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This entire project would have never been completed without my

team, who were incredibly generous to work on all parts of this
book with me. They are to thank for the fact that you are reading
this, and will be using it in your IELTS preparation today!

Main editor, organizer, and formatter

Ezoza Amonova

Editing, Organization

Elbek Shakirov


Laziza Khasanova

Akbar Rakhmonov

Masrurbek Kholmatov

Sevara Kholmukhammedova

Zamira Abrorova

Thank you from me, and from every student in @AlexNativeIELTS!


Introduction 3

About the Author 4

Methodology 5

Audio versions/ recordings 11

Part 1 13

Part 2 66

Part 3 132


Congratulations on acquiring IELTS SPEAKING BAND 9! This is a
collection of 130 BAND 9 speaking samples, with around 526
answered questions for all three parts of the IELTS Speaking test.
It is a very versatile study book, because when used together with
the provided audio recordings of the answers, you are able to do
a variety of activities that will help you improve your speaking.
Overall, there are about six hours of recorded sound material,
with roughly 71,000 words in all of the speaking samples.

First, I want to mention what this book is not. It is not a complete

speaking course, and it is not a collection of template model
answers that you should copy in their entirety. This is a collection
of sample answers, which means that your job is not to memorize
each and every topic. You should prioritize understand the ideas,
vocabulary, and grammar used in the book. You should be taking
apart the language that will be advantageous and including it in
your own speaking practice sessions.

In order to help you in your studies, the first section of the book
contains a list of methodologies explanations for how the
materials in this book can be used. Although I generally always
recommend working with a teacher or tutor, I believe this book
can be used in self-study conditions to greatly aid in your
language acquisition journey.


My name is Alex Finkelshtein, and for the last five years, IELTS has
been my main field of work, and one of my biggest passions. I
have been learning about, sharing, and developing the most
effective techniques and strategies for the IELTS. I believe that
the most important part of the IELTS is the speaking section,
because it seems so inaccessible to a large portion of IELTS

So far, I have taken the test 3 times, and have gotten an overall
8.5 all 3 times. The highest score I have gotten for each section is:
Listening 9, Reading 8.5, Writing 8, and Speaking 9. In my own
IELTS journey, I have had a lot of difficulty with part 1 of the
writing test, and with some specific question types on the
reading section.

Currently, you can find most of my teaching on my telegram

channel, called IELTS with Alex (Band 9). If you are not yet
following me, you should! I post content every day, and I am
constantly making and sharing new materials that you can use in
your IELTS preparation.

The link to the channel is


There are a variety of things you could use the samples in this
book for. In this section of the book, I want to give you a couple
purposes for which you can use the samples, and the step-by-
step guides required for each of those purposes. Almost all of
these methods use the audio samples, so I recommend you look
at the next section of this book, titled AUDIO VERSIONS/
RECORDINGS to find the audio recordings.

All answers in this book were given by me, with several questions
being answered from the perspective of an Uzbek student. Not all
answers in this book are true facts about me, as they were made
to help with idea generation.

The USEFUL GRAMMAR in this book is UNDERLINED and

ITALICIZED, so it looks like this: This sentence uses interesting

The GOOD VOCABULARY in this book is BOLDED, so it looks like

this: This book has magnificent vocabulary.


Every single sample in this book contains band 9 speaking
vocabulary. There are a lot of C2 and C1 words, and a lot of the
vocabulary has been bolded so that you can see it. A lot of the
words are also topic related vocabulary, which will be important
to develop your ideas for each topic. When learning vocabulary,
one of the most important things to do is to learn the words in
context, as well as with synonyms. in my speaking, I naturally
almost always include synonyms for the difficult vocabulary I am
using, since that is a good way to raise your lexical resource score
(by paraphrasing). Because of this, there are several steps you can
take to use this book to learn new vocabulary. Here are the steps.

Step 1 – Choose a topic and find the bolded vocabulary. Use your
favorite dictionary or google to write down the definitions.

Step 2 – Read through the topic with the definitions of the words
in mind. Write down other words that you don’t know.

Step 3 – Write down from 2 -5 sentences for each vocabulary

word to memorize the words. Make sure to recall vocab regularly.


Generally, there are several effective methods to work on your
pronunciation. The materials in this book, especially when used
with the audio samples, can provide a lot of benefits to your
pronunciation, specifically with vocabulary for the IELTS. You will
now be able to find the steps to one of the most important
pronunciation techniques - shadowing.

Step 1 – Choose a topic and listen to it completely. Read the text
as you go along.

Step 2 – Listen again, but pause the audio every couple of words/
every sentence. As soon as you stop the audio, repeat exactly
what you heard, focusing on the pronunciation, intonation,
emotion, and pauses in the recording. Play the audio again, and
then pause it again, going through the whole topic.

Step 3 – Repeat step 2, but this time, record yourself speaking

using your phone. Listen back to your own recording, and check
for mistakes and differences between the original version. Then,
repeat step 2 again.

Step 4 (Optional) – During Step 3, make a list of the words which

you consistently mispronounce, and work on them specifically.
You can use google to check the proper mouth placement.
As each of the topics presented in this book is relevant to the
IELTS test, you can use the answers provided to learn new ideas.
This is perhaps the easiest method, because even while listening
to the samples, if you understand the things Mr. Alex is saying,
you will be learning new ideas. Here is here are the steps you can
take to specifically focus on learn new ideas.

Step 1 – Choose a topic, and look for specifically mentioned
topics, such as Part 1 topic 8: heirlooms/ Generational wealth. Try
to make a list of 2/3 main topics that were mentioned.

Step 2 – Use Google to find more information about each topic.

Wikipedia is a great resource to read more information, and it can
also be helpful to just look at the google definition of the ideas.

Step 3 – After doing research, write down a summary of the ideas

that you learned, and how they can be relevant to the topic.

Step 4 – Answer the same questions that the topic was presented
in, using the ideas that you learned about. You can record yourself
and listen back to your answer to further solidify your knowledge.


One of the most important things that this book can help you
with is the form and structure in which your own answers should
be organized. This is specifically referring to the purpose of each
sentence in an answer, whether it is giving the main idea of the
answer, adding ideas, or giving examples. By following the order
of sentences and the structure of each answer in the book, you
can greatly improve your own answering mindset. You can also
employ the same strategies in your answers!

Step 1 – Choose a topic and focus on one answer. Look at each
sentence in the answer, and what it contributes to the overall

Step 2 – Break down the answer into the purpose of each

sentence. The result should look a bit like this:

1) Direct answer

2) Explanation

3) Reason

Step 3 – Write down an answer for the question that follows the
same structure. You can use different nouns and ideas, but try to
use similar linking words and a similar structure.


Last but not least, as there is a wide variety of grammatical
structures in this book, you can use the provided answers to try
out new techniques and to check whether the grammar
structures you are using are popular with band 9 speakers.

Step 1 – Choose a topic. Look at the grammatical structure which
has been underlined and write it down in a separate place.

Step 2 – Break the sentence down into its parts, such as the
subject, the verb, and the object. Then, focus on what word types
are used, like nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.

Step 3 – Write from 2 – 5 sentences using the same structure. You

can get a teacher/ Chatgpt to check whether the sentences are

Step 4 (Optional) – In whichever application you are using to view

this book, you can use the search function to search for specific
grammatical structures and check how often they are used in this
answer. You can also use this to look at the contexts in which that
structure is used! If a certain structure isn’t used in this book, this
doesn’t necessarily that it shouldn’t ever be used, though.


The audio samples that are meant to be used together with this
book are posted on a private telegram channel. The topics in this
book are numerated so that you can find the correct sample for
each topic. The audio samples are also in the same order as the
text in the book, so you can go through the book in sequence.

The audio samples can be found here:

If you are planning to use this book for your IELTS preparation,
then I strongly recommend you use the audio versions together
with the text in this book.


Topic 5, Part 1- Chocolate

How often do you eat chocolate?

Out of all the different types of snacks I would say chocolate is

probably my least favorite. It's usually either too sweet or too
bitter. For me, the only chocolate that's like, you know, the golden
- the golden middle, the perfect - the perfect combination of the
flavors is KitKat. It's not too sweet and it's not too bitter. It's just
right and I like that.

Why do you think chocolate is popular all over the world?

I think that chocolate is tied to the world economy in a lot of

ways. I know for a fact that a lot of countries are basically
completely dependent on chocolate and they can only operate
and they can only make all their money because of chocolate. I
know that also historically it's probably connected to trade. So I
think the biggest reason is just because you know people like the
taste of cocoa and because of that over time, it has become a
staple food that every country needs in some - to some degree.

What's your favorite flavor of chocolate?

Milk chocolate! I love milk chocolate. It's usually really sweet and I
have a sweet tooth. Even if it's too sweet, I will still eat a little bit
just to see it, you know just a taste it, figure out how it tastes. It's


- it's enjoyable like that. Milk chocolate is - is my favorite

Do you like chocolate?

As I said, even though I don't eat it too much. I do enjoy it. I enjoy
it. Sometimes I think that Kit Kats are probably my favorite and Kit
Kats are not completely chocolate but there's some part of it
that's chocolate which I also still enjoy even though it's you know,
not not the best. I'm not that big of a fan of chocolate. Did you
like chocolate when you were a kid as far as I remember? Yeah, as
I said, I have a sweet tooth. And when I was a kid, it was much
more unregulated nowadays. I try to not eat too many sweet
things because then everything is gonna taste weird, right all of
the other food that I eat is gonna be strange, but When I was a
kid, I didn't have that. So I ate whatever I wanted and I would eat.
I don't know maybe three chocolate bars in one day and I would
be really happy about it.

Did you give chocolate as a present to someone?

Well, you know traditionally classically chocolate is a great gift.

Especially for Valentine's Day. It can be a great thing to give to
someone to further your relationship whether that be as a friend
or romantically and I have certainly given chocolate as a gift to my
friends when we just meet up, you know, not not just female
friends but male friends as well. We meet up to hang out and I
just give them some chocolate, you know for fun. So yeah
chocolate is nice. I do certainly like chocolate as a gift.

Topic 6, Part 1- Staying Up Late

How do you feel in the morning after you stay up late?

The way my brain works. I usually feel more excited the day after I
stay up late, especially if I have like three hours of sleep. I feel like
my brain is working faster more effectively and it can be good. If
I'm on a test, for example, the only problem is around the middle
of the day closer to the evening. I really just crash and I can tell
that my brain is not working as quickly as it was even in
comparison to a day when I had a normal amount of sleep. So I
would say I feel better and then worse.

How are you doing when you stayed up late last time?

Well, the last time I stayed a plate is actually today. I didn't sleep
until 8:00 am because I couldn't sleep. I was really stressed. I was
you know doing all the chores that I needed to do and I couldn't
really make myself focus on what I needed to get done before the
stream as much as possible which is why I stayed up really late
and I only slept around 30 minutes 30 minutes to one hour. So


yeah, I'm doing okay right now, but I think closer to the evening.
I'll be feeling the effects very violently and in a very bad way.

Do you go to sleep early or stay up late?

99% of the time you will find me staying a plate. I am a definitely

like an evening worker, you know a night owl it's difficult for me
to work in the morning. And that's why most of the time I do my
work at night like lately at night basically early morning, you
know, I'm so much of an early bird that I do work in the morning,
even though I haven't slept it's great.

Topic 7, Part 1- Outer Space And Stars

Are you interested in films about outer space and stars?

I am a very big fan of different sci-fi genres like sub-genres, you

know, I'm a fan of the cyberpunk genre for example, but I don't
really care that much about space travel. I do know that space
travel is one of the current scientific frontiers that we're kind of,
you know developing right now and a lot of people a lot of rich
people are working on developing the scientific capabilities of
space flight, but I don't really care about outer space and stars as
a whole.

Do you want to travel to outer space in the future?


I think I would given the chance probably if somebody said do
you want to go to space I would say yes 100% if I had the the
means and you know, the the Moolah the money to do it, but I
think If I had a choice to live in space, I don't think I would
because it can be very cramped. It can be very difficult space life
is much less luxurious and much less cool than they show it. I

What would you do if you had the opportunity to go to outer


It depends on what kind of opportunity it is. If it's like a one day

trip where you go up into outer space. You see the stars from
close up. You see the earth from far away and you see how
massive it is. I would certainly say yes, I would I would love that
kind of chance because it gives you a chance to glimpse the
magnificence of the earth. But in reality, I don't think I would. Stay
up there in space. I'm not really I'm not into that.

Have you ever learned about stars in outer space?

I know that stars and like astrology or astronomy. Actually, sorry

not astrology astronomy is a it's a very important field and I know
that it's a very interesting field because there's a lot of things that
you can learn there. But personally I've never been driven to that.
I don't really care that much about constellations and stars and all
that. Is the important to study Stars? Yes, 100% space is the future
spaces where we will be going 100% and in order to develop. I
think the human race we need to know more about where we can
go how we can go and you know, all the details of that. I think
that's very important.

Topic 8, Part 1- Jewelry

Why do some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?

I think that the main reason is because over time people

accumulate wealth and they put that wealth into items into
things, you know, and into assets and jewelry is one of those
types of assets gold diamonds. All of that is jewelry and they
passed that down to their children because they're basically
giving their inheritance in the form of those heirlooms. So I think
that's the main reason because they're gonna need to pass that
heirloom down later into the next generation.

Do you like wearing jewelry?

I do not. I I don't think I have worn any piece of jewelry for longer
than like a month or a year, even though it feels cool. It's not
comfortable for me needing to always remember to take off your
jewelry to put on your jewelry, etc. Etc. It's too much mental
stress, and I don't like that so I don't wear jewelry.

What types of jewelry do you like to buy?


I guess if I was choosing different types of jewelry, I would choose
something that has like different purposes. For example, like
maybe a ring that can do something special. I I know that there's
like different types of jewelry. For example that you can give to
somebody else and it's like a pair right like a little heart that's
divided into two and if you want to make a heart you need to kind
of connect with your with your partner or something like that. So I
guess those types of jewelry are probably my favorite to buy.

How often do you wear jewelry?

I don't wear jewelry at all. I I can tell you for fact that I have not
worn any ring or any necklace for the past four years. I don't think
I've worn anything for the past four years and then even before
that I have also not worn really anything. I don't like jewelry that
much. So yeah.

Do you wear a lot of jewelry?

I do not as I said jewelry is not one of my favorites because it's not

really comfortable. I always prioritize comfort over flare and
overlooking, you know, exceptionally good so I will say that for
me. Um for me, it's more about comfort. I don't wear a lot of
jewelry. I don't wear any jewelry.

Have you ever sent someone jewelry as a gift?


Not yet. I know that traditionally people give a ring. Like, you
know a ring. They give a ring as as a gift for somebody they're
trying to marry but for me rings are more a sign of the passing of
time together when you spend a lot of time with someone you
want that to be on their hands because the hand is usually
something that you see first. So I I really like, I'm really planning to
give like a ring to my best friend as a sign. That's Uh, you know
that we've known each other for a long time.

Topic 9, Part 1- Music

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

My favorite music probably has to do with something that can

impart a message music that leaves you feeling some kind of
emotion is the best kind of music and that can be through words.
It can be through instruments anything like that. If it makes me
feel something then I will love it 100% That's my that's my go-to
for for, you know measuring how much I like a song.

When did you start listening to that type of music?

I've always listened to emotional music. I think ever since I was a

kid. I remember like listening to music and kind of melting into it
feeling like all of my stress is gone. All of my emotions are in tune
with what I'm listening to and that kind of music which gives you


something has been a part of my life for for as long as I can

Do you often listen to music?

Yes, I listen to music. I think every single day. I I don't remember a

single day in my life when I didn't listen to music because music
helps me focus. It helps me focus. It helps me live my life basically
so, you know, a lot of people say I cannot live without music. I
really feel like that. I really feel like without music. My life would
not be complete. um

When do you listen to music?

I listen to music most when I am doing some type of activity what

I'm just like going from thing to thing like for example, like when
I'm at a Bazaar right when you're out of Bazaar, you need to
always be focusing because you need to go one shop two shop
three shop. You need to always be focusing on what you're doing.
I don't listen to music because I need to change my direction and
I need to focus on kind of my surroundings. But when I need to do
some kind of mindless activity, for example, cleaning working
washing the dishes. I always listen to music to tune out zone out
and really be inside of my brain rather than in the in the mindless
task that I'm doing.

How much do you spend listening to music every day?

I think that I listen to music only about. 30 minutes a day and by
this I mean listening to music. I spend a lot of time hearing music
because like for example, if I'm cleaning the dishes, I'm not
listening to music. I'm cleaning the dishes, but I'm also hearing
the music in my ears to help me focus. If you're asking me about
like sitting down and listening to a new album. I probably do that
about 30 minutes per day.

