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John Russel Bitara Reading and Writing Skills

11 HUMSS-6 ACTIVITY 1 Short Story

Where is the Patis? by Carmen Guerrero-Nakpil

It was a warm afternoon in the bustling market of Manila. Aling Mila, a seasoned vendor, was
arranging her stall, meticulously displaying her array of fresh produce - vibrant tomatoes, crisp greens,
and plump eggplants. She took pride in the quality of her goods, always ensuring they were the best the
market had to offer.
As the crowd began to gather, Aling Mila greeted her regular customers with a warm smile.
"Good afternoon, Nena! I have the most beautiful ampalaya for you today." Nena nodded approvingly and
selected a few choice pieces, handing Aling Mila the exact change.
Just then, a young woman approached the stall, her eyes scanning the selection. "Excuse me, do
you have any patis?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Aling Mila's brow furrowed. "Patis? I'm afraid I don't sell that here. You'll need to try the fish
stalls down the way," she replied, gesturing towards the other end of the market.
The young woman's face fell. "Oh, I see. I was hoping to find some patis to make my adobo. It's
my first-time cooking for my family, and I want to get it just right."
Aling Mila's heart went out to the young woman. She remembered the days when she was just
starting out in the kitchen, trying to impress her in-laws with her culinary skills. "Tell you what, my dear,"
she said, leaning in conspiratorially. "I may not have the patis, but I can share a few tips that will make
your adobo the talk of the town."
The young woman's eyes lit up, and she listened intently as Aling Mila shared her secret
techniques for the perfect adobo. By the time she left the stall, her basket was filled with the necessary
ingredients, and her confidence had been restored.
As Aling Mila watched the young woman disappear into the crowd, she smiled to herself,
knowing that she had played a small part in helping a fellow cook on her journey. After all, that's what the
market was all about – not just buying and selling but sharing the wisdom and traditions that made
Filipino cuisine so special.

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