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1. Describe a popular person (who) you know.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What this person does

• How you know them (= him or her)

And explain why (you think) they are popular.


One of our most celebrated national icons is footballer Nguyen Cong Phuong. He plays for

the Vietnam national football team as well as Hoang Anh Gia Lai Club as a striker, meaning

that he is responsible for putting the ball back to the net. However, Vietnamese people

mostly know him for his performances for the national team since Vietnamese club football

is not particularly popular. During his tenure in the national team, he has helped them win

the 2018 AFF Championship as well as make it to the quarter-finals of the 2019 Asian Cup,

which were pretty impressive considering how they are not typically one of the best

national teams in Asia. Cong Phuong is often compared to the legendary Lionel Messi due

to their similar physique and style of play, as they both swiftly cut through the defense and

score goals.

Nguyen Cong Phuong is considered a popular figure in Vietnam because not only his

footballing skills are superlative but also because of how instrumental he was in elevating

the prestige of the national team. His performances alone have brought the team to a whole

new level on the international stage, so much so that native non-football fans are now

paying attention to how the team is performing in Asian and global competitions. As for
myself, I quite like seeing Cong Phuong running on the pitch and clinically scoring goals

to boost our national pride. I also like how he is a nice guy off the field, as shown by how

he takes the time to greet the fans as well as give money to various local charities to help

those who are financially disadvantaged.

Part 3:

• What kinds of people are popular?

I’d say that easygoing and outgoing personalities are often the most popular people in any

given friend group. They’re the people who are always up to start up conversations and

don’t take themselves too seriously. In addition, they’re the most likely to organize parties

and get-togethers. They know how to get everyone involved and make sure everyone

forgets their worries and has a good time. It’s no wonder why these people are generally

well-liked by everyone.

• Can you explain why some students at school are more popular than others?

One reason - sometimes - is that they may have rich parents and so their peers look up to

them as the pinnacle of what they want in life and try to flatter them to curry favor. They

may - even on an unconscious level - seek to use them to get the things they want. Another

reason is they may have special skills that other students don’t have. For example, a student

can make his name because he knows taekwondo and so he’s seen as cool by other students.

Any interesting talent can do that.

• Do you think a popular teacher is always a good teacher?

I suppose so since a teacher can only really get popular if they are good at what they do

and make the lessons engaging for students. If teachers don’t deliver engaging lessons, then

students are less likely to grasp the lessons and also will find them boring, thus impairing

their motivation to continue studying. But there might be situations where a teacher is really

easy for example or funny but not actually that great at teaching.

• Do you think it's easier to be popular if you are wealthy than if you are poor?

I think so. Most people look up to those who are affluent because they are the epitome of

success and therefore, they will be held in higher regard than those who are poor. Society

has taught us that there is no nobility in being poor and so it has conditioned us to strive to

earn as much money as we can and not be left behind. But sometimes it can cut the other

way - some rich kids come off as spoiled and they may be less imaginative and creative

than kids who prioritize things in life that are more important than money.

• Can you explain why some people are popular (or famous) for many years while

others are only popular (or famous) for a short time?

I think it comes down to their achievements. A person is much more likely to be renowned

for many years because the work they have done will stand the test of time. For example,

Brad Pitt has maintained his fame for many years because audiences of all ages continue

to enjoy the movies he has produced over a long and varied career. That’s not the case for

some one-hit wonders - certain singers or actors who don’t take their careers seriously and

end up doing a bunch of bad roles just for the money - at least they’ll be popular for a bit

and get rich.

2. Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought positive


You should say:

• Who this person is

• When and where this person moved to your community

• How you know this person

And explain how you feel about this person

Just last month we had a new neighbor move in named Jack. He is a more or less retired

shopkeeper at a nearby convenience store just a few hundred metres from my house and he

lives just as close to me as well. He’s currently 65 years old and he moved to the

neighborhood because he just retired and he was looking for some peace and quiet in his

later years. He’s been a real positive influence on the community over the years not only

selling things people need at any given moment but also by having a positive attitude -

helping to uplift the community. As such, many people in the neighborhood see him as a

sort of father figure and look to him in times of need.

I got to know Jack visiting his shop dozens of times and having little chats with him all the

times I dropped by. He told me that prior to moving to my neighborhood, he used to be a

car salesman in another city for over 30 years or so I think but he had aspirations of opening

up a convenience store after retiring to keep himself busy and have flexible hours.

Sometimes he would recommend me new snacks or drinks to me and he was pretty spot

on most of the time. I overall enjoy having Jack as a neighbour because of his positive

outlook on life and the easy-going way he has approached retirement. Hopefully he’ll stay

in the neighborhood for a very long time and enjoy his retirement to the fullest.

Part 3:

• What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?

I guess that would tend to be more introverted and not particularly social kinds of folk.

They may be that way because they might experience social anxiety when interacting with

others so when they are alone they can feel more at ease. People who live alone also tend

to be those who prefer peace and quiet. They may not like living with a roommate since

they may make a lot of noise and get under their skin over time.

• What skills do you think young people need to learn in order to live independently?
For one, they need to learn how to cook - even something simple they can whip up on their

way out the door. Since their parents won’t be there to cook for them, they should learn

basic recipes and cooking techniques - basic life skills y’know. For another, they need to

learn how to clean up after themselves. It’s important to maintain your personal hygiene -

doing the washing up and sweeping up and doing their laundry - everything that goes into

keeping your house in order.

• How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?

Teachers can help young people live independently by doing home economics classes

where they can learn the basic skills necessary to get by on their own. These classes can

teach students skills like cooking and cleaning so that they won't feel lost at sea when

they’re setting out on their own.

• Who have more difficulty when moving home? Young or old people?

I think all people regardless of their age face difficulties in moving home but old people

more so I suppose. Young people might find it hard since they may not feel ready yet to

move into a home on their own after being used to living with their parents for so long. Old

people though have had an even higher level of comfort and moving house can pose a

heavy physical toll - moving heavy boxes, looking around for a new place, etc.

• Is it good to move house frequently?

I would say no since it creates instability and wastes time and energy. If people move house

too often then they might not get accustomed to their new surroundings and the local

community. They will also likely have less time to find and settle into a new job that will

guarantee them a stable income. Thus, it’s best to move into a new home and settle in for

at least 2 years before deciding to move house again in my opinion.

3. Describe a person you know who likes to help others (or, who often helps others).

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know them (= him or her)

• When you knew or when you first met this person

• Where this person lives

• What kind of person he or she is

And explain why this person (likes to help) helps others.


I’ve got a person in mind named Quang Linh who has a remarkable passion for helping

others. While some just take advantage of volunteer work to feel good about themselves or

balance out their bad deeds, Quang Linh’s genuine empathy is apparent right off the bat to

everyone who watches his videos.

Quang Linh is a passionate content creator known for his entertaining and informative

videos. He’s got a charismatic personality and a knack for storytelling and has gained a

significant following by sharing his experiences, adventures, and insights through his vlog.

I first came across one of his videos a couple weeks back and did a deep dive on all his old

stuff after that.

He’s not only a successful content creator but also a dedicated individual who actively

engages in philanthropist work, using his platform and influence to make a positive impact

on his local community. One of his most impressive achievements is in Africa. Here, he

has actively participated in initiatives such as building schools, providing educational

resources, and organizing scholarships for underprivileged students. These efforts have

been empowering young minds and contributing to the development of future generations

in a continent that still lags behind other parts of the world in key indicators for quality of


Overall, Quang Linh's involvement in education and various charitable causes showcases
his dedication to making a meaningful impact on society. Through his actions and

advocacy, he truly serves as an inspiration to others including me, demonstrating that even

small acts of kindness and charity can create significant change and contribute to building

a better world.

Part 3:

• Do people in your country like helping others?

I don’t know if people like it per se - it feels more like an obligation to me. It’s our

responsibility to help others as much as we can. An obligation is something that we do not

necessarily enjoy but we still do it anyway because we have to. If we make an effort to help

others in some way, all of society will be better for it. Ultimately, that is still selfish though

since we get a feeling of satisfaction from helping others.

• Why do some people not like to help others?

One justification might be that they may like to let other people figure things out on their

own. They might believe that people should learn to do things independently in order to

grow into self-sufficient, mature adults. It could also be that there may not be other people

around to help them out and so they have to cope with getting by on their own. They could

also just be downright selfish and only ever consider their own needs, just look out for

number 1.

• What are some ways that neighbors can help each other?

One way would be to organize a neighborhood cleaning drive. This is where everyone

living in the neighborhood comes together and picks up trash strewn about on the street.

Another way would be to establish a neighborhood watch group where people can join in

and participate in keeping their neighborhood safe. Those are big solutions though. The

easiest way is just to help out here and there in the course of a regular day.

• Do you think community spirit has increased (or improved) compared to years ago,
or has it decreased?

I think there’s less community spirit now generally because people are beginning to

embrace their individuality more and more. People today are obsessed with forging their

own identity and path in life instead of doing things for the greater good of the community.

That’s what older people tell me at least. Also, social media plays a big part in all this.

Many people these days are so preoccupied with their social media accounts that they

neglect in-person contact with others, and over time that just gets worse and worse.

• How can people have good relations with their neighbours?

One way would be simply to strike up a conversation with your neighbours. All you need

to do is to just try to talk to them about anything, be it work, family or common interests

and that can be the beginning of a closer relationship. Another way would be to host a party

with your neighbours. A party is an opportune occasion for everyone to come together and

have fun and get to know each other. That way you can chat with neighbours about

whatever is on your mind and see if you’ve got anything in common.

• What do you think are the advantages of having good relations with one's


One benefit would be that your neighbours will be more willing to help you out if you’re

in a jam. If you develop a good rapport with them and help them with whatever they need,

then they’re more likely to help you in return. It’s a transactional relationship. You could

for example ask them to water your plants on holiday and you might babysit for them from

time to time. Another merit would be that the neighbourhood itself will feel more like a

community and the likelihood of a conflict occurring within it will be lower.


1. Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear.

You should say:

• What type (or style) of clothes

• Where you usually buy these clothes

• How often you buy them

• How you choose what to buy

And explain why you like this style of clothes.


Today I would like to talk about a jacket which is my favorite choice of clothing for regular

wear. If my memory serves me right, I got it just about a year back. At the time, it was my

18th birthday and Linh - one of my best buddies - decided to take me by surprise and gave

it to me. To be more specific, it’s a white windbreaker with a heart-shaped pattern along

the sleeves. It’s polyester - lightweight and water-resistant fabric so good for rainy overcast

days when it isn’t that chilly.

There are several reasons why I have a thing for this jacket. First of all, it has an attractive

design so it adds a touch of fashion to my overall appearance and classes me up a bit.

Another great feature of this jacket is that it is neither too thick nor too thin so I can wear

it comfortably in various weather conditions - breezy days, long hikes, drizzling rain, etc.

On hot days it's more about keeping me out of the sun so I won’t get burned. Besides, its

white so it’s easy to mix and match with whatever else I’ve got on - jeans, a floral dress...

On top of all that, it’s a reminder of my friendship with Linh, so I really cherish it.

Needless to say, I wear this jacket on a near-daily basis and it has become an essential item

whenever I head out of my house to school or on errands. It not only serves a functional

purpose but also makes me look good. All in all, this windbreaker is definitely up there

with some of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

Part 3:

• Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes?

I wouldn’t say everyone, that’s a huge overgeneralization, but most people for sure. For

lots of reasons - to look trendy mainly though. But some people are pretty blasé about what

they wear - they just pick out simple clothes and wear them for years and then prioritize

money for other things - eating out, consumer electronics, travel, etc. So, it comes down to

the person but generally I think lots do like shopping for clothes.

• Why do you think some people don't like shopping for clothes?

I’d say there are some who aren’t interested in shopping for clothes because they don’t

really care about how they look, it’s not a priority for them. They might be more concerned

about the functionality of their clothes and whether they are right for the current season.

So those people are probably less into shopping for clothes since they’re just functional.

Being fashionable is not a top priority when it comes to these people’s approach to clothing.

It tends to be guys, naturally.

• Do you think there is a difference between males and females when buying clothes?

