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Importance of Washing Hand

Dear ladies and gentleman, good morning. Im here to talk about washing
hand. First of all, may I ask all of everyone here? Did everyone here already washed
hand? This question sounds like isn’t important, but trust me that really important.

Lets we open our mind to think about what our hand already done until now.
Our hand help us to do everything to make our life easier, connected us with other
people by shake hand and anything else.

But by what hand already done for us, we have to know that our hand brings
so many virus and bacteria too, cause our hand is interact with so many things in this
world and that’s fact surely can make us ill if we’re not put some care to that.

Bacteria and virus didn’t show their self to human by naked sight, they’re
hiding first then attack us when our health immunity go down. Bacteria and virus that
usually attack us if we're not washing our hand are norovirus, rhinovirus, salmonella,
e.coli and etc. That virus surely can disturb us from doing our activities and make
ourself ill even in the worst situation, it can make ourself to get an opname in

Then what kind of hand washing that may protect us from any disease? The
kind of hand washing that can protect us from any disease is hand washing that use
soap and flowing water then scrubbing and rinsing, we rid our hands of dangerous
pathogens that can cause a variety of disease, from colds to more serious infections.

In a world where diseases can spread like wildfire, our hands play an
important role in breaking the chain of transmission. By washing our hands regularly,
we not only protect ourselves, but also those around us - family, friends, co-workers
and society.

By making hand hygiene a priority in anywhere we belong to, we create safer

and healthier spaces for everyone. However, despite its undeniable importance,
handwashing rates remain low in many parts of the world.

Then we start wondering, why still theres parts of the world has handwashing
rate that low. Here the reason why :
1. Limited Access to Clean Water: Areas that have limited access to clean
water will have difficulty washing hands properly.

2. Lack of facilities such as sinks, soap and clean water in public places or at
home can be a barrier to washing hands well.

3. A lack of understanding about the importance of hand washing and how to

do it correctly can also lead to low hand washing rates.

This highlights the urgent need for education, awareness and action. We
must invest in public health campaigns, promote hygiene infrastructure, and
empower individuals to make handwashing a non-negotiable habit.

In conclusion, let's acknowledge the power of something as simple as

washing our hands. This is not just a hygiene practice, it is a life-saving measure.
So, let's wash our hands for our health, the people around us, and our future.
Together, let's clear the barriers to good health and pave the way to a cleaner and
healthier world.

I think that’s all from me, and i apologize if there are any errors when I deliver
this speech, thank you.

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