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MOCK TEST NO1 A. TRAC NGHIEM Phan 1. Céch phat 4m cia 4m vj trong tir Chon O1 trong 04 Ina chon cé phan gach chan cé cach phat dm khde véi nhimg tie con Iai. 1. A.confusedly —_B. wickedly C. allegedly D. supposedly 2. A. months B. mouths C. wreaths D. youths 3. A. forward B. steward C. coward, D. award 4. A. delicate B. concentrate C. private D. accurate 5. A. favour B, flavour C. savour D, devour Phin 2. Trong 4m Chon 01 trong 04 la chon cé céu tric trong dm khac voi nhimg tir con lai. 6.A. tournament —_B. continent C. physician D. heritage 7.A. philosophy _B. engineering C. adaptation _D. influential 8. A. economy B. political C. believable D. architecture 9. A. common B. begin C. require D. around 10. A. argumentative B. psychological C. hypersensitive _D. contributory Phan 3. Tir hodc cum tir dng nghia Chon 01 tid/cum tit trong 04 lua chon cé nghia gan nhat v6i tik/cum tie duge gach chan. 11. All the student of that’ faculty are disaffected with their professor’s inequitable behavior. A. discouraged _B. discontented C. disqualified D. disabused. 12. These shoes are made of imitation leather. ‘A. natural B, man-made C. valuable D. expensive 14 13, The naughty boy was told off yesterday for his indisciplinable behaviors in the family farewell party. A. scolded B. complimented —_C. punished D. beaten Phan 4. Tir hodc cum tir trai nghia Chon 01 tielcum tie trong 04 lea chon trai nghia véi te/cum tie dhege gach chén. 14, Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region. A. restrain B. stay unchanged CC. remain unstable _D. fluctuate 15. In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements. A. something to suffer B, something enjoyable C. something sad ~~ D. something to entertain 16. The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures. A, severe B. unforeseeable —_C. damaging D. beneficial Phan 5. Tim Idi sai Chon 01 trong 04 tit/cum tit dugc gach chan cé chita Iéi sai. 17. If there were no alternative (A), we will (B) try to get (C) enough people interested (D) to charter the bus. 18. Dew usually disappeared (A) by (B) seven o’clock in the (C) morning when (D) the sun comes up. 19. If one does not (A) have respect for himself, you (B) cannot expect others (C) to respect him (D). 20. The governor, with his (A) wife and children, are (B) at home watching (C) the election retums (D) on television. 21. We solved (A) the problem by using (B) a computer rather than to do (C) it all by hand (D). 22. To go ice skating (A) and to go skiing are (B) popular winter sports (C) in the (D) Northern United States. 15 Phin 6, Hoan thanh cau Chon 01 lea chon dting trong 04 la chon cho sén dé dién vo ché tréng trong mdi céu héi. 23. My mother is _in her use of gas when cooking. ‘A. economical B. economizing C. economized D. economic 24, The snobbish woman tumed up her at the food that was offered to her. A. nose B. mouth C. eye D. back 25. What he told me wasa___of lies. A. pack B. load C. mob D. flock 26. I’ve been meaning to _ repairing that fence for ages. A. get out of B. get round to C. get up to D. get on to 27. Of course I'll play the piano at the party but I'm a little A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of tune D. out of practice 28. Their washing machine was out of. so they couldn’t wash any clothes. A. practice B. work C. order D. place 29. Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, made up of electrically charged particles called plasma. A. one another . B. the other C. others. D. each other 30. By 1820, there were over sixty steamboats on the Missisissippi river, were quite luxurious. ‘A. many of them B. with many C. many of which D. many that 31. Tom won’t buy that old car because it has too much on it. ‘A. ups and downs B. odds and ends C. wear and tear D. on and off 16 32. When she looked in her purse she found she had been. A. broken B. thieved C. stolen D. robbed Phan 7. Dién tir Chon 01 la chon dting trong 04 la chon cho sén dé dién vao ché tréng trong doan van. When faced to some new and possible bewildering technological changes, most people react in one of two ways. They either recoil (33) anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too complicated or that it someway makes life less than human; or they leam to adapt to the new invention, and (34) wonder how they could possibly have existed without it. Take computers as example. For many of us, they still (35) __a threat to our freedom and give us a frightening (36) of a future in which all decisions will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem (37) , and difficult to understand. Ask most people what you can use a home computer for, and you usually get vague answers about how ‘they give you information’. In fact, even those of us who are (38) with computers and use them in our daily work, have very little idea of how they work. But it does not take long to learn how to operate a business programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparent reason. Presumably, much the same happened when telephone and television became widespread. What seems to alarm most people is the (39) of technological change, rather than change itself. And the objections that are made to new technology may (40) have a point to them, since change is not always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts, there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the coal fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board games, which don’t have to be plugged in to work, 33. A. of B. out of C. away from D. from 34. A.eventually _B. possibly C. initially D. naturally 35. A. show B. meet C. face D. represent 36. A. possibility _B. sense C. idea D. prospect 37.A.unsteady —_-B. unsure C. mysterious D. obvious 17 38. A. accustomed __B. familiar C.commonplace —_D. used 39. A. rate B. swiftness C. speed D. tempo 40. A. badly B. better C. worse D. well Phan 8. Bai dgc 1 Doc dogn van va tra Idi 08 cau hoi kém theo, By the mid-nineteenth century, the term. "icebox" had entered the American language, but ice was still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice trade grew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by some forward- looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861 - 1865), as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into houschold use. Even before 1880, half the ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston and Chicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new household convenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modem refrigerator, had been invented. Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenth century, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration, was undeveloped. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice from melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling. Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the ice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve the delicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox. But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the right track. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the village of Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport his butter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the rubs of his competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-pound bricks. One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have to travel to market at night in order to keep their Produce cool. 18 41. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The influence of ice on the diet B. The development of refrigeration C. The transportation of goods to market D. Sources of ice in the nineteenth century 42. According to the passage, when did the word "icebox" become part of the language of the United States? A. In 1803 B. Sometime before 1850 C. During the Civil War D. Near the end of the 191h century 43. The phrase "forward-looking" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to . ‘A. progressive B. popular C. thrifty _D. well-established 44. The author mentions "fish" in the first paragraph because ‘A. many fish dealers also sold ice B. fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars C. fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice D. fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the invention of the icebox 45. The word "it" in the first paragraph refers to A. fresh meat _B. the Civil War C. ice D. a refrigerator 46. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would A. completely prevent ice from melting B. stop air from circulating C. allow ice to melt slowly D. use blankets to conserve ice 47. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been “on the right track” (in the third paragraph) to indicate that A. the road to the market passed close to Moore’s farm B, Moore was an honest merchant C. Moore was a prosperous farmer D. Moore's design was fairly successful 48. The "produce" mentioned in the last sentence could include A. iceboxes B. butter C. ice D. markets Phan 9, Bai dgc 2 Doc doan van va tra Idi 08 cdu héi kem theo. The cause of tooth decay is acid, which is produced by bacteria in the mouth. The acid removes minerals from tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the saliva in your mouth encourages remineralization and neutralizes the acid. The rate at which bacteria in the mouth produce acid depends on the amount of plaque on the teeth, the composition of the microbial flora, and whether the bacteria of the plaque have been "primed" by frequent exposure to sugar. To keep your teeth healthy, a regular dental hygiene program should be followed, Removing plaque with a toothbrush and dental floss temporarily reduces the numbers of bacteria in the mouth and thus reduces tooth decay. It also makes the surfaces of the teeth more accessible, enabling saliva to neutralize acid and remineralize lesions. If fluoride is present in drinking water when ‘teeth are forming, some fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the teeth, making them more resistant to attack by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to act in another way, by promoting the remineralization of early carious lesions, In addition to a regular dental hygiene program, a good way to keep your teeth healthy is to reduce your intake of sweet food. The least cavity-causing way to eat sweets is to have them with meals and not between. The number of times you _eat_sweets rather than the total amount determines how much harmful acid the bacteria in your saliva produce. But the amount of sweets influences the quality of your saliva. Avoid, if you can, sticky sweets that stay 20 in your mouth a long time. Also try to brush and floss your teeth after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your mouth with water is effective. Whenever possible, eat foods with fiber, such as raw carrot sticks, apples, celery sticks, etc., that scrape off plaque, acting as a toothbrush. Cavities can be greatly reduced if these rules are followed when eating sweets. wae does this passage mainly discuss? A. Good nutrition B. Food with fiber, J C. Ways to keep your teeth healthy. Fluoridization and cavities 50. All of the following statements about plaque are tue EXCEPT A. it consists of acid producing bacteria B. it is not affected by eating sweets C. it can be removed from teeth by brushing D. it reduces the positive effect of saliva 51. