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Given an extract from a topographic map, the student should be able to:

● Locate places using four and six-figure grid references;

● Use a scale to measure the distance;
● Give direction in terms of compass bearing and the 16 points of the compass;
● Read and interpret conventional symbols;
● Reduce and enlarge a section of a map;
● Draw and interpret cross sections and sketch sections;
● Calculate gradients using ratios;
● Describe the following: drainage, vegetation, land use, settlement,
● Describe land forms through the reading of contours;
● Explain the relationship among the patterns of: relief; drainage; vegetation; land
use; settlement; communications.

Given a photograph, the student should be able to:

● Interpret geographical data.

The student should be able to:

● Locate a place from its latitude and longitude;

● Find the latitude and longitude of a given place;
● Calculate the time of places;
● Draw and sketch maps to show relative location and spatial distribution;
● Draw diagrams to illustrate geographical features;
● Locate territories in the Caribbean;
● Construct bar and line graphs and pie charts;
● Interpret tables, dot maps, chloropleth and isopleth maps, bar graphs (including
population pyramids) and line graphs and divided circles;
● Collect, record and present information based on field work on at least one
chosen topic.

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