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Choose three of the following media and say how effective you think they are

as sources of news. Which do you think is the most effective?

We live in the modern world, and to find out the news there are many sources to
find out information. There are many ways to get information from newspapers to
radio. But in our world, it is the Internet that is more effective. Therefore, the most
effective source of news is the Internet. You can find out everything you need
through the Internet. Unfortunately, the information there may not always be true,
but I believe that it can also be the case in newspapers and radio, etc. If you have
the Internet, you can find out everything.
In second place, I think it's the TV. Every average person has it. Almost every
channel has news and people can find out about it. The radio could be just as
effective, but in today's world it is not fashionable, and it is rarely listened to, the
radio is only listened to in the car. Maybe our grandparents still listen to the radio,
because once it was the most effective source of information.
In the third place, I consider that it is newspapers. If it weren't for that, it's still an
effective source of news. You can buy a newspaper in almost every store. Perhaps
there is no strong detailed answer, but the news itself can be learned when you are
in a hurry somewhere and so on.
Each person chooses the way to find out information. Everyone has it
individually. For some, it is more convenient to take newspapers and read them on
the road, for some it is better to listen to the news on the radio in the car, and for
some it is better to just read the news on the Internet.
The Internet is the most effective for me personally. There you can find out
everything you want in a very short time. As they say, quickly and qualitatively.
Maybe not everyone has the opportunity, maybe it is not convenient for someone,
everyone chooses a more convenient option for himself.
Therefore, it can be considered that all three listed above are effective sources of

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