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Beginning Prayer Coverage

There are many prayers you could pray for “coverage”. This prayer has good
“bones” for our Spiritual Protection.

As you pray, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into your own expanded
version of this prayer. The Lord will see the sincerity of your heart and its
intentions. Just allow it to flow and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.

(Make the sign of the cross)

We begin with the Sign of Victory, the Sign of the Cross. In the Name of God the Father, in the Name
of God the Son, and in the Name of God the Holy Spirit. It is through the victory of the cross where Jesus
said, “It is finished.” It is at the cross where He healed us by His stripes (Is 53:5)

Heavenly Father, we give You thanks and praise victory that we have in You. We give you thanks and
praise for Your love, for Your call to holiness! For it is Your positioning of us that we live the dependent
lifestyle of living on the breath of the Holy Spirit. …. And when He said this He breathed on them
saying “receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20:19-23)

In the Name of Jesus

We plead the Blood of Jesus over our entire conversation, from start to finish and all the fruits therein,
including follow up conversations, including conversations we had on the way here. You have prepared
our hearts to receive the fruitfulness of following the Holy Spirit, every day, in every way and in every
season. (John 14:26)

In the Name of Jesus

We invoke the loving presence of The Blessed Mother. Cover us with Your Mantle allowing each of
us to feel your warm embrace, constant presence, constant love and constant intercession for us. Thank
you for taking us by the hand to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and into your Immaculate Heart, while
crushing the enemy with Her heel.

In the Name of Jesus

We speak a Spiritual Soundproofing in the Name of Jesus Christ that the enemy may not be able to hear,
relay, transmit or convey anything spoken here, including fruits and follow-up conversations.

In the Name of Jesus

We call upon the Holy Angels of War to surround and protect each one of us, keeping a hedge of
protection between us and the enemy, 1000, 2000, 5000 miles out in every direction.

In the Name of Jesus

Beginning Prayer Coverage

We call upon the help of the Church Triumphant with all the Holy Saints and the Church Suffering
with all the Holy Souls in Purgatory to continue to bring their heavenly resources to aid us as we the
Church Militant engage in our daily battle, armed with the sacraments and sacramentals (Blessed salt,
water, oil, crucifixes, etc.) to triumph over the attacks evil one.

We thank You, already Holy Spirit, for the fruits. We give you all the Glory, Honor and Praise for the
beauty; for the miraculous in each and every breath, for each and every heartbeat, and in all the ways we
submit to be your hands and your feet.

We thank You Heavenly Father for the Nine Choirs of Angels who continue to work on our behalf.
Thank You Heavenly Father, that our conversation here that we may give Glory to You, as we witness
Your work in us.

(Make the Sign of the Cross)

In the Name of God the Father, in the Name of God the Son, and in the Name of God the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

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