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Thematic Analysis Presentation

Vanessa Pecly
April 9, 2023
OGL 482
Professor Guzman
Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? What truly motivates you? This is a question
we all grapple with at some point. In this presentation, I'll be sharing the key themes I
discovered through a thematic analysis of my OGL program experience. I've gained valuable
insights into my values and aspirations by analyzing artifacts like assignments and reflections.
Through this self-discovery journey, I aim to answer questions like:
• What are my strengths?
• Where can I improve?
• What drives me?
Join me as I explore these key themes and unveil the "why" behind my future career and life

Research Process and Methods
Process: I embarked on a thematic analysis of my OGL artifacts to uncover my core values.
This involved:
• Organizing: I categorized artifacts (assignments, reflections) by course, starting with OGL 482.
• Coding: Within each artifact, I highlighted meaningful words and phrases.
• Theming: I identified recurring patterns and grouped codes into relevant themes.
Tools: To manage this process, I created a document in which I pasted coded excerpts under
their corresponding themes.
It organized themes and codes for easy reference. This analysis has laid the foundation for the
next stage, developing a personal vision and mission statement that reflects my core values.

My Data Sources
A thematic analysis is a powerful tool for uncovering personal values and aspirations by
identifying themes within qualitative data. In this analysis, I explored various resources from my
OGL program journey:
• Reflective papers: These introspective writings provided valuable insights into my thoughts
and experiences.
• Assessments: Personality and skill assessments offered a deeper understanding of my
strengths and weaknesses.
• Inventories and surveys: These tools helped me identify my values and preferences.
By analyzing these resources from OGL 482 (and some from other courses), I could pinpoint
recurring themes that represent my core identity.

My Data Sources
• DISC Personality Test (DISC): This in-depth assessment analyzes your skills, strengths, motivators, behaviors, and values, providing insights into
communication style, ideal work environment, weaknesses, and career matches.
• Dreams & Desires (DD): This is a personal list where you rank your biggest life desires.
• Holland Personality Traits (HPT): This assessment identifies which of Holland's six personality types (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social,
Enterprising, or Conventional) you most closely resemble, suggesting suitable career paths.
• Interviewing Project (IP): Interviews conducted with colleagues, friends, and family to understand how they perceive your values and strengths.
• Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCIA/KCI): This assessment helps you understand your interests in six areas (realistic, investigative, artistic,
social, enterprising, and conventional) and suggests potential career paths that align with your interests.
• Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA/KSC): This assessment measures your confidence in skills related to the six Kuder interest areas (realistic,
investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) and suggests career options that leverage your skills.
• Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment (MCAA/MCA): This assessment identifies your core career motivators, including your talents, values,
and needs. It helps you find a work environment that provides the factors crucial for your career satisfaction.
• OGL Reflections (OGL): These are your personal reflections from various OGL classes throughout your academic journey.
• Self Assessment (SE): This is a reflection paper where you utilize various self-assessment tools to gather data and analyze your interests, strengths,
values, and goals related to your leadership style and life planning.
• Super's Work Values Inventory (SWVI/SWV): This assessment helps you identify your top work values (e.g., independence, co-workers, challenge,
creativity) to determine if your career path aligns with your ideal work environment.
• TypeLogic & Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test (TT): This assessment, similar to the Myers-Briggs test, identifies your preferences in four areas:
Extraversion/Introversion, Intuition/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving.
• Values Checklist (VC): This is a self-reflection exercise where you identify the values that are most important to you.
• Values Identification Exercise (VIE): This exercise helps you distinguish between terminal values (life goals) and instrumental values (principles
guiding your actions) to understand your overall value system.
My 10 Themes
Throughout my OGL program journey, I embarked on a self-discovery quest using thematic
analysis. Imagine sifting through a treasure chest of experiences, assignments, and reflections –
each piece holding a piece of the puzzle that is "me." This analysis wasn't just about identifying
themes but about unearthing the core values that will guide my future.
From these introspective explorations, ten distinct themes emerged, each a powerful lighthouse
guiding me toward my personal and professional aspirations. These themes aren't just words on
a page; they represent the driving forces behind my decisions, the passions that ignite my spirit,
and the values I hold dear.

