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1. It can lead to death
2. Sexual disorder
3. Spread of HIV AIDS
4. Emotional pains
5. Retard development
6. Infringement of human right
7. IT CAN LEAD TO DEATH: Some of the traditional practice come along with
pains which may eventually lead to death.
8. SEXUAL DISORDER: female genital mutilation may cause serious
relationship disorder when the girls or lady is married.
9. Spread of HIV/AIDS: If female genital mutilation is carried out with infected
surgical knife such person automatically becomes on HIV/AIDS patients
10.Emotional Pains: Women who are forced to undergo certain rituals like
drinking water used I bathing the dead husband, sleeping with the dead
husband in the same room, suffer from pains emotionally.
11.Retard Development: child marriage usually denies a girl the opportunity of
developing physically, emotionally and psychologically.
12.Infringement of Women Right: Most of the harmful traditional practices affect
women more than men. These constitute infringement intrude on their health
and reproductive right.
1. Public enlightment
2. Legislation
3. School curriculum
4. Non-governmental organization
5. The media


 Explain what you understand by harmful traditional practices with examples

 State the harmful effects of female genital mutilation

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