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ‘A. dental floss _B. bacteria C. removal of plaque D. plaque 52. What can be concluded from the passage about sweets? A. All sweets should be avoided. Sweets should be eaten with care. V// C. It is better to eat sweets a little at a time throughout the day. D. Sticky sweets are less harmful than other sweets. 53. The word "influences" in paragraph 3 mostly means A. destroys B. affects C. consists of D. makes up 54. The word "scrape off” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. keep away _B. rub together with_C. remove D. dissolve 55. It can be inferred from the passage that foods with fiber are A. sugary B. expensive C. sticky D. rough 21 56. The author of the passage states that the amount of acid produced by the bacteria in your saliva increases A.with the number of times vou eat sweets B. with the amount of sweets you eat C. if you eat sweets with your meals D. if you eat sticky sweets Phan 10, Hoan thanh h@i thoai Chon 01 lea chon ding & méi cau héi dé dién vao ché tréng. 57. - “Would you like something to eat?” - “ ‘A. A cup of coffee, please B.I'mso glad C.No, I’m full D. Yes, [do 58. - Tom: "Thank you very much for your lovely gift! I really like it." - Maria: " o A. You're welcome C. I'm pleased B. Oh, it’s OK D. It’s not good 59. - Foreigner: "Can you show me the way to the nearest Internet cafe?” - Nga: . A. Yes, it’s quite near here B. Tur left and then tum right C. Three kilometers from here D. It’s very far 60, Robert: " Mary: "I'd love to, but I have an extra class tonight." ‘A. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? B. Should you go for dinner with me tonight? C. Do you want to go out tonight and have dinner with me? D. Do you think we must go for dinner together tonight? 61. - "Could you lend me your pencil?" — “ “ A. Yes, Ihave just got one. B. Sorry, I haven’t got one. C. And could you take care of it? D. No, I couldn’t. Excuse me. 22 Phan 11. Sip xép hdi thoai Chon 01 tea chon Ia trét te ding ciia cée heot 10% trong héi thoai da cho. 62. a. I going to see you at the party? b. Yeah, I will be there. c. Wow. It sounds like it’s going to be fun. d. The party this Saturday is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks. A.cbhita Cd. D. d-c-a-b 63. a. I went away for a few days. ‘b. What was wrong with her? c. She felt tired and hot, so she stayed in bed. What did you do? d. Jane wasn't feeling very well. A. b-a-c-d. B. c-d-b-a C. c-b-d-a D. d-b-c-a 64. a. They always want to keep the cost down. b. Lam really overloaded with work. c. They won't hire more people? d. You look so exhausted. e. You should talk to the manager. £. I'm going to bring this up in tomorrow's meeting. A.a-b-c-d-e-f — B. b-d-a-c-fe C. a-c-b-d-fe D. d-b-c-a-e-f 65. a. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. b. You know, I've been looking for a job for three months, and this is my first interview. c. You are my best friend, you know. d. [hope so. e. Everything will work out just fine. f. You're so kind to me. 23 A. e-a-b-d-f-c B. a-e-b-d-c-f C. fe-b-a-de D. b-e-d-a-fe 66. a. Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn't eat chicken? b. Linda? Oh, my God! It just slipped my mind. c. We've got to plan the menu. d. Ob, that's right. Do you have anything in mind? e. Remember I asked the chef for the recipe? f. Oh, you forgot to invite her ? A. e-c-d-f-b-a B. f-b-a-c-d-e C. c-e-d-b-f-a D. c-d-e-a-b-f Phan 12. Viét lai cau Chon cau khong can nghia v6i cdu da cho. 67. It isn’t necessary for you to finish the work by Saturday. ‘A. You don’t have to finish the work by Saturday. B. You needn’t finish the work by Saturday. C. It is important for you to finish the work by Saturday. D, It is not essential that you finish the work by Saturday. 68. My brother finds driving on the left difficult. A. My brother hardly has any difficulty driving on the left. B. My brother doesn’t find it easy to drive on the left. C. My brother isn’t used to driving on the left. D. My brother isn’t accustomed to driving on the left. 69. What a pity you failed your driving test! A. I wish you had passed your driving test. B. I wish you hadn’t failed your driving test C. If only you had managed to pass your driving test. D. If only you had attempted to pass your driving test. 24, 70. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job. A. In spite of his good salary, he was unhappy in his job. B. He was not happy in his job because of getting a poor salary. C. Despite the fact that he got much money, he was not happy in his job. D. He was discontented with his job in spite of getting much money. 71. 1 advise you to put your money in the bank. A. You'd better put your money in the bank. B. If I were you, I’d put money in the bank. C. You should put your money in the bank. D, It’s not much good putting your money in the bank. Phin 13. Két hop cau Chon cau ding nghia hodc can nghia nhdt voi cdp céu da cho trong céu héi. 72. