue. Good posture is a more efficient use of energy, bad posture often uses more energy as it
places more stress on ligaments and muscles.
• Make you look your very best.
• Keep your skeletal frame in correct alignment so that muscles are being utilised correctly.
• Prevent the spine from becoming fixed in an abnormal and harmful position.

How to Get Good Posture

Stand Properly - When a person is standing, posture is very noticeable. A straight back (the spine should curve
in a natural slight ‘S’ shape), squared shoulders, chin up, chest out and stomach pulled in are all signs of good
posture. You should ensure that you distribute your weight equally through your feet when standing; this is
something that most people struggle with as they tend to lean to one side when they relax.
Sit Properly
To maintain good posture in a seated position you need to do the following:
• Ensure that your glutes are touching the back of the chair, with your back straight and your shoulders
• Your sitting position should support the three normal curves of the spine, if your chair does not support
these curves you may want to consider using additional lumbar support on the back of your chair.
• Your weight should be distributed evenly through your hips. Legs should not be crossed and you should
not be leaning on one arm of the chair.
• Ideally, your knees should be at a 90⁰ angle and be in line with your hips.
Keep Active - When our muscles get tired this is when slouching and poor posture becomes most likely, putting
extra pressure on our neck and back. In order to maintain a relaxed yet supported posture, you should change
positions frequently. Just standing up, going for a short walk or stretching every so often will help you to avoid
sitting in a terrible position for an extended period of time.
Keeping fit will also help with posture as it helps us to stay conditioned, strong and improve our stamina. Good
posture will in turn further help to condition the muscles, prevent injury and show off your muscles in the best
way possible.
Stretch - Stretching is a great way to relieve body tension which helps to improve posture, reduce aches and pains,
improve circulation and improve mood. Stretching also helps to alleviate muscle tightness which results from
poor posture and bad body alignment.
The Benefits of Good Posture:
 Confidence/ positive mind frame
 Enhanced respiratory capacity
 Improved circulation
 Improved digestion
 Slimmer appearance
 Enhanced voice/sound
 Healthy spine
 Strong core
 Protected joints
 Relaxed and optimally functioning muscles
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a
baby stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being active.
For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity.
Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can
benefit from being physically active. The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits.
Being physically active can help you:
• Increase your chances of living longer
• Feel better about yourself
• Decrease your chances of becoming depressed
• Sleep well at night
• Move around more easily
• Have stronger muscles and bones
• Stay at or get to a healthy weight
• Be with friends or meet new people
• Enjoy yourself and have fun

When you are not physically active, you are more likely to:
• Get heart disease
• Get type 2 diabetes
• Have high blood pressure
• Have high blood cholesterol
• Have a stroke
Physical activity and nutrition work together for better health. Being active increases the amount of calories
burned. As people age their metabolism slows, so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating
To reduce the risk of injury:
• Take time off. Plan to have at least 1 day off per week and at least one month off per year from training
for a particular sport to allow the body to recover.
• Wear the right gear. Players should wear appropriate and properly fit protective equipment such as pads
(neck, shoulder, elbow, chest, knee, shin), helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, protective cups, and eyewear.
Young athletes should not assume that protective gear will prevent all injuries while performing more dangerous
or risky activities.
• Strengthen muscles. Conditioning exercises during practice strengthens muscles used in play.
• Increase flexibility. Stretching exercises after games or practice can increase flexibility. Stretching should
also be incorporated into a daily fitness plan.
• Use the proper technique. This should be reinforced during the playing season.
• Take breaks. Rest periods during practice and games can reduce injuries and prevent heat illness.
• Play safe. Strict rules against headfirst sliding (baseball and softball), spearing (football), and checking
(in hockey) should be enforced.
• Do not play through pain.
• Avoid heat illness by drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise or play; decrease or stop
practices or competitions during high heat/humidity periods; wear light clothing.
 Get good advice
 Stop exercising immediately
 Take it easy if you are sick or injured
 Warm-up
 Drinking lots of water
 Wearing the right shoes, gear and equipment


Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a
baby stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being active.
For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity.
Being physically active can improve your health — today, tomorrow, and in the future. However, most people
do not do enough physical activity. People of all types, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being
physically active. The more you do, the greater the health benefits and the better you'll feel.
Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can
benefit from being physically active. The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits.