When it comes to shopping for clothes, males are usually less concerned overall about their

outward appearance. They care more about functionality as well as seasonal demands such

as clothing for the winter or summer. A guy might want a pair of heavy boots that will last

for ages. However, for women, they usually pay more attention to aesthetics and generally

take more pride in the image they project. This might change as men get older and realize

that looking good doesn’t make you superficial.


• Do you think it's important (or, good) to follow the current fashion trends?

I don’t think so, not necessarily at least. I would say that’s because a given fashion trend

isn’t always appropriate for every person. For example, if cashmere sweaters are trendy

during winter time and someone tries one, they may not like it because either it doesn’t
look nice in their opinion or the material is really abrasive to the touch. But trends might

change and inform how you view fashion. Following them blindly isn’t a great idea though

as it can get pricey as well.

• Why do many young people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in fashion"?

I think it’s because trendy clothes can be seen as cool and hip in front of their peers and

they might have a desire to be cool within a friend circle - to stand out even. If you’re not

up on fashion trends, then it can kind of expose you. But right now, there are so many

different styles - new ones and retro ones - that anything you wear will basically work if it

matches and you wear it with confidence.

2. Describe a book you want to read again.

You should say:

• What the book is about

• Why you read it

• What you learned from this book

And explain why you would like to read it again.


The book I would love to read again is "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris. It’s

a thrilling psychological novel that follows Clarice Starling, an FBI trainee, as she seeks

assistance from the notorious serial killer Hannibal Lecter to apprehend another dangerous

murderer called Buffalo Bill.

I was initially drawn to "The Silence of the Lambs" due to its reputation as a gripping and

suspenseful novel. I’ve always been fascinated by stories that delve into the depths of the


human mind - particularly the darker parts - and explore the intricacies of psychological

suspense. This book offered a captivating narrative that kept me engrossed from beginning
to end.

From reading "The Silence of the Lambs," I gained a deeper understanding of the

complexity of human psychology and the thin line that separates good from evil. The book

provided insights into the chilling nature of psychopaths and delved into themes such as

manipulation, obsession, and the relentless pursuit of justice. It made me ponder the depths

of the human psyche and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. Most people come

away from the book with sympathy and admiration for Lecter, an odd feeling to reconcile

with his actions.

I would like to reread it since it is a page-turner that skillfully builds suspense. By revisiting

the book, I hope to relieve the thrilling moments and uncover subtleties that may have

escaped my attention during the initial reading. Additionally, I believe that a second

reading would allow me to appreciate the author’s storytelling techniques, character

development, and the intricate plot twists in a more profound way. Plus, I’ve watched the

movie since and want to compare them when I read it a second time.

Part 3:

• What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?

I’d say many children today, as in the past, enjoy reading fantasy books because they

stimulate their imagination and the worlds they create are really gripping and vivid. This

is clearly demonstrated by the popularity of the Harry Potter books as well as The Lord of

the Rings. Children also enjoy reading comic books because of the illustrations and action,

not to mention the cool characters that they see in popular media all the time.

• What can children learn from reading books?

For one, they can learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar - in an implicit way.

Students can then apply what they learn to their own speaking and writing. For another,

reading can teach children how to express themselves imaginatively. Since most books
don’t have illustrations, it’s up to the children themselves to imagine what the settings and

characters are like based on the descriptions given in the books themselves. And then this

can in turn inspire them to be creative.

• How can parents encourage their children to read books?

One thing parents can do is to take their children to the library regularly and allow them to

pick out whatever books they want. That way, children can get into the habit of reading

books on a regular basis. Another way would be to reduce the amount of time children

spend on screens - limit their screen time. That way they will have little choice other than

to read books to pass the time. That’s more or less how I became such a prolific reader.

• Which one do people prefer to read, ebooks or printed books?

It depends on your individual preference. Some like to read printed books because they

like the touch and feel of them - the texture of the paper itself. They have greater

appreciation for how the book is printed and bound together and nostalgia is a big part of

it for a lot of them. Some like to read e-books because they are more portable and handy -

you can just upload the files to a Kindle and carry around thousands of books easily that

way. Also, e-books are often cheaper than printed books so readers can save money.

• Do you think printed books will disappear in the future?

I think so, but I don’t really know to be honest. More and more people these days are

turning to electronic devices such as computers, tablets and phones to read books so printed

books are slowly becoming obsolete. It would be great if there was still a place in society

for real, physical books. That’s why libraries and archives should make an effort to

preserve physical books for the foreseeable future - we don’t want to be logged in to our

devices all the time after all.

3. Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money

You should say:

• What the gift was

• Who you gave it to

• Why you gave it

And explain whether this person liked the gift or not


If I were to set aside a substantial amount of money and wanted to give someone a pricey

gift, one idea that comes to mind is a luxurious and stylish wristwatch. Imagine gifting a

Rolex Submariner, a renowned Swiss watch known for its timeless design - that would be

so fantastic. Its precision, durability, and the attention to detail are what make it a coveted

item that you can hold onto your whole life or even treat as an investment.

I want to give my mom this watch since a luxury watch like a Rolex showcases not just a

person’s status; it signifies the appreciation and admiration you have for them. For me, it

represents a recognition of their accomplishments, a tribute to their good taste, and a desire

to give them something extraordinary. It’s functional still too - barely with smartphones

and all - but mostly it's for the aesthetics.

Another worthy feature of a luxury wristwatch is that it often becomes an heirloom that

can be passed down through the generations. That’s why the timepiece carries with it a

sense of legacy and timelessness, serving as a lasting reminder of your relationship and the

special bond with the recipient. I think my mom would love to get one from me even if she

never really wears it except on formal occasions.

Ultimately, gifting an expensive wristwatch like a Rolex appeals to me because it’s a a

combination of refined craftsmanship, prestige, and the sentiment of a meaningful and

lasting gift. If I can save up the funds needed - maybe take out an extra mortgage on my

house - I’ll definitely get it for her.

Part 3:
• Is it easy for people to save money to buy expensive items?

Well, naturally it depends on what you earn. If the gift is really pricey and you don’t make

much, then naturally that will take a while to set aside enough money. Also, the average

person has to think about other expenses at the same time like food, medicine and clothing.

But if you’re earning a good wage, then you might just have to cut back for a month or two

and you can get whatever you have your eye on.

• How do you choose presents for others if you don’t know what they like? Is it

difficult to buy the right present?

What I do personally is buy a present that everyone would be into, no matter who they are

or where they come from. This includes books, food, gift certificates, etc. That way I don’t

have to agonize over what to give. As a general rule of thumb, it doesn’t hurt to ask people

what they’re into. There are people that it can be tricky to get gifts for but that is almost

more their problem than yours.

• What do you think about people giving money to charity organization?

I think it’s a noble choice, plus it’s their money so they should do whatever they want with

it. I don’t really have a strong opinion about this. When people donate to charities, it won’t

be a wasted investment because these charities are often very stringent as to how they will

expend the money they receive - and usually transparent about the percentage that goes to

the actual charity work. In Vietnam, we have charities that give food to the poor, help out

when a rural area gets flooded, or run book drives for less well-off kids. Helping those

organizations is fighting the good fight for sure.

• What do young people like to save money to buy?

It’s hard to say exactly but I guess a lot of the time it’s for new tech. This might include

smartphones, laptops and the equipment that goes along with that like nice headphones or

a good graphics card for playing computer games Other young people might like to set
aside money for clothing.. For example, Air Jordan shoes are really trendy but exorbitantly

expensive as well and most ordinary workers will have to save up before shelling out for a


• Is it important to save money?

Yeah, naturally. It’s always good to have some money set aside for a rainy day. More than

that, having a savings account with some money in it can come in handy in ways you might

not expect. Maybe you’re not thinking about buying a house but then you get married and

one thing leads to another and you need money for a down payment. So it never hurts to

have some money in a savings account earning good interest.

• Who are better at saving money: young or older people?

Compared to younger individuals, the elderly tend to be better at saving money, in my

opinion. It boils down to the fact that older, retired people have more life experience and

wisdom when it comes to financial management than the young because they are more

clearly aware of what it means to lose it and so they spend more carefully. That’s what I’ve

noticed at least. Young people, however, have not yet reached full maturity in terms of

their spending habits so that they are less frugal with their money and more prone to make

purchases that may not be totally necessary. Big overgeneralizations, I know.


1. Describe a time when you spent time with a child

You should say:

• Who the child is

• How you know him/her

• Why you spent time with him/her

And explain what you did when you were together


Today, I’d like to talk about a time I taught my niece and how it was a rewarding experience

for me - and her, I hope.

If I’m not mistaken, it was just a few months back when my niece, Sarah, had a school

break. At the time, she was struggling with her reading skills, and her mother reached out

to me for help. I gladly offered to set aside some time with her to assist her in improving

her reading skills. We decided to meet twice a week for an hour-long session.

During our sessions, I did my best to foster a structured learning environment that was also

fun and engaging for Sarah. I started by assessing her current reading level and then

identifying the areas where she needed the most support. I utilized various teaching

methods, such as using colorful flashcards, playing interactive online games, and reading

aloud together. Moreover, I provided lots of positive reinforcement and praise for her

efforts, which boosted her confidence and motivation.

As the weeks went by, Sarah's reading skills showed significant improvement. She began

to read more fluently and with better overall comprehension. Her mother noticed the

positive changes and expressed her gratitude for my help. She shared how Sarah's

newfound confidence in reading had positively impacted her overall academic performance

and self-esteem as a result. Receiving such positive feedback from Sarah's mother was incredibly
rewarding. It validated the time and effort I had put into teaching and mentoring her. Witnessing
Sarah’s progress and knowing that I had made a positive impact on her educational journey
really made my day and I hope to keep teaching her in the future.

Part 3:

• Are sweets a good thing to reward children?

I’d say every now and then, but certainly not all the time. It’s commonly known that sugar

is bad for you - your overall health and for your teeth. It’s best to give children sweets in

moderation, and I wouldn’t give them for occasions like getting good grades or passing a
test with flying colours. There are other kinds of rewards that can be given to children such

as new books, or drawing materials, or it can be something larger like a family holiday.

Sweets shouldn’t be the only kind of reward that can be given to children so as to not instill

bad nutritional habits.

• Do parents in your country spend a lot of time with their children?

Hmmm, it’s hard to say for everyone but generally, yeah. I think Vietnamese culture is

very centered around parenting and children. Vietnamese parents also tend to be a little on

the overprotective side. It can get a bit excessive But, it’s also common in families in

Vietnam for fathers to be generally inattentive. They might work long hours and then want

to hang out with friends or drink at night instead of getting in quality family time.

• Why do children tend to be happier than adults?

Because they aren’t burdened with so many responsibilities. Children don’t have to pay the

bills, work for a living and do household chores. Thus, they’re free to do whatever they

like, such as playing with their friends or watching TV - after finishing their homework

and whatever little chores they might have of course. They don’t yet know what it means

to work hard and have the onus for the whole family on them. But they’ll get to learn plenty

about that later in life, no worries there.


• What do Vietnameses parents do if they are both busy and can’t look after their little


Usually, Vietnamese parents will leave their children to be looked after by a guardian,

whether it be their grandparents or a nanny. I think leaving them with family is most

common - people who can really be trusted to do the job. Alternatively, some well-off

parents send their children to daycare centers but that’s only in big cities and it’s rare.

Schools get out late in Vietnam so it’s not that big of an issue and they might only need
someone to babysit their kids for a few hours before one of them can get free.

• Do you think it is necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?

In some instances, yes, but not all the time, naturally. At some point, children should be

able to make their own decisions and not be dictated to by their parents. When children are

particularly indecisive about something though, it can help to have their parents intervene

and make the decision for them, but only on those occasions. That could be for big

decisions like whether or not to move to a new school or to a new city. Or switching to a

new career, for example.

• Do you think children should have a lot of toys?

I’d have to say no because if they did, they would just play with them all day and not do

anything else like going outside to meet up with friends or doing their homework. A child

being given so many toys is usually a sign that the child is being spoiled so responsible

parents should avoid buying so many toys to ensure that their child grows up into a well-

adjusted individual later in life. Although that is a little bit reductive - it’s not just the

number of toys you have as a kid that will determine your whole future.


2. Describe an occasion when you got lost

You should say:

• Where you were

• What happened

• How you felt

And explain how you found your way


I would like to share an incident when I found myself lost while exploring the intricate

streets of Hanoi's Old Quarter.

