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The new recruitment program, called the Single

lntelligence Account apprenticeship scheme wi/1

OUESTOES enable students with suitable qualincations in
sdence, technology -or engineering, to spend two
years learning about comm_unications, security and

E·i·ifiH·ifiiii·iii·+ engineering through formal education, technical

tráining and work placements.
JEARY, P. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 19 nov. 2012.
Complete the dialogue with the correct qua~tifjers: _...

, Alex: How ............ pictures do you think are going to be

GLOSSÁRIO <i>------,
Samantha: 1 don't know... as ........ ... ..... pictures às you want.
• harnessing: _ _ _ __ ________ f
Alex: Are there going to be .. .. .......... ... people at the party?
Samantha: No, just ........ ... .. .. dose friends ..
Alex: Ok, so l'm not gonn~ put ........ .. ..... work into this,
• recruitschool-leavers: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• work placements: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• _________,,Y -.

just some pictures will be fine . .
Segundo informações veiculadas pela NBC News,
. indicar
Os quantifrers são expressões usadas para .
a. a geração digital já tem seu espaço conquistado nas

quantidade de · pessoas, animais ou objetos em uma agências britânicas de inteligênda. O governo britâ-
sentença. Sobre o uso adequado dos quantif,ers, tem-se: nico de~idiu que . ' · ·


mariy/ many/ a lot of/ a few/ muçh. enfre.ntará a guerra vigente e deliberada contra a- ·

propriedade intelectual no Reino Unido.
() much/ much/ a lot of/ a lot of/ many.
O abandonará a·,política de contratação de universi-

many/ much/ many / a few/ a few. tários como agentes _secretos. ·
_ E) many/ a lot <?fl àfewi a"few/much. ·. C9 recrutará j~vens jogadores de Xbóx como ciberes-
piões das agências de inteligência. •
G manvl má~v1 manvl-a tew1 ~ ~ew. _ _---:;;=--
G) implántará um esquema de. capacitação de adqles-
centes para atuarem como agentes secretos. ·

f •j•jf,fl•fJiijijjifi9 G anunciará os nomes dos jovens a serem contrata-

dos pelas agências de inteligência.

;... British Government to Recruit Teens as Next _Gene-

ration of Spies · . Eii&i·fMii'i'H·i'ifii·ifif i♦ •
r In the 50-. years since the first Ja~es ·Bond mo:-tie Watchwhat you do during·and after work
t d a lasting impression of a Bnt,sh s~cret agent,
crea e . . b t t .
, a completely different character ,s .a o~ . oher:nerget.
. . , . tell'igence agencies are to recru,t t e,r nex
Bntains 1n .
. t· of cyber spies by harnessing the talents of
genera 10n . ,, - • .
the "Xbox generat,on . . . . · .
•on of a pilot program, Fore,gn Secretary
ln an expan s1 100
. . Hague announced Thursday that up to .
William ld -11 be given the chance to train for a ca~eer
18-y~a~-~ s w, t servicés: The move to recruit school-
. Bnta1n s secre . . . . 1
,n b · ak with the past, when agencies ma,n Y
leavers marksffa f rem among university graduates.
theirsta ro ,
d rew the key to our country s futur~ success,
"'(oung people ared r·,ng the war" Hague said. ''Tóday we
ey were u ' .
justas th r: but I see evidence every day o~ del,berate, .
are not at wa ' k against intellectual property, and
. ed attac s ks in the United K',ngdom." - , .. ., : , ; W~ frequer:itly hear,abqut celebrities behaving badly
riment networ_ " . . . .. or even 'getting arrested. The media talks about how
gover . · · ...., . ·. 1 / .
. ' ·' ,f .
f ti
· damaging these actions may be to celebrities' careers 16 arefivetimes more likelytosuffer a heartattack and . -
however time after time we see them becoming even . dié than university graduates. . ~
more popular. The public may be very forgiving but Adaptado de: Word Report News. Magazine Speak Up. W,
will your boss be if you behave badly after work?
Will your actions your career? lt depends on what
GLOSSARIO ©"° XIV. ,e 170. Acesso em,abc. 2018. fl
you did, who saw you doing it and how it affects your
employer. Avoid these behaviors and you may save
• dying: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, a
your professional reputation. • heart disease: • •
You maythinkthat picture of you, drunk and incoherent,
• lik:: ____________,,) •
on Facebook, lnstagram ar Snapchat is funny, but if
your boss ar prospective boss comes across it, it could
Em relação às pesquisas, a utilização da expressão uni-
be very embarrassing. Think of the image you are trying
versity graduates evidencia a intenção de informar que
to convey. Is this it?(...)
Disponível em: O as doenças do coração atacam dez mil pacientes.
·you-lose-your-job-526262. Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016 (Adaptado).
., Q maior nível de estudo reduz riscos de ataques do
• ('coração.

