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Trikru Territory
22km S/SW from Delinquents' Camp

Sky People (former)
Lincoln† (former)
Carl Emerson† (former; brieSy)
A.L.I.E.† (former)
Niylah (former)

500 (ECH to DNR)
13 (DNR to TOS)
0 (end of TOS)

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Lincoln Clarke GriMn Bellamy Blake Char

Camp You is that way.


Arkadia, formerly known as Camp Jaha, was

the home-base of Skaikru (or Sky People). The
camp is built around the crashed Alpha Station
after it was brought down to Earth along with
the other stations of The Ark. Arkadia was called
home to the remaining Sky People who came to
Earth in Alpha Station, Mecha Station, Factory
Station, Farm Station and the Delinquents'
dropship. In "The Chosen," Arkadia was
destroyed by Praimfaya.



Arkadia is located on the east coast of North

America in the former United States of America.
Despite its latitude, the region experiences a
cooler climate than it did in pre-Apocalypse,
likely due to nuclear winter, a long term eRect of
nuclear disaster. The local area displays Sora
and fauna that are commonly found in the
northern United States and southern Canada,
with the exception of seemingly out of place
gorillas and panthers, likely descendants of zoo
animals. The settlement is situated near a lake
in a mountainous, heavily wooded area that is
part of Trikru territory. Centered around the
crashed Alpha Station, the settlement is the
largest and currently only one of the Sky People
as the former colony in Mount Weather was
destroyed and the Wrst colony, Delinquents'
Camp was abandoned following the battle that
took place there.

Economic and Social Features

The settlement of Arkadia like its predecessor

The Ark seems to operate under a form of
necessitated socialism. With resources so scarce
in space, a government controlled labor force
and a planned economy was essential to
survival, and the tough conditions on the
ground has sustained the system. The people of
Arkadia are assigned jobs based upon their skills
and intelligence, their survival is so precarious
that there is little room for personal preference
in jobs. All citizens work, and instead of
receiving monetary payment they receive food,
clothing, security, and other necessities. There is
evidence that this may be changing, as the Sky
People were seeking trade agreements with the
Grounders. Such trade would beneWt both
parties greatly: Grounders would beneWts from
advanced technology, particularly medicine
while the Sky People could continue to build up
an industrial base with scrap metal and
scavenged technology.

Arkadia, small as it is, is the most technologically

and industrially advanced settlement currently
known. It has ample electricity (with the
prospect of utilizing the still intact Philpot
Hydroelectric Dam), a rough but serviceable
medical facility, a bar with numerous alcoholic
drinks for leisure and access to multiple
vehicles. The settlement has at least a limited
capacity to manufacture advanced products, as
they have recovered the crashed Mecha station.

Throughout the Series

Season One

In "We Are Grounders (Part 1)", Jaha comes up

with the idea to use the Ark as a dropship and
authorizes the launch. In "We Are Grounders
(Part 2)", Alpha Station crashed on Earth less
than half a day walk from the delinquents' camp.

Season Two

A camp is built out of the wreckage of Alpha

station. It was initially named "Camp Jaha" after
Thelonious Jaha, the last Chancellor of the Ark,
who stayed behind to launch the other stations
toward Earth. The idea came from Sinclair, who
even made a sign to put at the front of the
camp's gates, and was approved by Kane, the
Wrst Chancellor of the camp.

The survivors of both Mecha and Alpha station

settled in Camp Jaha as they searched for other
Ark survivors together. They tried to arrange an
alliance with the Grounders, while fortifying their
position establishing defensive wall to go
around the station and perimeter electric fence.

In "Human Trials", Raven Reyes and Kyle Wick

deactivate a section of the electriWed fence
surrounding Camp Jaha to allow the
Delinquents to leave the camp when needed. In
"Long Into an Abyss", Bellamy Blake tells Clarke
Gri`n to meet him at Raven's gate so he can
take her back to the dropship. The same gate is
used twice in "Spacewalker", the Wrst time to
sneak Finn Collins out of Camp Jaha and the
last time it is used is when Clarke leaves to
mercy-kill Finn. In "Blood Must Have Blood (Part
2)" the amount of residents in Camp Jaha
increased with the return of the remainder of
the 48 captured Delinquents from Mount

