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Name:…………………………. Date:…../……..

Danh từ không đếm được (Uncountable Nouns) là những danh từ chỉ những sự vật, hiện
tượng mà chúng ta không thể sử dụng với số đếm.

 Danh từ chỉ đồ ăn: food (đồ ăn), meat (thịt), water (nước), rice (gạo), sugar (đường),
bread( mì, bánh mì),…
 Danh từ chỉ khái niệm trừu tượng: help (sự giúp đỡ), fun (niềm vui), information (thông
tin), knowledge (kiến thức), patience (sự kiên trì), confidence( sự tự tin)…
 Danh từ chỉ lĩnh vực, môn học: mathematics (môn toán), ethics (đạo đức học), music (âm
nhạc), history (lịch sử), grammar (ngữ pháp),…
 Danh từ chỉ hiện tượng tự nhiên: thunder (sấm), snow (tuyết), heat (nhiệt độ), wind (gió),
light (ánh sáng),…
 Danh từ chỉ hoạt động: swimming (bơi), walking (đi bộ), reading (đọc), cooking (nấu ăn),
sleeping (ngủ),…

Từ chỉ dùng với danh từ đếm được: a, an, many, few, a few. & từ để hỏi: How many

Eg: How many friend do you have? I have 6 friends

Từ chỉ dùng với danh từ không đếm được: much, little, a little bit of & từ để hỏi: How much

Eg: How much sugar do you want to add into the coffee? 2 spoons of sugar

Bài 1: Chọn many/ much để hoàn thành câu

1. How many/much computers do your school have?

2. How many/much milk do you want?
3. How many/much pictures would you like to take?
4. How many/much people are there in your family?
5. How many/much sugar that is left in the box?
6. How many/much coffee does he want?
7. How many/much candles on the cake?
8. How many/much days a week you go to work?
9. How many/much information did she give to you?
10.How many/much tea left in the pot?
11.How many/much work do you have to complete each day?
12.How many/much times do you have gone abroad?
13.How many/much kilos of meat are you going to buy?
14.How many/much electricity does his family use per month?
15.How many/much cooking oil do you need?

The: - K hi nói về một vật riêng hoặc một người mà cả người nghe và người nói đều biết., hoặc
đã đề cập từ trước;
- Dùng trước những danh từ riêng chỉ biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số nhiều của
các nước, sa mạc, miền, những thứ duy nhất,….
- Dùng với cả Nđđ và Nkđđ
A/An: được dùng với danh từ số ít.
An: khi N phía sau bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm : u,e,o,a,i
A: còn lại
Bài 2: Điền các mạo từ “a/ an/ the” thích hợp vào chỗ trống, nếu không điền ghi X
1.I bought __ blue sweater yesterday.
2. I’d like __ cup of tea.
3. There is __ apple and __banana on the table.
4. I bought __ beef, vegetables and milk. __ beef is very good.
5. Mai has __ many books. ___ books are mostly about English grammar.
6. __ sun rises in __ east and sets in __ west.
7. Julie read __ book and __ magazine. She said ___ book was quite boring though.
8. She offered us __ piece of cake and __ biscuits.
9. They drank ___ coffee and ___ tea.
10. Jame has __ son and __ two daughters.
11. Lan often watches __ films and __ TV programmes all night.
12. She has __ black umbrella and I have ___ blue one. ___ blue one is bigger.
13. I bought __ new dress, but I was annoyed to find that __ zip was broken.
14. We should take __ taxi because it's getting dark.
15. I met __ very nice American girl last night.


1.1. So sánh hơn với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn

o Công thức: S + V + Adj/Adv + -er + than

 Ví dụ: Hoa came later than me. (Hoa đến muộn hơn tôi.

1.2.. So sánh hơn với tính từ/ trạng từ dài

o Công thức: S + V + more + Adj/ Adv + than

Ví dụ: boldly → more boldly, likely → more likely

This month’s sale project is more difficult than last month’s sale project


2.1. So sánh nhất với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn

 Công thức: S + V + the + Adj/adv + est + N

 Ví dụ: My dad is the greatest person in the world.

2.2. So sánh nhất với tính từ/ trạng từ dài

 Công thức: S + V + the + most + adj + N

 Ví dụ: He is the most handsome in his class.
Bài 3. Viết lại các câu sau theo công thức so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất.

1. Today is hotter than yesterday.

➔ Yesterday was __________________________.

2. No one in her team is more beautiful than Dyan.

➔ Dyan is _______________________________.

3. No building in Quan’s city is higher than this building.

➔ This building is ____________________________.

4. Jack is the most intelligent in his class.

➔ No one in his class _______________________.

5. If your son reads many science books, he will have much knowledge.

➔ The more__________________________________.