How do you feel when you listen to music?

New music makes me feel I think more emotions than old music
unless I already have some kind of emotional attachment to a
certain song So if I really like a song I will be listening to it
regardless of whether you know. Regardless of how old it is
regardless of who made it if I really like a song If I really feel
connected to it. I will just listen to it all the time and I have a lot of
music that I listen to like that right now because you know, I've
had so many like fun experiences at the same time and listening
to the music.

Topic 10, Part 1- Small Businesses

Do you prefer buying things in big companies or from small


I would say that it depends on what I'm trying to buy. I don't really
want to give a lot of specific examples, but I can tell you that it
feels much better to buy from a small business because it I know
for a fact that that money is going to go back into the economy
and it's going for a good cause it's going to a group of people that
will use that money immediately rather than a company that will
just put that money away into a bank to rot forever.

Do you know many small businesses?

I do for sure the street where I currently live in Tashkent has a lot
of small businesses and it feels really nice because I basically feel
like I know the owners of every single, you know restaurants shop
pharmacy. Every time I go somewhere everyone's like oh hi. Hi,
it's always really nice and it feels heartwarming because you
know that those people are not just working, you know to accrue
as much money as possible. They're working to provide for
themselves just like me and that's that's a that's a good thing. It
feels nice. It feels good.

Topic 11, Part 1- Weekends

What do you do in your spare time?

For me my free time is game time. I have kind of two obsessions

right now. My first obsession is work. So if I have some free time
and I need to do something I will sit down and do it and then I will
plan out the rest of the things I need to do. So I will kind of open
up my opportunities, right? This is kind of how I started writing a
book because I finished my first tasks or whatever things I had to
do and then I realized okay, I could write a book I should and then
I just started doing that and so for me spare time as either for
playing video games or for working.

What do you usually do at the weekends?

Currently at the weekends. I try my best to not work, but it can be

really difficult ever since I started working freelance. I feel like I've
been working obsessively, you know trying to perfect things as
much as possible and doing too much. I feel like I've been
working more than I've ever worked at a company which is kind
of funny. But yeah, I would say that the weekends I try to just
unplug relax try not to work too much.

What did you do last weekend?

This weekend which was like two days ago. I spent very
productively in terms of relaxing. I don't mean productively like in
terms of work. Thankfully I didn't work at all. I spent one one day
like relaxing with with one group of friends and then the next day
relaxing with another group of friends. We watched some movies.
I think we want bowling. It was very enjoyable.

Do you think it's important to make the most of your weekend?


I think that it can be toxic to have this kind of mindset because if
you always try to like do as much as you can on the weekend,
you're not really relaxing. I think it's just about doing what is fun.
And then if you want to relax just not doing anything. I think it's
very positive and it's a very good thing to spend a whole day at
home doing nothing not working not playing not thinking just like
laying in bed and that's it doing nothing. I think that's a very
positive thing as well.

Topic 12, Part 1- T-Shirts

Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

I think that t-shirts can be a very cool type of souvenir. I I think

that wearing a thing from another place can be a very big kind of
right of passage and it can be really cool because like usually
people don't notice souvenirs, but if you have a shirt from another
place right another country or some kind of event, it's
immediately clear that you've been there and it's really cool to
kind of connect to other people that maybe have been there as

Do you think older people who wear t-shirts are fashionable?

I think so. I think people can wear whatever they want. I think that
judging someone by whether or not they're wearing a t-shirt is
the most ridiculous thing you can do and I think older people
certainly have the right to wear whatever they want and they will
be fashionable because you know, it's it fashion isn't really about
wearing a t-shirt or not. It's about your overall posture and your
presentation to the world.

Do you like t-shirts with pictures and prints?

I do I think they look nice. I think that a lot of different prints can
be cool for t-shirts. Sometimes I look at a painting or a picture or
you know at something and I think that would look great on the
T-shirt because because it does t-shirts are the perfect place for
you know, those kinds of things.

Do you usually wear t-shirts?

Yes, I do most of the time I'm wearing a t-shirt because they're

really comfortable. They're really nice. It doesn't really matter
what you're doing as long as you're not going to a wedding or a
funeral and if you're wearing a t-shirt at not those occasions,
you'll be fine. I don't think anybody really cares that much and I
think a t-shirt is just as fine as like a business suit or something as
I said, it's just about the rest of your presentation, you know. Are
you clean? Are you shaved?

Do you look ready to do whatever needs to be done?


You know t-shirts are just the clothing for any occasion. I guess
you could say. Do you like wearing t-shirts? I don't think I
particularly like them I can tell you that I like wearing suits. I like
wearing clothes that make me feel more presentable. I generally
feel like I have a relatively low self-esteem which is why when I
wear those kinds of clothes it makes me feel more, you know
outgoing it makes me feel more active. Whereas if I'm wearing,
you know, some kind of let's say a T-shirt, I just feel like myself. I
feel normally like myself like right now I'm wearing a t-shirt and it
just it feels normal. Yeah.

Topic 13, Part 1- Happiness

What will make you happy in the future?

I think in the future I have some goals like inside of my head.

They're not completely formulated yet, but they're just floating
around somewhere, you know, not completely defined and I feel
like when I get to actually defining them and then eventually
reaching them that will make me very happy because you know,
achieving goals is certainly a good way to increase your dopamine

When do you feel happy at work?

At work, I feel happiest when things are going well. I I have a very
I guess vicarious relationship with my work where I I often feel
like I'm forcing myself to do it when I'm not actually able to it's it's
a very it's a very difficult relationship to explain but I feel best and
I feel most like satisfied at work when the things that I want to
happen actually happen, which is not that rare but it's also not
that common unfortunately.

Do you feel happy when you buy new things?

Yes, I think every person gets that rush of, you know feeling when
they purchase something when they get to spend their money,
you know, you have some money in your hands you feel like it's
burning your pocket. You have to put it somewhere. It can be like
a positive really good investment for your work or it can be some
clothes or something that you don't really need either way when
you spend money, it feels good. And I think that's not a very
productive thing. But I think it's a part of human life. It is the way
it is.

What made you happy when you're a child?

I think when I was a kid, the biggest joy was probably going
outside like going to the park with my sister with my mother. I
was definitely like I really enjoyed staying inside. But I also enjoy
going outside. So for me, my favorite thing would probably be
going to the park and you know, like meeting other kids
sometimes and hanging out. I like that. That was nice.


Topic 14, Part 1- Art

Do you like modern art or traditional Arts?

I feel like for me I enjoy art regardless of how you you know,
ascribe it and and what era you put it into for me art is Art and I
would say that's traditional art and Modern Art both have their
merits I would say currently I'm more into traditional. I'm more
into modern art because the fact that I feel like it's more
connected to real world situations and the things that are
currently happening right now.

Do you like art?

Yes art as much as music is a big part of my life. I feel like art is in
everything. Everything is Art. Everything can be art and because
of the fact that the idea of art is so nebulous and it's so out there.
You can really manipulate it into whatever suits you, you know, I I
guess to put it more to put it more simply. To put it in a more
simple way. Art is what you need at the moment when you need
it. And and for me, it can be very helpful to to focus. I really like
using art to focus in different ways.

Do you think it'd be interesting for you to be an artist ?

It certainly would be there was a period in my life when I was

actually planning to be an artist. I really liked Miniatures drawing


really small pictures because it requires a lot of concentration and
a lot of focus and for me, it's very rare to find a moment when I
can focus and when I had to draw them I was constantly focused.
I felt like my whole life was about those miniature paintings, but
then I grew up a bit older and I realized that you know, not
everything is about that. So yeah, it was interesting and I do think
it'd be great to be an artist but not for me probably.

Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?

Yes, currently there is artwork of one of the cats in my apartment,

but there is no art made by me unfortunately because I haven't
really had the chance to focus on art for the past. Year, I haven't
really had like a free moments from me art is like a is like a flower,
you know. If you don't give it any sunlight, it doesn't grow and for
me sunlight is like relaxation if I can relax, then I can do art.
Otherwise, it's hard.

Have you ever visited an art gallery?

I have visited a lot of our galleries and I have some favorites I

would say my favorite would be the hermitage Museum in St.
Petersburg. It is massive. It is a museum rather than a art gallery. I
think it's like an art collection. It has a lot of historical things and
also art pieces. It's incredible. Yeah art galleries. Are definitely a
very cool place to go.


Topic 15, Part 1- Keys

Have you ever locked yourself out?

There's been a couple times when I like didn't have my key to get
into my apartment. And that's why I couldn't get in. I've never
really locked myself out where you know, I closed the door. With
the key inside that's a little bit too stupid for for my for my tastes.
I usually try to keep my keys with me as soon as I leave the house.

Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?

I think it can be good depending on who the neighbor is. I feel like
there's you know some groups of people who are less likely to do
something bad. But generally I think it's better to leave them with
a family member even if they don't live that close. It's still I think
relatively safer, especially if you live in the same city like not close
but in the same city, I feel like that's much safer than leaving
them with a neighbor in the same, you know apartment block
that neighbor has much more incentive to try to do some kind of
uh the perpetration kind of you know crime on your apartment

Have you ever lost your keys?

I've lost them a lot. I am I'm generally quite a clumsy person in

terms of remembering things and I've lost my keys a lot. Whether
that be in public places or in my own house most of the time in


my house. I have just like misplaced them and then I never you
know, never found them.

Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?

I usually have like several keys with me but not a lot for some
reason most of my like key sets and keychains have more than
one key, even though I always only use one. I don't know where
they come from. It feels like they just they they breed maybe it's
kind of like mitosis key mitosis where I just get one key and then
like, you know four or five of them appear, but yeah, I usually have
more than one key even though I don't use more than one key.

Topic 16, Part 1- Libraries

Did you go to a library when you were a kid?

Um, I don't think there were any libraries near me when I was a
kid, but when I was in school when I was going to like primary and
middle school, I would go to a library. I would go to libraries often.
Actually. I really like to read at that age. And and for me my
favorite type of book was probably like a young adult novel. Oh,
no, sorry, not young adult young adolescent novel. Yeah basically
like a pen dragon or like Harry Potter those kinds of books were
some of my favorites even though I never read Harry Potter, but
those types of books basically.


What kind of people would go to library to read and study?

I feel like any kind of person nowadays. They're used to be like

very rigid stereotypes surrounding like nerds and jocks and the
types of people that go to libraries and types of people to go to
sports games. But nowadays anybody can be anybody and I think
that's wonderful. I think that you are not bound to be somebody
that other people want you to be you can be whoever you want
and I think that's wonderful.

Do you often go to the library nowadays?

I find that my library is right in front of my face. It is my computer.

It is my phone. There's no need to go to a physical place to find
books and because of that the need to go to library has kind of
disappeared. I would appreciate having a quiet place to study
where other people are studying at the same time. What I can just
do that in my house. So going somewhere has just become kind
of like a unnecessary unnecessary thing. Our libraries popular in
your country. I know for a fact that a lot of people do go to
libraries and there's Pakistan. I know that there's a very big Library
called. I think it's the I'm here to more Library. It's like massive. I've
been there a couple times. It's awesome. But I don't think the
general population goes to libraries that much. I think mainly
people who are like studying that they are the ones who are
going to libraries, of course.


Topic 17, Part 1- Schools

What changes would you like to see in your school?

Currently? I'm not going to school but I would say the school that
I did go to has a lot of very specific problems. That would be
great. If they were changed. I think the first thing is the gender
segregation. I went to a school that was divided. So it's like boys
and girls with kind of study differently. It was not mixed. So I
would say that the biggest thing is just make that you know
mixed boys and girls are study together because that's that's a
part of life, you know interacting with the opposite gender is a
part of life and it's important to not miss out on that during the
school years.

Did you go to a good school?

I would say that I did it was pretty good. I feel like as I said, it had
some specific problems and some things that shaped me into the
person that I am today, but regardless it was still a good school if I
would choose to go through that educational process again or
not. I would I think I would because it was formative. It was
definitely a formative experience in a good way and I I would not
trade that for anything in the world.

Topic 18, Part 1- Bag

Is a bag an ideal gift ?
I think the bags are a great gift, but not ideal. I feel like if a person
really needs a bag, for example, they don't have a backpack for
school, especially like children for them a bag would be an ideal
gift. But for most people a bag is just an okay gift. I can imagine
much more ideal gifts. Like for example money money is the best
gift you can give anyone in my opinion.

Do you often change your bags?

I don't I really don't as much as bags are a very popular type of

fashion item for me. A bag is a means to an end. It's something I
use to carry things more comfortably. So if my back breaks, I'll get
another one but another situation there's no need for me to you
know, get a new bag. I don't really care about looking stylish with
a Gucci bag. That's not for me.

Do you like bags? What type of bags do you like?

I don't have anything against bags. I'm not like a bag lover or a
bag hater for me. I'm you know kind of indifferent but my number
one favorite type of bag is a backpack or a rucksack as someone
British would call it. They are extremely comfortable. They are
very spacious. You can fit in anything you need into them. And for
that reason I feel like they are you know, the most useful the most

Do you have different bags for different occasions?

I kind of have different backpacks for different situations like not
necessarily like a backpack for going out in public and a backpack
for doing something else but like more specifically different
backpacks for different sports. Let's say so I have I have a
backpack that I use for biking specifically because it's very
lightweight and it's comfortable and I have a backpack for hiking
because it's much more empty and there's much more space
inside and it really depends on you know, what the sport

Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

It used to be impossible for someone to catch me going outside

without a bag. I thought that a bag is the most important thing
because if you don't have a bag, how are you going to be able to
carry your stuff? But nowadays bags are not that important for
me. I can go out, you know with just the things that are inside of
my pockets. For example, my keys my phone my wallet. That's it.
You know, the the three piece combo is all I need.

What do you put in your bag?

I feel like you know the number one most important thing to put
into your bag and this is something I try to keep with me. All the
time is a bottle of hydrolife because I feel like hydrolife is the
most healthy water that you can find in Uzbekistan. I'm not
sponsored by them, but I love hydrolife. So I usually carry some
water with me and anything that I have in my pockets defaults to
going into my backpack if I have it with me.

When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?

I feel like the most important thing to consider when buying a bag
is probably the material you need to understand what it's actually
made of because that material will stick with you through you
know, as well through the whole life of the bag. And so if it's like
fiberglass or some material that makes you feel itchy then you're
gonna feel those feelings all the time and I feel like that would be
that would be terrible. So the most important thing is the material
of the bag, of course the make of the bag and how well it's
actually produced the craftsmanship is also important, but the
material is the number one priority.

Topic 19, Part 1- Wild animals

What is your favorite wild animal?

I feel like all wild animals have their own merits unlike
domesticated animals. I feel like wild animals are really cool
because they were evolved or they kind of developed in an
environment where they you know, they had to become the peak
of their ability. And so when you see any wild animal, you know
that that animal is you know at its edit Peak it's doing its best. I
would say my favorite wild animal is probably a cheetah they are
just so incredible. They are the fastest land animal and you know,
this this makes them very ferocious on land.

Are there wild animals in your country?

Yes in Uzbekistan. There are some wild animals not as many not
as many as in other countries, like for example in Australia. I know
that there's an overwhelming amount of wild animals and
especially insects which are very scary but in Uzbekistan, there
are some well that animals some bears some coyotes some
hyenas. I think especially in the regions. There are a lot of a lot of

Have you ever seen wild animals?

I think every person has had an experience of going to the zoo,

especially when you're a kid when you're in school. You you go to
the zoo with your with your you know class and you get a chance
to have like a field day and see all the different animals, but I think
that you know, I have probably seen more wild animals actually in
the wild because I used to live out in the countryside.

Where can we see wild animals?

I mean as I mentioned I think the most easy place to find wild

animals. If you really want to see them is you know the outdoors
but you have to be really good at looking for them. I think there


are a lot of special zones where you can see animals like deer and
llamas and these kinds of animals. Just wondering about but if
you want to see like a specific wild animal, it's probably much
easier to just go to a zoo that has that animal.

Do you like watching animals in the zoo?

To be honest, not so much because in a zoo animals are in

captivity. There are not able to live their life completely. Imagine
seeing like your friend or somebody that you know, you know be
unable to participate in any of the things that they need to
participate in anything that they need to do. They cannot do
because they're basically in jail. So that's what you know zoos feel
like for me and that's why I don't particularly enjoy them

Topic 20, Part 1- Rain

Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

For me, it doesn't really matter as long as I don't have to go

outside too much that day if a day is incredibly rainy, you know, if
there's like a monsoon that day it would really suck if I had some
plans to go outside. But otherwise the rain doesn't really metal in
my affairs too much. You know, we have conquered the weather. I
think a long time ago and it's not that big of a factor nowadays.


What do you do on rainy days?