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. We know relatively little about sleep. A. We know relatively little about sleep; as a result, we spend about one- third of our lives sleeping. B. We shall know more about sleep if we spend more than one-third of our lives sleeping. C. Despite spending about one-third of our lives sleeping, we know relatively little about sleep. D. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping so that we know relatively little about sleep. 73. Overeating is a cause of several deadly diseases. Physical inactivity is another cause of several deadly diseases. A. Not only overeating but also physical inactivity may lead to several deadly diseases. B, Apart from physical activities, eating too much also contributes to several deadly diseases. 25 C. Both overeating and physical inactivity result from several deadly diseases. D. Overeating and physical inactivity are caused by several deadly diseases. 74. He was successfull because he was determined to pursue personal goals. He was not talented. A. His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to pursue personal goals. B. In addition to his determination, his talent ensured his success in pursuing his goals. C. His determination to pursue personal goals made him successful and talented. D. It was his determination to pursue personal goals, not talent, that contributed to his success. 75. I did not arrive in time. I was not able to see her off. “A. She had left because I was not on time. B. I did not go there, so I could not see her off. C. Iwas not early enough to see her off. D. Larrived very late to say goodbye to her. 76. He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lot. A. He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much. B. I was almost not surprised by his strange behaviour. C. What almost surprised me was the strange way he behaved. D. His behaviour was a very strange thing, that surprised me most. Phan 14. Hoan thanh vin ban Chon 01 cum tir hode céu trong 04 Iva chon cho sén trong méi céu hoi dé dién vao ché tréng tuong wimg trong bai ludn da cho. Some people assert that playing games is important for adults. In my opinion, the importance of pleying games depends on the types of games considered. (77) The games that are important for adults to play include those requiring action, intensive thinking and team work. It has been medically proven that 26 physical training is extremely important for adults. It helps not only to maintain fitness, but also enhances the capacity of thinking and working. Therefore, participating in sports games, such as basketball, football, tennis and other action games is essential. Games that require intensive thinking develop logic, attention and unconventional approach. (78) __ . And last, but not least, games that involve team work are important to develop further communicability, ability to make correct decisions with consideration of opinions of different people and other skills, because these skills are often used in everyday situations. Still there are other types of games that may be harmful. These are majorly computer games, which cause severe eye pain and exposure to radiation. (79) , computer games not only harm health, but also have a negative impact on the working capacity. Many companies have stringent rules against their employees playing games during work-hours. (80) . These are games played for money. On one hand, winning such a game the player feels positive emotions, which have an overall positive influence on the player’s health and financial situation. On the other hand, loosing the game can drive the person playing into disappointment and even into depression, thus harming his health, not to mention the loss of money. Thus, in my opinion, the importance of adults playing games can be evaluated depending on the level of positive or negative influences that those games may have on the person involved. 77. A. While some games may benefit to health, mental abilities, others may harm the players in different ways. B. Though some games may be beneficial, others ate harmful to players. C. While some games may benefit to health, mental abilities, working capacity, or help to relax, others may harm the persons playing in different ways. D. Games are not only beneficial but harmful to the persons playing those games as well. 78. A. These games are very beneficial to the users. B. Among this type of games are puzzles, crosswords, and strategy games. tg 79. C. Besides, puzzles, crosswords, and strategy games are also beneficial to users. D. These are examples of games that are beneficial to users. A. Therefore B. Last but not least C. Second D. Moreover 80. A. There is also one category of games which can be both harmful and beneficial. B. Some can be harmful to users but some can be beneficial as well. C. Furthermore, the following games'can be harmful to users, especially addicted ones, as well. D. To some extent the following games can be beneficial to users as well. B. TY LUAN Viét mt vin ban khoang 250 tir vé chit dé sau: (Essay) Facebook is becoming more and more central to our life as it has obvious benefits, but there are dangers it may exert over our lives. 28 Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write at least 250 words.

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