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Teach a Friend Report

Name: Rowllings Gbe

Who did you teach: My Friend

(just specify the relation to you, i.e. – neighbor, friend at work, etc.)

Write your responses to the items below. Make sure to answer each of the questions in your responses. Note
that the minimum word count for full credit is 150 words (total of all responses). Your instructor will grade
you according to the grading rubric in the assignment in your course.

When referencing a passage, include the citation and paste the actual passage into your response. If the
passage is long, just cite it and abbreviate or summarize it so the reader knows what the passage is about
but it doesn’t take up too many lines on this report.

Note - boxes will expand as you type

Describe your experience:

 Provide a thoughtful reflection of your experience. What gospel principle from this week’s lesson did
you teach? Include specific quotes or references to scripture or prophetic teachings that you used.
 How did it go? How did you feel while teaching and afterward? What reaction or feedback did you
 What teaching methods did you use (thought-provoking question, discussion, game, object lesson,
video, other method)?

For this week, it was really an amazing teaching from all the different scriptures that I studied, where the series was
giving some signs and knowledge about the Second Comings. I decided to teach my best friend and share all the
insights that I got from this week's study. He is living outside in my place, so we had a video call in which we
discussed mostly about how we can be prepared for the Second Coming of the Savior. We decided to acknowledge
and learn more about all the signs to recognize them, so that those who are not yet fulfilled can be prepared to be
ready, so that we cannot be surprised when the Savior will be back again.

Describe the insights you gained:

 What did you learn from this experience about being a teacher of the gospel?
 What deeper insights or understanding of the principle(s) being taught did you gain from teaching
the principle(s) to another person?

So for this week's study, I was really amazed about all the teachings, all the learning that I had, especially what I read
from the Jesuit translation of Matthew, where the Lord was teaching us about his second coming, promise that he
will come like a thief, no one will know the hours, that helped me to understand that I have to be prepared in any
time, in any moment, I have to pray, I have to study the scripture, I have to build up my faith, translate my
testimony, help those who don't know the Savior or are not yet prepared to be prepared for the second coming of
the Savior. By doing this, I would not be surprised when the Savior is going to come again with his army of angels.

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