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On Different Pages

While Google Strikes

Deal with publishers,
Facebook blocks news
Access in Australia

Mike Isaac, Daisuke Wakabayashi,

Damien cave & Edmund Lee
San Francisco: For month, Face book & Google Have been in stare-down with
news publishers and lawmaker in Australia.
At the heart of fight is whether the teach giants should pay news or
organisations for the new articles that are shared on their networks under the
proposed law form the Australian competition and consumer commission both
google and facebook would be required for negotiate with media publishers
and compensate them for the content that appears on site.

San Francisco: For month, Face book & Google Have been in stare-down with
news publishers and lawmaker in Australia.
At the heart of fight is whether the teach giants should pay news or
organisations for the new articles that are shared on their networks under the
proposed law form the Australian competition and consumer commission both
google and facebook would be required for negotiate with media publishers
and compensate them for the content that appears on site.

San Francisco: For month, Face book & Google Have been in stare-down with
news publishers and lawmaker in Australia.
At the heart of fight is whether the teach giants should pay news or
organisations for the new articles that are shared on their networks under the
proposed law form the Australian competition and consumer commission both
google and facebook would be required for negotiate with media publishers
and compensate them for the content that appears on site.

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