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Ahmed (Father)
Fatima (Mother)
Khalid (Teenage Son)
Aisha (Teenage Daughter)
Grandmother (Um Abdullah)
Hassan (Eldest Son)

[The family members and Uncle Hassan enter the dining room and greet each other with warm smiles and embraces.
Um Abdullah, the grandmother, is seated at the head of the table.]

Ahmed: (Smiling) Bismillah! Let's begin our meal, shall we?

[The family members nod in agreement, and they all take their seats, sitting on the cushions around the low dining

Fatima: (Pouring water into small, traditional cups)

[Ahmed, Khalid, Aisha, Hassan, and Um Abdullah extend their hands, and Fatima pours water over each of them from a
brass vessel. They use scented soap and towels to wash their hands thoroughly.]

Khalid: (Whispering to Aisha) Remember, Aisha, the elders should always be served first.
[Aisha nods in understanding as the family continues with the meal.]

[The family members use their right hands to take small portions of food and eat.]

Aisha: (Whispering to Khalid) Remember, Khalid, it's important to wait for the eldest person to start eating before we

[Ahmed begins eating, and the rest of the family follows his lead.]

[After enjoying the main course, they move on to desserts.]

Fatima: (Serving Arabic coffee and dates, a symbol of hospitality.)

[Ahmed and the children sip the aromatic coffee and enjoy the sweet dates.]

Ahmed: (Smiling) Shukran, my dear family and Uncle Hassan, for this beautiful evening together.

[Aisha, Khalid, Fatima, Um Abdullah, and Uncle Hassan express their appreciation as well.]

[With hearts full of love and respect, the Al-Mansoor family and Uncle Hassan conclude their dinner, cherishing the
values of tradition and unity that have been passed down through generations in Saudi Arabia.]

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