It was during my visit to the old quarter, a place I’d been a few times before but never

really properly explored. This part of Hanoi is known for its narrow streets filled with local

markets and historical landmarks. As I immersed myself in the bustling atmosphere, I

unknowingly strayed from the main route I had mapped out in my head and found myself

in unfamiliar surroundings. The maze-like streets made it challenging to get my bearings

and figure out where I was.

Initially, a mix of excitement and slight unease washed over me as I realized I was lost in

the heart of Hanoi. The crowded streets, exotic smells, and the unique architecture added

to the excitement but also heightened my confusion. In the end, I embraced the situation as

an opportunity for adventure and discovery, reminding myself that getting lost can often

lead to unexpected encounters and memorable experiences.

To find my way back, I approached a friendly local vendor selling traditional Vietnamese

handicrafts. With a warm smile, they kindly offered directions to the main landmarks and

guided me towards familiar territory. Following their instructions, I navigated through the

criss-crossing alleyways coming out by a familiar landmark that I recognized. In hindsight,

maybe I’m overselling the adventure element of it - I just had to ask someone to point the

way out for me and I could have taken out my phone at any time to check the map too.

Part 3:

• How do people react when they get lost?

Most of the time people react with some amount of panic and anxiety. We generally don’t

like not knowing where we are so we react to it negatively. Furthermore, we tend not to

think straight when we are in a state of panic so it can take some time before we can reorient

ourselves and then figure out where we are and where we need to go. All we need to do

next is pull out a map or ask a passerby to point out the right way.

• Why do some people have a good sense of direction?

Well, I’m not sure but maybe because they are already familiar with their surroundings.

They know where they are and they know where to go so they don’t need to ask around for

directions. But some people just have a good inborn sense of direction. I’ve got friends

who always know which way is facing North - but I’m pretty clueless about that. It must

be some combination of a genetic predisposition and putting in some effort.

• Are paper maps still necessary?

I’d say no in general. With the rise of online map applications such as Google Maps and

navigation systems in cars, planes and most modern boats, the need for a paper map seems

redundant now. Plus, online maps are constantly updated so they never get outdated. And

there are loads of other features - real time traffic reports, directions, phone numbers for

local businesses, etc. However, in the case of a network or power outage, I guess it’s smart

to keep a paper map around just in case.

• With mobile phones and these electronic products with navigation is it easy for

people to get lost?

It’s pretty hard actually. Navigation tracking pinpoints where you are in a given area and

from there people can easily chart a course for where they need to go. However, this is

under the assumption that the network connection is stable. If it isn’t, then it might be easier

for people to get lost. As mobile networks get better and better, this is becoming less and

less of an issue though.

• What kind of problems do old people have when they get lost?

For one, they may not be able to move around as easily as younger people. It might be a

struggle if they have to walk for long periods of time especially if it’s uphill or a hot day

or raining heavily. For another, they may struggle to find their way since they might not be

tech-savvy or familiar with online maps.

3. Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information

You should say:

• What was the incorrect information

• When did it happen

• How you found out the information was incorrect

And explain how you felt about it

One year ago, I came across a so-called “fake news article” while searching for Covid-19

updates online. The article claimed that drinking bleach or disinfectant could cure or

prevent the virus in some unscientific way. It cited questionable sources and provided

totally misleading information about the safety and effectiveness of these substances.

Although I was initially alarmed and skeptical, I felt a strong urge to verify the information,

just to see if it checked out at all.

To my surprise, some people actually fell for and followed this dangerous advice, despite

warnings from health experts. The article had been widely shared on social media

platforms, spreading misinformation in certain communities rife for that kind of content.

The incident exemplified the prevalent issue of misinformation and fake news in the digital

age - no good solution that I know of off the top of my head.


In response, I took immediate action. I shared more reliable sources and accurate

information with my family and friends to ensure they wouldn’t be fooled or indoctrinated.

I also flagged the fake news to the relevant authorities and platforms to limit its spread.

Recognizing the importance of critical thinking and media literacy, I always try to educate

myself and others on the essential skills for navigating and shifting through the vast amount

of information available online.

Looking back, this experience taught me the value of being vigilant and discerning when

consuming and sharing information, particularly during times of crisis. It also motivated
me to actively combat the dissemination of false information and promote the values of

truth, accuracy, and integrity in the media and thus society as a whole.

Part 3:

• What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?

There are tons of professions that involve giving information to others, such as journalists,

educators, librarians, researchers, customer service representatives, public speakers, and

consultants - just those come immediately to mind though I’m sure there are others. These

professionals have different roles and responsibilities, but they share the common goal of

providing accurate, timely, and relevant information to audiences or customers.

• What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?

Well, there’s a lot in common but a lot that differs too, I guess. First and foremost, the

speaker can convey their tone of voice, personality, and empathy more easily through

phone than by email, which lacks emotional context. By contrast, giving information by

email allows the sender to provide a written record or chain of evidence and to avoid

potential misunderstandings or interruptions that may occur during a phone conversation.

So, it depends on what you’re trying to do but email tends to be more work-oriented these


• How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

For me, you’ge got to use critical thinking skills and check the relevant sources and

evidence to verify information. Some ways to do this include cross-checking what you’ve

with other sources, fact-checking websites, consulting experts or authorities, evaluating

yourself the credibility and bias of the source, and applying common sense and logic. It’s

more important than ever before to be diligent when you come across some information

because of the spread of misinformation on social media platforms like Twitter and

• Do people trust the information online?

I would say that it depends on the context and the source of the information in most cases.

Some people trust the information online because of the convenience, accessibility, and

diversity of the sources - and it’s the path of least resistance, it takes time to double-check.

They might also have a vested interest in believing something, regardless of whether it’s

true or not. Others are more skeptical about information on the Internet due to the

prevalence of misinformation, propaganda, and scams online. The level of trust may also

vary depending on the topic, the audience, and the cultural or political context.

• Has the way people get information changed?

The method of acquiring information has changed significantly over the past decade or so,

due to the rapid development and adoption of digital technologies and social media

platforms. People can now access and share information from a wide range of sources,

including traditional media, online news outlets, social media networks, blogs, podcasts,

and forums. This has led to both opportunities and challenges for individuals,

organizations, and societies, as they navigate the complexities of an evolving information



• What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting information online?

Well, the big advantages all relate to convenience: how fast and easy it is to look up on

your phone. And it could be something simple like directions or the phone number of a

shop. It could also be news. In the case of news, you have to be a more discerning reader.

All publications are biased in one way or another so you have to be aware of the bias and

compensate for that in your own interpretation. That’s the chief downside - that most

people don’t have the energy or inclination to be skeptics.


1. Describe a game you played in your childhood

You should say:

• What the game was

• When you played it

• Who you played with

• How you felt about the game


During my childhood, I used to play a game called "Hide and Seek," - everyone has heard

of it - and even though every kid plays it, that’s one that stands out for me. It was a favorite

activity that I enjoyed with my siblings, cousins, and neighborhood friends.

We would gather in our backyard or the nearby park to play the classic game. The rules

were simple: one person is the seeker, while the rest of us scatter to find hiding spots. After

counting to a designated number, the seeker begins searching us out. The objective is to

remain hidden for as long as possible without being discovered.

Playing hide and seek filled me with a thrilling mix of adrenaline and anticipation, I

remember getting sweaty palms playing. I delighted in finding the perfect hiding spot,

trying to stay silent and blending in with my surroundings. The game required a fair amount

of creativity and quick thinking as I had to strategize to outwit the seeker and find the

cleverest, least likely hiding places.

Beyond the exhilaration of the game itself, hide and seek fostered a strong sense of

camaraderie among us. It brought us closer together, strengthening bonds and I have lots

of fun memories from playing. We would cheer for one another's successful hiding spots

and enjoy the suspense while hiding. The game also improved our social skills as we took

turns being the seeker, communicated during gameplay, and learned the importance of fair
play and cooperation. All in all, hide and seek holds a special place in my childhood even to this
day. It provided

endless hours of laughter, excitement, and a sense of adventure lacking in other parts of

my day. I’m a bit on the old side to play now, so I really just have those memories to hold


Part 3:

• Is it good for a kid to be ambitious?

I would say yes because it gives them something to work towards in a general or specific

sense and it ultimately may provide a purpose in life. For example, a kid can aspire to be a

skilled football player and therefore they can work towards achieving that goal. If a kid has

no greater ambitions, then they may stagnate in their development and end up a bit aimless

in life - though there are tons of other factors that of course come into it. Ultimately, I think

it’s important for parents to nurture their children’s ambitions, whatever they may be.

• What kind of games are played by the children of this generation?

Right now…. If we’re talking about outdoor games, then it’s probably the mainstay sports

like football, basketball and volleyball. They also play little kids’ games like tag, duck duck

goose and hide and seek. If we’re talking about indoor games, then there are board games

like Connect 4 and Monopoly and also computer games like Fortnite and Among Us.

There’s a lot of variety.

• Did parents encourage their children to play games?

I would say yes, but mostly when it comes to outdoorsy games. Parents naturally nudge

their children towards playing outside due to the benefits for physical health and

socialising. They are less encouraging though about indoor games, especially computer

games since they can foster a sedentary lifestyle and social isolation. But parents are mostly

concerned with academics, not having fun.

• Which is better, individual games or team-based games?

It depends on the person. Some prefer to play individual games so that they can concentrate

on isolating a single skill and since they have complete control over their performance -

like with tennis and chess and ping pong. Others prefer to play team-based games so that

they can make friends with others and hone their collaborative skills. All in all, I don’t

think either type of game is better than the other as both have their relative advantages in

one way or another.

• Why do people play different kinds of games when they grow up?

People play different kinds of games as they grow up because as they get older, they

become physically and mentally stronger and are able to give more challenging games a

go. For example, when young, people will normally play simple games like tag and off the

wall. As they get older though, they can take on tougher games like rugby or tug of war

which require a lot of physical strength. And then there are games that require higher

cognitive ability like chess.

• Do you think winning is important in games?

It depends on the kind of game and the context. If the objective of the game is to win, then

yes winning is important in that game. For example, the objective of football is to score

more goals than the opposing team. At the professional level, that’s all that matters. If the

objective of the game is to just have fun or it’s just a casual game with friends, then there’s

a lot less pressure to win and the players can relax and enjoy themselves. Some games are

collaborative too - like playing catch or frisbee.

2. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future.

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you would like to try it

• How difficult it is

And explain why you would like to try it

I'm going to talk about surfing, a pastime that I’ve been thinking about having a crack at

for a while now. Just so you know - well, as you know, actually - it's a water sport where

one stands on a long plastic or wooden board and rides waves in the ocean. The idea of

gliding across the water and catching the perfect wave is exciting because it’s so out of the

ordinary. Surprisingly, it's widely popular in Western countries but not as much in

Vietnam, which seems unusual considering our extensive coastline and all the stunning

beaches dotting the country.

I don't know about you but I think of surfing as a challenging and potentially hazardous

water sport. I’ve stumbled upon loads of online videos showing individuals attempting

surfing and failing miserably. So, I really think that enrolling in a surfing course should be

my first step if I want to give it a real go. That would be better for my safety and my

confidence. In terms of the equipment, for a beginner, you'll need a surfboard, a surfboard

leash, fins and a wetsuit. If possible, I’d love to practice surfing in Nha Trang, one of the

more popular coastal beach towns in Vietnam.

There are several reasons why I’m eager to give surfing a go. For one, it provides an

incredible connection with nature - I can immerse myself in the waves, feel their force and

take in the sights around me - I imagine it to be a rejuvenating and exhilarating experience.

For another, surfing offers many mental and physical health benefits. It forces me to use

different muscles - rarely used ones - so in a sense, it's a total body workout. On top of that,

it's also a great way to put my feet up and relieve stress as I can enjoy being out in the

sunshine and having fun in the waves. Hopefully one day I can paddle out, catch my first wave,
and embark on the thrilling journey of becoming a surfer. Just the thought of it already fills me
with excitement and dread.

Part 3:
• What's the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

It’s in the name. Outdoor sports are played outside in open spaces like parks and fields

while indoor sports are played in enclosed spaces like gyms and indoor courts. That’s the

most obvious difference right there. Another major difference is that indoor sports have

smaller courts to play on since they have to account for the space limitations of a given

building, whereas outdoor sports have more leeway since they typically have more space

to work with - I’m thinking of a big football pitch for example.