For me usually rainy days are spent inside. I mean as I mentioned,

you know, it's uncomfortable to go outside during the rain. But if I
have any, you know things that I need to do any necessary
activities any any plans that I made beforehand, I will be you
know doing them. It's it's as I said, the rain will not stop me from
from doing what I have to do. But otherwise, I like to stay inside. I
like to listen to the to the pattering of the rain and listen to the to
the raindrops fall.

Do you like wet weather?

I'm not against wet weather. The only problem is in Tashkent.

There's this phenomena that when the rain falls down all of the
dust comes up and you can really smell the ground and for some
people that's a very pleasant smell a lot of people really enjoy that
and it feels very nostalgic. But for me, it feels a little bit
overwhelming. I'm not entirely used to that smell yet. And so I
don't enjoy, you know having my my nose buds assaulted with
rain and dust.

Do you prefer wet or dry weather?

If I had to make a choice, I would probably say dry weather. Like if

I had to only have one for the rest of time, but I feel like having a
healthy mix of both is much more enjoyable because one is not
really better than the other they just have you know, benefits and
drawbacks dry weather for me is you know more pleasant
because you don't really get as as wet, of course because it's dry

Is there any parts in your country where it doesn't rain much?

I'm not sure I am that good at the you know, kind of. Naturalist or
sorry not naturalist, but I guess the the weather forecast in in
Uzbekistan. I don't know that much about the climate but I do
know that there are several deserts in Uzbekistan, like for
example in nucus in and we knock there's a very big desert where
the arrow sees to be. And so I think there it probably isn't as rainy
as in in other parts of Uzbekistan.

What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside?

Well, when you're outside the best thing to do is probably to you

know cover yourself. If you have any any disposable objects, for
example, if you have a plastic bag from a supermarket is probably
very easy to take it and put it over your head. But otherwise, you
know, just try to get a taxi maybe try to run away somewhere
Yandex recently has started this predatory feature where as soon
as it starts raining, they raise their prices as much as possible so
that everybody caught in the rain has to pay a fine, which I think is


Do you think rain is good?

I think rain is important. It's it's impossible to quantify, you know

parts of nature as good or bad nature is a system. It has a balance
and it's impossible to say what in that system is good or bad. I
mean other than maybe tsunamis or hurricanes those are not very
fun. But I would say that rain is generally a good sign for a very
long time rain has been a sign of, you know crop growth and good
harvest, you know because the plants will grow so I think that
situations throughout human history rain has been a a positive for

How does rain affect life in your country?

I think in in Tashkent reign is not that big of an effect. It's it

doesn't you know kind of change life too much. The biggest thing
is probably snow. I feel like snow in Tashkent because because
you know, you don't get snow that often when it does snow,
especially when you get even slightly heavy snowfall life just kind
of stops, you know cars aren't able to travel because nobody has
the right tire covers and everything just kind of gets messed up
because you know, people are not prepared whereas rain it
doesn't have that big of an effect.

Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain?


I mean very often, you know, I want to go to the mountains on
the weekend. I have a plan to go and relax and kind of have a
good time. But the rain says no, you know, it just starts raining
and sometimes it doesn't even rain in in the city. It rains in the
mountains. And so I I look at the forecast and I see that you know,
my plans have been foiled the rain has kind of you know. Messed
up everything I wanted to do and so that yes, it has happened
before that. The rain has caused me to you know, alter what I'm
what I'm doing for the day especially during the weekends.

Topic 21, Part 1-Teachers

Would you like to be a teacher?

I Am already a teacher actually and I think it's very interesting. I

mean, I didn't really have a moment in my life when I thought that
you know now that's it teaching is my dream profession. I always
thought that I would just kind of, you know, find my own
favorites, um find my own favorite activity and start doing that as
my profession, but nowadays after teaching for you know, a while
and kind of really getting into it and understanding teaching it has
become definitely one of my favorite professions, and I'm really
happy that I became a teacher

Do you think you could be a teacher?


Once again, I I think so. I think that I'm a pretty good teacher
especially when I put myself to it whenever I try my best to create
a good interesting and well-planned lesson. I believe I can create
some very good ones. I believe that I have a lot of like, you know
kind of topics in my Arsenal which I can teach to, you know, any
person any audience and I can make them interested in that
topic. So I think that you know, it's it comes with experience. I
think that now I really can be a good teacher.

Did you have a favorite teacher?

Yes, I did actually in in high school. I had a teacher who I really

really enjoyed studying from her name was Miss. Sorry, I can't
quite remember her name if I do I'll tell you later, but she was my
science teacher and the way that she taught was very interesting
and I generally really liked her as a person. She was a very
enjoyable teacher and so, you know, it's it was a great experience.
It was a great experience to be able to learn from her. Help you
well. Thing is when I was younger. I had a lot of concentration
issues. I had a lot of problems with focusing on my tasks. So the
biggest way that she would help me is she would make plans for
the lessons that she would distribute to the students and then
through looking at these plans. I would be able to tell which
points would be most interesting for me and I would be able to
concentrate throughout the whole lecture because I would you
know kind of wait for the lesson to begin. That's about it.
Topic 22, Part 1- Concentration

Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

I have suspicions of something called ADHD which means

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for me. It can be very
difficult to concentrate on a task. If I don't want to do it
sometimes for hundreds of hours. I will be unable to do my work
just because I don't want to do it. So sometimes it can be very
difficult to focus on you know, unwanted tasks. But if it's
something I really want to do I can concentrate for hours without
even stopping because of course I can concentrate very well on
things that I want.

Are you a focused person?

If you know you're asking more generally I would say that in life. I
am pretty focused. I've tried my best for the past couple of years
to focus on one thing at a time in my profession especially but
also in my hobbies and I feel like I have achieved some pretty, you
know, good results, for example, you know on my telegram
channel I have around almost 20,000 subscribers. I've been
teaching for almost a year and I've really started enjoying it as a
hobby more than just as a job and you know in my biking for
example, I I did a lot of very cool trips. And so, you know for me I
would say right now I'm a pretty focused person in my life.


What do you do to improve concentration?

I think the best thing to improve concentration is to be able to

kind of remove all unnecessary factors. So for example, if you
have a task, right if you want to apply to university this one goal,
for example, applying to university has a lot of things surrounding
it. For example, you need to contact people from that university.
You need to make your college application. There are so many
things that you need to be able to do and so I would say that if
you are, you know, if you're trying to do this task, you need to
remove everything that's not necessary only focus on the most
important things. Okay.

What do you do to help you concentrate?

So personally my concentration focuses. It's my concentration is

mainly focused on how much Interest I have in a certain task. So
in order to increase my concentration, the best thing that I can do
is to make it more enjoyable. For example, if I have to wash the
dishes I will always listen to music while I'm washing the dishes
the same thing with cleaning or doing other things. So for me to
improve my concentration, I like to make my tasks more

How do you stay focused?


Now once again over time the biggest goal, the biggest thing that
I do to stay focused over a long periods of time is to keep my goal
in my sight for example from my telegram channel the way that I
have stayed focused on, you know teaching and developing. My
teaching methods is by creating goals for myself. For example,
right now, my biggest goal is to get to 20,000 subscribers and a
20,000 subscribers. I'm going to release a song a cover of a song
that I made called Mockingbird by Eminem So it's like by setting
these goals for myself and keeping them in my in my plans and in
my dreams I can keep myself on the right track.

When is it hard to concentrate?

I think the most difficult situation A concentrate for me at least

isn't when I have too many distractions. It's when I have not
enough distractions, for example, if you put me into a completely
white room with no noise no color nothing and you tell me to
study I will most likely not be able to study at all. But if you put
me into a room that has a lot of very loud noise and it's about you
know, kind of There's a lot of color and a lot of loud noise. All of
this additional stimuli will help me focus more rather than less.

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

As I mentioned like the lack of stimuli and the lack of things

happening can be quite distracting. But another thing that is
distracting for a lot of people is probably more interesting
activities, for example, if you know that you need to sit down to
finish your aisle test to essay, but your friend calls you and he
says, you know, hey, it's me. I'm Bob. Let's go outside and play
some football like the idea of football is much more interesting
than the idea of finishing a task to essay. So in 90% of situations, I
will go outside to play football with Anvar rather than actually
finishing the essay. So I guess those kinds of like things that are
more fun. All right big destruction.

In what situations do you need to concentrate?

I guess the number one situation when you need to concentrate

is. I don't know your IELTS test. I mean your IELTS test is a very big
situation but generally exams our situations when it's a good idea
to concentrate. It's a very good idea to concentrate when you are
being When you are testing yourself, for example, like you are
trying to achieve a personal best. If you are let's say a musician
and you're trying to learn a new song or if you are a teacher and
you're trying to make a good lesson in all these situations when
you're trying to do your best. You should concentrate as much as
you can.

When do you need to be focused?

Once again, I think it's it's when you are kind of, you know, trying
to achieve something big. Another thing that requires
concentration over longer periods of time is Big achievements.
For example, I think writing a book is a very big achievement
creating a let's let's say like a charity or like doing something big
creating an event these kinds of things require a lot of focus over
long periods of time and I think that if you are unable to
concentrate you will not be able to actually create you know, that
book that event whatever your plan is if it's a long plan it requires
a long game and long Focus.

Is it easy for you to do two things simultaneously?

Personally, I'm not a Caesar. I can do you know up to one thing

not more most of the time if I'm doing something and another
opportunity comes up something more interesting. For example, I
will probably switch from the boring task to the interesting task
until the interesting one is finished. And then when I come back
to the boring task, I will feel inundated and unhappy because I
will feel like I'm doing something that is not optimal so for me it's
not a good idea to do two things at a time. It's a better idea to just
finish one thing and then move on to the next one. This is kind of
how my brain works.

Topic 23, Part 1- Friends

What do you and your friends do together?

Uh, just recently one of my best friends or actually my best friend

has left Tashkent. So he doesn't live here anymore. He lives in
Japan which is why currently I don't do very much with my
friends. But when he was here, we did a lot of stuff together. We
played games together all the time. We participated in sports
together almost every week and we used to go to the mountains
regularly, which was some of my most they were some of my
most fun experiences that I've had in this country. So, yeah,
usually those kinds of things and Hiking is probably my favorite
out of all of them.

Do you have many friends?

I would say no for me. It's very difficult to let somebody into my
circle of trust and to make friends. I have a lot of people that are
kind of at an Arms Reach away somebody who I can talk to if I
need to but otherwise they are not you know in a priority list, but I
don't have many people that I would call my friends whether that
be fortunately or unfortunately.

Do you prefer one friend or many friends?

When I was a kid. I used to have this Obsession. I used to really

believe that I need to have many friends that it's so important to
be surrounded by a community of people I couldn't live without it.
I thought it was the most important thing but Nowadays, I realize
that it's much more. Friendly for yourself. It's it's much it's much
easier to maintain several high priority friendships rather than
many low priority friendships. So that's why nowadays. I I try to
keep one or two close friends that we you know, kind of get very
close with

Do your friends think that you are a good friend?

That's a very good question. If I could I would probably ask them.

But for me, the most important thing is that they feel that way I
don't really need to ask them, you know, over time you develop
habits, especially when you know, you've kind of had experiences
with people getting tired of you you develop habits to please
people, you know to make people stay with you over time. And so
I feel like because of this a lot of my friends probably say that I am
a good friend, but at the same time it's not, you know, always the
case. It really depends on who you ask.

What kind of friend do you want to meet in the future?

I think later in life. It's gonna be more important for me

increasingly more important to meet creative people. I think the
most important thing in a person is their creativity all of my
friends right now, all of the people that I'm talking to have the
ability to create things whether that be telegram content YouTube
videos music all of these Kinds of things. It is a very big priority for
me that the friends that I have have the same values as me. And
the first one in that list is creativity.

What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

Now other than creativity I I feel like for me a friend is somebody
who is available of course and somebody who I enjoy being with
so it's it's kind of like a it's you know, it's double-edged sword
because most of the people that I like being with there are not
always available and the people that are always available. It's not
like I always want to be with them. So that's why it's very rare one
of the big reasons why it's very rare for me to have a lot of friends
because the people that I want to hang out with they're not free,
you know, they have lives and they have things to do. I had one
big friend as I said, you know, he was literally big but also big in
terms of our friendship who is always available and it was
incredibly fun to be with him, but now he's gone so

Do you prefer to spend time with friends or alone?

I think nowadays. I probably prefer to spend more time alone. I

have a lot of my own goals. I have a lot of priorities and I have a
lot of things that I need to accomplish. I have recently become
very goal-oriented and I'm not sure why I'm not sure whether
that's a good thing or not, but I can tell you that I have put my
activity and my work kind of in the top spot and so because of
this it's more difficult for me to Allocate time to just hanging out.
You know, it's it's like it's not something that is. As important for
me as it was when I was younger.

Do you like to spend time with friends?


Now if you're just asking whether you know, it's important for me
to be with friends. I think yes, I think that especially if it's a good
friend group. If you have let's say three or four friends who you
enjoy each of their companies and they enjoy each other's
company you create this atmosphere, which is very friendly. It
feels very warm in the heart when you make a joke and
everybody laughs at the same time and then somebody adds to
your joke. It just feels like you're kind of this Dynamic which which
it's a feeling that cannot be replicated in my opinion. But yeah,
that's about it. It's it's something I do really enjoy from time to

Topic 24, Part 1- Languages

What foreign languages have you studied?

Foreign languages have been one of the most important parts of

my educational career almost every year of my life. I have
dedicated to some foreign language. I think the one that I have
learned for the longest is probably Uzbek at this point either
uzbekah Russian because when I came to Uzbekistan, I've been
learning them when I came here, but another language that I
spent a wealth and a long amount of time learning was Japanese.
I really really enjoyed Japanese because it is a very interesting
language. It's very rich and it's very art like artistically beautiful. So
that's why Japanese is probably my favorite.


Would you like to learn any foreign language?

If I could kind of go back from all of the experience that I had with
learning languages? And you know, forget it. I would start new
with learning either Arabic or Swedish those two languages. I
have different reasons for both. I want to learn Swedish because
number one I think it's a hilarious language and number two
because I think Sweden is a beautiful country and eventually
maybe I would like to go there. The other one Arabic I would like
to learn because I think that Arabic is a beautiful language. I think
that it's a very interesting language to learn and maybe in the
future. I'll learn it, but I don't that's not in my priority list right now
because it's a very difficult language to learn one of the hardest in
the world actually.

Why did you choose to study that language?

So let me tell you a bit about why I decided to study Japanese a

little bit more in-depth at one point in my life. I had a very hefty
goal. I had a very big dream my dream was to go to Japan either
for University or for work and to travel from the very top of Japan
to the very bottom of the trip of Japan by bicycle. It was gonna be
like a massive trip and it was going to you know, kind of be the
trip of a lifetime and who knows I might still do it. There's still
might be a point in my life where this becomes a possibility but
because of recent, you know kind of problems with with the


coronavirus and another things, I don't think this is gonna happen
anytime soon. You learn that language. learning Japanese was a
learning Japanese was an experience. It was quite difficult the
first and biggest step in learning Japanese for me was immersing
myself in an atmosphere. I got a lot of Japanese media. So as I
said before books TV shows different, you know real authentic
Japanese materials and I started immersing myself in them. I
started using Them and kind of trying my best to understand
Japanese and over time. I started understanding and I learned
grammar. I learned tenses. I learned vocabulary and eventually I
was able to speak not maybe that well, but I was speaking which
was incredible for me.

How long have you been learning that language?

I learned Japanese for about two years. I got to around. I think it's
called N4 which is like somewhere around. Let's say B2. I think B1
B2 on the English scale kind of equivalent and I was not bad I
could speak. You know, I could speak to people I could
understand Japanese which was the most interesting thing and I
really enjoyed it at that time when I was at like the peak of my
abilities. I was feeling comfortable in the language, but nowadays,
I don't feel so comfortable and I don't really immerse myself as
much which is why I've stopped

Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?


Japanese as far as I remember is one of the most difficult
languages to learn if you're interested in learning there are several
things. You should understand and the first one is that it's a
ancient language. It's maybe not as old as some other ones like
for example, it's not as old as Chinese, but Japanese is actually
multifaceted. It has different parts and it has three different
writing systems all of which you need to learn from the very
beginning which is why Japanese can be one of the most
challenging in the world.

Topic 25, Part 1- Ice cream

Do you like ice cream?

Personally ice cream is not one of my favorite snacks, but it is not

something that I will refuse if somebody offers it to me. I don't
really go out of my way to buy ice cream unless it is popsicles. I
absolutely love popsicles. I eat them all the time popsicles are
basically like fruit fruit juice frozen to become a type of ice cream.
They are delicious and I eat them all the time when I was a kid. I
remember I used to eat them so much the my tongue would
always be colored with some kind of, you know popsicle flavor.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

So if we're talking about ice cream like, you know normal average
ice cream. I really like vanilla vanilla is probably my favorite. But if
we're talking about popsicles, I cannot go without cherry flavor
cherries are you know, of course delicious on their own but when
they're in the form of a popsicle they become so scrumptious and
the flavor just melts in your mouth. Those are definitely some of
my favorite things to eat if I ever get the chance to eat them.