+·Miihi·iiiiUi·i·iti • (9 as doenças do coração ocorrem na faixa dos dezes-

seis anos.
Segundo o texto,
G) as pesquisas sobre doenças são divulgadas no meio ~
O se queremos nos tornar chefes, devemos ser en- acadêmico.
graçados e populares . C, jovens americanos são alertados dos riscos de
O para nos tornarmos chefes, devemos fazer qual- doenças do coração.
quer coisa, seja ela boa ou ruim.
(9 informações na internet sobre nós são sempre
ruins para nossa vida profissional. ♦iiii·iéhWi·i
G) devemos sempre ter fotos engraçadas ou sensuais
nas redes sociais para sermos populares. -- -~
Jf,~c., ,. ...~

. C, tudo o que fazemos, em nossa vida particular e nà
internet, pode afetar nossa vida pr?fissional.

♦·i·ifiM·iiiiii+iMi •
O enunciado do texto indica que o assunto a ser tratado é

O "Funcionários que agridem seus chefes".

Q "Chefes injustos que perseguem seus funcioná'rios''. ~
(9 "Chefes agressivos que demitem seus funcionários''. ~
G) "Funcionários que perdem o emprego devido a
A woman says to her husband, "Our neighbor says l've
got the skin of an eighteen-year-old girl:'
8 "Comportamentos que podem fazer uma pessoa "Yeah?" says the husband. "Well, give it back. You're

perder o emprego". getting it all wrinkled:'

I Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 ago. 2019 (adaptado).

J +·MHédiiiiHh&
Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying
:rom coronary heart disease. An American study that
Partindo do principio de Qu"e o texto acima é uma piada,
aresposta do marido permite-nos inferir que ele .
involved 10,000 patients from around the world has
nd that people who leave school before the age o,f
fou_ O demonstrou ciúmes do vizinho.


... ~1
O não entendeu o comen tário do vizinho. Ltd, and ruled that "the resulting product falis outside .
the defmition of 'bread' for the purposes of the Act." ·
~8 desconstruiu o elogio do vi~inho.
Disponível em: 2020/10 /01/busi ness/su bway-
G) aborreceu-se com a fala do vizinho. bread~íreland-ruling-scli-intl/index.html. Acesso em: 30 set. 2020.

G preocupolj-se com a aparência da esposa.

GLOSSARIO (i) - - - - - - -

E·i·i¼id·iiiiiii·i·H9 • . • judgment,
• Subject:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. =
Nessa piada, a expressão "give it back" significa, füe-

aceitar o elogio feito pelo vizinho.
elogiar a filha do vizinho da mesma forma.
• outside:

A famosa rede de sanduíches Subway enfren ta uma

inadequação na Irlanda. Para os padrões_irlandeses

(9 deixar de envelhecer e de criar rugas.

O os sanduíches são muito gordurosos.
E) devolver o elogio para o vizinho.
O o pão tem um sabor muito adocicado.
~ 8 devolver a pele para a moça de 18 anos.
(9 o pão tem muita glicose em sua composição, acima
do permitido na Irlanda. '

be E·i·ifiH•l=lfüii·iki • E) as opções de refeições são mínimas.

