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Nishan Mahadeo

Smart board

A smart board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch detection for input. It was firstly

introducing in 1991 by David Martin and Nancy Knowlton. Smart board are connected to

computer through a projector where the image of a computer screen is displayed. It can be

connecting wirelessly or through cables.

Some features of the whiteboard are:

1. touch screen,

2. human interaction,

3. zooming capability,

4. sensitivity to human finger touch or pen and eraser.

Why use smart boards

• Interaction increase attention span

• Visual attention increases

• Enhance learning for the children who are more visual and tactile learners

Benefits of using smartboards include enhancing learning and teaching ability to interact and

share information on the internet and ability to access online information.

However smart boards have drawn backs. With smart boards, students spend a lot of time

looking at the screen; with this student may be only engaged only in passive

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