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What is the SUBLIME?

Cassius Longinus (1 AD)

It is a certain distinction and excellence in expression.
The ‘elevated language’ of the sublime aims to cast a spell over
the audience, not merely persuading but transporting the audience
in an enthralling and delightful manner to the conclusion desired
by the writer.

Five sources of sublimity:

1. the power of forming great conceptions

Great art by the presence of great ideas; great ideas, are conceived of by great men –
these great men, capable of great ideas will also be capable of deep and sincere feeling
which transcends mawkish emotions.

2. vehement and inspired passion

Required by the sublime will, like great ideas, spring only from those without
“mean and servile ideas”; ideas beyond ordinary.

3. the due formation of figures

Those ways in which elevated thoughts and feelings may be best expressed: “a
figure is at its best when the very fact that it is a figure that escapes attention”; established
plot (part) that is a reason for another action.

Types of ‘figures’:
a. amplification – making the protagonist 'larger’ than life
b. inversion of word order (“Here dead lie we”)
c. polyptota – accumulated variations and climaxes
d. particulars combined from the plural to the singular (logic)
e. interchange of persons – addressing the audience as “you”
f. periphrasis (circumlocution) – wordiness, circling around rather than going straight
to the point

4. noble diction (language)

Transports the audience without distracting the audience: it is language which is

transparent to the transcendent.

5. dignified and elevated composition

Forms important elements into an organic unity.

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