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Good morning honorable chair and esteemed delegates, the

delegation of Jordan is honored to take part in this discussion

today. We are going to talk about the impact of artificial
intelligence .

We all agree that Artificial intelligence is changing the game in

every kind of industry. Nowadays we can find any type of AI
everywhere, for example in social media, in the GPS, even if you
want to unlock your smartphone with face id.

In Jordan, we see Artificial Intelligence as a crucial driver for our

future economic growth. We can create numerous job
opportunities, fostering the creation of new projects and sparking
innovation across various sectors. AI can be a great help, but it
also comes with its challenges. For instance, there's the issue of
privacy, where AI can sometimes infringe on our personal
information, raising concerns about data security. Additionally, AI
has the potential to automate tasks, which could lead to some job
losses as machines take over certain roles.

This country wants to make an ethical use of AI. One of our

proposals is to provide job security by offering training in
education for AI related jobs and promoting businesses in AI fields.
We also want to apply Artificial Intelligence tools to raise the
efficiency of the public sectors to make accesible for everybody..
Jordan is looking into opportunities to partner with countries that
can offer economic help in exchange of staff, raw material and
land.This sector is not just about money, it’s about encouragin new
and creative ideas.

In conclusion, if we all harness the power of artificial intelligence

responsibly and ethically, we can unlock a future full of endeless
Thank you, we yield our time to the chair.

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