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ALS DNK School System

Final Exams
Grade VII

Subjects Syllabus
English Written Assessment:
Comprehension (Unseen Topic)
Creative Writing Genres:
● Narrative Writing
● Descriptive Writing
● Mystery Writing
● Letter Writing (Formal/Informal)
Grammar Topics -
● Parts of Speech- (Notebook Resource)
Vocabulary Building:
Figurative Language- (Notebook Resource)
● The Grammar Tree- Pronouns- Page 6
● The Grammar Tree- Relative Pronouns and Clauses- Pages 123- 127
● The Grammar Tree-Active Voice and Passive Voice Pages 131-135
● Present tense, past tense and future tense through written assessments.
● The Grammar Tree- Adverbs-Pages 77-80
● The Grammar Tree- Adverbs of Position- Pages 81-87
1. Prepositions:
● The Grammar Tree- Prepositions- Pages 88-93
● The Grammar Tree- Conjunctions- Pages 95-98
● Punctuation- (Capitalisation, full stop, use of comma, apostrophes,
question mark and exclamation mark)
Literature: Hamlet- (Q & A from the following chapters- The unhappy Prince, The
Ghost’s secret, Hamlet’s madness- Notebook Resource)
Spelling List: abrupt, accomplish, eliminate, embarrass, literature, puddle,
disgraceful, failure, grievance, genuine, hospitable, mysterious, immediately,
democracy, benefitting.
Oral Assessment
Listening, Reading and Speaking (Unseen Topics)
Assessment Guidelines
- Speaking Assessment: A picture will be assigned to the learners. They will be
given 2 minutes to think
and talk about it.
- Listening Assessment: A passage will be provided to the learners. The text will be
read twice by the
teachers, after which they will have to solve related questions in 10 minutes.
‫‪ALS DNK School System‬‬
‫‪- Reading Assessment: A short story or a passage will be provided to the learners,‬‬
‫‪on which they will be‬‬
‫‪assessed, according to the following rubric: Expression and Volume, Phrasing,‬‬
‫‪Smoothness and Pace.‬‬

‫‪Math‬‬ ‫‪Mental Math:‬‬

‫‪Mental math paper will be based on concepts given below‬‬
‫‪Written Paper‬‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫)‪Chapter 6: Functions And Linear Graphs (Ex# 6A and Ex # 6B only‬‬
‫)‪Chapter 7: Number Pattern (Ex # 7A only‬‬
‫)‪Chapter 10: Basic Geometry (Ex # 10A only‬‬
‫‪Chapter 14 : Volume and Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinder (Ex 14A Q # 1-5 and‬‬
‫)‪14B Q # 1-5‬‬

‫‪Urdu‬‬ ‫رحتیریااحتمن‪:‬‬
‫میہفت‪:‬نادیدہ‬ ‫●‬
‫اافلظ‪/‬اعمین(زیچوںیکاہکین‪،‬وہدرخت)‬ ‫●‬
‫رشتحی(آدیمناہم‪،‬ایآرزو)‬ ‫●‬
‫ریثکاالاختنیبوساالت‬ ‫●‬
‫رمکریایخل‬ ‫●‬
‫● اضتمداافلظ‪/‬رمبکاافلظ‪201:‬‬
‫ومضمنونیسی‬ ‫●‬
‫وخدونش‪/‬آپیتیب‬ ‫●‬
‫اکمہمل‬ ‫●‬
‫حیملت‬ ‫●‬
‫گتفیکاجچن‪:‬وچبںوک ر‬
ALS DNK School System

Science Chapter 6: Chemical bond pages ( including book exercise )

Chapter 3: Immunity and diseases pages; ( complete chapter) 47-60
Chapter 2; Human Respiratory and Circulatory system page # 25-46

Geography Chapter 6: Climate Change (Pg. no. 52 - 61)

5. Chapter 7: A Changing Earth (Pg. no. 62 - 64)
Chapter 8: Human Settlements (Pg. no. 72 - 85)
Chapter 9: Agriculture (Pg. no. 86 - 99)

History Chapter 7: Akbar's Successors: Jahangir & Shah Jahan (Character Sketch of
Jahangir & Shah Jahan, War of Succession)
6. Chapter 8: Aurangzeb (Aurangzeb and the British, The Deccan Wars & Aurangzeb
as a King)
Chapter 9: The Decline of the Mughal Empire (Pg. no. 60-65)

Islamiat ‫تعل‬
)07‫میلعتاور مےکآداب(ہحفصربمن‬ ●
7. )28‫● فروتشںرپاامین(ہحفصربمن‬
)00‫● اخسوتوااثیر(ہحفصربمن‬

Nazra 8-2‫وسرۃالبیبۃا‬,‫وسرۃاقلعل‬:‫ظفحوفرآن‬
‫وسرۃااطفنر‬،‫وسرۃا طقین‬:‫نارظہ‬

9. Unit 7: passion project (Page no: 92-100)

Computer Science Unit 3: Computational Thinking Pages no: 43-56

10. Unit 4: Programming Pages no: 57-80 Web development (Lesson 7-10)

ALS DNK School System
Final Exams Syllabus
Subject Weightage

Subjects First term Syllabus Second Term Syllabus

Math, Urdu, English 20% topics will be taken from 80% will be taken from units 4-6
units 1-3

Science, Hist/Geog/ No topics included All topics will be taken from units 4-6
Islamiat and C.S

Robotics An end of year passion project The syllabus will be based on all topics
practical will be carried out. covered during the year

Oral Date Sheet. 2023-24

12th Feb 13th Feb 14th Feb 15h Feb

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Urdu & English English Listening +

Mental Math + Islamiat Oral Urdu Listening + Speaking
Reading Speaking

Written Date Sheet. 2023-24

19th Feb 20th Feb 21st Feb 22nd Feb 23rd Feb 26th Feb 27th Feb 28th Feb 29th Feb

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

English Robo CS Math Islamiat Urdu Science Geo History

Important to note:
● 1 Revision Week for final Exams, Cumulative Assessments and Oral Assessments.
● The timings will be 8:00 am till 11:30 am
● Robotics assessment will be the practical passion project based on the topic assigned.
● Absentees without notice will be counted as fail.
● No retesting will be allowed.
● All work done on books, notebooks, workbooks and worksheets will be included in the papers
from the topics given in the syllabus.
● Report day and PTM will be on the 5th March, 24 (Tuesday): Timings 9:00 am till 1:00 pm
● New Session : 7th March , 24 (Thursday)
In case of any issue related to academics, kindly email on:

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