Topic 26, Part 1- Fixing things

Can you fix things?

I am not the best at fixing every you know object in the house,
but I am quite good at fixing electronics. I guess that's probably
the area that I am most qualified in. I've had Electronics my whole
life different kinds different types. And so nowadays. I'm very
good at fixing Electronics. But otherwise if you ask me to fix
something around the house, I could give it a try but I don't
guarantee success.

What things can you fix?

As I mentioned I'm really good at Electronics. But if you want

more specific information, I'm good at New Age stuff. So for
example, if you ask me to fix a Macbook from like, you know, let's
say the 2000s. I will probably look at it with with, you know eyes
wide open and I'll have no clue how to fix it. But most modern
computers have a very streamlined way to fix it. And there's a lot
of access to materials online to learn how to fix these kinds of
things. So I would say that overall fixing things is is one of the
things I'm good at but not the best that

What is your favorite day of the week?

I think my favorite day of the week is probably Sunday. I love

Sundays. Honestly today is a Sunday and I think every Sunday that
I've lived in my life. I've had a chance to really like wind down and
relax as much as possible. Most sundays are very carefree. And I
think this is the same for every person every single person who
you know kind of works. During the sundays they are you know
free and that's that's why I love them a lot.

Describe your typical daily routine?

So unfortunately in the recent weeks, I haven't had a chance to

solidify my daily routine. So it's been very hectic. I've done things
at different parts of the day all the time, but I did have a daily
routine a couple weeks ago for like a month. It was a very solid
daily routine and it went a little bit like this. I would wake up
around 8. Am I would have breakfast take a shower get ready for
the day start working and creating content around 11:00 am and
then I would work until somewhere around 8 PM where I would
have a lesson with my group and then I would once again take a
shower wine down for the day and relax and it was a very
peaceful routine. I could really get a lot done.


Is there anything that you do every day?

Nowadays, I'm teaching every day. I have courses that I teach all
the time. I have different speaking courses mainly but sometimes
I have other courses as well and I have been enjoying them
thoroughly. I teach lessons basically every afternoon and it for me
it's a part of like my, you know daily routine to to sit down at the
end of the day and kind of teach something. I really do. Enjoy a

What do you usually do at weekends?

Uh contrary to popular belief teachers don't get that much rest

during the weekends at least in Uzbekistan. In other countries.
Like for example in the US the weekend is a great day for most
teachers to relax and to stop, you know, worrying about their
teaching but in Uzbekistan, especially when you're at IELTS
telegram channel owner sundays are the day when you get a
chance to work with the community as much as possible. Most
people I know most teachers that I know will be able to you
know, do speaking clubs. They'll be able to meet with their
students and Sundays are mainly the day when you get to work
with the community, so that's about it. I guess I work more during
the weekends than during the week like today, for example.

Topic 27, Part 1- Ambitions


Do you think you are an ambitious person?

I feel like I set goals in my life, but I don't believe that I always
have the chance to attain them. Unfortunately, even though I am
a goal-oriented person. It's very hard for me to always realize
these Ambitions. So over time I have accepted that some of my
goals and some of my dreams are not going to come true and I
feel like this is probably helpful skill for everybody to have to let
go of these like passions and to take up new ones.

Are you an ambitious person?

Personally, if you ask about like my qualities, once again, I would

say yes, I would say I am ambitious but one thing is I feel like
when I was a kid, it wasn't like this. I feel like when I was a kid, my
dream was to be able to not do anything. You know, like I had one
of those childhoods where there were no requirements. I wasn't a
child prodigy in anything. Nobody required me to do like 10 hours
of basketball practice to become a sports legend. All I did was I
played in the garden and I enjoyed myself and I feel like this has
caused me to become a more relaxed person that I would have
been otherwise, maybe this is impacted how ambitious I am, but I
still think it was a positive overall.

Topic 28, Part 1- Health

What kinds of exercises do you do?

I'm a big fan of sport generally. So I participate in you know,
almost all types of sports. I really enjoy it. I played some football
last Sunday ever since that day. I broke my toe. So I have not done
any football or any sports since that day. But other than that, I I do
a lot of different sports, you know, I like rollerblading. I really love
ice skating and biking those are some of my favorites but
unfortunately recently I haven't been able to do as many sports of
course because I broke my toe.

How do you keep healthy?

I guess my two biggest things that I do for health are number one
as I said Sports, especially when the weather is not so hot. I really
like to rollerblade, you know, go outside get a chance to
participate in some Urban Sports. Those are some of my favorites,
you know, skateboarding rollerblading things like this and the
second thing is eating i, i as much as I don't eat healthy all the
time. I do try to stay on the healthier side. It's it's it's important for
me to cook for myself as much as I can to stay healthy.

What are your favorite sports?

So as I mentioned my number one favorite sport is probably

rollerblading the second one after that is ice skating these two are
actually kind of connected as I started as I started ice skating. I
had this thought what if I could ice skate anywhere I wanted
because the the feeling of ice skating the feeling of gliding along
the Ice is very enjoyable. And then I realized there is a type of
sport where you get to. There is a type of sport where you get to
skate on the ice. Except on on the ground and that is
rollerblading. So yeah, I really enjoyed it. All right. next tell me

What sports help people stay healthy?

I think most people who need to lose weight or they need to, you
know, kind of get into shape or become healthy. They probably go
to the gym and there are a variety of things you could do at the
gym. You could go on a treadmill so you could be like running you
could you know, there's there's a lot of things you could do like
this. I guess. The biggest thing is probably other other than jim
running just running outside. This is the the least difficult to get
into and probably the cheapest sport that people do to stay

Topic 29, Part 1- Dreams

What was your dream when you were a child?

When I was a kid, I actually had a very strange dream which

nowadays. I don't really understand how it it came to this. I really
wanted to be an engineer even though I was never good at
mathematics. I was never good at making calculations, which
honestly is one of the most important aspects of being an
engineer. You have to be good at mathematics and
understanding, you know numbers in Russians, like
rationalizations and things like this. I thought I could be a good
engineer, but eventually I realized that it requires math and then
you know that dream got lost along the way very quickly.

Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

I would like to believe that I am I try my best to stick to something

over time if it is important for me if I truly believe that is
important for me, but I would say that. Generally it is. It is not my
best quality. Right? Like it's not something that is incredibly
strong is just something that I kind of have. So I would I would say
that I try my best to stick to dreams but I don't always do it, you
know, it's impossible for me to be perfect. Just like any other

Topic 30, Part 1- Days off

What do you do when you have days off?

I think that the most important thing that I do on my days off is I

try to get away from my work now. I don't always succeed. It can
be very difficult as everybody knows to completely disconnect
from your work, but I try my best it has been a priority for me to
not look at my telegram to not look at my job when I have a free
day because it takes a lot of your energy away when you're


always in the flow and you're always focusing on your work. It can
be very I think detrimental to your progress as a person.

When was the last time you had a few days off?

I think the last time that I really gave myself a day off was when I
broke my foot when I broke my leg. I really had a chance to slow
down and not worry so much about what's going on because you
know, my life was broken. What else could I do and the time
before that was probably around the beginning of May because I
just I naturally felt really tired of you know, teaching and working
and always Stressing out so much about my life. So because of
this I I really just I stopped making posts on Telegram and I
stopped, you know being stressed so much. So yeah, that's about


Topic 1, Part 2- Historical period

I think my favorite historical period and kind of generally period in

human development would have to be the Renaissance.
Specifically, I'm interested in the art. I feel like the Renaissance is
one of the moments in human history when art collided with life.
Not often do I think that, you know really, art becomes a part of
life. But during the Renaissance it was one of the most important
things and one of the most important aspects that is
remembered of other Renaissances. It's the reason why the whole
Renaissance period was remembered and is remembered to this
day. It is because of the fact that there was a lot of amazing art
created at that time and most of my favorite artists, and most of
the favorite, like my favorite creators of art, I guess, painters and
sculpture makers. I guess sculpturists, most of them come from
the Renaissance period because of the fact that the shift in Social
Dynamic, the change that was happening in society at the time
collided with the changes that were occurring in the art world.
And usually the art world is something that is so far disconnected
from life that it is like a completely different realm, completely.
But at this point in human history the art world became one with
the society of the time. And yeah, that's why I really enjoyed that
historical period, I really like learning about it. I really like learning
about the art pieces that were created during that time and I do
my best to, I do my best to research as much as I can about the


art of that time period. My favorite would probably have to be
something from the, from the Dutch artists at the time. They had
kind of their own Renaissance but, but the Renaissance of the
great Renaissance certainly affected them as well.

Topic 2, Part 2- Something that I did with a group of people which

I thoroughly enjoyed

I would like to tell you about something that I did with a group of
people which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was really fun and I feel like
the group aspect was a very important part of that. Actually, it
was crucial, the whole event wouldn't have happened if it wasn't
for the, you know, the fact that it was a group of people. Basically,
I want to tell you about a debate tournament that I participated
in. This debate tournament happened around two weeks ago and
I got together with some friends and some acquaintances and
what we did is we debated against another team. That's it. It was
pretty large, I think, there was around there were around like
maybe I don't know 20 people watching us and there was also a
judge who was from Britain. He is a British guy and it was really
cool. It was a very enjoyable debate. I am not usually a fan of
debates, I'm like, I'm you know, English is a big part of my life and
talking is a big part of my life, but debates are a very specific type
of talking and I haven't done that a lot in my life, which is why I
didn't expect, completely, that I would like love those videos,
sorry, that I would love that debate. But I really did, the
atmosphere was impeccable. Um, it felt very tense and I mean,
I'm already a very nervous person so if there's any kind of tense
situation, I usually get really stressed. But to compound that
nervousness and that stress there was also three million sums on
the line, which is $300. It's not that big of a deal but when you're
talking about Uzbekistan, that's like half of a person's salary which
has just been pretty good. So, yeah, this tournament that we did
for fun we eventually decided to donate the money like if we win
the tournament, we're not finished yet, if we win the tournament
we will donate the money which, I think, certainly lets off some
steam because it's not as heated. We don't, it's not that important
for us, I guess. So yeah, that's about it. That is a group activity that
I really enjoyed.

Topic 3, Part 2- Unusual meal

I would like to tell you about an unusual meal that I had and, I
think, it's kind of difficult to call this a meal completely but, to be
honest, it was kind of a meal. What happened was I went with
some friends to a Chinese restaurant, sorry, to be specific - a
Chinese shop. So, it wasn't a restaurant but they sold a lot of food
and this food wasn't really like, you know, restaurant food where
it's like in dishes, it's just snacks. They imported snacks directly
from China into Tashkent and you could buy them. And we
bought all the snacks that we could see, a lot of them are spicy. I
am completely intolerance to spicy food. I cannot eat spicy food
at all. I immediately die, my eyes start tearing up and my face
starts getting puffy and red, so I can't really eat spicy food and we
bought what we saw was not spicy. We bought as much of it as
we could. We hold all of this like, you know, this massive pile of
snacks home and we sat down and we started chowing on it. And
we had like a gourmet mukbang of different Chinese flavors. Most
of them spicy, even if the shopkeeper lady said: no spicy, no
spicy. She didn't speak English, so all she could say is no spicy.
What she really meant is 50/50 and for me 50/50 is already too
spicy. So yeah, we ate as much as we could, eventually, there was
still a lot of stuff left and yeah, it was really unusual, it was a lot of
different combinations that you wouldn't expect that's like, you
know, in Chinese culture there, I guess normal. They are very
customary, but for people that are not from China, they wouldn't
understand those kinds of flavors and it was very interesting. It
was unusual. It was interesting and I would say that I enjoyed it as
much as it was one of the most unusual meals of my life. Even if
you can call, if you can even call it a meal it was still very
enjoyable. Yeah.

Topic 4, Part 2- Website that I visit very often

I would like to tell you about a website that I visit very often and
this website is a very popular, one of the most popular websites
on the internet, I think. There's also an application of phone
application. It's called Reddit. Reddit is a form application the
primary use of Reddit is to communicate with other people about
different topics. You have different like groups, basically, chat
groups where you can make posts about certain topics. Every
single topic has its own subreddits, that's the name of the
different forums and they're basically like sub Pages where
people post content about these topics. Regardless of whatever
topic you're looking for, whether that be like a video game, a
movie, a book, some kind of animal - anything. There's always
going to be a Reddit for that. There's going to be a subreddit for
that and you can always find content on those subreddits created
by the users of the website. Um, it is one of the most versatile, I
think, tools and websites that you can use for your own purposes
because you can learn a lot of things from Reddit. As much as
people say that it's like not cool, it's not a really cool website, it's
not good, you know, the users are this way or that way, I still think
that it's one of the most influential and one of the most helpful
websites of this decade. You know, It had a very significant
societal impact, specifically, on the online sphere because every
single person that goes online - they know about Reddit.
Specifically, I mean in the US, of course, a lot of people in foreign
countries don't know about Reddit. But, specifically in the US
basically every single person that does something or like learn
some kind of topic they know about Reddit. So yeah, that is a
website that I often visit.


Topic 5, Part 2- Piece of technology that I feel is difficult to use

I would like to tell you about a piece of technology that I feel is

difficult to use and it's less about the fact that it's difficult and
more that there are some issues for certain groups of people now.
Now, to be more specific, I am talking about VR - virtual reality.
These are goggles that you use in order to display some kind of
video or some kind of like, you know, game, for example, onto
your eyes, right? It's not really like displaying them onto your
eyes. But basically, it's like a surround video game you put the
glasses on and you are inside the game or you're inside the video.
And it's a really cool type of technology, I feel like it's
groundbreaking. I don't think it will be the future of you know
technology. I certainly do believe that, like, there will be some
connection between VR and AI, at some point in the future. I
think something cool will come between like the, the connection
between those two topics. But for me the biggest gripe is that as
a person who wears glasses it's very difficult to use VR. There are
of course Alternatives I could use lenses, but I don't like them.
That's just the way it is. I don't enjoy touching my pupils and my
eyes, it's really, um, it's really a shame that I cannot really
participate in VR as much as other people because of that choice,
right. As a person who wears glasses there's not really any VR
Alternatives where I can comfortably wear my glasses and wear
the VR headset at the same time. Most of the time when I'm


doing that I have to, when I'm playing VR, I have to take off my
glasses and adjust the VR in some kind of way. I have to change
like some aspect of the game, right? in terms of the lenses, I
might eventually do that, in order to use VR, but I still feel like
that's a piece of technology that's difficult to use for that reason.

Topic 6, Part 2- A city where I want to stay for a short period of


I'd like to tell you about a city where I want to stay for a short
period of time and this city would have to be Venice. Specifically,
I want to stay there for a short period of time because Venice has
a lot of environmental and also economical problems which is
why I think living there is very unsustainable. As much as Venice is
a beautiful city it is one of the most beautiful in the world, I think.
Actually, I think there's no city that rivals it in terms of like
picturesque views, you know, if you live in the countryside, I think,
it's almost as beautiful. But from every single city in the world, I
think, Venice is the most beautiful. Maybe Rome is like the
second most beautiful. But, basically, what I think is that because
of the fact that the water levels are rising Venice is not a city
where you want to live. You don't want to own property in Venice
because property in Venice is always degrading in quality. It's
always becoming worse because the water level is rising and
because of that the city is having a lot of trouble maintaining
infrastructure, which is why if you actually live there and if you
own property there your property value is slowly diminishing.
That's what I think. Um I've also been there and as I said, it is very
beautiful and I feel like it's one of those cities where if you have
the means to and you have the option to go there you must go
there. It's kind of like, you know, New York, Tokyo. Maybe there's
a couple more but like those are the cities where If you have the
choice to go - you must go, it's not a question of, you know,
which cities to go to, it's a question of if you can go you need to
go there. So yeah, I think that Venice is a city where you can go
for short period of time, you can go there for a trip, you can go
there with your family and it'll be incredible. But if you want to
live there, it'll be a waste of your money and your house.