Being physically active can help you:

 Increase your chances of living longer
 Feel better about yourself
 Decrease your chances of becoming depressed
 Sleep well at night
 Move around more easily
 Have stronger muscles and bones
 Stay at or get to a healthy weight
 Be with friends or meet new people
 Enjoy yourself and have fun

When you are not physically active, you are more likely to:
 Get heart disease
 Get type 2 diabetes
 Have high blood pressure
 Have high blood cholesterol
 Have a stroke
Physical activity and nutrition work together for better health. Being active increases the amount of calories
burned. As people age their metabolism slows, so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating
Physical activity is important for everyone, but how much you need depends on your age.
Injury: Harm or hurt. To harm, hurt, or wound. The word injure may be in physical or emotional sense. From the
Latin injuria meaning injury.
Injury Risks
The most frequent types of sports injuries are sprains (injuries to ligaments) strains (injuries to muscles), and
stress fractures (injuries to bones). Injury occurs when excessive stress is placed on tendons, joints, bones and
muscle. In a growing child, point tenderness over a bone should be evaluated further by a medical provider even
if there is minimal swelling or limitation in motion. Contact your pediatrician if you have additional questions
or concerns.

To reduce the risk of injury:

 Take time off. Plan to have at least 1 day off per week and at least one month off per year from training
for a particular sport to allow the body to recover.
 Wear the right gear. Players should wear appropriate and properly fit protective equipment such as pads
(neck, shoulder, elbow, chest, knee, shin), helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, protective cups, and
eyewear. Young athletes should not assume that protective gear will prevent all injuries while performing
more dangerous or risky activities.
 Strengthen muscles. Conditioning exercises during practice strengthens muscles used in play.
 Increase flexibility. Stretching exercises after games or practice can increase flexibility. Stretching should
also be incorporated into a daily fitness plan.
 Use the proper technique. This should be reinforced during the playing season.
 Take breaks. Rest periods during practice and games can reduce injuries and prevent heat illness.
 Play safe. Strict rules against headfirst sliding (baseball and softball), spearing (football), and checking
(in hockey) should be enforced.
 Do not play through pain.
 Avoid heat illness by drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise or play; decrease or stop
practices or competitions during high heat/humidity periods; wear light clothing.


1 STEP BACK AND PUT THE PR OBLEM IN PERSPECTIVE------Maybe you’re disappointed that you didn’t
get a promotion you were up for or concerned that money is little tight this month because of an unexpected
medical bill.
2 LIST SOME SOLUTION AND COME UP WITH PLAN------ If there’s a specific problem you need to fix
,make a list of all possible solution and the best one for your situation.
3 ACCEPT THOSE THINGS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL----Some circumstances are simply beyond our
control, and we have to learn to cope with and accept them, Stay calm even you’re in stress.
4 GIVE YOURSELF BREAK TO RELAX AND RECHARGE---- Daily stressor can creep up on you before you
realize it, so treat yourself to at least one relaxing activity every day.
Listening music, reading, enjoying soothing bubble bath are great way to relax, relieves stress, meditation.
5 TRY TO GET SOME REGULAR EXERCISE EVERY DAY------Exercise is one of the best methods for
managing stress because it can effects of stress. Like yoga Tai chi, Pilates, or one of the martial art.
6 OPEN UP TO PEOPLE AND EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS----If something’s bothering you’ don’t keep it
yourself .Talk to people you trust, like friends or family.
7. SET REASONABLE EXPECTATION IN YOUR DAILY LIFE------- Being busy is sometimes inevitable, but
regularly taking on more than you can manage can cause unwanted and unwelcome stress.
8. RESOLVE ISSUES BEFORE THEY BECOME CRISES-------It’s human nature to avoid unpleasant topics
and circumstances, but if you’re concerned about a brewing situation, whether it’s at work or at home, address it
early to keep it from becoming more serious , harder to solve, and more stressful for you.

1. Take a break from the stressor.
2. Exercise.
3. Smile and laugh.
4. Get social support.
5. Meditate

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