• What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

There’re lots of water sports that are popular these days. I recently saw on YouTube one

called water polo, which is basically football or handball but played in a pool. Each team

has to get the ball into the opposing goal to score points and the team who scores the most

points wins - typical game stuff. Another commonly played water sport is rowing, in which

teams of rowers have to collectively row a boat down a river to the finish line. Obviously,

the first team to reach the finish line wins the race. Those ones are popular abroad I think,

I haven’t seen them played much here in Vietnam where most people just like to go


• Why should we develop water transport?

Water transport should be prioritised since waterways are viable pathways for people and

goods to travel on. There is less likely to be congestion when traveling on water, at least

compared to traveling on the road, so there’s plenty of room for vessels to get around. Also,

it presents another option for companies to transport their goods, in addition to road and

air transport. But at the moment, that kind of shipping is fairly developed already and most


cities don’t have a bunch of criss-crossing rivers to expand their transport options on. So,

I’m really not sure.

• Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

I think so, yeah. It certainly helps when a person is in the middle of a body of water like

the ocean or a river and they need to get to shore - in extreme situations that could be life

or death. If they don’t know how to swim, then they are at greater risk of drowning. It’s

actually a lot more common for people to drown than you might think so beyond the

enjoyment people can get from swimming, there are good safety reasons to make sure

everyone learns how to swim or at least tread water.

• Why do people like spending time near water?

Well, not everyone does but lots of people like to spend time being near water as it provides

them a change of scenery and some calm. Since people spend most of their time on land

inside their homes and offices, being near water sort of has the effect of waking them up

from a kind of slumber. Maybe that’s why people like to go on beach holidays so much.

The water is refreshing to swim around in, provided that it’s clean of course.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of water transport?

One crucial advantage of water transport is that it can be a legit alternative to road or air

transport. If it isn’t possible to ship goods on roads or by air, then using vessels such as

boats or ships to transport goods is a good backup. Another plus point is that this type of

transport costs less money than the others I believe so companies can save some money

which I’m sure they will then distribute to employees or pass the savings on to customers.

A disadvantage of water transport is it’s slower on average than road or air transport.

Something coming by air might get to its destination in a few hours or a day at the most

but boats can take a lot longer - days, weeks, even months, I think.


1. Describe a favorite place in your house where you can relax.

You should say:

• Where it is

• What it is like

• What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place


In my house, I have a special place where I can relax, which is my bedroom. To give some

context, I live in a three-story house with my parents right by a small alley. It is painted

white on the outside and it has a small garden at the front of it. On the inside, the house has

a living room, an atrium, a dining room and the kitchen on the ground floor. Go one floor

up and you’ll find my bedroom, my dad’s office, a bathroom and my parents’ bedroom.

When you reach the top floor, there’s a guest bedroom and a storage closet. Like I said

before, my bedroom is on the second floor at one end of the hallway.

In my bedroom, there is my bed which is on the bottom right corner of the room. I also

have a TV and a PlayStation 4 directly facing the bed which allows me to comfortably

watch TV or play games on my bed. Right next to the TV is my desk where I do my work

and on the desk is a lamp and some of my mementos from childhood such as pictures from

previous trips and school certificates. Finally, on the left wall is my cabinet where all my

clothes are kept. Whenever I’m in my room, I would usually watch TV or play on the PS4

to pass the time. However, on school nights I would do my homework and finish it as early

as possible so that I can have some free time. I feel relaxed in my room because it is my

sort of happy place where I can lie on my bed, decompress and escape from my problems

for the time being. Being in my room helps put my mind at ease.

Part 3:
• Why is it difficult for some people to relax?

I personally believe that this is because we live in a busy world that makes it hard to really

unwind. We spend hours working at hectic jobs, dealing with problems that come up, and

having too much on our plate without enough time dedicated to rest. Over time this can

lead to elevated stress and increase chances of conditions like depression. A non-stop

pressured life physically interferes with the body’s relaxation mechanisms as well.

• What are the benefits of doing exercise?

Everyone knows that exercising is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body as

well as preventing disease. Research has proven time and time again that walking for at

least thirty minutes each day can boost your metabolism, resulting in weight loss. And it

also stimulates the release of hormones including endorphins which help reduce stress and

lift up a person’s mood. Accordingly, we can be more productive at work and lead healthier


• Do people in your country exercise after work?

For sure, everyone tries to get in some exercise outside of their work. Most people head

over to a gym to get in a workout - or to play sports with friends. Some people like jogging

on their own - it’s a cheap way to stay fit that just requires a good pair of running shoes to

get started. That’s the kind of habit that is hard to keep up but if you can do it, it can become

a lifelong passion - I know lots of really committed runners.

• What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?

The bedroom, I’d say, just by default. People unwind there - lying in bed on their laptop or

phone. Some people have space to lay out a yoga mat and do some exercise. Lots of people

have TVs in the bedroom too. And it’s the most private place in the house for most people

- they know they will be left alone there and can enjoy some me-time without any

distractions. And naturally everyone sleeps there and that takes up a good 8 hours or so
each day.


2. Describe a place you want to visit with you friends or family in the future

You should say:

• Where do you want to go in the future

• How do you think about

• What to do in that place

And explain why do you want to go


One city that I would like to visit with my friends for a couple of days is Manchester in

northern England.

Manchester is home to over 500,000 people, and it is often labeled as the industrial and

financial centre of northwestern England since it is where all of the major companies are

based for their operations in that area.

One thing I would like to do when I visit is watch a football game. Manchester is home to

two of the most successful football clubs in England, Manchester United and Manchester

City. I’m more of a United fan since I don’t like how City play the game and the way they

conduct business. It is a must for any United fan to make the trip to Old Trafford and watch

players like Marcus Rashford and Raphael Varane work miracles on the pitch. Another

thing I would like to do is visit the Science and Industry Museum as it highlights the pivotal

role Manchester played in the Industrial Revolution. I’ve been told that people can see

exhibits of modern technology at its earliest stages.

I like to visit Manchester with my friends because they are also interested in going there

and doing the things that I would like to do. My best friend Jon is a fellow United fan and

he wants to watch a football match at Old Trafford with me. I would like to visit this city
because not only is it a vibrant metropolis where there is always something going on, but

also it is helping to shape England’s cultural identity in numerous ways, whether it would

be its music or its long-standing sporting tradition.


Part 3:

• What are the differences between travel today and past?

One difference is the distances we can cover. In the past, it was only possible to travel a

few hundred kilometers non-stop before we could actually stop thanks to basic

transportation such as horse carriages. Nowadays, we can travel much further; we can go

as far as thousands of kilometers non-stop thanks to newer forms of transportation such as

planes and trains. Another difference is people can now more easily share their travel

experiences with others. With the advent of the Internet, people can make blog posts or use

social media to share pictures of videos of the places they’ve been to.

• Why did people like to explore new places to develop the tourism industry? Why

are these places popular?

People liked to explore new places because they are curious about the world and what it

has to offer. They want to know more about new cultures and traditions as well as visit new

landscapes that are different from those of their home country. These new places then

become popular to visit because people liked going there on their initial visit and thus, they

tell other people about it, enticing them to travel to those places as well.

• Where do you think people want to go most during the holidays?

I think people most enjoy going to the beach. For one, they can get to enjoy the often sunny

weather and get away from the gloomy weather they may experience back home. For

another, they can jump into the cool and refreshing water to just chill out and relax their

minds and bodies. Other places people enjoy going to are the mountains for the cool air
and the breathtaking vistas, and the city since there are plenty of things to do and plenty of

monuments and sites to see there.


• Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to

other countries? In what ways?

I think so. A society can benefit from its people traveling to other countries since they will

be more tolerant of traditions, lifestyles and beliefs that are vastly different from their own

and therefore they can be more welcoming towards foreign countries and their citizens. A

society can also benefit from its members traveling abroad since they can introduce new

viewpoints and traditions and demonstrate how they can be applied to their own society,

thus encouraging global cultural exchange.

• What problems can people have when they are on their journey, for example, to

work or school? Why is this?

A problem people can encounter on their commute to work or school is traffic jams. This

is when vehicles such as cars, bikes and buses are backed up against each other for long

stretches of time and only move incrementally every now and then. Such congestion on the

road can cause people to be late for school, work or their scheduled appointments. Another

problem that people can encounter on their journey is the poor quality of the roads. This

can be manifested through potholes or cracks on the road which can make car or bus-based

journeys rather uncomfortable.

3. Describe a new store/shop that just opened in your area.

You should say:

• What shop it is

• What it sells (or, what you usually buy there)

• When you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this

And explain why you like (to go to) this shop


I’m gonna talk about a new shop which has been recently opened in Aeon Mall Ha Dong

named "Tech Haven". Since its opening, the store has quickly become a hotspot for tech

enthusiasts, offerring an extensive array of the latest gadgets and electronics, making it a

true paradise for those who crave cutting-edge technology.

I’ve known about this shop when I came across its advertisement about its grand opening

on Facebook so I decided to visit it the day after. Once time I stepped into Tech Haven, I

was impressed by a sleek, modern, and meticulously designed interior. The store exudes a

futuristic vibe that perfectly complements the innovative products it showcases.

I love this store because of its commitment to providing an interactive and immersive

shopping experience. Rather than simply observing from afar, customers are encouraged

to engage with the products firsthand. This hands-on approach empowers customers to

make informed decisions and ensures they leave the store with complete satisfaction. I also

admire its knowledgeable and friendly staff members who were passionate about

technology and are always ready to assist customers. They can provide personalized

recommendations and expert advice tailored to each customer's unique needs and


In conclusion, Tech Haven at Aeon Mall Ha Dong is more than just a store—it's an

immersive tech destination that combines sleek aesthetics, a diverse range of products,

interactive experiences, knowledgeable staff, and top-notch customer service. Thus, I will

definitely come back to this store in the near future.


Part 3:
• What types of the shop would you recommend a visit to your country should go to?


I’d recommend people visit the large open-air markets that are present in just about every

town and village in Vietnam. Every day, various merchants and farmers and artisans from

all over town come to sell their goods at these markets, whether it be food, clothing,

jewellery or household appliances. They’re worth checking out at least once because

they’re the lifeblood of most towns and a visitor can witness how the local people conduct

business transactions in an everyday setting.

• Do you ever buy anything on the internet?

Sometimes. I mostly buy hardware for my computer - hard drives and portable mics online

since there’s a store on the Internet called that I like because they’ve

got good deals all the time. Other than that, I buy most of my things from physical stores

since I’m not really in the habit of ordering online that often. At physical stores, quality

control has been performed by both the manufacturer and the store so I’m guaranteed to

get something of good quality and I can test it myself before making up my mind.

• What do you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet?

The biggest advantage would be that it eliminates the need to travel to physical stores - all

the time spent traveling and the hassle of it all. They can open up an online store, find the

things they need, make an order and pay for it, all within the span of a few minutes in the

comfort of their own home. All people need to do afterwards is to wait for their ordered

items to arrive at their doorstep and then it’s done. At most apartment buildings, the

shippers can just leave the goods with security in the lobby. Ultimately, it’s a more

convenient way to shop if you’re busy.


• In your country, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?
Over the past few decades, there has been a growing shift towards online shopping. E-

commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada and Tiki have grown in popularity as people

in Vietnam have begun to recognize the benefits of shopping online, especially post-Covid.

The growth in online shopping has been so rapid that these e-commerce companies are

becoming bolder in their marketing efforts, better-produced commercials and bigger

celebrity endorsements - they’re driving brick and mortar locations out of business.

• Do you think online stores will replace traditional stores?

I think so because online shopping is generally more convenient than in-store shopping and

it’s already a process well underway. Anyone can easily search for what they want to buy

online and get it shipped within a few days or a couple weeks max. Some shops might be

able to survive this disruption - like clothing stores where people will still want to feel the

texture of the clothing and try items on or supermarkets where you also need to handle the

produce before making up your mind. But for the most part, brick and mortar stores are

fast becoming a thing of the past.

4. Describe a crowded place you have been to

You should say:

• Where the place is

• When you went there

• Whom you went there

And explain how you felt about this crowded place.



