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Learning Summary

I’ve been at Saint Charles for 10 years including preschool. It's been a
long and bumpy road coming to the end of my middle school years. I’ve
learned so much from this school and had great experiences too. I’m here
to talk about many of my learning experiences over the years, but I will
focus on 4. The four I will be focusing on are hard work, will power,
privilege’s and compassion.

All the way from the beginning of 4th grade I was never really focused
on grades, doing well in school, or trying hard on assignments. Since 4th
grade I've grown massively, academically. This year in 8th grade I started in
5th grade for my reading and math star scores. It was so embarrassing
having a 5th grade level while other people in my class have a highschool
reading or math level. By the second or third quarter I really had to lock in
to get to Saint Agustine High School. That's when I decided to really try if I
wanted to get somewhere in life.

Hard work well has been hard for me. I’ve always looked back at how
lazy I was. And how good I could’ve been if I even just tried. My mom
always said to me “you're smart but lazy”. By the ending of the third quarter
I finally knew what it ment to “work hard. I’ve grown so much from my
earlier self. I finally felt like I was doing something right for once.

This year has been rough for me whether it's getting in trouble or
getting bad grades or just being lazy and not listening. This year I felt like I
focused on Growing in myself or growing in my emotions. After winter
break I felt like I had a diffrent mind set coming into school. I felt so
emotionally down that my teacher forgot I was there at school since I
wasn't talking, and I usually am.
I started focusing on myself more than I did usually. I didn’t let dumb
people ruin my day, and started living life with “no regret’s”. Once I
learned about this quote I started to be nicer, and think about stuff
more before I do it. I never was a person with strong will power. I was
always so moody or complained alot half the time. I was always
getting pushed around also for not sticking up for myself. So I really
was just an awkward person and probably still am, but not as much.

I always felt like I put other people's needs before mine. Yes it
did get me in trouble alot of the time, just for letting a person have or
laugh or talking to a classmate when I'm supposed to be studying but I
feel like I have a really caring heart. Even if it’s at my expense. I’ve
always cared for people with struggles, pain or just feeling
emotionally down. I show care by giving a laugh.

Since I was born I've always hated math. I’ve always told myself
that I would never be good at math. Looking at my math scores I think
I know why. I just never really tried. I always said “no, I'm too tired
today, maybe tomorrow”. Kinda precrasunating, it never really helped
having no faith in myself to try but it is better to try and fail then to not
do it entirely. I’m starting to take baby steps and to not be scared of a
problem and atleast trying.

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