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Cloze Test 11

Squirrels are the most resourceful animal in the world. They have the knack

of saving up for __________ (1) days.

Autumn can be very entertaining __________ (2) them. That is the time

__________ (3) they begin the great harvest collection __________ (4) their

winter store. You can see them scampering here and __________ (5),

collecting nuts of __________ (6) sorts. Walnuts, beechnuts, chestnuts, dried

berries ... They are not fussy. Relentlessly, they run __________ (7) their

storage point, usually a tree hollow, __________ (8) the vast amount of wild

nuts to be __________ (9) in the forest.

These beautiful animals are house-proud. They take great __________ (10)

to ensure that their nest is secure and __________ (11) enough to tide them

__________ (12) the harsh winter. You will see them busily __________ (13)

soft pieces of bark, wood and leaves to line __________ (14) nests.

After all their scavenging __________ (15) done, and when the first, cold

hard frost arrives, they will seal __________ (16) inside their nests for the

__________ (17) of the cold spell. There, they will hibernate __________ (18)

it is warm enough to bring out their stored food. Ah, but then again, they are

the __________ (19) forgetful little animals, and it is not __________ (20) to

see squirrels searching desperately for their hoards.

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