6. If Linda wants to pass the exam easily, she will study harder.

➔ The more easily ________________________________.

7. Binh An’s house is very beautiful. It’s expensive, too.

➔ The more _____________________________.

8. One of the greatest tennis players in the world is BJ.

➔ BJ is _________________________________.

9. No producers in the world is bigger than ABS.

➔ ABS is _______________________________.

10. Sam is very intelligent but her sister is the most intelligent in her family.

➔ Sam’s sister is ________________________________________.

Bài tập 4. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất của tính từ/trạng từ trong câu so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất

1. My Chinese class is _______ than her Chinese class.

A. funny B. funnier C. funniest D. the funny

2. This sofa is _________ than the other.

A. comfortable B. the comfortable C. more comfortable D. most comfortable

3. No one in his group is _______ than Quan.

A. kinder B. kind C. more kind D. most kind

4. Lam visits his parents ________ than his sister does.

A. little B. least C. the less D. less

5. If Sam had run ________ , her sister could have caught her.

A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. more faster

Bài tập 5. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai (nếu có) các câu so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất dưới đây:

1. This is the more wonderful book Linda has ever read.

2. No mountain in the world is the biggest than Everest.

3. Jackma is the richer people in the world.

4. The living room is biggest than the kitchen one.

5. One of the greater football players in Vietnam is Doan Van Hau.

Bài tập 6. Điền vào chỗ trống tính từ/trạng từ trong công thức so sánh hơn.

1. Dogs are ………… (intelligent) than hamsters.

2. Sam is…………… (old) than Andy.

3. US is far ………… (large) than the UK.

4. Hoa’s garden is a lot ………………. (colourful) than this park.

5. Jack is …………… (quiet) than his brother.

6. My Math class is ……………. (boring) than my Geography class.

7. Her class is …………. (big) than yours.

8. The weather this winter is even ……………… (bad) than last winter.

9. This gift is ……………… (beautiful) than that one.

10. A holiday by the mountains is ……………….(good) than a holiday in the sea.

Bài tập 7. Viết lại những câu so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất mà không thay đổi nghĩa gốc.

1. My sister was earning much less in her previous job than she is now.

=> (more) ____________________________________ .

2. Pork is cheaper than beef.

=> (more) ____________________________________ .

3. To my knowledge, speaking Chinese is easier than writing Chinese.

=> (harder) ___________________________________ .

4. . I am not taller than anyone in the class.

=> (Shortest) ____________________________.

5. There is no better doctor in this hospital than Mr.Hung.

=> (best) _________________________________ .

6. This is the fastest moving car we’ve ever driven.

=> (faster) _________________________________ .

7. There isn’t anywhere as old as that castle.

=> (oldest) _______________________________ .

8. Have you got any bigger pants than that one?

=> (biggest) _____________________________ .


Bài 8: . Read the following text. Decide if the statements from 1 to 14 are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6. (1.5pts)

Collecting is one of the best – and oldest – hobbies in the world, and it’s very popular in English-
speaking countries. Children like collecting because they feel happy when they finish their collection of
football cards or when they get an unusual coin. Adults like it because they can forget work and stress, and
they can remember special times, for example if they collect postcards, memorabilia or concert T-shirts.
Some collecting hobbies are very popular. A lot of teenagers like stamp-collecting or bird-watching
(they don’t collect the birds, they ‘collect’ their observations!). Some are expensive, for example if you
collect vintage guitars, or even sports cars!

1. Collecting is very popular in the UK and the USA. _____

2. Adults and children like collecting for the same reasons. _____
4. Bird-watchers collect birds. _____
4. Some collecting hobbies are more expensive than others. _____

5. In the text, people often collect those things EXCEPT for _______
A. football cards B. concert T-shirts
C. stamps D. tickers
6. Why do adults like collecting?
A. Because they can forget work and stress. B. Because they have money.
C. Because they like observations . D. Because they get unusual things.

Bài 9. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
There are many places to visit in Vietnam. Ha Long Bay is in Quang Ninh Province. It is a
UNESCO World Heritage (7) _________. It’s in the north (8) ________ Vietnam. Visitors can go to Ha Noi
(9) ________ plane and then take a bus to Ha Long Bay. They can visit small islands and (10) ________
amazing caves there. Another well-known place is Tra Su Forest in An Giang Province. Tourists can take a
bus from Ho Chi Minh City to get there. The (11) _________ time to visit this forest is from September to
November, when visitors can see thousands of birds, forests animals and fish there.
7. A. site B. place C. tourism D. home
8 A. by B. on C. in D. of
9. A. with B. by C. on D. in
10. A. get B. locate C. hike D. explore
11. A. good B. best C. better D. most

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