G a empresa não tem mais permissão de funcionar no
~ Ir- r-- -
· territór io irlandês. .1

E·i·ifiH·iiiiiii·i·h• •
Old habits are hard to break, right?

lrish court rules Subway loaves are too sugary to be

called bread
_Bread in Subway's hot sandwiches tontain s too much ·
sugar to meet lreland's legal definition for bread, the
country's Supreme Court has ruled. The judgment
' was handed down on Tuesday in response to a Subway
___ •.·~ franchisee who had appealed for a tax refund, arguing
_that its bread is a "staple" food and therefo re subject Here's how it works. When you repeat though ts
to a 0% tax rate. Five judges considered the case, and actions, it creates strong er connections in your
~ determining that Subway bread has too much sugar in brain. What does that mean? Well, it means that the
_ __ it to be part of this category, and is therefo re subject more you do something, the more likely you're going
to a higher tax. "The bread supplied by Subway in its to keep doing it. After a while, it ·almost becomes
heated sandwiches has a sugar conten t of 10% of the second nature , Your brain connections are kind of
f--1 weight of the flour included in the dough," Justice Danai like a muscle. When you exercise you muscles over_

~ O'Donnell said when delivering the -judgment. Under
ri lreland's Tax Act 1972, the sugar conten t should not
and ovef, they get bigger and stronger. The sarne is .
tr:ue for the connec tions in your brain - even the ones

;,-. exceed 2% of the weight offlou r in the dough. O'Don nell
rejecte d argum ents from the franc~isee, Bookfmders
conn~c ted to habits.

So, that got me thinking about some of the habits that 1
You've heard of vegetarians, but what about the VEGE-
should change. And at the sarne time. it got me thinking
about the good habits that I already have that might
benefit you as well. Here's a list of things habits that
could help you have a better life:
Thi s organization is flghting for the rights of innocent
fruit and vegetables everywhere. lts members claim:
"Plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often
1. Not sleeping with your phone near your head - or
eaten while still alive:· Is this a joke? Well, a visit to the
even in your bedroom. VRMM website ( suggests
2. Keeping a food diary. it probably is. There are, however, people who seriously
3. Taking a walk every day. believe vegetables feel pain. Strict vegan Ann Michelle
from Wirral in England says we should think twice
4. Meditation.
before eating a plant. and prefers to eat fruit which has 19
s. Ooing a random act of kindness. fallen naturally from its plant. lndeed there is a fruitarian
6. Routinely focusing on what you appreciate in life. movement whose members only eat fallen fruit; some
7. Listen to your intuition and follow it. fruitarians believe fruit was the original d1et of humanity,
while others refuse to kill any livingthing, including plants. e3
lf you want to improve your life, you just need to take
Source: Speak Up. Ano XXI 11. Nº 275. July 2010. p.10.
some action. 1- hope these little tips will help you be
happier and have a better life!
De acordo com o texto, algumas pessoas não comem
By Carol Morgan. Disponível em:
carol-morgan/ 12-good-habits-that-you-s_b_9 5343 96.html. legumes e frutas, porque

Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018 (adapatado).
O são alimentos muito caros na Inglaterra.

GLOSSÁRIO {V------?)
• hard: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
eles acreditam que os vegetais são seres vivos.
esses alimentos provocam dores em algumas pes- e
• keepdoing: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ soas que os consomem.

e G) existe um movimento na Inglaterra que incentiva

• afterawhile: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
• benefit: :J seus seguidores a só consumirem frutas caídas do pé.
-------------- C, fazem parte da organização VRMM, que defende os di-
reitos de pessoas, plantas e animais em todo o mundo.
º artigo acima foi publicado por Carol Morgan no Huf-
fpost, um agregador de blogs americano, com o intuito de

dar dicas de como ser bem sucedido na vida.

diferenciar o que é saudável do que não é.

♦i'ifiM·ii■f iiM·1

8 provar cientificamente como ter uma vida saudável. ~
G) compartilhar com os leitores algumas dicas dos há- ·
bitos que ela acredita serem saudáveis.
i r-""-11üul 1
G compartilhar com os seus leitores o fruto de suas
pesquisas acadêmicas sobre saúde e bem-estar.
♦i'ifiM·ii·f'iiiiifíitt•iiij;ii·füãih·D•-------• (í

=· Vegetable Rights Militant Movement

V li D 1111 b I i C r U 111 y CD m

Disponível em:
/\rn rr n ,.........., . n

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