One of the most memorable crowded places I’ve been to is Hanoi’s pedestrian square, also

known as Hanoi Walking Street. It’s a vibrant and bustling area located in the heart of the

historic Old Quarter in Hanoi and a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike as
it offers a lively and pedestrian-friendly environment. A place to get your head right after

a long day.

If my memory serves me right, I visited it first when I participated in the annual Hanoi

Carnival with my friends. The Hanoi Carnival is a colorful street festival that celebrates

the spirit of Hanoi and showcases the diverse cultures and traditions of Vietnam. The event

typically takes place in the pedestrian zone around Hoan Kiem Lake and attracts thousands

of spectators each year.

Coming to the avenue for the first time, I realized that navigating the crowd was actually

going to be both exhilarating and a bit on the challenging side. It was packed, huge crowds

moving in synchronized chaos. However, amidst the tides of people, it felt fun. People

regardless of nationality interacted with one another, engaging in conversations, laughing,

and sharing cultural knowledge with each other. That made me feel that the Hanoi

pedestrian square is not only a place for commerce and entertainment but also a space for

community engagement.

Overall, the Hanoi pedestrian square is a captivating and lively destination that offers a

sensory feast of sights, sounds, and tastes - I forgot to mention all the great food on offer

there. If anyone asks me about it, I’ll definitely recommend it!


Part 3:

• Do you think people enjoy going to crowded places? Why?

Some do, but obviously not everyone. Some like to go to crowded places because they

want to mingle and possibly make new friends. They might also be curious as to why

there’s such a crowd in a place and want to join in - like if there’s a live outdoor

performance. Others however don’t like to go to crowded places because they may feel

more comfortable when they’re alone or in a small group of friends - the extreme version
of this would be an agoraphobe. These types of people may feel claustrophobic in a crowd

so they want to avoid them as much as possible.

• How do you think people should deal with traffic congestion?

One way to cope with it would be to wait it out. That’s often the only option. Sure, the road

may be gridlocked for a time but eventually it will clear up and the traffic will start to flow

again. However, some may not have the patience to wait for the traffic to clear.

Alternatively, commuters can find a different route to get to their destination which will be

less congested. In Vietnam, with motorbikes this is a real option since you can drive on the

sidewalks and figure out a way around. If you’re in a car, then you have no choice but to

wait around - that’s why cars are so much slower in cities.

• Where is the most crowded place in your city?

I think it would have to be Hoan Kiem District. This is the central business district in Hanoi

where all of the major local and international companies are based. Therefore many office

buildings are tightly packed together in this one dense part of the city. This leads to greater

congestion as most use motorbikes and big, bulky cars to get to their offices and the roads

are narrow so that makes it a perfect recipe for traffic jams in the early morning and late



• People behave differently in crowded places, why do you think this happens?

I think people change their behaviours when they’re in crowded places because they know

they’re being watched by others and they’re self-conscious, keeping up appearances. You

don’t want to come off as weird or lacking in social graces so you won’t burp or cut your

nails or sing to yourself in public if you have any sense of the world around you. And a

person who doesn't have that self-control sticks out like a sore thumb.

• What do you think of the phenomenon of people queueing in restaurants for more
than an hour?

Well, that’s not really my thing - no one likes that I suppose. I definitely don’t have the

patience to wait that long to get into a restaurant. Instead, I’d find another one and hopefully

there won’t be a long line there as well. I can understand why some would choose to wait

that long. Maybe it’s because the food is really worth it - it tends to be for trendy new

places that serve something out of the ordinary. So, in those cases maybe the experience is

part of it and people are willing to put up with a long waiting time to be seated.

• Why do some people love to live in tall buildings nowadays?

I think it’s usually because they want to have a nice view of the city. Living in a tall building

guarantees people an impressive view of their home city and they want to soak it all in.

Having such a view also gives people a sense of perspective about where they are in the

world and how they fit into it. They might realize that they are just one cog in the machine

and they are only doing their bit to make it work. Being up high might even give them a

sense of superiority.


5. Describe a perfect /dream house you saw (an ideal house/apartment where you

want to live)

You should say:

• When and where you saw it

• What it looked like

• What special feature it had

And explain why you liked it.

You should say:

• What it is like

• How big it would be

• Where it would be located

And explain why you would like to live there


I bumped into a house a week ago while I was taking a walk around my local area. The

house caught my attention because of the modern design - a glass façade, three balconies,

four floors and an ornate wooden front gate. It was located right on the main street in my

hometown where all the shops and offices are. The location is convenient - whoever lives

can easily go shopping and commute to work. I figure it must be some rich person who

owns the place since the design and majesty of the house really stands out on a really

modest residential street.

Like I said before, the house has a glass façade so that plenty of natural light can pour in

and that must cut down on the electricity bill - crucial I’m sure given the cost of the house.

It also has three balconies with one on each floor minus the ground floor, and many trees

and plants outside including an herb garden and flower beds. The inhabitants can sit

outside, enjoying the fresh air and immersing themselves in the natural world with a cup

of coffee - that’s how I’d use it at least. In contrast to the house itself, the front gate is


entirely made of wood, which sort of juxtaposes the traditional and the modern in a really

nice way.

I love the house because it's an interesting mix of both conventional and cutting-edge

architectural stylings, and it also has some nifty features like the glass façade so that the

people living there don’t have to rely on artificial lights - you don’t want to feel like you're

living in an office. Perhaps if it ever goes up for sale and I have enough money, I’ll try to

put in a bid. Wishful thinking, I know.

Part 3:
• What is the difference between apartments and houses?

The most obvious difference would have to be in their layouts. In a house, there are multiple

floors - bedrooms, offices, living rooms and kitchens. An apartment however, is typically

only a single floor - sometimes with a mezzanine - in a building so all of the rooms that

I’ve mentioned before are on that floor. Therefore, it is easier to go from room to room

since there’re no stairs in an apartment. In terms of which is better, it all boils down to

personal preference.

• Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

It depends on each person honestly. Some prefer to live by themselves because they like to

live independently and be free to do things on their own without anyone else dictating to

them. what time they have to be home, what to wear, when to eat, etc. Others prefer to live

with their parents because they can’t afford to live on their own and they want greater

financial security. Also, these people may depend on their parents in terms of daily life -

the cooking and cleaning and so on.

• What difficulties do people have in living in the city?

I’d say one big difficulty that really stands out is the high levels of pollution. Since private

transportation releases greenhouse gases and people litter all the time, urban residents may

find it hard to tolerate living in such a heavily polluted environment. Another difficulty


would be the traffic. Like I said before, most people prefer to use their own transportation

and with a high population density, traffic jams are likely to occur frequently in the city

during rush hour.

• What do people in Vietnam prefer to live in, in an apartment or in a house?

Again, I think it boils down to what you’re into. Some like to live in apartments because

they’re compact and everything is easily accessible. You can clean up easily and walk from
room to room without tiring yourself out on the stairs. Also, there’s usually a nice view

that comes with an apartment so there’s that. Others like to live in houses because they

want more space to live in and a more unique layout. Also, living in a house comes with a

status upgrade as it is a symbol of success - or at least of inherited success.

• Why do some people move to cities from the countryside to live?

I think it’s because they want to get away from the pace of life living in a city. An urban

lifestyle is notorious for how breathless it all is - people are constantly rushing to and from

one place to another without time to chill out and smell the flowers. Some people can’t

stand that kind of rushing around so they want to slow things down and the countryside

offers the kind of slower pace they appreciate. Thus, it wouldn’t surprise me if in the future

more people decide to move to the countryside. Cities are getting gross and overcrowded.

• What are the problems with crowded cities?

One problem would be rising poverty rates. As cities are growing and becoming

overpopulated, it becomes harder and harder for local governments to provide essential

services such as education and healthcare to everyone in the city. Thus, some people will

inevitably not have access to those services and their quality of life will suffer. Another

problem would be the rising levels of uncollected rubbish, trash strewn about on the streets.

More people living in cities means more trash will be thrown away. Over time, you might

not notice it but it definitely has repercussions for public health as a whole.


6. Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future

You should say:

• Where you would like to go

• When you would like to go

• Who you want to go with

And explain why you want to visit the place


One place I would be willing to take the long journey to from my home would be Rome in

Italy. It's the capital of the country and I've heard nothing but nice things about it so a part

of me wants to check it out ASAP. I’ve seen pictures and movies set in Rome - like the

newest installment of the Fast and Furious franchise - and they all feature iconic landmarks

such as the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps and many of its ancient churches

and monasteries. I’m really into that kind of stuff. More than that, the culinary scene in

Rome is also reportedly a real treat. Italian cuisine is celebrated worldwide, and Rome

offers a wide range of traditional dishes such as pasta, pizza, gelato, and espresso - but

done in the authentic Italian style. Exploring the city's trattorias and enjoying authentic

Roman cuisine would be a delightful experience that I don’t want to miss out on.

As for when I would like to visit Rome… I would say maybe when I’m in my mid-30s

because right now I want to focus on my career and making sure I don’t have to bankrupt

myself to go there. I hope I still feel like going in a few years. Also, I would like to bring

my family to Rome with me because they’ve never been to the city and they’d like to go

there too so it would be a nice family outing.

I’m passionate about visiting Rome because, like I said before, I'm impressed by how it

has been portrayed in the entertainment world. I haven’t talked about some of the other

aspects of the city too: meeting locals, visiting Vatican City, learning bits and pieces of a

beautiful language - Rome has a lot going for it.


Part 3:

• What places do people in Vietnam often go to on holidays?

One popular destination people in Vietnam like to visit that comes to mind is Sam Son
Beach. It’s a beach located in Thanh Hoa Province and people from the north, especially

from Hanoi, love to head over there to get away from city life - just a little breather. Another

popular destination is the Son Doong caves in central Vietnam. They’re the largest and

deepest caves in the world and local people and visitors from abroad alike love to visit

them to explore everything these caves have to offer from the rock formations to the

wildlife. To get on a tour, you need to sign up years in advance though.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?

That’s a big question but one advantage of tourism is that it promotes closer relationships

between people from different countries. Visitors from abroad can come to a country and

show appreciation for the culture, traditions and customs and the local people will be more

welcoming to these foreign tourists in turn. A disadvantage to tourism is it can bring about

environmental damage to the host country. Tourists may be reckless and litter when visiting

another country and can spoil the natural surroundings of pristine areas - though locals do

that kind of stuff too.

• Is it important to make travel plans?

I’d say yes to a degree. It helps to make an outline of what you’ll get up to - a basic itinerary.

That way, you'll be satisfied that you’ve seen and done everything you wanted to check off

on your trip and you won’t feel stressed out about the planning part all the time. However,

there should be some flexibility to your plans as sometimes people want to visit a place

that they’ve just heard about at the last minute. Therefore, people’s plans shouldn’t be too

rigid and they should be open to the moment.

• Who are more likely to make travel plans? Old or young people?

I think older people are more likely to lay out detailed travel plans beforehand since

younger people are more instinctual and open to the moment - to doing things on the fly.

Old people often extensively research the place they are going to. Therefore, they’re more

likely to see and do everything a country has to offer in a systematic way. Young people

on the other hand are more driven by what they find interesting at the moment instead of

planning everything out to a ‘T’ before setting out.


1. Describe an invention that changed people's lives.

You should say:

• What it is

• What it does (or, how it it used)

• How popular it is among people of different ages

And explain why (or how) you think it changed people's lives.

Follow-up questions:

• Do you often use that invention?


Well, to be honest, there are tons of wondrous inventions that have changed our lives for

the better I could highlight, but to single out one, then I would definitely go for an airplane

- one of the greatest awe-inspiring inventions of our time. I've read up about it on the

internet before but I can't remember exactly when it was first built or who invented it. Some

Americans I think and probably in the neighborhood of the early 20th century or so.

There are several reasons why I consider the airplane to be one of the most influential

inventions thus far. For one thing, it has significantly shortened travel time for overseas

journeys. In the past, moving from one country to another would take us weeks or even

months or years and most people would probably pass away on the journey, but with

airplanes, you can hop on a flight and be there in a matter of hours. Lots of people take that
for granted these days - trips that were almost impossible in the past now are nearly

effortless. Something to think about when complaining that your flight is a few hours late

or there isn’t enough leg room… On top of that, it encourages people to travel abroad more

often, which leads to the growth of the tourism industry in various countries and generates

significant economic benefits for locals. Besides, the risk of having an accident while

traveling by plane is much lower compared to other modes of transport so it's a safer way

to travel - naturally you can’t really fly to work as part of a daily commute though.