Topic 7, Part 2- A time when I taught a friend or relative


I'd like to tell you about a time when I taught a friend or relative
something and this person would have to be my worker Elbek.
He's the admin for my channel. He's really cool. I really enjoy
working with him. Um, but a lot of the things that I do are very
specific, and a lot of the content types that I create are really
specific which is why whenever we work together, most of the
time I have to teach him the format and the way that we make
the content. For example, band 9 speaking samples for my
channel that I create basically every day, in order to actually make
them, I outsourced all of the like copy pasting and the samples
work where he takes like all the templates, basically, with all the
all the text and all the emojis he puts that on to the audio
message, he writes all the questions in there, he does the
transcripts, he takes care of all that. All of that is kind of like
manual work, it just takes a lot of time. It's not really something
you have to think about. But I had to teach him how to kind of do
all of that and we also discussed the design of the template which
I think was really cool. He's really good at designs and he's really
not good at like, you know, making posts look nice, which is good.
It's always good to have employees with, you know, different
abilities, you know, they are they're multi-sighted that's always
very important. But for me, it was an interesting experience to
teach somebody a skill like that because, usually, you know, as a
teacher I know how to teach but I don't usually teach like content
creation skills. I don't usually teach things like, you know,
telegram channel running things. It was new to me and I enjoyed
that it was an interesting experience and it was definitely a time
when I taught a friend to do something. Yeah.

Topic 8, Part 2- A time when I had an appointment

I'd like to tell you about a time when I had an appointment, I had
actually a meeting with another person who runs a telegram
channel and, you know, we're in the same lane of work and we
wanted to meet together to do some networking. We wanted to
talk about our experiences what it's like running you a telegram
channel and what kind of things we have learned along the way.
We just wanted to talk and you know kind of figure things out and
maybe eventually we would do some collaborations we would do
some maybe courses together or some posts together. We didn't
really figure it out because, unfortunately, I was late to the
meeting. I was approximately like 15 minutes late and famously
people who run telegram channels are very fussy. They are very
proud and they, you know, they think of themselves very highly
and so, unfortunately, I was 15 minutes late. I messaged this
person ahead of time that I would be 15 minutes late, but they
decided to cancel the meeting and they never wanted to meet
with me afterwards. I apologized. I said that, you know, I would
take care of the bill and that we could you know, go somewhere
to eat and you know kind of smooth things out. But they said that
this was inexcusable, they said it was unforgivable and to some
extent I agree. I completely understand that sentiment that, you
know, if somebody is late it's because they don't respect you and,
you know, you shouldn't go back on your word. You shouldn't like
excuse that person. If they were late it's because it's their fault.
Basically, they need to change. But what I can say is that I was
sad, I was really disappointed because I was really looking
forward to working together with that person. And yeah, I can't
say that I learned a lesson like in a big way. I don't think anything
changed in my life. But I did feel a little bit betrayed, generally in
Uzbek culture being late is acceptable A lot of people are late. It's
cultural thing, I think. And, you know, this kind of behavior, it kind
of did hurt me to some extent. I'll think about the consequences
and the things following this but generally it was unfortunate.

Topic 9, Part 2- A place that was polluted

I'd like to tell you about a place that was polluted. Um, and this
pollution didn't necessarily come from a human source. It wasn't
like, you know, a factory polluting a place it was environmental air
pollution that just happened because of the environmental
conditions. Specifically, these conditions are related to the fact
that Uzbekistan is a very deserted place. There's a lot of deserts
here and because of that there is a lot of dust, there's a lot of sand
and what happens when there's a lot of wind is that sand gets
lifted and it travels into the highly populated city where a lot of
people breathe it in for several weeks at a time. People just
breathe this dust and it's incredible unhealthy. It can be very
unhealthy to breathe in sandy air and it can really damage not
only your health in the short term but also in the long term you
can get different types of cancer, different types of pneumonia
and you know different diseases connected to your lungs because
of that air. It's kind of pollution can be terrible and I've seen
people outside wearing masks but I think a lot of people don't
realize that this can be detrimental to their health, it can be
detrimental to their future and it's very unfortunate. The worst
part for me is that this has happened several times and I mean
over the period of like me living in Tashkent this has happened, I
think, at least three times where, like, I'm just chilling having a
good time living my life and then the next day there's just dust
everywhere. I wake up, I look outside and everything is covered in
a thick dusty smug. And it's kind of like fog but disgusting
because fog it feels like you know puffy clouds of water and it
feels nice if it feels like a cloud has been, you know, gifted to you
from the sky. Whereas this fog this dust. It feels like you're being
assaulted. It feels like your lungs are being punctured and
attacked it's terrible. So yeah, that is a place that has been
affected by pollution in my opinion.

Topic 10, Part 2- Modern building

I would like to tell you about Nest one. Nest one is one of the
most popular locations in Tashkent at the moment. It has been in
construction. The whole area has been in construction. It's the
area are in and around Tashkent City for the past, I think, several
years, like three to four years maybe more, and yeah, Nest one is
very new. It is, um, a high, It's a tall construction in an area that is
affected by seismic activity. I don't think that is the smartest
decision to make, usually seismic activity means that the
buildings that you make in the buildings that you plan. They need
to be lower down. They need to be structurally sound so that they
can withstand an earthquake, potentially, a very strong
earthquake. But what they decided to do is to build a skyscraper.
They built it in the middle of the city in a part of the city that isn't
necessarily, like I don't know suburban part. I just, I don't feel like
it was a logical decision. I feel like it was more of a question of can
we rather than should we. And this construction of the nest one
building in Tashkent has really caused me to think about like why
do these kinds of things happen and, you know, is it really a good
idea? And I've come to the conclusion that it depends on who you
ask, you know, people have been reaching for higher and higher,
like, you know building height limits for the longest time ever
since the Eiffel Tower in Paris people have been trying to build
higher and higher towers and buildings. And I think that, you
know, this drive isn't necessarily about idea, but I feel like it's just
important to remember to include and to generally keep in mind
the specificities of the location where you're building the factors
that you should include are definitely whether or not the area is
seismically active or not.

Topic 11, Part 2- Describe an old person who you think is quite

I would like to tell you about an old person who I think is quite
interesting. Generally, I think that people as they get older, it's
natural for them to become more interesting. I feel like as you get
more experience in your life. And as you learn new things, it's
much easier for you to, you know, be interesting - but one
specific interesting old person would have to be - Ewan
McGregor. I think that's how you pronounce his name. I think his
name is like Irish or from Scotland or something which is why it
can be difficult to pronounce but he – he has lived a very
interesting life because he has had so many different
accomplishments so many different things. As far as I remember
he was - he was crowned or not Crown, sorry, he was knighted by
the Queen of England. So she basically accepted him as Royal
Knight. He starred in The Lord of the Ring Lord of the Rings
movies, which is, I mean, Lord of the Rings is definitely one of the
best movie trilogies in the history of like movies. It's incredible.
And that just those are like, you know, only the biggest things
from his list of accomplishments. As far as I remember, he's also a
war of Veteran. He has served in several Wars. He is a
philanthropist as far as I remember. He just he does a lot for the
world and I feel like these kinds of people who are, you know,
they're old but also they are not self-entitled. They don't ask from
other people. They give to other people. These are the people
that we need because as you get older you have more to give
rather than more to take. Of course, when he gets really old
people should start caring for him. But as he's just, you know, old
- older I think that it's awesome for him to be able to share his
experience and his knowledge with the world. I feel like that's
what every older person should do. Yeah.

Topic 12, Part 2- Something that I did that made me feel proud


I'd like to tell you about something that I did that made me feel
proud, and you know, generally, for me my life is kind of like a
collection of things that I did and I only remember the ones that
make me feel proud, especially the ones that make me feel strong
emotions if I did something but I don't really care about it. I forget
about it. So I have a lot of things that I could talk about. But I
guess one thing would have to be one art project that I finished.
Um, generally, art projects are something that's really interesting
because unlike for example, work projects or professional
projects, they don't usually get finished as much. Art projects are,
you know, an experience where you are learning about something
through art, for example, you are like, you know experiencing
some - some part of painting or some part of drawing, etc -etc.
And the experience itself is worth it. You don't necessarily need to
finish it. But for me, I finished one project that I really want to tell
you about and that is my 50 faces project. I remember I really
struggled with drawing and painting faces. I really disliked it. I
didn't enjoy the process. I didn't enjoy the idea of it. And what I
did is I decided to make myself paint 50 faces: different people,
different situations, different styles and I did it. It took me a long
time. I think it was around a year, maybe half a year something or
something like that. And I just consistently continued even when I
didn't feel the drive to draw I would start exercising, practicing. I
didn't necessarily like draw those 50 faces. I would draw other
faces to practice and I think overall I drew maybe around 200
faces something like that but by practicing and drawing those 50
key faces with different styles and different - different things. I
felt like I truly learned through trial and error. I failed and that
made me learn and this whole experience has made me really
proud because it's something that I finished and something that I
feel like was really positive. So that's an experience that I want to
tell you about.

Topic 13, Part 2- Free time activity that I really enjoyed when I was

I'd like to tell you about a free time activity that I really enjoyed
when I was younger, but nowadays, I really don't get the same
kick out of it. I don't feel the same emotions that I did when I was
younger. I don't feel the same kind of things. I am gonna talk
about gaming. When I was a kid, I used to really enjoy sitting
down for hours on end. Maybe after I finished my school. Like I
finished going to school, I would come home and I would just sit
and play some game like Minecraft or Terraria specifically
Minecraft was my favorite. I would sit and I would just play there's
no winning in Minecraft. You can't win you can't do anything. You
can't go anywhere specifically, right? But you can play and that's
what I would do and nowadays, I don't feel those same emotions.
I really don't if I play any game, it's usually because I'm playing
with another person right now. I'm playing with my best friend
because he's going to leave to go to Japan after one month and
I'm only playing games with him because I want to create some
memories before he leaves. I really don't feel those same like
leisurely relaxation, you know kind of emotions they're not there. I
just played because I want to be with the other person but the
game itself does not attract me nearly as much. I used to open
like the Wikipedia articles for different games with all of the
information about how to play the game very well and how to
win. But nowadays I don't, it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't
matter whether I'm, you know, the best or whether I win the
fastest or whether I'm, you know, really really good. It just matters
that I have a good time. And honestly as much as I think that
that's a better approach. I don't really enjoy the way that I did
when I was younger. It's a different sort of enjoyment. It's more of
you know, enjoying the company of the people rather than the
game itself. The game is just set dressing. It's just the situation,
you know, the occasion. It's not the - the meat of the - it's not the
bulk of the communication with the person. So yeah. That is an
activity that I enjoyed much more when I was younger.

Topic 14, Part 2- Describe a person that you want to work or study

I'd like to tell you about a person that I want to work or study
with. And this might come as a surprise, but it's not actually a real
person. The person that I really want to work and study with is the
girl from the Lo-Fi beats work study, streams on YouTube.
Basically, there's a lot of these streams and like free live streams
basically on YouTube where there's a picture of a girl sitting down
to study with background using playing and this background
music is usually very good for focusing because it's really, like
rhythmic, right? Lo-Fi music is usually there rhythmic and its also
very low key which means that it doesn't really affect your focus.
There's no like, you know, loud singing and there's no loud music
and loud bangs is just rhythmic drums, like doom - doom and it
helps you focus. It really does help you focus. And so I kind of
chose this girl because she's the poster child for these live
streams every single one of these live streams always has a girl
just sitting there and studying and I really admire her dedication. I
really wish that I could be as meticulous with my studies and with
my work because when I sit down to study usually it feels like a
hurricane has dropped onto my desk and everything is twirling
around at the same time. But when I see her I feel like study and
work can be a lot more organized. There's really a chance to like
sit down create a pattern for your thoughts and to streamline
everything so that everything works more efficiently. And I feel
like that's the biggest thing that's missing from my own work and
that's why I want to try to work, you know, with her. Of course, it
wouldn't be possible because she's not a real person. But by
being with her, you know, through the live stream, it can really
help to focus. It really does help to focus not just me, but a lot of
people, a lot of people in this world follow these live streams and
they listen to this girl. So yeah, that is someone I want to work

Topic 15, Part 2- A time when I got something for as a present that
I really wanted

I would like to tell you about a time when I got something for - as
a present that I really wanted and more than something I wanted,
it was something that I actually needed. I desperately needed it
and my friend in the nick of time, he came to save me and I don't
say this lightly. I don't put it lightly as you know, he saved me by
doing something small. It was a big task. It was a big feat what he
did is he? Um gave me his phone his old phone, you know phones
aren't cheap. Even if the phone is old, even if the phone has been
used a lot phones are not cheap phones cost money and he gave
me his old phone to use free of charge. I didn't need to pay him. I
didn't need to give it back to him. He was leaving the country at
the time. So he just gave it to me as a parting gift and it was a
very kind act. It's an act that I will remember for a long time
because at that moment I did not have a phone. I was using my
computer for all kinds of communications and that means that
when I go outside, nobody can contact me. They can only contact
me when I'm at home. And I I think it's very easy to see how that
can be detrimental to, you know my contact with the world if
there's a problem at work, for example, I need to like, you know,
take something from my home to work. I will not know about that
if I'm already on the bus, so - this gift not only was it something I
wanted, it's something that really saved me. Yeah, I think every
single person needs a friend like that in those kinds of situations
when you don't have another choice when you - when you don't
have I guess the finances to buy a new phone immediately. If you
have a friend who can gift your phone, then you'll be fine. I don't
mean specifically a phone. Of course, I just mean you should have
people in your life who are there for you, you know in those kinds
of situations and I'm really glad that I had someone there and
they gave me something that I really wanted and something that I
really needed.

Topic 16, Part 2- A complaint that I made as a student of an

intensive speaking course

I'd like to tell you about a complaint that I made as a student of an

intensive speaking course that went very successfully. This
complaint was not taken negatively. It was not taken as, you
know, something that - something that should be ignored or
something that is not a big deal. My complaint was valued. My
complaint was understood and it was matched with enthusiasm.
That's something that I think every business should do. I think it's
something every company should do and what this is - is a
speaking course by Mr. Alex where um, I was a student of the
third speaking course that he had and this speaking course had
several assistances. It had two assistants, they had band eight,
they were really cool people specifically, their names were
Johnny and Shahzoda. Unfortunately, uh there was around I think
like 100 students and to assistants can be a little bit like it's - it's
not enough, you know, even though it's a speaking course with a
lot of, a lot of information and it's - it's really helpful in actuality. I
really wanted to practice some speaking. I did have access to the
other students, but I really wanted to practice with somebody
who was like significantly better than me, which is why I applied
for a complaint. I told the organizers of the course that I feel that
there should be more assistance in order to improve the quality of
the course. And in order to increase the amount of feedback that
every single student got and what was the result they doubled
the amount of assistance and I feel like that was a great
successful result. Anytime a company or, you know, a group of
people some kind of, you know, some kind of organization really
takes care of a person's complaint. I feel like that is something to
be admired and something to be respected and I truly am happy
with the result of that.

Topic 17, Part 2- Something that I want to learn in the near future
a skill

I want to tell you about something that I want to learn in the near
future a skill. I guess a skill set. Not necessarily one skill and I can
tell you for a fact that this is something that will skyrocket my
career development. It will boost my ability to reach customers
and my ability to kind of, you know, work in my field generally by
an immeasurable amount and this skill is Instagram. I feel like at
this point in, I guess who's back media development Instagram is
the second most popular social media. I think it could be the first
it might maybe it's the first I don't have the details. I don't know
all the specific information, but I can tell you that Instagram is
certainly very popular. A lot of people use Instagram and I think
that in order to progress as an online teacher and in order to
reach more people in order to give content to more people I
should be able to create content for Instagram. I should be able to
make different posts. I should be able to like create stories and
understand how stories work, but unfortunately, I'm just not able
to. I did not grow up with Instagram. I never used Instagram when
I was a kid and like it as a teenager. I also never did and it never
interested me because I thought Instagram was just the place
where you know people, look at pictures of who they want to
become I guess. I was - I was never interested in Instagram. And
now it's - it's come back to bite me because I need Instagram. I
really do and it's - it's a very important tool and I've met a
resolution this year to learn the ropes to really get into the swing
of Instagram and understand how it works. Currently, I'm doing
the same thing with - with YouTube. I'm really getting into the
atmosphere and understanding how all of the intricacies of the
social media actually work. But I'm looking to do the same with


Instagram because of how popular it is. So yeah, hopefully that
will be something that I learn in the near future.

