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Login in to Online shopping system and

a. Order a product

b. User can view the Order details

c. Available products and stock details

Technology Stack

1.Eclipse: Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming. It

contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

2.Mysql: MySQL Database Projects greatly help database development. They categorize the scripts
in one reasonable structure, suitable for routing and organization, propose offline database expansion
with a set of functional features, such as and code completion in SQL code, refactoring, syntax check,

3.JDK and JRE: The JVM is the runtime that hosts running programs. The JRE is the on-disk part of
Java that creates the JVM and loads programs into them. The JDK provides the tools necessary to
write Java programs that can be executed and run by the JVM and JRE.

4.XAMPP Control Panel: The XAMPP is to build an easy to install distribution for developers to get
into the world of Apache.

5.Apache Tomcat v8: Apache Tomcat is a popular opensource web server and Servlet container for
Java code. As the reference implementation of Java Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP).

6.Command Prompt: A command prompt is the input field in a text-based user interface screen for
an operating system (OS) or program. The prompt is designed to elicit an action.

7.HTML v5: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page
and its content.
Basic Steps To Implement The Project

Step 1: Install the required applications such as jdk, xampp, command prompt, mysql and eclipse and
copy the required files to implement the project.
Step 2: Save the required files and applications in a desired local disk location in the PC.
Step 3: Open the eclipse application and select a workspace directory by browsing in the PC to create
a workspace for the project.

Step 4: After creating a workspace click OK button and the workspace will be created.
Step 5: Go to file, click new and select dynamic web project.
Step 6: Create a project name and set the target runtime as Apache Tomcat v8.0 and click next and
browse the Tomcat installation directory and click finish.
Step 7: Set the Dynamic web module version as 2.5 and click finish, the new dynamic web project will
be created.
Step 8: After the creating the dynamic web page, go to Java resources and click new, select Package.
Step 9: Give the name of the package as pkg and click finish. And the package will be created inside
the libraries of the java resources.
Step 10: Then right click the java resources and select new, click servlet. Give a class name and
create a servlet by selecting the stubs which you want to create such dopost and doget method and
click finish and import all the JavaServlet files into the package .

Configuration Of Xampp Control Panel

Step 1:In start search xampp control panel then start the MySQL server
Step 2:Then go to LocalDisk C and navigate to xampp->MYSQL->bin then in the address bar
type Cmd

Step 3: In cmd type mysql -u root -p

Step 4: In password ,give input as “” and enter
Step 5: we need to use the database so “use stock” to access the database
Step 6: then type show tables to display the content in the databases
Describe Of The Database Tables

mysql> show tables;




Configuration Of Ecplise
Step 1: window preference->data management->connectivity->driver definition->ventor type select the
mysql the select the jar file and change the properties of database name


Step 2: setting build path for the project


Step 3: creating server to the project


Customer login page:

• To register, click register button

• You are registered successfully and then go to login page by click login button

Order page:

After Order a product:

Valid Customer details:

Availability Products:

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