As an avid traveler, I feel so grateful to the ones who came up with manned flight - not

grateful enough to learn their names but still - because it enables me to set foot in disparate

cultures and learn more about people from all walks of life. All in all, had it not been for

the invention of the airplane, the world would be a smaller, dimmer place to live.

Part 3:

• Can you name any other inventions that have made a big impact on human society?

The automobile is a big one that comes to mind. First invented by Daimler in the late 19th

century, it was presented as a faster and more comfortable alternative to horse-drawn

carriages which were the most popular form of road-based transportation at that time. The

introduction of the car transformed the world - leading to sprawling highways and road

networks and big companies like Ford that took advantage of the mania for automobiles.

Little did we know back then the environmental impact they would have.

• What do you think makes an invention "useful"?

An invention can be considered as useful if it has made life more convenient for average

citizens. For example, a vacuum cleaner can be considered as useful since it’s an easier

alternative to using a broom and dustpan to clean the floor and it can cover more ground in

less time and do a better job of it - on carpets especially. Similarly, a USB stick can be

considered as a useful invention because it can store documents and pictures while being
carried around in a small and compact case. Those are just a couple but the list goes on…

• What new invention(s) would you like to be available in the future?

A new invention I’d really like to see in the future would be a self-driving car. I have

always had an abiding interest in cars but I’ve never driven one myself. However, with the

advent of self-driving cars, I won’t need to. I can still own a car but instead of being at the

wheel myself, I can program the car to automatically drive and take me to my destination.

Meanwhile, I can just sit back and relax and watch the landscape pass me by or even read

a book while on the road. Although they might require drivers to still have a license just in

case so that could throw a wrench in my plans…

• What are some examples of inventions that are used in the home?

Well, examples abound but one would be the vacuum cleaner. These devices such up debris

and dust that is lying there and they’re less strenuous than using a broom and dustpan - you

probably knew that already. Another example would be the microwave. It’s much easier to

use a microwave than to use the stove or oven to heat up food, especially if it’s only

leftovers - you wouldn’t use it to cook nice food that you want to taste good.

• Do you think these inventions tend to make people lazy?

I don’t think so. If anything, they just make daily tasks more efficient, which is not the

same as being lazy though it can sometimes lead to lethargy. Laziness implies that there is

no effort put in at all to their work, meaning that they haven’t tried doing anything.

Efficiency implies that there is still effort put into whatever it is, but only less so just to

make life a little bit easier. We shouldn’t be forced to go too hard on menial tasks. So no,

I don’t think these home appliances make people lazy necessarily - being lazy is a basic

human trait that exists regardless of whether or not you have a fridge.

• What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are used in

schools (in classrooms)?

One example would be the calculator. As the name suggests, it is a portable electronic

device that does calculations for students, you might have some experience with one... It’s

most commonly used in subjects such as mathematics and the sciences since there are a lot

of formulas involved. Another example would be the desktop computer. Students at school

can do research for their assignments as well as online exercises for subjects like maths

and music. Phones too - but those aren’t allowed if the school is any good.

2. Describe a long car journey you went on

You should say:

• Where you went

• What you did at this place

• Who you went there with

And explain why you went on that journey by car


Well, I’d like to talk about a long car trip to SaPa which was one of the most unforgettable

journeys that I have ever taken - with my best friends. If I’m not mistaken, it was a couple

years back now. At the time, we had just finished our final exams, so my friends and I

decided to go somewhere to unwind after all the nerve-racking hours of studying diligently

and procrastinating even more diligently. We chose SaPa as our destination. As you know,

Sa Pa is renowned for its ethereal beauty, characterized by the awe-inspiring landscapes

adorned with rice terraces - for a lot of people, it’s their favorite place to travel in Vietnam

and totally unique culturally.

Because it was a long journey, we set off early in the morning at more or less the crack of

dawn. We were all massively excited about this trip so although we felt really sleepy at

first, we revved up pretty quick.

One of the main reasons why we chose a car trip was because cars are more comfortable

and safer compared to motorbikes - though not as fun and you can get motion sickness on

all the bumpy, winding mountain roads. Flights there are also crazy expensive so we went

by car. The road trip there was cool in itself - we passed by lots of quaint old buildings and

breathtaking views of the towering mountains, fast-flowing rivers and terraced rice fields,

the captivating natural beauty that brings in most tourists going there. On top of that, you

can do lots in a car that you can’t on a motorbike or in a plane. For example, besides taking

a look at the landscape outside, I can listen to music, chat with my friends to unwind or

simply turn on the AC and sleep if I'm feeling drowsy.

As a matter of fact, this is the most exciting journey that I’ve ever taken and we took loads

of photos and videos to capture all the moments - all that before we even got to SaPa and

were able to take in the local culture, the various ethnic minorities living up there, etc.

Part 3:

• What benefits does public transport bring to the world?

There are several merits to public transport. The main one is that like any other way of

getting around, it gets you where you’re going in short order. But compared to private

transport, it’s cheaper and more environmentally friendly. For example, it’s just about

7,000 Vietnamese dongs for the bus fare in Hanoi.

• Is it too late for people to get a driver’s license at the age of 18?

Not at all, that’s a very strange statement in fact since most people don’t get one before

then. It’s a ripe time, I suppose. The fact that 18 is the minimum legal age to obtain a

driver's license in Vietnam proves this. However, different circumstances and priorities can

influence the timing of obtaining a license. For example, financial constraints, lack of

access to a vehicle, and other commitments might delay the decision to learn to drive.

What’s more, the process of acquiring a license involves learning defensive driving skills,
understanding traffic rules, and passing written exams so reaching the age of 18 doesn't

automatically imply readiness to drive. Considering all these above-mentioned points, I’d


maintain that 18 is still a logical starting point if you’ve got the means to think about getting

a license.

• What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference for cars?

When it comes to car predilections, there are general trends associated with gender, but

individual choices can differ, I don’t want to come across as sexist. Traditionally, men

show more interest in high-performance cars, considering factors like power and style.

Women often prioritize safety, reliability, and practicality, focusing on features like fuel

efficiency and space. However, these preferences are not exclusive to either gender, and

I’m sure everyone wants a car that looks good and drives well - there’s lots of commonality.

• What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Bicycles are powered by people - using your legs to pedal, while cars rely on combustion

engines. Cars can go faster and further and offer greater comfort from the weather. But

bicycles are environmentally friendly and promote physical fitness. Cars require

infrastructure and cost way more, while bicycles are accessible and cost-effective. I’d be

happy if all cars were banned and we all started riding bikes - why not?

• What qualities does a good driver need to have?

From my perspective, the three most important qualities of a good driver are alertness, an

awareness of the importance of defensive driving, and decent knowledge of traffic laws.

For example, maintaining a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you. That way

there’s a buffer zone that allows you to react to any sudden stops or hazards on the road,

reducing the risk of rear-end collisions. These qualities are the key attributes of a decent

driver, ensuring that he or she is attentive, safety-conscious, and informed about driving


• How can people be encouraged to take public transport?

Individuals can be incentivized to take public transport in several ways. Firstly,

governments and transport companies should advertise more about the environmental

benefits of giving up private transport. For example, workshops or campaigns can be

organized to promote the environmental advantages of buses and subways, which is

reducing the amount of fossil fuel exhaust coming primarily from cars. Moreover,

infrastructure for these transport systems should also be enhanced in order to make sure

people aren’t hesitant to give up their gas-guzzling cars.

3. Describe an interesting talk or speech

You should say:

• When you heard it

• Where you heard it

• What it was about

And explain why you think it was interesting.


I once attended a film industry conference in Los Angeles where studios and cinema chains

were showcasing upcoming movies as well as advancements in theatrical and

moviemaking technology. In attendance were executives at the big studios and also big -

name actors like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Tom Hanks - stars I know.

On the 2nd day of the conference, there was a presentation on how AI will change

filmmaking in the future given by an expert on AI technology named Will Tate and also

Reed Hastings - the CEO of Netflix. Both speakers spoke eloquently about how AI will

accelerate the movie production process in terms of creating a story and crafting the visual
effects. However, they also spoke about how it will make redundant thousands of jobs in

the movie industry and how it will remove the human element in storytelling by eliminating

the need for human writers and actors in the process. In my opinion, this won’t happen in

a really meaningful way for decades but they feel the changes are coming sooner. The


conclusion they came to during the presentation was that AI will bring both opportunities

and challenges to moviemaking and that studios must use it judiciously to ensure a balance

between technological progress and the crucial human touch.

I found the presentation interesting because of how AI is becoming a hot topic and really

divisive one these days and I have a deep passion for the movies and how they are made. I

also found it interesting thanks to the presentation style of the speakers. They used

analogies and statistics to drive their points home so the audience could better grasp the

gravity of the situation.

Part 3:

• What benefits does the internet bring to communication?

Well, users obviously gain various advantages from the internet in terms of

communication. Chief among these is that with the advent of the internet, people can keep

in touch with each other regardless of geographical constraints. There are a plethora of

online social networks to communicate with friends and family members such as Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, and so on. You can text or make video calls and it costs basically

nothing as long as you have an internet connection. So, I think it ultimately leads to people

staying in touch with people living far away more often.

• Which one is better, being a communicator or a listener?

I would say it’s kinda tricky to decide which one is “quote unquote” better as it really

depends on the circumstances and desired outcome. One example of a situation that may
require a good communicator more than a good listener is when giving a presentation or

public speaking. In such situations, the primary goal is to convey information, engage the

audience, and effectively deliver a message. You can’t just stand up there with your hands

on your hips and listen. Meanwhile, a context where being a good listener is more important

than being a good communicator is during a counseling or therapy session. Here, the

objective is to give support and guidance to an individual in need. But there will be times

when you have to communicate well then too.


• Will Vietnamese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?

I’d say yes but not all of them. When it comes to presenting in front of crowds, those who

possess a knack for public speaking, have confidence, and can convey their experiences

are likely to feel at ease. Whereas those who are inexperienced and lack confidence and

presentation skills are more likely to suffer from anxiety when giving speeches. To mitigate

this situation, I suggest that a presenter keep calm by making thorough preparations

regarding their body language and the content of their talk - there are tons of tips they can

learn online like how to do breathing exercises and make consistent eye contact.

• What qualities does a good communicator need to have?

In my opinion, a good communicator should possess 3 crucial characteristics: clarity,

empathy and adaptability. For the first one, speakers should use language that is easily

understood and avoid jargon or complex terminology. The second quality requires means

to listen actively, show genuine interest, and respond with sensitivity. And last but not

least, one should be able to convey information effectively in various formats - writing,

speaking, using visuals.

• How can people improve their public speaking skills?

I’d recommend 3 main ways for people who want to enhance their public speaking. One of
the most effective ways to improve public speaking skills is through consistent practice.

This can involve rehearsing speeches or presentations, participating in public speaking

workshops, or joining clubs with people interested in getting better at public speaking.

Moreover, actively seeking feedback from others can also provide valuable insights for

improvement. Finally, individuals can observe and learn from successful speakers’

techniques to excel at public speaking. For instance, a budding motivational speaker may

study renowned speakers like Tony Robbins to understand the essence of their captivating

delivery and use of storytelling devices.

• Do you think face-to-face communication will be replaced by online

communication in the future?


Absolutely not, I feel really strongly about this, in fact. This is because despite the

convenience and ease of accessibility, screens will never fully replace the depth of

connection, emotional engagement, and trust-building opportunities that face-to-face

communication offers. For instance, team-building exercises, networking events, and client

meetings often rely on face-to-face communication to establish rapport and foster

meaningful connections. Both forms of communication have their strengths and will likely

continue to coexist in the future, serving different purposes depending on the nature of the

interaction and the desired outcomes but to my mind, in-person communication is king.

4. Describe a sport you enjoyed watching

You should say:

• What sports programs do you like to watch

• When you watch it

• Who do you watch with

And explain why you like watching it.


I'm going to talk about surfing, a sport that I’m really into watching.