Topic 18, Part 2- A character from a film

I'd like to tell you about a character from a film and this is one of
the most famous movie characters, I think and just generally in in
pop culture right now one of the most popular characters,
especially with the release of the new game called Hogwarts
Legacy. I think, he is even more popular than he was before this
character is of course Harry Potter. I think that Harry Potter is a
very interesting character for several reasons, we get to see his
development not only as a person but also as an actor, of course,
Daniel Radcliffe the actor grew up together with Harry Potter and
I think the series also grew up with Harry Potter. If you've ever
seen the first Harry Potter and then you compare it to the last one
they're nothing alike. And I think one of the biggest reasons for
that, that's also really interesting is that the movie effects and the
way that they are created is much different between the first
movie and the last movie. Um, so yeah, that's why I really think
that you know, Harry Potter is one of the most important movie
characters of our generation. Most students and most people
who speak English they have watched and participated in, you
know, learning about Harry Potter. They call themselves potter
heads as a part of their initiation process into the English
language. Most people who enjoy reading books, they like
reading Harry Potter. They have read Harry Potter because it's a
classic, it's especially the book very prolific in its fear, you know
fantasy is in part Harry Potter. Most popular fantasy books either
rip it off, they reference it, they are in some way an allegory to it.
Harry Potter is everywhere it really like goes everywhere and I
think the character the main character is also big part of that. Of
course, the story of the young wizard who is the chosen one is - is
an important story that needs to be told and I mean, it has been
told countless times before, but specifically Harry Potter has his
own flair and he is very important as a movie character.

Topic 19, Part 2- A place that was very - very crowded

I'd like to tell you about a place that was very - very crowded for
several different reasons and it's - it's kind of like a like a
compounding effect because it was several different occasions
that all mixed together to become a very crowded party. I was in
Moscow over this last New Year's, sorry not the last, but the New
Year's before this, the celebration coming into 2022 and it was of
course before the conflict before everything. I was just enjoying
my time in Moscow seeing what it's like, it's a beautiful city and
for New Years, I decided to go to an international party. There was
a party for, you know, young adults, you know, people my age
basically and yeah, I went there to chill to hang out. I - I went to
the party, we danced, there was a lot of people, there was people
from different places. There was somebody from Netherlands,
somebody from Germany. There were like a lot of people from
India, a lot of people from China, etc. etc. It was really an
international party. And the coolest thing is as much as people
spoke English like, you know, you would expect at an
international party because English is an international language.
Even more, so a lot of people spoke each other's language. A lot
of people were from the same place and they got to meet each
other. I became part of like a group of Indians. It was really cool. I
don't speak Indian. I don't speak Hindi but I became part of a
group of Indians which makes me happy. They accepted me as
their own and yeah, we were hanging out. We were chilling and
after we left that party the international party, we went to see the
Moscow Metro because it's actually open at night for New Years,
and it was beautiful. It was free. You could go anywhere, we went
to the center, we hung out altogether. It was like three in the
morning. It was amazing. One of the best experiences of my life
and as much as the - the recent, you know political situation, the
reason association has been unfortunate I will always cherish this
memory as a crowded place that I've been to.

Topic 20, Part 2- Daily routine

One of my favorite parts of, you know, my whole shebang, my

whole daily routine, uh is brushing my teeth in the morning. This
is a habit that has been instilled in me as I think it has been in
every single child that has grown up in any country ever that has
running water. And yeah, this habit is something that for me is
more than just about cleanliness. It's more than just about you
know, oral hygiene for me. It's about feeling a sense of cleansing
the past day. There's just something about the idea of cleaning
what's all inside of your mouth and starting the day fresh with a
clean mouth. It's like you can say things more clearly. You can
speak more vividly. You can describe things in a more interesting
way and it just it helps you really loosen your tongue. It's really
weird. But for me, I have a lot of these little rituals and these little
things that kind of signify more than they actually are, you know,
and one of them is of course brushing teeth when you brush your
teeth, all you're doing is you're making sure that what's in here is
clean and that it doesn't infect you don't get, you know, some
kind of tooth infection or you know some problem like that and
you don't have to install new fake teeth. It's - it's more than that.
It's a way to become one with your mouth to connect your brain
to your mouth and to be able to say exactly the things that you
want to say. And the sound a stranger sound this is probably one
of my favorite daily routines. I really enjoy it. I - I enjoy it more
than I enjoy brushing my teeth evening. I don't know why it just it
is what it is. I guess different people have different, you know
things set in their head and that this this one is in mind. So yeah.
Thank you very much.

Topic 21, Part 2- Some news that I heard about


I'd like to tell you about some news that I heard about one of my
close friends. And actually, it is currently my best friend. His name
is Daniel and the news is he's leaving he has been applying for
university for the past couple of years. He's had some like issues
with it. He has ADHD like me which is why it can be difficult for
him to do things on time. So last year, he was applying to
university. He didn't, he forgot, basically, he wasn't on time. But
this year he finally did it. He actually applied to language school,
which is a little bit different from university. But still it's it's - it's a
study abroad program in Japan which has been his dream for a
very long time. As long as I know him, he has been learning
Japanese and wanting to move to Japan and I'm very proud of
him is sad as it is that he's leaving next month. I am glad that he
will be doing what he wants to. He'll be achieving something
that's not everybody can achieve and it's something that he
wanted to achieve which is the most important thing and for me,
that is the most, that is the best news that's you can get about a
person the best news that you can get is that that person is doing
well and they're doing what they want to do. And yeah that that is
that is I guess that's about it. I can't really add any more
information. All I want to say is that I - I will definitely miss him a
lot. He's been my best friend for maybe my whole life. Honestly,
we've been together for a long time, over my time here in
Tashkent and we got to know each other a lot and I learned a lot


from him and I hope that he gets a chance to learn a lot from
people there. I hope that life takes him to good places. That's it.

Topic 22, Part 2- My first day at school

I'd like to tell you about my first day at school. This was my first
day at middle school. I was - I was in a school with new students
new people. I was around 13 at the time and it was a very
interesting day. The first day was very eventful. I learned a lot
about the campus. I learned a lot about where I'll be staying. It was
a boarding school and I I got to know my roommates because of
course since the boarding school. We lived with roommates. We
live with another person. And I really enjoyed my roommate. I
actually, he did part of the tour for me. He explained some of the
places that I would be seeing in the some of the places that I
would be going often. For example, the cafeteria, the library, the -
the school buildings. Generally it was a very eventful day as I said
so many things happened and I can tell you that first days at
school can be very difficult for a lot of people it can be like the
you know, the the breaking moments the- the situation where
you either become really popular and everybody's your friend or
the situation where you mess up and everybody hates you and
everybody bullies you and you know, you become the ugly
duckling the - the brown sheep, you know, black sheep, sorry. And
I think that you know for me it was kind of it wasn't really a
mixture of both. It was just like a first day, you know, I'm kind of
over dramatizing of course, it's not like really like that. But my first
day of school was just I go there I meet all the people I see all the
places I try to take everything in and remember everything is much
possible. It wasn't really a first day. I went to sleep in the evening. I
didn't actually go to school that day this they were just showing
me the campus. I went to school the next day. So that was like the
real first day of school. But the first day that I got to the school that
was the day I scrapped right kind of,you know, saw all of the areas
and met the people. So yeah, that was thefirst day of school that I
clearly remember and yeah, it's about it.

Topic 23, Part 2- A place in my house where I feel like relaxing

I'd like to tell you about a place in my house where I feel like
relaxing happens the best and this place is a couch. It is an old
rickety couch. It'smessed up the couch cushions are like they're
intertwined with the wood beams the support parts of the couch
are inside of the cushions (brief explanation of the object).So
whenever you're laying down, it feels like you're laying down on a
piece of wood which can be extremely uncomfortable for some
people but for me, whenever I lay down there some somehow, I
feel like peace. I feel comfort knowing that like this - this couch is
like a car and I'm the driver of it. I know it sounds strange but this
discomfort brings me 'comfort', it brings me to attention, to
whatever is happening in the moment. And for example, if I want
to watch a YouTube video most of the time I will go lay down in
that couch and I can like comfortably watch it. Usually if I'm
watching YouTube video I start doing other things,but when I'm on
that couch, I can watch a YouTube video when I'm on that couch. I
lay down I put down my pillow, I put my head on my pillow and the
next moment: I'm asleep just like magic that has never happened
to me before with a bed. I can never relax in a bed. As soon as I lay
down in bed. My legs are too hot my head is too hot. I need to turn -
I need to turn it's uncomfortable, etc. -etc. It's terrible, but that
couch has some kind of magical effect on me where all of my
worries all of my stress is pacified. Everything is gone. I feel like I
am in a sea of tranquilityand calmness. And I feel like that is truly
one of the best places for me to relax that green couch is my safe
zone, it is where I feel most comfort and it's where I feel at peace.

Topic 24, Part 2- A person that I met at a party and I really

enjoyedtalking with and this person

I'd like to tell you about a person that I met at a party and I really
enjoyed talking with and this person was a sigh guy from from
Moscowhe well, I mean, he's not from Moscow of course. I think
he's from India from somewhere in you know, the the Sigh area of
India and he was at the Russian party that I described a bit earlier.
It's a party in Russia. It was like an international party and I met
him and I sat with him and we talked for like an hour. We just
talked, it's the middle of a party, there's a lot of people dancing,
there's a lot of people around us. We sat down at the table and we
just talked and it was an incredible experience. It waseye-opening
because I had actually never met a sigh guy before. I hadnot, I
lived in a place that's really diverse with like a lot of you know
nationalities a lot of people but I never met a sigh guy and so when
I met him of course the usual question started about religion,
about what he believes in, about how you know, he became sigh.
And yeah, I just I feel like I learned a lot and not just about religion
but more about the world. They have a very specific worldview
and it was really interesting and more than that. I really enjoyed
the combination of his traditionalistic views and the modern
world because a lot of the time people living in highly urbanized
cities, uh, it's difficult for them to be highly religious, right? It's -
it's it can be difficult to kind of follow all of the traditions of
whatever religion. Leave in big cities and it was interesting to see
how he has kind of adapted and how you know, the real world
affects people in those situations. So yeah, that was a person I
met at a party. I truly enjoyed talking to him more than I think I've
talked more than I've enjoyed talking to a lot of other people
which is surprising because I hadnever met him before I was the
first time so yeah, that is a person that I met at a party.

Topic 25, Part 2- An advertisement that I don't like

I would like to tell you about an advertisement that I don't like and
this is actually one of my own advertisements. Not only did I
make the picture myself, I created the whole idea for the course
everything, everything was done by me. So when I feel when I say
that I don't like it. It's not just because I am annoyed that it's an
advertisement. I don't like it from the point of view of a person
who has grown and developed. I have become better at
advertisement. And now I know for a fact that this advertisement
is terrible if you look at the picture, right? So take a look at - take
a look with me in the picture and let me just kind of describe
what I see here and what I think you should also see number one:

There's too much text as soon as you see the picture. The only
thing in your head is run, run, run because there's too much text.
There's nothing to read you don't understand what you should
read. The color is maybethe only passable good thing. I feel like to
some extent there is a problem because the color of me the
picture of me and the advertisement is very like low quality. It's
not - it's not a high quality picture of me and the color is off on
me. But other than that the color choice the orange it's a good
orange. It's now my brand color. I use it for all the advertisements.
That's number one. Number two: The next thing is that the 3D text
the word speaking week is 3D you can clearly see that it's 3D. It
looks like Star Wars scrolling text. It's stupid who uses Star Wars
scrolling text? How old are you 10? the person who created this
advertisement obviously has no idea what it's like to actually
make advertisement, has no idea what it's like to you know,
create a good looking comfortable to look at good design. They


have no idea what style means and the fonts are just horrible.
Whoever chose these fonts has no, like, you know, no competitive
advantage over other companies they will fail on the free markets.
And that is that that's all I want to say about this advertisement. It
really disappoints me. It's not a good advertisement.

Topic 26, Part 2- An occasion when you spent some time with

I would like to tell you about an occasion when I spent some time
with a child and this actually has to do with me being a teacher.
This was one of my students who was a child. His name was
Yusuf..- His name was Yusuf, and he was a very gifted kid. I really
enjoyed spending time with him because even though he was my
student. I felt like our relationship was a little bit more interesting
than that. I kind of got to see him develop his English from a very
low level until a higher level and as much as I don't usually have a
lot of friends who are children, and I don't think he was my friend.
He was my student. It was very interesting to see his
development. Now a lot of the things we did together had to do
with you know me teaching him like, you know, of course English,
but we also did a lot of even more interesting things. So, for
example, I taught him literature. We really focused on reading
books. A lot of very interesting books different ones. And I think
even more difficult ones for his age than I guess he should have
read. I tried my best to push him to you know, develop himself and
to teach as much as possible and so because of this I feel like he
really did learn more than he would have with another teacher
which I - I take as - as one of my I guess accomplishments as a- as
a teacher um.. that's you know. That's kind of something that I
always take into my lessons, but specifically what I'm teaching
kids. I always try my best to give them a broader outlook on life to
tell us sorry to let them see that what they're going through right
now is a you know, it's - it's a part of a bigger picture and I feel
like this this can really be helpful for kids in - in their life. So yeah
Yusuf was a student who was young he was he was a child and
and we studied a lotof things with him and I spent some time with
him through that.

Topic 27, Part 2- Time when you got lost

I would like to tell you about a time when I got lost, and this was
actually one of the most difficult moments of my life and I was a
child at the time. I was like really young and I didn't know better. I
didn't know what it's like to you know, actually truly get lost. And so
one another what ended up happening was I was at I was -I was
in Venice with- with my family. And it was a it was the carnival.
There's a there's -a there's an event that happens. In Venice called
the Venice Carnival which happens relatively regularly and people
basically dress up in these very beautiful costumes and they get
ready to just go outside and kind of dance around and enjoy
themselves and as a child, I didn't understand this. Idid
understand that, you know, the adults were having a celebration
of some kind but I didn't completely understand what was

And so when we went outside with all of these like adults in these
big costumes with all these vivid colors, it was very unusual for
me. It was unusual and I felt stressed, and I got lost. I lost track of
where my parents were. And so they went to a different place.
They left me behind they didn't see that I wasn't with them. And
yeah, I ended up getting lost for around like one hour before. Or I
think probably less like 30 minutes before my parents contacted
the police and the police found me by justwalking through, you
know the crowd and it was a very scary experience. That's that's
you know, it's not something that I would recommend any
children to - to go through but I think it happens to a lot of kids
because getting lost is very natural when you're a kid, you don't
really understand how you know things work. You don't
understand how the world kind of looks and so when you go
somewhere most oftenyou don't remember which way you came
from and which way you're going(general info about getting lost) so
that's why I think I got lost in generally kids get lost very often.

Topic 28, Part 2- Piece of clothing that you wear most often

I'd like to tell you about a piece of clothing that I wear most often
and I definitely wear this more than any other piece of clothing in


my wardrobe. This piece of clothing is my orange or I guess not
orange, but coral the correct name of the color is coral my coral t-
shirt. I wear it veryvery often. I wear it almost every single day and
especially when I was like working on my telegram channel at the
beginning I used to wear it because it was the same color as my
brand, you know as my brand colors. And so when I wore it I really
felt like, you know a complete microcelebrity, you know, I felt like
somebody who's really making um, I felt like somebody who's
really making content and you know, it's like really affluent and
they're wearing the same clothes as their channel and youknow,
it's just - it's it's really funny when I look back at it now because
honestly that shirt maybe it's not as you know, like professional to
wear a t-shirt all the time. It was cute. It made me feel nice and I feel
like that'sprobably the most important thing. It's probably the
most important thing for your clothes to make you feel
comfortable and honestly this shirt did exactly that this shirt was
my way of, you know, kind of expressing myself through clothing.
I've never felt that it's something that I'm - I'm comfortable with,
you know, expressing myself with the things that I'm wearing but -
but yeah, that's about it. Okay. I- I think that You know. That's
about it. I think that that's the biggest thing. And it's probably the
same for everybody. I think - I think every single person has their
own repertoire of clothing that they enjoy wearing but specifically
for you know t-shirts and things like that. A lot of t-shirts are
branded, you know, a lot of people that wear t-shirts they wear
them because they have a certain, you know brand or a logo on
them and this shirt kind of felt like my logo even though you know,
there was no logo there. It was just the color. So yeah, that's about

Topic 29, Part 2- Incorrect information

I'd like to tell you about a time when I got some incorrect
information and this actually happens too often. I believe that this
happens way too often because this is an issue with Google Maps.
Google Maps is not updated enough. So very often what will
happen is I have you know some issues at night. Let's say I have
like a headache my foot hurts, for example, you know, I recently
broke -my broke my toe. So my foot hurts in the middle of the
night or something along these lines and I need to go to a
pharmacy to buy some medicine. So I'll take a look on the map to
see which pharmacies are close to me. And which ones are you
know open which - which pharmacy can I go to to kind of fix
whatever is going on and I will like go there right? I look on the
map and it says it's open24/7. I will go there and boom it's not
open 24/7. That was a lie. This happens way too often. I believe
that they're really should be more like at least more renewals of
the different links between the locations and Google Maps, but if
not, at least Google Maps should take the time to update all the
information and the people that own Google Maps pages should
also do that. It should be more. Responsible there should be more
responsibility for these people to do this because sometimes I will
go somewhere at night right to do something and I'll put myself
in danger because you know going out at night is not a good thing
and I'll-I'll end up going somewhere which is closed and that's a
ridiculous thing. It is so incredibly annoying and this has
happened more than once the reason why I'm so frustrated is
because this is almost a regular thing. Especially, I feel like in in
Tashkent probably in Uzbekistan. There are some issues with
Google Maps. Maybe I could use a different map like Yandex. I
probably Yandex is more, you know popularin Tashkent. But
otherwise, it's it's an issue that I've had a lot and it's a situation
when I get misinformation and I get you know misinformed and
it's happened more than once.