Theme 1: Confidence - Building Others Up
Theme Statement:
Leaders have a responsibility to build confidence in their teams. When people feel
confident, they're empowered to reach their full potential and contribute their best
Supporting Data:
Throughout my OGL experience, I've seen firsthand how empowering employees
to make decisions and speak up leads to a more confident and committed team
(VC). Fostering a respectful environment is also key, as it allows people to feel
comfortable sharing their ideas without fear of judgment (VR). Security plays a
role, too – when employees feel valued and secure in their jobs, they're less
stressed and more likely to take risks and innovate (MCAA).
Contradictory Evidence:
I was not able to find any contradicting information, I have always been confident in
my abilities.
As a leader, I want to create an environment where my team feels confident taking
on challenges. By giving them autonomy and trusting them to make decisions, I can
empower them to feel accountable and responsible for their work. Positive
reinforcement and praise can also go a long way in building confidence.
Theme 2: Organization - My System for
Theme Statement:
I'm an incredibly organized person. I thrive on structure and clarity, and
it's essential for my success in both personal and professional life.
Supporting Data:
The Kuder Career Interests Assessment even ranked "Conventional" (think
record-keeping and following guidelines) as my top preference (KSC).
Keeping things clean and tidy is also important to me (VIE). And guess
what? "Planning/Organizing" is my strongest skill according to the DISC
assessment (DISC). Everyone I interviewed for my OGL program also
agreed that organization is one of my biggest strengths (IP).
Contradictory Evidence:
I could not find any contradicting information, I have always been
organized in every aspect of my life.
Having a structured environment helps me feel grounded and successful.
While some areas might not be perfectly regimented, they still serve a
purpose within my overall system. It's a system that works for me!
Theme 3: Analytical Skills - Making Sense
of the Data
Theme Statement:
I have strong analytical skills that allow me to analyze information logically and make
well-informed decisions.
Supporting Data:
During the Kuder Career Interests Assessment, I gravitated toward questions that
involved using logic and analyzing data (KCIA). My current job heavily relies on these
skills – I spend a lot of time researching and evaluating data (SE). It makes sense
then that the Kuder assessment pointed towards a career interest in technical and
functional competence, which aligns with my analytical nature (MCAA). Even in my
OGL 481 ePortfolio, I listed critical thinking as a key competency, supported by my
"conventional" and "investigative" skills (KSCA).
Contradictory Evidence:
While I love analyzing data, I'm also interested in exploring roles that allow me to
use my social skills more.
My analytical skills are a valuable asset. They allow me to break down information,
draw logical conclusions, and use that knowledge to make the best decisions
possible. However, I recognize the importance of balance. I'm working on developing
my communication and listening skills so I can better understand others' perspectives
and express my support more impactfully. 9
Theme 4: Self-Worth - Finding Happiness and
Theme Statement:
Finding happiness and fulfillment in life is a top priority for me. I strive to create a
life that allows me to feel good and live on my own terms.
Supporting Data:
The results from the Values in Action assessment (VIE) showed "Happiness" as my
number one terminal value. This means it's incredibly important to me! Work value
assessments also highlighted "Lifestyle" as a significant factor in my career choices
(SWV). In my OGL reflections, I've even mentioned that I'm happy with my work-
life balance, even if the income isn't super high.
Contradictory Evidence:
Interestingly, I also enjoy challenges and pushing myself towards unclear goals (OGL,
IP). Maybe this is a way of aligning myself with a vision that will ultimately bring me
Personal happiness is a core value for me. I prioritize using resources that
contribute to my well-being, and a lot of that comes down to being organized and
planning ahead. Feeling stressed can really take a toll on my happiness, so having
time for the things I enjoy is crucial.
Theme 5: Motivation - A Work in Progress
Theme Statement:
I want to be a leader who inspires and motivates others. While I'm still developing
these skills, I'm committed to learning and growing in this area
Supporting Data:
While feedback suggests I might fall short in currently inspiring and motivating others
(FR), there's evidence of my desire to improve. For instance, the Leadership
Practices Inventory (LPI) identified areas for development in giving positive feedback,
empowering my team, and using rewards effectively.
Contradictory Evidence:
The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Social interest in the Kuder Career
Interests Assessment (KCIA), and my understanding of the impact a supportive
leader can have all point towards my desire to help others succeed
The feedback I received highlights a need to refine my approach to motivation.
While I have a strong desire to inspire and motivate my team, there's always room
for improvement. I believe the key lies in clearly communicating my purpose and
actively listening to understand the values and motivations of my team members.
This will allow me to tailor my strategies to resonate with individual needs. By
creating a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and invested in
the shared vision, I can foster a more motivated and engaged team.
Theme 6: Helping Others - A Guiding Light
Theme Statement:
I'm driven by a desire to help others succeed. This core value motivates me to become a leader
who empowers individuals and fosters their growth. Helping others not only fulfills me
personally, but it also contributes to a higher purpose that brings meaning to my work.
Supporting Data:
Throughout my OGL experience, feedback highlighted my tendency to support colleagues by
providing training and sharing best practices (FR). This aligns with my desire to equip people
with the tools and information they need to excel (FR). While I currently lean towards a
directive leadership style that ensures clear processes and information sharing, I aspire to
become a transformational leader who ignites the potential within others (LPI). The Kuder
Career Interests Assessment also underscores my "Social" interest, reflecting my desire to see
others develop and thrive (KCIA). Understanding the impact a supportive leader can have –
motivating, building confidence, and fostering knowledge – reinforces this value for me (KCIA).
Contradictory Evidence:
No contradictory evidence emerged. This desire to help others is a central pillar of my
leadership aspirations.
Helping others achieve their goals brings me a deep sense of accomplishment. It provides a
higher purpose that transcends the daily grind. Many individuals struggle to find meaning in their
work, and fostering a sense of purpose goes hand-in-hand with helping others succeed. At its
core, supporting others is simple – it requires dedication, time, and guidance. When people see
your genuine interest in their success, it fosters trust and loyalty. 12
Theme 7: Consistency - A Grounding
Theme Statement:
While I strive for flexibility in certain situations, consistency provides a valuable
foundation in both my personal and professional life.
Supporting Data:
My top terminal value is "Logical" (VIE), aligning with a preference for consistency
and rational processes. The DISC assessment reveals a preference for a "stable and
predictable (work) environment" with flexibility ranking low (DISC). Similarly, the
Work Values Inventory consistently ranked "Variety" as my least desired element
Contradictory Evidence:
My current work and school balance may seem inconsistent. However, I believe this
reflects my eagerness to contribute to the organization's success. Saying "no" to
requests can be challenging.
These values provide a framework for success in my work and personal life. While I
embrace flexibility within my current role, a desire to be helpful often leads me to
accept additional responsibilities. This may appear inconsistent, but it stems from a
genuine desire to be a valuable asset.
Theme 8: Growth - Embracing the Journey
Theme Statement:
Lifelong learning is essential for developing the skills and resilience necessary for
success. I am committed to continuous growth, both personally and professionally.
Supporting Data:
The Leadership Practices Inventory emphasizes the importance of providing and
receiving constructive feedback (FR). This two-way street empowers growth in
both myself and those I lead. The Learning Style Inventory Assessment (LSIA)
identified me as an "Accommodative" learner, thriving on hands-on experience
(LSIA). Furthermore, I recognize the value of learning from mistakes – they provide
opportunities to refine approaches and enhance decision-making (LIN). The LSIA
also highlighted areas for improvement in how I process information.
Contradictory Evidence:
The thought of potential failure or negative impacts can trigger stress (FR).
Effective leadership requires a diverse skillset, including communication, listening, and
interpersonal skills. These aren't always innate – they often require development
through learning. Continuous growth allows me to not only understand myself
better, but also to connect with and understand others at a deeper level, ultimately
unlocking my full potential as a leader. 14
Theme 9: Empathy - Building Bridges
Theme Statement:
Empathy is a cornerstone for understanding the perspectives of others, enabling me
to tailor my responses and foster effective working relationships.
Supporting Data:
The Values in Action assessment (VC) highlights the importance of empathy in
understanding behavior and the impact of decisions. It also ranks highly among my
top five values (VR). Understanding how people feel is crucial for establishing
effective working relationships (VR). My experiences with a caring, charitable friend
have solidified the importance of empathy (SE).
Contradictory Evidence:
No contradictory evidence emerged. Self-awareness, a key component of empathy,
allows me to understand my own impact on others.
By acknowledging my own weaknesses, I've cultivated a stronger sense of empathy.
This allows me to view situations from different perspectives. Empathy underpins
my core values and is essential for building strong working relationships.