More often than not, I particularly enjoy watching surfing on television or highlight reels

on online platforms of professional surfers.

While I sometimes watch surfing programs alone, I also enjoy sharing the experience with

friends or family who appreciate the sport. Watching surfing with like-minded individuals

allows for engaging discussions and the opportunity to appreciate the technical aspects of

the sport together.

There are several reasons why I enjoyed watching surfing. For one, it provides an

incredible connection with nature - I can immerse myself in the waves, feel their force and

take in the sights around me - I imagine it to be a rejuvenating and exhilarating experience.

For another, surfing offers many mental and physical health benefits. It forces me to use

different muscles - rarely used ones - so in a sense, it's a total body workout. On top of that,


it's also a great way to put my feet up and relieve stress as I can enjoy being out in the

sunshine and having fun in the waves.

Hopefully one day I can paddle out, catch my first wave, and embark on the thrilling

journey of becoming a surfer. Just the thought of it already fills me with excitement and


Part 3:

• What kind of sports do you think most people like? Why?

The normal ones - football, basketball, tennis and so on. For those ones, people like to play

them but also watch them and support their favorite teams and players. Football is probably

king just because it is watched all around the world, there are tons of clubs to follow, and

it’s easy enough to find a 5-a-side pitch and play with friends in Vietnam.
• What’s the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in a


Well, the first and most noticeable part that differentiates individual sports from the team

ones is that for the former you just need one player while the latter often requires more than

one. Other than that, when playing sports individually, players don’t need to collaborate so

there’s less reliance on teamwork and communication skills, whereas these skills are

obligatory in team sports. That’s what makes team sports better to my mind.

• How to encourage children to play sports?

From my point of view, this needs to be a joint effort from both schools and parents.

Regarding schools, teachers as well as the academic boards of schools should organize

outdoor activities including sports competitions for students to take part in. In terms of

parents, they can incentivize their children to play sports by restricting them from spending

too much time on screens and by offering rewards for playing sports. Leading by example

is crucial - if your kids see you playing sports, they will naturally want to join in - sports

are intrinsically fun.

• Do people in Vietnam prefer watching sports or playing sports?


I can’t speak for everyone but probably watching. Some are just too drained after work or

school so they may not be up to play sports - more popular hobbies in Vietnam include

napping and messing around on your phone. But watching is easy and doesn’t take any

energy so I’d guess there are more people on any given night watching a game rather than

playing in one.

• Is watching sports on TV the same as watching sports live?

Of course not - especially in terms of the atmosphere and viewing experiences. Regarding

the former, watching sports in person will always be more gripping - the electricity in the
stands, the energy from other fans all rooting for or against your team, seeing the players

up close. However, when it comes to the latter, I guess watching sports on TV is a more

comfortable experience - no driving to games and sitting on hard benches, you can laze

around on your bed or a coach and munch on whatever snacks you like and doze off to the


• What are the advantages and disadvantages of hosting international sports events?

Organizing international sports events brings various merits to the host country since they

provide global exposure and economic benefits through increased tourism and revenue

generation. For example, Vietnamese tourism revenue has accelerated since the country

hosted SEA GAMES 32, the largest sport competition in Southeast Asia. However,

hosting international sports events also involves high costs and potential strains on

infrastructure. Therefore, careful evaluation, planning, and management are necessary to

maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides. Most countries that host the Olympics

and The World Cup end up losing tons of money in the end and that’s why lots of countries

are hesitant to apply for those “privileges.”

5. Describe a movie you watched that disappointed about

You should say:

What it was

• When you watched it

• Who you watched it with


• Why you didn’t like it

And explain why you felt disappointed


A movie that I watched that I was disappointed by was Jurassic World. I’m a massive
Jurassic Park fan but the two movies prior to Jurassic World - The Lost World and Jurassic

Park 3 - were pretty mediocre so when I heard that a new Jurassic Park movie was being

made with a new cast and a new setting, I was excited since I believed at the time that the

franchise was heading in the right direction. I was truly looking forward to a reimagining

and updating of a classic.

When it finally came out, I bought my tickets beforehand and went to the theatre with my

friends who were also excited for a new Jurassic Park movie. However, as the film dragged

on, I was more and more disappointed with every passing minute. It became so boring by

the halfway mark that I desperately wanted the movie to end so that I could go home and

watch an actual good movie instead. I thought about walking out but opted not to. Some of

my friends felt the same way but others enjoyed it purely because of the dinosaur special


I was disappointed in Jurassic World because the characters were poorly developed and

inconsistent. They were basically two-dimensional cliches without any believable

backstory to set them apart from any other typical action movie. The romantic plotline was

forced and the main stars lacked any real chemistry - I could have done without that part.

I also wasn’t blown away by the visual effects in the movie though they weren’t awful or

anything. All of the dinosaurs were computer generated and none of them were made with

models or robots - they seemed lifeless and weightless when projected on the big screen. I

think the franchise has lost its charm and they should pack it in at this point.

Part 3:

• Do you believe movie reviews?


Not entirely and less and less these days. I mostly read or watch movie reviews just to get

a general idea of what to expect plot-wise. Other than that, I set my own expectations for a
movie and judge it based on whether or not it has met them. After all, a review for a movie

is based on the personal opinion of the viewer so I can’t expect it to be fully objective.

People should make up their own mind when watching a movie and determine for

themselves whether it’s good or not. If I do look at reviews, the audience ones tend to be

much more accurate than the critics.

• What movies do people like to watch in your country?

We like to watch a variety of genres. Dramas, comedies, horror, action and science fiction

- so there’s no limit to what stories people gravitate towards. The movies we enjoy the most

however are dramas that focus on relationships between characters since they are more

likely to have strong performances and layered dialogue. Comedies are popular too and of

course international films - whatever is new on Netflix or the big franchises like The Fast

and the Furious and The Avengers.

• Are historical films popular in your country? Why?

I’d say not especially since Vietnamese audiences tend to be more interested in stories that

take place in the present day and address current topical issues that they face. For example,

the movie Napoleon, about the life of Napoleon, despite having a good cast and excellent

production values failed to perform well at the Vietnamese box office since audiences

weren’t that interested in some French guy that died hundreds of years ago. Instead, the

movie Living, which was about a contemporary elderly man coming to grips with his

cancer diagnosis, was much more successful.

• Do you think films with famous actors or actresses be more popular?

This used to be the case in the past but it’s less and less true all the time. For example,

movies in the ‘80s and ‘90s that starred the likes of Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks and Tom

Cruise were just about guaranteed to be popular because these actors had huge fan bases

that were willing to check them out in every one of their movies. These days however,

popularity at the box office is largely driven by franchises based on familiar characters. For

example, Star Wars, Marvel and DCmake money since the characters in these movies are

well-known and people love that kind of simple escapist fare.

• What are the factors that affect how people choose a film to watch?

One factor would be the word of mouth surrounding it. If the majority of people say that a

film is good then audiences are more inclined to check it out - that’s self-explanatory.

Another factor would be the cast and director involved. For example, if a new movie comes

out that stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt and it is directed by Quentin Tarantino, I’m

thinking of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood from a couple years back, then audiences will

naturally at least do a little more research on it.

• Is music an essential part in successful films?

Of course, it’s a huge part of the feel of any given movie. For example, the Star Wars

franchise wouldn’t be the massive cultural touchstone that it is today had it not been for

the iconic theme by John Williams. Once you hear it, you immediately think of Star Wars.

Similarly, the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly wouldn’t be as memorable without

the seminal theme by Ennio Morricone. So yes, music is an integral part of a film’s identity

and can help it have a lasting impact. There might be some exceptions of course.


6. Describe an exciting adventure you would like to go on

You should say:

• Where you would like to go to

• Who you would like to go with

• How the adventure is

And explain why it is a great adventure


I’ve always been the type of person who has itchy feet so I think that someday I’ll venture

out into the Amazon rainforest. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it so I would

like to see it for myself. The rainforest itself encompasses almost all of Brazil as well as

some parts of neighboring countries - Venezuela, Colombia and Bolivia. I know from all

those BBC nature documentaries that it's home to a variety of species ranging from rare

birds to plants used for medicinal purposes. The Amazon is also the home of numerous

indigenous tribes who still do their best to retain their traditional way of life and not

succumb to modernization.

I’d really love to travel to the Amazon with some of my like-minded friends who share the

same sense of adventure. I guess they’d be keen to come along because they’re just as into

nature as I am. There’s a risk that the Amazon rainforest will be very different in the future

- it’s being cut down at an alarming rate so best to see it while it’s totally intact. I think

we’ll have to book a ticket to fly to Brazil first and then find a travel company that organizes

tours to the Amazon at a reasonable rate and then we’ll be able to head out there.

I think it’ll be quite the adventure to go to the Amazon as it's so vast that you can explore

for an entire lifetime and there’ll still be places and things that are uncovered. Also, it’ll be

gripping to learn what kinds of animals and plants live there and how important it is to

preserve the rainforest since it exerts a huge influence on the global environment.

Part 3:


• What kind of personality should a person have to be able to take risks?

I think a person who wants to take risks has to be brave and even fearless to an extent.

Taking risks requires great bravery because the outcome isn’t known and people have to

trust that things won’t turn out bad in the end. For example, if a person wants to climb a
particularly tall mountain, they have to be bold enough to make that choice since it’s no

small feat to scale a mountain like Mt. Everest. That’s why they have to take a leap of faith

to actually do it.

• Will a lot of adventures expand your horizons?

I think going on any adventure period will expand a person’s horizons. Going on an

adventure entails traveling to a new place and when you get there, you can learn more about

the local people, culture, traditions and customs, which will inevitably expand your

understanding of the world outside your limited horizons. For example, a person could go

on an adventure by traveling to Tanzania and from there they can learn all about the

language, the people, the environment and the history.

• Why do they like to read adventure stories instead of experiencing them?

Well, it’s not really an available option. Most people can’t afford to go on some big lavish

trip and you don’t get a guaranteed adventure like in a book. The people in those stories

go on fantastical adventures to far-flung corners of the globe without a concern for how

expensive these adventures can be. In the real world however, these adventures are

extremely prohibitive money-wise so it’s easier to buy a book and read about them. People

have to spend their money on more important things like utilities, education and healthcare

in order to survive.

• Who often likes to read adventure books?

From what I’ve seen, men and especially, older men like to read adventure books because

they like to imagine themselves as the heroes in these stories traveling to faraway places

that they might never go to in real life. These kinds of books serve as a form of escapism


from the drudgery of daily life - doing taxes, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house.

Therefore, these older men can live vicariously through the protagonists and momentarily
forget their troubles.

7. Describe an important decision

You should say:

• What the decision was

• When you took the decision

• What the results of the decision was

And explain why you made that decision


Today I want to share with you one of the most significant decisions in my life, which

related to my results in the National Entrance Exam in 2015.

At that time, I was a fresh high-school graduate without any life experience and interest in

any specific subject. I got quite a high mark in the exam; therefore, many opportunities

were opened up for me. My family advised me to take a course in Economics at Foreign

Trade University, which is one of the leading institutions in Vietnam. But figures and

formulas were not my forte back then, so I was reluctant to follow their advice. My parents

and sister said that I could get a job with a lucrative income after university, but I decided

to attend Hanoi University to study English instead. I was of two minds at that time, being

afraid of making a wrong decision and my whole life could be turned upside down. I even

imagined myself not being able to find a job and being unemployed someday without any

specific set of skills. My family tried to convince me to follow their advice, but I was

determined and said I would be responsible for my life decisions. I was wondering about

it for the first two years of university, but the results turned out to be good.


Thanks to enthusiastic lecturers, my interest for research and pedagogy were stimulated

and I have honed my skills to become a capable teacher of English. I now have a good
income and a high level of job satisfaction. I am thankful that my family always supports

me, and I am also elated at my current job status and living standards.

Part 3:

• Why is it difficult for young men to make an important decision?

I don’t really know if this has a gender component to it at all but I think it may be because

they need to weigh all the options that are available to them and they might believe that if

they make a decision, it’s final and it can’t be reversed. Therefore, they need to take their

time to make a decision which can take a long time. For example, high school graduates

can find it tough to choose which college to go to because they may find all of them equally

appealing in their own ways. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for young men - or women -

to be indecisive.

• How can we know we make a good decision?

