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The Busy Lives of Ben and Ken

Ben and Ken are twins. They look alike, but

they have different interests. Ben is sporty. He
is good at playing badminton and basketball.
Ken is quiet. He likes playing the piano and the
Each morning Hugo from next door asks,
“Ben and Ken, do you want to play after
school?” But they never have time because
their parents sign them up for different after-
school activities.
One day, Ken gets a concert ticket from his
classmate. He wants to go to the concert, but
he can’t skip the piano lesson. He asks Ben for
help. Ben goes to the lesson, but he is not good
at playing the piano at all. The piano teacher
soon realizes that he is not Ken and calls his
As soon as Ken is home, their parents stare
at him. “Where have you been?” ask their
parents. Ken feels sorry and promises that he
will not do the same again.

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