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Ecosophical Aesthetics

Art, Ethics and Ecology with Guattari

Edited by
Patricia MacCormack and Colin Gardner


List of Illustrations ix
Acknowledgements x
List of Contributors xi

Introduction Colin Gardner and Patricia MacCormack 1

Part 1 Therapy/Care/Affect/Poetics: Towards an Ecosophical Ethics

1 Schizosemiotic Apprenticeship: Guattari s Gift to Conterr porary

Clinical Practice James Fowler and Patricia MacCormack 31

2 An inside that lies deeper than any internal world': On the

Ecosophical Significance of Affect Jason Cullen 49

3 Care of the Wild: A Primer Aranye Fradenburg Joy 65

4 Audubon in Bondage: Extinct Botanicals and Invasive

Species Penelope Gottlieb 95

5 From 'Shipwreck of the Singular to Post-media Poetics: Pierre

/ Joris's Meditations on the Stations ofMansur Al-Hallaj as 'rocessual
Praxis Jason Sheet 105

Part 2 Ecosophical Aesthetics, 'UIQOSOPHY' and the Abstract Machine

6 UIQOSOPHY (or an Unmaking-Of) Graeme Thomson t nd

Silvia Maglioni 127

7 The Guattarian Art of Failure: An Ecosophical Portrait 2 ach Horton 147

8 Into the Zone: Affective Counterpoint and Ecosophical A esthetics

in the Films of Terrence Malick Colin Gardner 173

9 The Delirious Abstract Machines of Jean Tinguely Joff P. N. Bradley 193

viii Contents

Part 3 The Shattered Muse: Ecosophy and Transverse Subjectivities

10 The Shattered Muse: Metis, Melismatics and the Catastrosophical

Imagination Charlie Blake 217

11 The Transversalization of Wildness: Queer Desires and Nonhuman

Becomings in Djuna Barnes's Nightwood Alexandra Magearu 245

12 Doing Something Close to Nothing: Marina Abn.movics War

Machine renee c. hoogland 261

Index 277

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