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Roseiel Allyah
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Artist Pick

Memoir Monday

4,052,005 monthly listeners
Roseiel Allyah D. Carranza, "Aya," is a grade 12 graduating student at Sorsogon
National High School, STEM 2 Visionary. She made this Spotify-themed E-
Portfolio in fullfillment of the requirements in the subject Personal
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# Title Album

That's What I Like

1 24K Magic 3:26
Bruno Mars

castle in the sky

2 laughing in insomnia 2:56

3 summer, 3:01
Jeremy Zucker
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Activities I Enjoyed

During my journey in Personal Development, there were 2 activities in particular that

i liked and enjoyed. These are the Comics making and the AVP.

My passion has always been writing and drawing, so these two activities were close
to my heart. Though cooperating with people while doing the first activity was a
little challenging, I had fun breathing life in our group's story. The Comics making
activity was one of the activities that I stayed up all night to make but enjoyed to

During the AVP, perhaps it was because I grouped with the people I'm the closest
with that made this activity memorable. I enjoy singing as well, so this activity was
like jamming with them!
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Journal Entries I Enjoyed Writing

I've always believed that, when writing, the author takes a piece of himself that he so
treasures and shows it to the world. When I heard about having a Journal for this
subject, I was intrigued; mainly because I haven't written anything in a while.

I had a lot of realizations in the "Who am I?" entry - first entry and I'm already being
talkative (I don't think it's a negative thing). The same goes with "What's stopping
you to be a better version of yourself?" entry. It was like a slap from reality. Lastly,
"The Heart Attack" entry. Listing down my own emotions made me feel
accomplished of some kind as I rarely assess myself; it was an eye-opener.
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Personal Development: Then and Now

When I first heard Personal Development being one of our subjects this 2nd
semester, I thought "Oh, another EsP subject where I'd be learning about the things
we've been taught before - absolutely nothing." Typical EsP subjects. It didn't help
that my classmates were making fun of it too, joking about what kind of
development we'll be getting (while sounding absolutely sarcastic about it or is it
just me?). So, influenced by that, I honestly didn't expect anything but moral lessons
and a lot of reflective activities.

The last part is true. However, looking back at it now, I can say that PerDev was
truly something. There was one particular lesson that made me accept a part of
myself that I've been neglecting; if it was any other subject I wouldn't have done so.
In a way, PerDev was an EsP subject, but in a light I didn't particularly saw coming.
The subject itself doesn't lie about its reputation. I'm grateful, because if it's not for
PerDev, I don't think I'll be able to look back here from the future with a fond feeling.



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