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Dustin Jade Evasco Reading and Writing Skills


Where is the Patis? by Carmen Guerrero-Nakpil

In a bustling market in Manila, there lived a humble fisherman named Juan. Every day, Juan would
rise before dawn to set out to sea, hoping for a bountiful catch to support his family. One day, after a
particularly rough night on the water, Juan returned with an empty boat and a heavy heart. As Juan sat by
the shore, pondering his next move, an old woman approached him. "Why the long face, young man?" she
asked kindly. Juan sighed. "I haven't caught any fish today. My family relies on my catch to survive, but
lately, it's been scarce." The old woman nodded understandingly. "Have you ever heard of the legend of the
magical patis?" Juan shook his head, intrigued. "The magical patis is said to bring prosperity and abundance
to those who believe," the old woman continued. "But its true power lies not in its taste, but in the faith of
those who seek it." Determined to turn his fortunes around, Juan set out on a quest to find the magical patis.
He traveled far and wide, facing numerous challenges and setbacks along the way. Yet, he never lost hope,
knowing that his unwavering faith would guide him to his destiny. After many trials, Juan finally stumbled
upon a hidden cave deep in the mountains. Inside, he discovered a glowing bottle filled with shimmering
liquid-the legendary patis. With a heart full of gratitude, Juan returned home, armed with magical patis. To
his astonishment, his luck began to change almost immediately. His fishing expeditions became more
successful, and soon, his family was thriving like never before. Word of Juan's miraculous transformation
spread throughout the village, inspiring others to believe in the power of faith and perseverance. And from
that day forward, Juan's story became a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit. As Carmen
Guerrero-Nakpil's essay suggests, sometimes the true magic lies not in the substance itself, but in the belief
and determination of those who seek it.

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