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ICATS Creative Writing Contest

‘Living in the era of Artificial Intelligence’
‘Artificial Intelligence’, also clarified as AI is the fake or artificial sense
of thinking and imagining provided by the robots. Artificial Intelligence
plays a crucial role in our lives nowadays. AI has made the life less
complicated by introducing easier and brief ways to perform a task.
Several manufacturing companies are utilising AI to make their
manufacturing prompt and without hesitation to pay peanuts to
employees. Artificial Intelligence even enhances humans in more than
one way. A number of people improve their knowledge by searching on
apps like google or chrome. Another way, people develop using AI is
using adaptive learning apps. AI provides a vast access to millions of
online apps created for skills development, which includes language
learning, communication skills, creativity enhancement and many more.
AI provides a rapid response to your queries and curiosities. It enables
the person to obtain the particular information, he/she would like to
have. Also, in the field of medical, AI aids in diagnostics, drug
discovery, and treatment planning tends to be accurate and easily
accessible through internet. Another perquisite of AI is that, it
contributes to making technology more accessible to people with
disabilities through features like speeches, images and texts. Artificial
Intelligence can also be preferred in activities with human life risk such
as bomb disposal or exploration in deep seas, hot climate or other
extreme conditions. AI is also usable in managing schedules and tasks
that are complex for an individual person to do. And the most common
use of artificial intelligence is entertainment. Numerous people, mostly
children spend their most hours playing online games or scrolling
TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram etc.
With the vast list of benefits provided by AI, we should also give an eye
to plenty of drawbacks resulted in the use of artificial intelligence.
Nowadays, demands for jobs have seen a decreasement as businessmen
now have AI for their work and they don’t require any human to work
for them. Privacy issues are also becoming more common as people
have begun to misuse AI. Misusing of AI can also result in security
issues and cyberbullying can be more usual. Excessive dependence on
artificial intelligence can result in lack of critical thinking, and human or
natural intelligence for next generations. In other fields such as medical,
or teaching where AI has taken a gigantic place, lack of human touch
can result in the shadow of humans from success and fields of
engineering. Basically, robots will inaugurate to rule world in their
shadow as lack of human touch.
To conclude, everything behaves well when used moderately. Similarly,
using artificial intelligence accurately and moderately will not result in
any kind of harm to humans or their intelligence.

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