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Have you ever experienced trying to enter the possible
arrangement of letters, numbers or characters to open
your Facebook account after forgetting your password?
Or listing all possible combination of numbers because
you forgot the PIN code of your ATM Account? Have
you tried to fix a bunch of books in a shelf and want to
know how many ways you are going to arrange them by
order? Have you ever been aware that there are many
possible ways in arranging a sala set or a dining table in
your home? Did you ever wonder how many possible
arrangements you can make in each given situation?
These situations involve permutation which is usually
defined as the arrangement of objects or elements in a
definite order

All alout Comlínatíon

In many life situations, we need to deal with a

number of items at the same time wherein we
need to decide which among them should be
considered for a given purpose. For example, a
coach of a volleyball team needs to select the
first six (6) players of the team. If there are
twelve (12) qualified players for the first six
positions, then there are number of ways of
selecting the first six (6) players of the team.
The coach should consider different possible
combinations of players in the selection process
to make a wise decision. The concept of
combination is being applied in this situation.
Combination simply means a selection of r
objects from n objects in which order is NOT

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SELECT-Choose from a
number or group by preference

SUBSET−A group of things,

people, etc, that is a part of a
larger group.

ARRANGE−To move and

organize into a particular Pro5lems 3nvolving
position Permutation and Com5ination
The study of permutations and
GROUP−A number of people or combinations is all about determining the
number of different ways of arranging and
things that are together or in selecting objects out of a given number of
same place objects without actually listing them.
Knowledge in some basic counting
ORDER−To put into an techniques are very useful in determining
the number of different ways of arranging or
arrangement selecting objects. The basic counting
principles, multiplication and addition, are
the most common principles of counting
used in solving problems involving
permutation and combination

The notation C(n, r) for combination and

P(n, r) for permutation

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Events, Union and Intersection Probability of a Union: An
In our day-to-day living, we come across Illustration
circumstances that require us to act and
make decisions. In your life as a student,
you are always faced with choices – from
choosing your shoe design, choosing your
snacks, to choosing the track you intend to
take in Senior High School. Before making
decisions, it is wise if you know the possible
outcomes of your decisions so that you can
consider the best path to take.

When you are conducting an What ís uníon ín @rolalílíty

ex@eríment, there are several possible wíth exam@le?
outcomes. The set of all possible outcomes For instance, the union of events A, B,
is called a sam@le s@ace, whereas any and C, written A ∪ B ∪ C, consists of
outcome is called an event. An event is a all the outcomes of the experiment
subset of a sample space that are in A or in B or in C. Thus, A ∪
B ∪ C will occur if at least one of these
In the experiment choosing events occurs. Similarly, the intersection
A ∩ B ∩ C consists of the outcomes that
snacks, an event could be are in all the events A, B, and C.
“choosing banana cue.” This is
called a simple event. An event
may be simple or compound. .
The union of two events say A and B,
often written as A∪ B, combines all the
elements in the two sets. It is the set
containing the elements that are in at least
in one of the two events. It is usually
denoted by the word “or”.
Intersection, denoted by A ∩ B, on the
other hand, looks into the common
elements between A and B. Intersection of
two events usually uses the word “and”.

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My Mutually Exclusíve or their outcomes cannot

Events happen at the same time

There are so many ways to connect and

communicate with your friends online nowadays. You
can write a comment on your friends’ most recent
post on facebook and they can write a reply after
reading it. You can follow them on Instagram and
they can follow you back. You can retweet your
friends’ post on twitter and they can also retweet yours
if they opt to. Can you identify who among your
friends have a social media account and those who
do not have one? How about the most common
form of social media they used? Who among your
Two events, A and B, are mutually
friends are using the same form of social media?
inclusive, if they have common
You can answer these questions easily after
outcomes, some of their outcomes occur
understanding the
simultaneously, or some of their
concept of mutually exclusive and
outcomes happen at the same time.
mutually inclusive events.

Worded Pro5lems on Pro5a5ility

Before planning to go out with your friends, do you
always check the weather forecast? Suppose it says that
there is a 70% chance that rain may occur, do you ever
wonder from where this prediction came from?
Meteorologists use a specific tool and technique to
predict the weather forecast. They look at all the other
historical database of the days, which have similar
characteristics of temperature, humidity, and pressure, etc.
and determine that on 70 out of 100 similar days in the
past, it had rained. This process involves probability
Two events, A and B, are which has something to do with a chance. It is the study
mutually exclusive, if they have of things that might happen or might not. Whenever we are
no common outcomes, they unsure about the outcome of an event, we are talking
about the
cannot occur simultaneously,

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probabilities of certain outcomes, that is how likely they

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