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Holacaust Book

The Choice

This book has taught me to be grateful for what I have and what I havn’t went

through. This book was about Dr. Edith Eger survived the horrible time of World War

2 or as we know it the Holacaust. We read it as a class and Mr. Blair read it to us. It

showed what people went through during periods of segregation to another level.

This book showed me to be grateful and helpful for others struggling to

survive. It showed me how to be compassionate and to be very mindful of what I say.

It taught me to be nice to others and to share love with everyone even if they show

hate to me, during the book I was really paying attention to every word. The book

was very intresting to me since it taught me something new that I didn’t know before.

Mr. Blair during the book he was asking questions and explaining the book to

us and how it can affect us today and other people.

During this book I felt like I was really interested in the book. It talked about

how a person made it out of the holacaust alive and showed how if you put your

mind to something you can do it. It showed me that life back then is good to know

about at our moment in life to show that life wasn’t sunshine and rainbows.

I attached this book to the SLE of faith. It shows faith because it showed me to

help the weak and in need and to pray for the people struggling during hard times.

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