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1. What was the problem or decision to be made?

2. What were all the options and alternatives?

3. How did you assess all the options and alternatives?

4. What was your final decision?

5. What methods did you employ to make this decision (critical thinking, representative
heuristic, emotional intelligence, etc.)?

6. How did you put your final decision into action?

7. What were the consequences/outcomes of employing your final decision?

1. Problem or decision: Choosing between two job offers in different cities.

2. Options and alternatives: Option 1 is a higher-paying job in a city far from family and
friends. Option 2 is a lower-paying job in a city closer to loved ones.

3. Assessment: I considered factors such as salary, proximity to loved ones, career

growth opportunities, cost of living, and personal happiness in each city.

4. Final decision: After careful consideration, I chose Option 2 because being closer to
family and friends was a priority for me, even though it meant sacrificing some
financial gain.

5. Decision-making methods: I utilized a mix of critical thinking and emotional

intelligence, weighing the practical aspects of each option alongside the emotional
impact of being near loved ones.

6. Implementation: I formally accepted the job offer for Option 2 and began planning the
relocation process.

7. Consequences/outcomes: While the salary was lower than Option 1, I found

fulfillment in being closer to my support network. Over time, the decision led to
stronger personal connections and a better work-life balance, outweighing the initial
financial sacrifice.

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