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Research Methodology

This study aims to investigate the dynamic relationship among financial inclusion, technological
innovation, and environmental sustainability in the distinctive context of Bangladesh. Utilizing a
quantitative research approach, this study utilizes the Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR)
to explore the impact of technological advancements related to financial inclusion on environmental
pollution levels. We selected MMQR as our analytical tool because of its ability to uncover subtle effects
across various pollution levels, providing a comprehensive understanding. This approach enables us to
surpass conventional impact evaluations, highlighting the opportunity for specific interventions to
promote both economic development and environmental conservation. With this research, we aim to
showcase how combining financial strategies and technology can drive sustainable development,
offering important insights for policymakers, stakeholders, and communities striving for a balance
between economic progress and environmental protection.

Data Collection and Variable Measurement

In order to create a thorough and evidence-based analysis, our research methodically gathers secondary
data from multiple reliable sources. Financial inclusion, our main independent variable, is measured
using a composite index that includes various indicators. These indicators are the number of automated
teller machines (ATMs) and commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults, obtained from the World
Bank. Additionally, we consider the presence and capacity of commercial banking institutions in
Bangladesh, using data from multiple business and economic databases. Finally, we analyses the
proportion of outstanding deposits and loans with commercial banks relative to GDP, using information
from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) and Bangladesh Bank.

Technological innovation, a significant independent variable, is assessed using indicators that include the
proportion of technology exports in relation to manufacturing exports, internet usage among the
population, mobile subscriptions per 100 individuals, and the total number of patents filed by residents.
The measurements are gathered from reliable sources, including the World Bank, the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), guaranteeing
a strong measurement of Bangladesh's technology environment.

The evaluation of environmental contamination, which is our dependent variable, can be done using
either carbon emissions or ecological footprint measurements. This option enables a versatile method
for evaluating pollution, adjusting to the most pertinent and influential metrics accessible for the area.

Model Specification and Data Analysis

Environmental pollution = (Financial inclusion × Technological innovation) + Financial

inclusion + Technological innovation+ GDP + GDP2 + FDI + Renewable Energy use

*NOTE: Still remaining to write after doing the mathematical terms*

Ethical Considerations and Limitations

This study is conducted with the utmost adherence to ethical standards, leveraging publicly available,
anonymized data to ensure privacy and confidentiality are maintained. The integrity of data analysis and
the responsible dissemination of findings are paramount throughout the research process. Nevertheless,
it is imperative to acknowledge the inherent limitations associated with using secondary data, which
might not capture the full dynamism of the variables under study. Moreover, the reliance on MMQR
assumes accurate model specification, which might not fully account for unobserved heterogeneity or
potential omitted variables, posing challenges to the generalizability of our findings.

In summary, this methodology provides a detailed roadmap for unraveling the complex dynamics
between financial inclusion, technological innovation, and environmental pollution in Bangladesh.
Through meticulous data collection, robust analytical techniques, and a conscientious approach to
ethical standards, this study aims to contribute valuable insights to the burgeoning field of economic-
environmental research.

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