Season Three

After three months have passed, Camp Jaha

has been renamed to Arkadia and has
undergone signiWcant change. Ark survivors
have constructed multiple large buildings,
cleaned up most of the loose wreckage, and
have made signiWcant improvements to living
conditions using supplies taken from the now-
abandoned Mount Weather. It also appears that
camp defenses have been built up in light of a
shaky peace treaty with the Commander. Known
facilities are a bar and a medical facility (which is
notably under-equipped). The settlement has
electricity (presumably from solar arrays) and
appears to have some mechanical capability
(judging by the vehicle that was rebuilt there). It
is unknown how the camp produces food and
other critical materials. There is a lake nearby
that provided clean water until it was poisoned
by the Grounders in retaliation for the attack on
a Trikru village by the Sky People. The camp is
left largely abandoned after A.L.I.E. takes control
of the vast majority of the population. It is later
used by members of a resistance, as they
formulate a plan against A.L.I.E.

Season Four

After the defeat of A.L.I.E., the Sky People return

to Arkadia, and in the light of the looming
second nuclear apocalypse, they begin to fortify
Alpha Station to shield themselves from the
radiation fallout. There is an attempt to retrieve a
hydro generator from the wreckage of Farm
Station to create water, but it is destroyed to
save several Sky People. Because of this, Clarke
predicts that Alpha Station will now only support
100 people, and so she makes a list of people
she thinks are needed on the ship. An
agreement is later made with King Roan of
Azgeda so that the Sky People can have 50
spots on the ship, while Azgeda get the other
50. However Alpha Station is set ablaze by Ilian,
and it collapses, rendering the agreement moot.
Later, most of Arkadia's residents leave to go
and stay in a bunker, whilst 13 individuals led by
Jasper Jordan stay behind, as they share his
wish to "live" rather than survive. Most of that
group die from overdosing on drugs, leaving
Monty Green and Harper McIntyre as the only
survivors, before leaving Arkadia. In The
Chosen, Arkadia was hit by Praimfaya and was
presumably destroyed, as seen on one of the
computers in Becca's Lab.

Season Five

In Eden, during a Sashback, Clarke visits the

remnants of Arkadia, which is almost
unrecognizable besides the old banner. She
Wnds Jasper's goggles and the suicide note that
he wrote after being pulled from the City of
Light. She also Wnds the iPod formerly owned by
Maya Vie.


Arkadia is located near a woodland area, in an

open clearing. It is situated 22km S/SW from the
dropship, and less than a day's walk from Tondc.

Former Inhabitants


Clarke Gri=n Octavia Blake

Raven Reyes John Murphy

Nathan Miller Eric Jackson



Graham Hill Jim Stacey



Sterling Brixton

Sgt. Scott Finn Collins

Major Byrne Harris

Lily Richards

Craig Gina

Zoe Monroe Lacroix

Shawn Gillmer Lincoln

Hannah Green Sinclair

Carl Emerson Briggs

Chase (artiPcial intelligence)


These people resided in Arkadia at some point,

however they have not been seen in over a
season. They either died oR-screen sometime
before Praimfaya or they were among those
culled (like David Miller and GeoR Hardy) since
their names did not appear on Clarke's list.

Kyle Wick Mel

Denby Grant

Wilson Taggart



Season Two [Expand]

Season Three [Expand]

Season Four [Expand]

Season Five [Expand]

Season Seven [Expand]


Camp Jaha exterior Murphy and Bellamy in the


Lincoln and others in


Medical tent

Medical tent

Raven's Gate

Bar area

Lincoln restrained in Medical

Front Gate

Council Room

Supply Tent


Emerson in the modiDed


Arkadia main street

Arkadia housing

Arkadia stables

Arkadia training room

Chancellor's oFce


Notes and Trivia

Arkadia most likely got its name from

Arcadia, which is one of the Colony's
stations. (The Colony is the book series
equivalent of the Ark.)
Arcadia is a term commonly used to
portray an ideal "utopia."

The Exodus Charter was created on board

the Ark as part of Project Exodus with new
laws for when they return to Earth.
Arkadia is the second camp made by the
Sky People, the Wrst being The Delinquents'
Lincoln and Niylah are the only Grounders to
have resided in Arkadia.
Monty and Harper are the last 2 Sky People
that left Arkadia.
In Season Four, Arkadia was destroyed by
the death wave in "The Chosen" which is
seen on Raven's computer.
A.L.I.E. was the only AI resident of Arkadia.
However, only Sky People under her control
could see her.
A.L.I.E. 2.0 is the second A.I. that came
to Arkadia.

See Also

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