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John Adams: Second President of the United States Notes Outline

1. Adams 2nd president

a. Serves 1 term: 1797 to 1801 (understand why after reading his presidency)
b. Background
c. Personality
2. Jefferson VP
a. Problems?
3. Possible war with France—Why?
a. French: U.S. neutrality
b. U.S.: impressment of ships
4. Adams tries to avoid war
5. XYZ Affair
a. French bribed the U.S.
b. US wants war with France
c. Undeclared naval war (1798-1800)
6. Adams prepares U.S. for war
7. Alien and Sedition Act—1798
a. No immigrants and silenced free speech
b. VP Jefferson against these laws
c. Violated Bill of Rights
d. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
e. the states can refuse to obey it: *nullify
8. Adams vs. French---1800---kept U.S. out of war
a. Convention of 1800
i. Napoleon Bonaparte agreed to abandon U.S. responsibility to the Franco-
American Treaty of 1778
b. Patriotism above Party (significance)

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