We can tell that we’ve made a good decision if it produces a positive outcome. If it doesn’t

then simply put, we know we’ve made a bad decision. For example, if one decides not to

eat any more junk food and they become all the healthier for it, then they’ll know their

decision has been a good one. Similarly, if one decides to give up alcohol for the rest of

their life and they feel much better physically and mentally as a result, then their decision

has been fruitful. This is called results-based thinking and it will get you very far in life.


• Should parents let their children make a decision?

Well, of course, at times, there’s no way to stop them from doing that anyway. Children

need to grow into independent adults and the best way to encourage this is if parents let

them make their own decisions on certain matters. If parents don’t let their children decide

on their own then their intellectual and emotional growth will be massively stunted and

they will end up struggling later in life. Maybe.

• What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?

One major decision is where to go for tertiary education. They need to find a college or

university that offers their desired courses and major and fits their needs in terms of tuition

fees and accommodation. Hence, they need to do exhaustive research before making a

choice on where they want to go. Another key decision is what they want to study in

university. They need to figure out what they enjoy doing as a career and thus find the

major that can facilitate a career path that allows for good work/life balance.

• Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?

Their parents, naturally. Since they have more life experience under their belt, they can

advise their children on what is the best course of action for their decisions. Children can

also turn to their friends for help in making a decision. They can offer advice since they

may have experienced similar situations. The choices that kids make aren’t all that complex

though - usually it’s about what clothes to wear or which toy to buy or what to order at a


• Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?

I’d say to an extent, for sure. If the advertising is convincing enough, then it can encourage

a purchase, even an impulsive one. However, there are other factors that influence

consumer behavior. One of them is the price. If something is very expensive, then people


may be less inclined to buy that product. Another factor is the quality of the product. If it’s

good, then people can feel they’ve made a good decision in buying it. Those are also factors

that may or may not be advertised.


8. Describe a job you think is interesting

You should say:

• What it is

• When you started concerning about this job

• Why you think it is interesting

And explain how you like it


A job that I find interesting is that of a pilot for a commercial airline. Basically - as you

don’t need me to tell you, I hope - a pilot is tasked with flying a plane to a certain destination

with its passengers and cargo on board. I first became interested in this job when I heard

from some of my friends who were also pilots how cool it is. They told me about how you

get to fly to amazing destinations and see the clouds and mountains and ocean pass by you

while also being served mediocre food by the attendants. I thought to myself that sounds

like an interesting job and I would like to apply for it.

However, I was also told that there’s a high barrier of entry to being a pilot which includes

being in tip-top shape and having extensive knowledge of mathematics since it is useful in

navigating the skies. I’m not sure that I’ll ever get a chance to really commit to that course

of action in the future, but maybe.

I find the job of a pilot to be interesting for a few reasons. You get to fly to beautiful

destinations for one and you get paid to do it, which is the cherry on top of the whole thing.

Essentially you get paid to travel to places that you like which is just the life for a person

who loves traveling like myself. There are drawbacks naturally - I’d hate for the plane to

crash into a mountain and we’d all have to do whatever it takes to survive in the wild for

months or even years. From the movies and shows I’ve seen, that kind of thing is pretty



Part 3:
• What jobs are popular among younger people in VietNam?

Teaching jobs are synonymous with younger people in Vietnam. There are so many of

them up for grabs these days and the barrier for entry is rather low, meaning that anyone

regardless of expertise can get a job in the classroom. Coffee shops are also popular. It’s

easy-going work, providing them practical experience that can later be applied to other

parts of the service industry like working in hotels or restaurants.

• What are the differences when people choose jobs between now and in the past?

In the past, people chose their jobs depending on how much money they could earn - well

that’s not so different from today actually. But at that time, they were really preoccupied

with earning enough money to support themselves and their family and didn’t care much

about other aspects of their job. Nowadays, people choose their jobs not just based on their

income but also enjoyment and passion. If people enjoy the work they do, then they will

be more motivated to do their best and become more productive as a result.

• Which is more important, the people you work with or the job you do?

I think both are equally important but actually I’d give the edge to the people probably.

The job is important - if it’s something fun or that benefits society as a whole, that’s great.

You don’t want to be working for some anonymous business that is just concerned with

making money. However, the people you work with are more important because if they’re

good at what they do and are easy to get along with, they can help you get your work done

faster and more efficiently, and most importantly, making sure you have a good day.

• What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?

I think this mostly boils down to the sectors these jobs are in. Most low-income jobs are in

sectors which require extensive manual labor such as manufacturing and they are poorly

paid since society seems to value intellect more than physical ability. That reasoning is

evidenced in how most high-income jobs are in sectors that are more white-collar such as

education, healthcare and science. I believe there should be more income parity across all


• When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future


I think that by the time young people are in their mid-20s, they should start focusing on

what they’re going to do in lifes. The reason is that from the time they graduate high school

up to that point, they will have had enough time to accumulate practical skills and

experience working in various sectors. By then, they’ll have figured out what they enjoy

doing the most as a job and from there young people can decide to pursue that job as a

long-term career.

• What are the factors that affect how young people choose a job?

One factor would be the income. The higher it is, the more attractive the job is to young

people, all people actually. They want to feel like they are earning enough to support

themselves and maintain their independence as working adults. Another factor would be

the level of satisfaction the job can bring. If people like the work they do, they will be more

motivated to do it to the best of their ability and therefore become more productive and

valued within the company. Hard to get both though.

9. Describe something you would like to learn in the future

You should say:

• What it is

• How you would like to learn it

• Where you would like to learn it

• Why you would like to learn it

And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

Someday, I would like to learn how to fix a TV. I watch TV a lot, a lot a lot, but the one I

have keeps breaking down and so I end up having to call the repairman and pay for the

repairs month after month so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands and have

vowed to learn how to do basic repairs on a TV. I would like to learn this skill from a

professional repairman because he or she will have the specialized knowledge that will

keep me from making a mess of things. Luckily, I know a few friends who are repairmen

who can help me out with this endeavour. I’d also like to learn to repair TVs at home since

it’ll be something I can do by myself and for myself and I won’t have to rely on a repairman

for every simple little problem. I don’t intend to learn in a school setting - no need in my


I’m so interested in learning this because I think it's crucial for everyone to be able to get

basic repairs done on their own to promote self-reliance and also save a lot of time and

effort. More than that, I’ll be able to save by not having to pay the repairman to fix my TV

every time it breaks down - so there’s a two-fold benefit there.

However, I acknowledge that it will be a challenging skill to pick up since it's very technical

and there are many parts of a TV to pay attention to that could be potentially dangerous.

Part 3:

• What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

I’d say that people these days are most into learning a new language. Some do it as a hobby

while others do it out of necessity for education or work. Learning a new language has

become a popular trend these days because, for one, a language is a window into another

country’s culture and people are curious about foreign cultures. For another, it’s a cognitive

challenge that lots of people relish. Something to invest time in and then later on a good

party trick.

• At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?

I think that children should start deciding things for themselves around the age of 7. I say

that because at that point, they are more or less aware of the world around them and they

have learned the basics from their parents as to what is right and wrong as well as what are

life’s great priorities, which include finding a job, marriage and raising a family. Though

they won’t be making decisions about that when they’re 7… If children start too late, then

their development into mature, independent adults might be stunted and they might remain

heavily dependent on their parents even later in life.

• Which makes young people choose a major, income or interest?

I think people choose a major based more on their interest in it rather than how much they

can earn from it, these days. If people find a subject that interests them, then they will be

stimulated to do their best in it and they can get more pleasure out of working on it. If

people chose a major based on how much money they can earn from it, then there’s a very

real chance that they won’t enjoy it and thus want to give it up and do something else,

which will end up being a waste of time for everyone involved.

• Do young people take their parents’ advice on choosing a major?

In Vietnam, I would say that most of the time, young people like to forge their own path in

life and thus are less inclined to heed their parents’ advice on what major to choose, these

days at least. parents will likely recommend the same major that they studied or one that is

related to finance or business but young people are more individualistic in their career

aspirations nowadays and thus they want to follow their dreams and not conform to what

their family expects of them. So yes, young people don’t really take their parents’ counsel

when it comes to choosing a major any more.

• Besides parents, who else would people take advice from?


People would take advice from their friends. They would do so since they may have

undergone the same situations as them and are thus qualified to give sage advice on what

to do under the circumstances. For example, if someone is having problems with their

relationship, they can consult their friends since they have experienced the same problems

as well and thus, they know what to do to solve these problems. Hence, people don’t always

rely on their parents for advice.

• Why do some people prefer to study alone?

Some like to study alone to be free from external distractions. When studying in a group,

people can strike up conversations with each other or get noisy and thus get sidetracked

from doing any actual work. By studying alone, people are more likely to be focused on

their work and get it done faster. However, that’s not to say that there’s anything wrong

with studying in a group, as people can exchange ideas and help each other with their


10. Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you remember well

You should say:

• When and where it happened

• Who you were with

• What you saw or did

And explain why you remember it so well.


I fondly remember the time I went to Disneyland for the first time. It was the one in Paris

and the memory of it is seared into my brain - in a good way, haha. When I was six years

old, I was in France visiting my grandfather who was working there at the time - he lived

in Paris for some years and my family and I stayed with him for a couple of weeks. One

day, my grandfather along with my parents decided to take me and my little sister along to

Disneyland for a fun day out with the whole family. When we finally got there, to my

younger self it looked as magical as the Disney movies themselves. It was so vast and all

the sections had a theme attached to them that was relevant to a famous Disney movie - the

castle from Beauty and the Beast, an underwater Little Mermaid ride and so on.

What we did first was go on a roller coaster. I remember it being so fast and there were

plenty of twists and turns - it was scary. Afterwards, we went on a merry-go-round where

the seats were modeled after the teacups from Beauty and the Beast. That was a fun ride as

well. We also got to see full-sized mascots of famous Disney characters like Mickey

Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck. I grew up watching their cartoons so seeing them in

person was a joy to behold and definitely a major highlight for me as a kid. Finally, we got

to have lunch with food based on the dishes seen in the movie Ratatouille. They tasted as

good as they looked in the movie - though I didn’t actually order any ratatouille.

I recall this trip to Disneyland so well because it was such a thrill to go there for the first

time. It was such an overwhelming experience to see the characters and movies me and my

sister loved watching as kids come to life in the form of an amusement park.

Part 3:

• What do you think is the most important memory for children?

I think the most significant memory for lots of children is when they start school. I say

that because it’s the start of their long-gestating development into mature adults. It’s also

the start of them entering the real world away from the comfort of their home, where they

will have to face key challenges and overcoming them will promote their growth into well-

adjusted individuals. That’s why parents make such a big deal out of their kids going to

school for the first time.

• How can we improve our memories?


I think the best way to improve your memory is to play memory-based games - puzzles or

board games. These games challenge us to remember what goes with what and where the

pieces should go and by playing them frequently throughout the week, we can better

remember things. For example, people can play games on their phones where they have to

memorize a certain pattern and by copying that pattern to a T, their mental capacity to

remember will improve.

• Why do you think some people have better memory than others?

I think one reason may be that they are born with a better memory. It’s genetic

predisposition - inherited from your parents and passed down by distant ancestors who also

had really good memories. Or it could be a sudden mutation too. Another reason may be

because they might have trained their memory skills extensively. Some people have trained

themselves to remember things better by doing exercises or playing games which challenge

their memory.


• What are the things people should not forget?

One thing people shouldn’t forget is their appointments, I’m speaking from personal

experience here. It’s important to remember what appointments you have and what time

they start so that you can get important things done on time and not annoy they people you

work with. For example, one shouldn’t forget a dentist appointment so that your teeth stay

healthy and you don’t mess up the dentist’s schedule for that day. Another thing people

shouldn’t forget is their wallet, especially when going out in case they need to buy

something on the fly, it helps to have your wallet with you and it is obvious what happens

if you don’t - you have to steal, of course.

• What kinds of things do people often remember nowadays?

I think most people have some childhood memories that stand out to them. They are

reminders of a simpler time when they weren’t burdened with adult responsibilities like

paying their taxes, doing their job or raising kids of their own. Or it could be a big family

holiday when you were a kid. The first time you fly is memorable - the first time you go

abroad. The things that people remember nowadays are no different from what people

remembered in the past.


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