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Tuesday April 9th, 2024, at 12h20

(Around 4-6 pages including tables and figures)

1. What are the key points that you have learned from the practice round? (6 points)
(Please note that in answering these questions, you need to refer to specific evidence
from the game. Screenshots, tables, and figures based on game data are expected).
a. What are the key points about the current state and context of the company that
you should take into consideration in your decision-making? (1 pt)
b. What useful information do you get from the market outlook? (1pt)
c. In the Decisions tab, what are the key business decisions that you need to make,
and which decisions are related to each other? (2 pts)
d. In the Results tab, what are the specific data and KPIs that are most important for
you to monitor, and how will you use these in the next round(s)? (2 pts)

2. Relying on Porter’s generic strategies, or on their extended version that

corresponds to Bowman’s strategy clock (see for instance or (4 points):
a. How would you qualify and describe your company’s business or competitive
level strategy? (2 pts)
b. Why did you choose this strategy? (1 pt)
c. What would be the source(s) of your company’s competitive advantage? (1pt)

3. Based on your learning points and intended competitive strategy, what key
operational (game) decisions will you make in order to successfully implement this
strategy? (8 points)
Please note that in answering these questions, you should apply specific concepts
that you learned from your MIB core courses (and electives, if applicable)
a. What is your strategy for forecasting the demand for your products? (1pt)
b. What is your production/manufacturing strategy? (1pt)
c. What is your HR and R&D strategy? (1pt)
d. What is your logistics and tax strategy? (1pt)
e. What is your Finance strategy? (1pt)
f. What is your Sustainability/CSR strategy? (2 pt)
g. What is your strategy for how you will work and/or divide tasks as a team? (1pt)

4. You want to spread the word about your Mission Statement. Since you have
decided to post it on the different social networks of your firm, including Twitter/X,
you are bounded by the 280-character limitation of the latter (provide the number
of characters, spaces included in these 280 characters) (2 pts)

Grading criteria:

1. Lessons learned (6pts max)

 The reflection points are clear, specific, and well-structured and are derived from
specific evidence from the game. The reflections show good command of the
game mechanics and strategic concepts;

2. Description and justification of competitive strategy (4 pts max)

 The competitive strategy is clearly presented and relies on Bowman’s generic
strategies, while connecting to the team’s reflections from the practice round.
The competitive advantage is well-presented and well-argued and is clearly based
on game data. The team shows the ability to bridge theory and practice;

3. Operational strategies (8 pts max)

 The team’s chosen operational strategies align well with the competitive strategy,
with clear geographical and functional adaptation (when applicable). The team
shows good command of their own internal strategy and operations as well as
that of their competitors, and draws from concepts from MIB courses;

4. Mission Statement (2 pts max)

 The team has presented a clear, polished and impactful mission statement that
shows a clear identity, links to the proposed competitive advantage and has
strictly followed the given guidelines;

5. Penalty will be applied if the report is inconsistent with the actual decisions made
during the game.

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