Topic 30, Part 2- Place away from your home that you want to
visit in the future

I would like to tell you about a place away from my home that I
want to visit in the future and I think this place is among several
others, but it is probably on you know, the first place it is probably
one of the most interesting places that I've wanted to visit for a
while and this place is Bukhara. So it is a city in Uzbekistan, which
is one of the older cities, one of the most ancient cities. It's is a
historical city with a wealth an incredibly large amount of
historical buildings not only buildings but also different types of
fortifications different types of mosques and religious as well as as
I mentioned historical buildings, which were from the times of the
Silk Road, which means that they are deeply intertwined with the
history of the whole region, which means that like by going there.
You'renot only learning about, you know, the history of that
specific town but also of the time period when this town was, you
know, mainly constructed and this is the first reason why the
second reason why is because I actually genuinely like deserts for
me even though I know thatdeserts are, you know, very difficult to
reverse and probably even more difficult to live in I think that
deserts are one of the most beautiful types of you know, like
natural land and it's - it's one of the most beautiful types of terrain,
right the things that you can see in a desert are incredible andso
because of this I - I really do want to visit Bukhara sometime in
the future either by myself or maybe with some of my friends. I'm
not entirely sure about that, but I would love to go sight seeing to
figure out you know, what all what it's all about to kind of truly
immerse myself in the atmosphere. And yeah, that's about it. I
really really want to visit Bukhara sometime in the future.

Topic 31, Part 2- Experience that you had growing up in your

childhood that you really enjoyed

I would like to tell you about an experience that I had growing up in

my childhood that I really enjoyed and this was actually
something that I think a lot of people went through. It was
learning how to swim. For me at the beginning. It was kind of a
traumatic experience. It was a little bit difficult to get into it. But
over time it became more and more enjoyable and now it's a
staple of things that I enjoy doing. Swimming is you know,it's it's a
sport primarily but also it's something that children need to be
able to learn because it's an ability. It's the same as running except
it's a little bit different. There are certain motions that you need to
be able to do in order to actually swim and in order to stay afloat.
And so, you know as a kid a lot of children, a lot of people when
they're going up they have this experience and me included of
learning for the first time to contact with the water. So the first
thing you learn is how to bulb, you know how to keep your head
above the water. The next thing is when you do go under when
you do kind of, you know, dive down you need to be able to hold
your breath some people they hold their nose with their fingers
some people they just hold their breath inside and you need to
learn to be comfortable being enveloped by the water being
completely surrounded and immersed in the water and I feel like
this can be one ofThe biggest sticking points for people because
water isn't very natural not every person, you know has been
acquainted with water and so growing up for me. It was a strange
experience because it was so unusual, but it was also enjoyable. It
was something new and I used toswim very often in the creek
near my house. And sometimes we would go with my family to
the pool to be able to all swim together. And yeah, that's about it.
That is one enjoyable experience for my childhood that has kind of
transferred into my adulthood as well.

Topic 32, Part 2- Describe a game

I would like to tell you about one game that I used to play a lot
when I was a kid. I played it with a lot of my friends whether that be
in school or even before school and kindergarten. I think this is a
classic game that almost every single child naturally plays, you
know, kind of they come into playing it even if they don't mean to
even if they don't really want to play that game. This is just the
game that is most, you know comfortable for kids to play and that
is tag. So the way that tag works if you don't know is you basically
touch someone and they have to run away and catch you, sorry.
They have to run and catch you while you run away. And this
basically works like, you know in the way that each person
touches each other once like on the shoulder or on the back or on
the head, for example, each person touches them. So it touches
each other like once and then the other person runs away. And so
yeah, that's-that's kind of how the game - the game works. Right?
It's like when you're it, which means that you got tagged you have
to catch every other person while the other people are running
away. And yeah, I think this islike, I don't know. It's just kind of weird
how kids and people in general.

They have these patterns that are more comfortable for them.
Even if they don't realize it even if they don't know and this game


is one of those examples because it's just something that people
do right. It's a very common occurrence for people to play tag.
And I think that this isbecause of the fact that there's there's not
like an infinite amount of games that you can play. There's not an
infinite amount of things that you can do and when you take a
look at everything as a whole some things are just easier than
others and some things are more popular than others, of course in
different cultures. There are different variations of the game- of
this game, but I think yeah tag was one game that are really
enjoyed when I personally was a kid.

Topic 33, Part 2- Describe a new shop that opened in your city

I would like to tell you about a shop that has recently opened my
city and actually this is not a shop. This is a restaurant and it is
Burger King, very recently Burger King has opened in Tashkent and
it is magnificent. I think it's very interesting in the recent couple
of years. I think let's say in the past decade a lot of foreign
restaurant chains, like for example, KFC, Wendy's and I think
maybe even in the future McDonald's have began moving into the
Uzbek market and competing with, you know, kind of big players
in the Uzbek market and I think it's very interesting, you know, I've
lived here for about four years and I think it's the supposition of
foreign restaurants magnates and - and I guess foreign restaurant
chains massive franchises and franchises, which are you know,
quite popular in Tashkent has produced a lot of very unusual
competition. For example, honestly, I think that nowadays Evos
has become the most popular and not only the most popular but
probably the best fast food chain in Tashkent, maybe in the other
parts of Uzbekistan. I'm not really sure I haven't, you know been
there but I think that Evos has become the most. I don't know tasty
the best honestly, it's just the best. It's - it's really fast. The delivery
is like lightning speed. The food is quite often delicious almost
always it just it hits the spot and it's it's cheap. It is much cheaper
than KFC especially in terms of delivery like they deliver cheap
quick and I don't know I think it's perfect. And so,I think that you
know, this this shop Burger King that is open recently.

It's gonna have some really tough competition with the

restaurants thathave been part of the market for a while and also
the restaurants that have been, you know, become a part of the
competition recently.

Topic 34, Part 2- Invention

I would like to tell you about an invention which I think is

incredibly useful and it is called a tripod. A tripod is basically a tool
which is used for stabilization or literally for you know, holding
anything up for making anything stand up and it can be used for
camera work. It can be used for, you know, holding up any kind of
tool. I have seen tripods be used for artists who are drawing and
they need some kind of instrument to hold up, you know what


they're drawing on like they're their their canvas and so this is the
first thing right tripods are very versatile. I thinkthis is one of the
reasons why I believe they changed the world because when we
got tripods, we got the ability to you know, hold things up. Like for
example, I feel like the first example of a tripod the first like real
situation when a tripod was used was when cavemen used to
make fires and what they would do is they would put up like three
sticks that are propping each other up(good example). They're
holding each other up and they kind of they're in the formation of
a tripod. It's not like one of those tripods that are used for cameras
today, of course, that's like a modern invention.

But if we look at the modern invention, it is very popular among

peoplewho are working in, you know, any kind of media sphere
any people who are working in television in music almost every
type of camera requires a tripod whether that be for the light or
for the for the camera itself. So this is why I believe that tripods
are a very very popular invention. I think that they're not that
difficult to use as long as you understand the concept of balance
and if you are able to balance the tripod you're able to use it
perfectly well, The worst thing that can happen with a tripod is if
you place it incorrectly and it falls down because usually the thing
that's at the top of the tripod costs a lot of money, so it's not
desirable for the tripod to fall.

Topic 35, Part 2- Describe a book you've read many times

I'd like to tell you about my favorite book my hands down number
one favorite book. And that is the Alchemist I talk about this book
very often. I talk about this book with my students. I teach about
this book. I use this book in some of my courses and then some of
my lessons. It's a very enjoyable book. It is called The Alchemist
and it is about the story of a man who is traveling through a
region in order to get to his destination. He has a goal, he has a
dream in mind and he's trying to achieve it. It's basically a book
about a person achieving their dream. And for this reason I read
this book and I reread this book very often because I feel like it
kind of echoes the same journey that I take in my own life very
often, you know, we go through difficult situations in our life and
we have difficult choices that we need to make and this is
basically what the book centers on. This iswhat the book is
entirely about. It is about the story of a man named Santiago who
has to make difficult decisions and difficult choices and that's the
travel through perilous circumstances in order to achieve what he
wants and very often what I'm you know, living my life. That's
what it feels like even though I'm not, you know traversing any kind
of difficult environment. I'm not making like life or death decisions
most ofthe time. My experience as a person, can be equated to
his experience as somebody who went through his journey. And so
that is that is why I really love this book. I really enjoy it. I really
enjoy recommending it. I - I you know, I don't like the idea of a
life-changing book, but I feel like if there ever was one, it's
probably this one. It is one of the most popular books in the world.
I think like the seventh either the seventh or the 17thsomething like
that. And I think that's for a good reason. I feel like this book
deserves to be one of the most popular in the world because it is a
amazing book very interesting very fun. But also very
heartwarming and it has a - it has a wonderful story. So yeah,
that's why I love this book. The Alchemist

Topic 36, Part 2- Person who moved into new accommodation

I would like to tell you about a person in my life a person who I

know about who moved into a new place they travelled to
actually- they actually traveled to a different country entirely, but
they also they also moved into new accommodation recently. And
this is my friend Daniel.He lives in Japan at the moment and he
was living at a dorm for the longest time. I think for about like two
months. He was living in a very very small room. It was incredibly
difficult for I think I think it was incredibly difficult for him to fully
live his life because he was confined toan insanely small space in
Japan, especially in Tokyo in the city where helives there are very
big problems with accommodation. Usually the houses and the
apartments the people live in are like terrible, the conditions that
people live in are actually unlivable. It has been proven time and
time again, the people who live in Tokyo most of the time Don't
get enough space for themselves or for you know, any of their
family members the apartments that people share. Wouldn't even
be enough for one person to live in and they live in those
apartments with entire families. And so this housing crisis has led
Tokyo to be one of the most expensive cities to live in but also one
of the most uncomfortable and thankfully from my friend, he has
found an apartment which is relatively cheap. It's like I think 650
dollars which for Tokyo is a great price and it's also somewhat
close to the center. And there is definitely atrade that you have to
make depending on you know, how close you want to live to the
city to the to the center of the city, but also how much you want
to pay for your apartment and I think he found the the delicate
balance of the perfect apartment for him, which I'm very happy
about. I think that it's good that he has a place that is comfortable
for him now and yeah that has that - has made me feel feel happy
for him.

Topic 37, Part 2- Popular person

I would like to tell you about a person who is very popular and this
person I think has become a powerhouse in popular culture, his
name is Elon Musk. Every single person that I know knows about
him. I think it's very I think it's harder nowadays to find somebody
who doesn't know about him rather than somebody who does
because I think almost every single person in the world knows
about Elon Musk. He is a millionaire. I think maybe a trillionaire at
this point. He's incredibly rich, sorry a billionaire or a trillionaire. He
has an unfathomable amount of money. He is incredibly rich. He is
one of those people that is he basically is money. Like when you
think about the people who have the most money in the world
right now, he is at the top of the list, he is I think the richest
person in the world and so it's like it's funny. How am I even talk
about you know, how much money has when simply the richest
person in the world people know him for all different kinds of
things. He had a company for cars. He still has a company for cars. I
think he might be either the CEO of that company or a chairman.
He has a company for space travel. He has a company for digging
tunnels inbig cities called the boring company, which also as far
as I remembered did a publicity stunt where they released a fire -
fire flamethrower. And so yeah, Elon Musk is in the media almost
every I don't know month. Everymonth we see some news about
something that Elon Musk is doing and every single time. It seems
like it's even crazier than before. Like one time, he sent a car into
space, one time he you know supported like Ukraine in the war or
something like this. He has done so many things to become a
public figure and I think this point other than being the richest
person in the world, he is also probably one of the most popular
people in the world either, you know for good reasons or for bad
reasons. I don't believe that billionaires are you know good for the
world.And so I - I personally I'm not sure that I like him that much
but I do knowthat he is a very popular person.

Topic 38, Part 2- A movie that you watched recently


A movie that I watched recently that I felt disappointed about one
movie that I want to tell you about that. I did not enjoy. It really
disappointed me was Resident Evil actually to be honest. I didn't
watchthis recently. I watched this when I was much younger and
when I was really impressionable and for me, it was very difficult
to enjoy it for different reasons. I mean, the first reason is resin
evil is basically a horror movie and it is about you know, scaring
people and when you're older you watch that with enjoyment
with glee, you know, you're really waiting for the next jump scare
and you're really waiting for the next moment to you know, kind
of be spooked but when you're a kid these kinds of horror movies,
they - they really leave you with a lot of trauma in a lot of situations.
There's like a lot of stories about kids who watch movies like
horror movies and they end up with trauma for long periods of
time because they're not ready. They're not equipped to deal with
these kinds of things happening in films and you know horror
movies they are usually ones where you have things like Gore
killing, loud screams, loud loud sounds like you know unusual
things. And I feel like the the biggest thing is, you know, as a parent
it is your responsibility to keep your child away from these kinds of
things horror movies, especially but just generally like just keep
your kids safe man.

Unfortunately, I - I wasn't controlled that much in what kind of

media I consumed and so as a kid, I watched, you know, some


part of ResidentEvil. I don't even remember which film it was and I
was really scared andthen I never ended up watching the next
parts because I you know, I – I didn't like it for me from now on
Resident Evil is associated with a lot of negative emotions a lot of
you know, uncomfortable feelings because it's - it's a scary
franchise and I - I wasn't ready at the time maybe if I watched it,
you know in my adolescence I would have really loved it because
it's - a it's generally an interesting series. I think almost as good as
the Silent Hill series, but I think that you know, I - I kind of missed
that opportunity and now I'll never be able to to get to know
Resident Evil.

Topic 39, Part 2- Person who you believe is very helpful to others

I would like to tell you about a person who I believe is very helpful
to others. This person is incredibly helpful for different reasons. I
guess the biggest reason would probably be the fact that they are
very kind. This person is incredibly kind. I see him all the time
promoting others for free.All he does is he tries his best to you
know, kind of improve people's access to knowledge. This is
something that he has done consistently for a very long time
whether that be through doing free lessons free courses
everything like this. His name is Sirojiddin and he is a wonderful
Ielts teacher on telegram. We actually go way back I would like to
say that we go way back there was a period of time when we
didn't really talk atall, but we do go way back and I remember
when I was just starting out as an adult teacher back then even he
was very kind to me. He you know kind of live streamed and he
livestream together with me, and he let his audience know about
me. He kind of you know, introduced me to his audience and it
was great and when I got, you know a little bit bigger in size than
him when my channel was bigger. I streamed together with him
too so that you know, he could get bigger too as well. It was it was
- it was a very good time. It was a very nice time and nowadays.
He still does a lot for me for the whole. You know, , Ielts
community he's a great guy all around great guy, very interesting
as aperson very kind very open-hearted and I feel like we need
more people like him, you know more people who are willing to
collaborate with others to be open to be - to be, you know free to
engage with others in the things that they need and you know to
be able to give more than they take. So yeah, that's about it.
Sirojiddin is one person who I think is wonderful. He's a great
teacher as I mentioned and I think he's an even cooler telegram
channel owner than teacher. But you know, he is a great he is a
great teacher as proven by this the results of the students.

Topic 40, Part 2- Describe the ideal house or apartment where

youwant to live

For me the perfect place to live would probably be the White

House. Now I don't think I have any interest in being the president. I
don't reallycare about that - that is a lot of effort and it requires,
you know, kind of spending your whole life on developing this
persona this - this public politician persona is it's incredibly
difficult and I don't think I have the effort. I don't have - I don't
have an inmate to spend all this effort to do like one thing but if I
could choose one place to live I would probably live inside the
White House because it is an incredibly cool place to live. The
White House is massive. It has like over a hundred and thirty rooms
withlike 35 bathrooms and six different floors to it. It is it has like
like 400 something doors. Can you imagine how many doors that
is to open?

