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Title: “Stopping Bullying”

1. Ansah (bullying victim)
2. Dhendy (bully)
3. Resa (Ansah’s friend)
4. Hazik (Dhendy’s friend)
5. Teacher Tio
6. Rizqi (Ansah’s parent)

This drama unfolds in a high school, where Ansah, a talented and reserved student, becomes
the target of bullying by Dhendy, a student who takes pleasure in teasing others. The narrative
follows Ansah’s struggle to halt the bullying, the support from Resa, and the involvement of
the teacher and parents in resolving the issue.
Scene 1: Bullying in the School Corridor
(Ansah is walking alone in the school corridor when Dhendy and Hazik approach)
Dhendy: (mocking) Hey, Ansah, why are you always alone? Don’t you have any friends?
Hazik: (laughing) Yeah, Ansah, you’re really weird.
(Ansah feels hurt and quickly leaves)
Scene 2: Meeting Ansah and Resa in the Library
(Ansah is sitting in the library, Resa approaches)
Resa (friendly): Hi, Ansah, how are you?
Ansah: (hesitant) Hi, Resa. I’m okay.
Resa: (concerned) I know about Dhendy and Hazik. Don’t let them bother you. I’m here for

Scene 3: Classroom Discussion with Teacher Tio

(Teacher Tio notices the discomfort of Ansah and Resa)
Teacher Tio: (concerned) What’s going on, Ansah? Is everything okay?
Ansah: (speaking hesitantly) Teacher, I’ve been bullied by Dhendy and Hazik.
Teacher Tio: (serious) We will address this together. We cannot tolerate such behavior in our
Scene 4: Meeting Parents with Teacher Tio
(Rizqi visits the school after hearing about Ansah’s problem)
Rizqi: (worried) Teacher Tio, what can we do to help Ansah?
Teacher Tio: (comforting) Let’s work together to stop this bullying. First, we need to talk to
Dhendy’s parents.
Scene 5: Confrontation with Dhendy’s Parents
(Dhendy’s parents come to school to talk with the teacher and Rizqi)
Teacher Tio: (firmly) Dhendy’s behavior is unacceptable. We need to work together to change
Dhendy’s Parents: (embarrassed) We will take necessary steps to address this issue.
Scene 6: Dhendy’s Change of Attitude and the End of Bullying
(Dhendy begins to change after talking with his parents, he apologizes to Ansah).
Dhendy: (approaching Ansah) Ansah, I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. I promise not to
bother you anymore.
Ansah: (gentle) Thank you, Dhendy. Everyone can change.
Closing Scene
Ansah and Dhendy start talking and resolving their issues well. Resa, the teacher, and Rizqi
also play important roles in stopping bullying at school and promoting friendship and
understanding. This drama demonstrates the importance of cooperation and attitude change in
ending bullying at school.

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