Theme 10: Independence - A Balancing
Theme Statement:
While I value independence and trust my abilities to work autonomously, I also
recognize the power of collaboration in achieving success. Finding the right balance
between these two forces is key to my personal and professional growth.
Supporting Data:
The Work Values Inventory consistently ranked "Independence" as a top motivator
(SWV). References to an independent lifestyle appear throughout my OGL
reflections (DD & OGL). The DISC assessment identifies "Individualistic/Political" as
my top motivator (DISC). My Motivation and Career Anchors assessment also
highlights "Autonomy/Independence" (MCA).
Contradictory Evidence:
Despite working independently at times, I also function effectively within a team
environment and readily seek advice from others when needed.
I'm drawn to work that offers a sense of independence, and I possess the tenacity to
achieve results on my own. Much of my work experience has involved independent
tasks. However, I also recognize the value of collaboration. The right team can
amplify individual strengths and produce outcomes that surpass what any one
person could achieve alone. Finding the sweet spot between independence and
collaboration will be an ongoing process for me, but it's a journey I'm committed to.
My Vision Statement
“I strive to create a structured yet autonomous environment where individuals can achieve
success through empowered ownership of their work.”

My desire to empower others and my own need for structure came together to form my
vision statement. This reflects my belief that a balance between clear frameworks and individual
freedom allows people to thrive. I hope to inspire and guide others to achieve their full
potential by fostering a sense of ownership and trust.

My Mission Statement
“To cultivate a life of purpose by empowering others and fostering personal growth, both in
myself and those around me”

As I considered my personal mission statement, two driving forces became clear: my desire to
help others grow and my own commitment to lifelong learning. I realized that true fulfillment
comes from living a life of purpose, and that purpose is amplified by empowering those around
me to succeed. This isn't a one-way street – I believe that by fostering personal growth in
others, I also learn and develop alongside them. My mission statement captures this perfectly.
It reflects my dedication to continuous learning, helping others reach their potential, and
creating a life filled with meaning and contribution.

This exploration of my strengths and weaknesses has been a valuable exercise, providing a
roadmap for my continued growth. The themes we discussed – helping others, consistency,
growth, empathy, and independence – are the cornerstones of my leadership aspirations and
personal mission. While I may not have all the answers yet, I am committed to continuous
learning and self-improvement. I am eager to leverage my strengths, address my weaknesses,
and most importantly, inspire and empower others.


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