And the thing is, in order to have the White House operating you
need to have a whole team of staff always working on, you know,
keeping everything keeping everything working, keeping
everything, you know, perfect and so yeah, I think this one of the
main reasons why it would be so cool to live in the White House
because you always have people catering to you. If you need a
snack if you need anything you just you know, snap your fingers
and it appears right in front of you. It's amazing. So I would say
that the White House is very close to if not the best place to live in
the world it is - it is it is really really cool. And you know, other than
those - other than those simple facts another thing that's really
cool about the white house right now is that there's always like
some cool events going on right political events and being able to
see those by living there would be an amazing thing. I mean I did


mention that you know, I don't want to be involved in the politics.
But imagine like, you know, the US is one of the most politically
important countries in the world being involved in that kind of
you know, activity would be very cool. It would be very
interesting to basically see history unfold right in front of your
eyes. So yeah, these aresome reasons why I think it'd be very
interesting to live, you know in DC that's at the White House. Yeah.

Topic 41, Part 2- An adventure that you would like to take in the

I would like to tell you about an adventure that I would like to take
in the future and this adventure is something that I have been
planning for a while. I - I used to really dream about this. This was
like something that is in the near future. You know, I've got a lot of
plans. I've got a lot of things that I want to do, but one adventure
that I -I was like really getting geared and getting you know ready
to take was my trip to Samarkand. I for the longest time had a big
dream of traveling from Tashkent to Samarkand by bicycle, which
to be honest looking back at itnow is completely insane, you know
from the trips that I've already done. They were some of the most
difficult some of the most challenging things that I have like part -
like done basically the most challenging things in my life. And this
one is as far as I remember like Idid some calculations. This one
would be several levels above the hardest thing I had done at the
time and so like I honestly think that now that I'm kind of past my
prime, you know, I mean, I'm not that oldbut I mean that like I'm
not at the same level that I was before I think because of this
there's not really any chance for me to go back to this dream.
Unfortunately, you know this - this dream of partaking in this
adventure. Doing these kinds of things taking these kinds of like
long biking journeys is very interesting in my opinion because it's
- it's even though it's something that I do myself. It makes me feel
more connected to other people. It makes me feel like I am a part
of like a bigger system and specifically I mean the first thing is, you
know, when you're on the road you're on the road and you have a
chance to really get acquainted with the pavements from the
closest perspective that you can right like being right next to it.
And the second thing is you have to manage your resources and
you have to take care of yourself, which I think is a very
interesting experience. So generally I love Samarkand I've really
wanted to take you know, take this journey as a challenge for
myself, but I'm not sure that I ever will be able to

Topic 42, Part 2- Important decision that you once made

I would like to tell you about one decision that was incredibly
important for my future and it's still important and it's going to be
important for a long time. This decision was taking IELTS. For me
the IELTS test means a lot more than just getting some kind of
certificate or qualification. The IELTS certificate that I'm going to
get means that I will be able to go touniversity. I need to take
IELTS in order to apply to University in order to

become an undergraduate and because of this I am trying my

best to get a good score to show the university that I am capable
of learning, I'm capable of joining their program and that I am a
good student. I think that even though the university that I'm
applying to only has like aminimum score for - for IELTS of 6.5. I
want to get a higher score. So that number one my English ability
will be high enough and number two. I hope that when they see
that I have a high and very powerful. I'll score. Ihope they will be
surprised. I hope that they will see that I am truly a student who
cares about his education and who wants to achieve the best who
wants to achieve the most difficult and the most powerful goals.
So yeah, that is - that is the main reason why you know, I - I want to
take the IELTS test. As I - as I mentioned it is something that was
difficult for me to decide I could also take TOEFL. I could go to a
you know, an Uzbek University, but I knew from a very young age
when I was a kid that I wanted to study abroad. And so that's why I
need to take IELTS in order to of course go abroad to go to a
different country. And yeah, I think I think that's about it. This is a
difficult decision that I made but it was very important for me.

Topic 43, Part 2- Describe an expensive gift

One gift that I really want to give to my family members which

can be considered expensive is jewelry. I really want to buy my


the - the females in my family generally not - not any of them
specifically but in the future when I am you know rich and affluent
and I have a lot of money to spend on anything. I want when I
have, you know, tons of disposable income. I think it's very
important for me to invest some money in buying jewelry for my
family members generally wearing jewelry is not that common
among people in my family. We don't like jewelry too much
because it can be very tedious to clean. It takes a whileto you
know, kind of get it looking nice and also jewelry usually is very
expensive and so because of this I really want to buy jewelry for
my family when I am more rich um, actually, in fact right now, I'm
working to buy jewelry for people in my family and I think that it is
going to be a very nice gift. I'm planning to give this gift, you
know, all this jewelry as a gift probably for a holiday maybe for
Hayit or for for Navruz even though people don't usually give
jewelry as a gift forever. I I want to make it like that because I think
it would be nice, you know, just I want

to I want to Market as something more important than just

buying jewelry for me, you know owning jewelry and being able to
wear jewelry consistently is a sign of entering a new financial
bracket and you knowbeing able to have the finances to buy
jewelry. It would mean a lot it would mean a lot more than just
wearing something nice. So yeah, that is why I really want to buy
jewelry for my family when I when I become more rich, that's about



Topic 44, Part 2- Water sport

One water sport that I want to get more into in the future is
kayaking because I really like boating. I really like different types
of boats and being on top of the water. I think it's a very interesting
experience to be able to like glide on top of the water. It's kind of
like ice skating but in a different way, you know for me, it has
been an interest kayaking it has been an interest for it for a long
time and having the chance to get into it and really get good at
kayaking. I think it would be amazing. I think it would be a very cool
experience. So, you know, I've as I mentioned I've always wanted
to try kayaking I don't think it'll be easy. I know for a fact that in
order to like, you know, really excel and really become someone
you may be let's say not a world record contender, not somebody
who's like, you know competing on theworld level but let's say
somebody who is good enough - somebody who's good enough
at kayaking it would take a lot of physical force specifically upper
body strength. And to be honest. I don't have a lot ofupper body
strength. I am more of a legs guy because I've always been into
biking and so I would say that it would be very difficult to get into
or at least two to get really good at it. Um in order to get good at
kayaking in order to begin kayaking even I would probably have to
buy a boat andmove somewhere closer to water right now. I live
in the middle of the city and there are several, you know lakes
nearby. I think also some rivers and channels. I think like the- the
Pakhtakor river no, sorry, not theparticular. There's a different name
for it. But there's a there's a river like that's right next to my
house. But the thing is they are not very accessible for kayaking
specifically for kayaking. I think I would have tomove somewhere
where that is more accepted. It's more comfortable todo and
yeah, I want to do kayaking as I mentioned because it's just it's
fun. It's - it's a really cool sport. And yeah, I want to get more into
the guy and we'll get more into kayaking in the future.

Topic 45, Part 2- Describe a speech experience that you had

I'd like to tell you about a speech that I gave this was a tedx. This
was a tedx speech that I gave last year somewhere closer to the
end of the year and I gave a speech to an audience of students at
a university. I think the University was called tspu Tashkent State
pedagogical University. And it was a speech about YouTube. It
was a speech about YouTube as a learning tool and for me at the
time it was a very interesting topic to research. It was a very
interesting topic to create a speech for which is why I was really
driven, especially at the beginning. I was really really driven to
make the best speech possible, you know, every time you begin a
presentation you begin preparing for a presentation, especially for
tedx you always begin with this massive scope you begin with
these massive ideas about all the things that your speech will
cover. But in the end it really turns out that people only care about
the most simple things and I feel like for me I ended up. You know
messing up I - I messed up. I'll be honest. I - I feel like there were
some problems that were created because of the way that I
planned thespeech the first and I think most egregious issue was
the fact that I had too many materials most people that day who
were giving their speeches. They didn't really prepare that much.
Maybe they prepared apresentation. Maybe they prepared some
slides and some pictures. I had more than one video. I had several
different interesting factors different parts of my presentation. I
had different like animations in my slides. I had so many different
things that I prepared. I really cared about this feature. I really felt
like it would be something you know important but in the end it
wasn't in the end nobody really cared and the biggest issue.In fact
was the tech support the I mean, I guess the the technological
availability of the university the staff at the University were all

So unfortunately, they were not experienced at all and they were

not able to provide me with any tech support in order to get a
good presentation going. I couldn't play any of the videos that I
prepared for the presentation most of the like slides that I created
with animations. They just didn't work and so in the end my
presentation kind of got like, you know, It got the short end of the
stick. I wasn't able to present what I really wanted to and because
of that. I feel like this was a relatively negative speech experience


that I had.

Topic 46, Part 2- Crowded place

I would like to tell you about a time what I went to a Bazar and
there was a massive amount of people there was like a huge
crowd and it feltat some points like it was difficult to breathe
because of just how many people were there. I think that this
journey to the Bazar overall. It was one of my most interesting
experiences, interesting and exciting experiences in Tashkent
because usually like I don't get to go to Bazaars.I don't get to see
those kinds of sites those kinds of places but this Bazar is as far as
I know one of the biggest in Tashkent, I forgot the name,
unfortunately, I think it's like Kuyluk or something. It's - it's a
massive Bazar with so many different colors. There are so many
stands with spices and meat and different cheeses and things like
that. And when you go there it feels like you are just inside of this
massive movement. It's like a living being it's like the Bazar is its
own person. It's -it's an incredible feeling. There's so much color
and there's so much lifeand you know, maybe in some moments.
It's not so sanitary. Like for example people who wash, you know,
they're vegetables in the same place where other people wash
their clothes or something like that, buthonestly, I think it's
alright. I think it the Bazar has been a staple of the way of life. Of
people in Uzbekistan for a very long time and I mean, you know, I
don't think that many people have died because of it. It doesn't
really matter. I personally really enjoy Bazar. I really enjoy going
to them and purchasing things there haggling is also really fun,
you know bargaining with the sellers about the price of their
potatoes. It can be very exciting. It can be an interesting
experience. Maybe I'm not the besthaggling. I think most of the
time when I go to the bizarre, I get scammed and I pay like 10
times more than I really should but in any case it is I feel an
authentic part of the experience that you cannot losewhen you
go to a bizarre. It's very important. And yeah, those ours are a
great place.

Topic 47, Part 2- Interesting job

I would like to tell you about a job that I think is interesting. This is
the job of being a YouTuber. I mean nowadays people call it a
content creator back in my day. It was called a YouTuber very
simply and I believe that this kind of job is very interesting because
it combines a lotof the aspects of media work like for example
working in the news or working in some establishment like - like
an editor sorry like an editing house or something like this
publishing house. sorry. Um, it combines those aspects with being
your own boss, you know, you're kind of running your own
business and your own personal brand and when you look at
these two things together, I think it's a very interesting kind of
job. You have so many different opportunities for collaboration
with different businesses with other YouTubers and the things
that you are able to do are incredible when I was a kid, actually I
think it was one of my biggest dreams to be a YouTuber but then I
realized over time thatit's incredibly difficult. Like I'm running a
telegram channel right now and it's already quite hard but being a
YouTuber is much different and I believe it's much harder. There
are a lot of skills that which are neededwhen you're a YouTuber
and it really depends on how much you are doing on your own.
For example, if you are doing the editing and the design work by
yourself that is like a whole new level of you know work that is
necessary to be able to to keep your business afloat. I think that it's
interesting for - for different reasons. But mainly it's interesting
because of the fact that you as I said have a chance to - to create
things you have a chance to - to garner an audience that will
appreciate your artistic work and it doesn't matter what kind of job
it is. What kind of artist is that is very rare, you know most artists die
without ever seeing their work become venerated for what it
should be, you know, a creative endeavor. Whereas YouTubers a
lot of them. I feel like they do get that treatment that they deserve.

Topic 48, Part 2- Describe an important traditional festival in


I would like to tell you about a festival which is very important for
the culture of Uzbekistan. And this Festival is called Navruz. I
personally don't know that much about Navruz because I am you
know at this point. I'm not that ingrained in in the culture to know
all the information but I do know some of the surface level facts
that I can tell you about numbers is a polytheistic holiday about
the move from winter to spring it's about the beginning of spring
when nature is waking up and everything is beginning to grow
and you know, it's kind of It's the beginning of a new year
technically. When you look at harvest when you're looking at, you
know, fruits and vegetables and flowers growing because you
know spring is when everything begins growing it's like the great
rejuvenation. I think a lot of you know traditional holidays are
related to this because this is something that you know ancient

had to really struggle with to survive through the winter and to

move into the new year. And so because of this Navruz is the
traditional New Year. It is kind of like a celebration of the beginning
of New Harvest. And yeah, one of the biggest and most important
traditions for lovers is to make sumalak which is also a type of It's
a type of dish made with wheat, and actually it's present in a lot of
cultures. I've seen some alike ina lot of different cultures and you
know in Africa in Central Asia in - in the Middle East. It's a popular
type of dish and in Uzbekistan as far as I know.There's a tradition
where people put a stone into the sumalak so that one person will
eat it and that person is like lucky I think something like that and
yeah, that's that's about it. Navruz is usually celebrated on the
Equinox. So the time of day the length of the day and the night


willbe the same. So yeah, that is that is an event. That is special.

Topic 49, Part 2- Sports program

I would like to tell you about a sports program which I really enjoy
butalso one that is popular throughout the whole world. This is
the world Cup. This is the World Cup for football and it's usually
held every four years. It's held in a different country each time. I
think the last one was held in like I don't know Russia. I think the
last one was either in Russia or in Rio. I think the last one actually I
think the last Olympic Games was held in Russia. But in any case I
don't keep up with it as much as I should unfortunately, but I do
know that a lot of people really enjoy the World Cup. It's a chance
for every single country to put forward their best football teams.
Oh, yeah. sorry my apologies. The last World Cup was in Qatar
2023. And so this is a chance for every country to put together
their best team their most influential and powerful and you know
kind of the most developed football players of that year the ones
who spent the most effort to build up their careers in order to
participate in the world cup and each country tries their best to
win the world cup. It's just this big cup. I actually saw it. It's a real
thing like it's called the World Cup not because it's you know, it's
it's just the name.

It's a real thing. It's a real object. And so I really enjoy the World
Cup for the for the for the reason that I get to feel a sense of pride


in my country the US has competed several times, but they I don't
think they've won a single time because the US is not very good at
football which they call soccer. Uzbekistan unfortunately hasn't won
the World Cup yet I think but it is interesting to be able to root for
different countries. Like

for example, Germany or the last country which one I forgot which
one itwas. Generally the World Cup is is the most popular sporting
event in the world and that is why I re


Topic 2, Part 3- History

Who should pay for the preservation of historic buildings?

I think that there is a long history of preserving historic buildings

that has a lot of very specific nuances. Every single building has
its own personal history just like every person does because these
buildings have been built by someone, created by someone and
they have had a lot of thought put into them, they've had a lot of
history and it's important that depending on, for example, is the
building a part of the National Heritage of a country is the
building old, right, these kinds of factors. Depending on all these
factors and depending on where and what kind of building it is -
the person who pays or the group or organization who pays for
the preservation will be different. Sometimes the government,
sometimes some specific organization. I think there are a lot of
options for this.

What are the differences between learning history from books

and from videos?

I think the main thing would be information retention. I feel like,

nowadays, a lot of history books are, actually, especially, like
school history books. Not just the history books that you see
where it's like, you know, a long block of events, but rather the
books that are tailored to students. These kinds of books have


gotten incredibly adept at including pictures and, I think, that
pictures are one of the best ways to, actually, make sure that
people remember or some information about some part of
history. Without these pictures and without video supports most
things are just gonna fall right through the minds of the people
that are, you know, participating or watching some kind of history

Who should be responsible for preserving historic buildings?

I think that the person responsible or the organization responsible

should be the government. I think that even though the, you
know, the people or the companies who pay for the preservation
are not always the government. I think that the government
should be responsible because if the government doesn't care
about the heritage and the cultural significance of the places that
are you know residing within it then who will? Is there really going
to be any organization that will care about a building more than
the government that built on the soil that the building was built
on. I don't think so. I think that it's not any profits, for profit or for
nonprofit organizations to take care of that. I think it's about the

Is it hard to protect historical buildings?

I think it can be difficult. I think that, most buildings that are

protected nowadays are protected by large incredibly powerful
organizations such as the UN and without their massive financial
and generally, you know, backing their support. It can be very
hard to establish a building as worth saving and worth, you know,
keeping around a lot of people. I think, nowadays, don't really
care about historical heritage as much as they should which is
why I think that, yeah, which is why I think that's it's really hard. It
can be incredibly difficult.

Do you think everyone should learn history?

There's an old saying that's if you don't learn from history, then
you're doomed to repeat its mistakes. And I think that as much as
that's like, you know, dramatic version of events. I think that really
the adage says more about the fact that history is cyclical and
generally society is cyclical, the things that happen cycle from
one face to another and it's the same thing with Empires, for
example, Empires always have, like, an order of events that
happens, even if the specific events are different the general
outline is almost always the same and so, I think that it's a pretty
safe bet that if, you know, if you don't learn history, it can have
negative in, it can have a negative influence on a variety of
different things and it should be a priority for people to learn even
in a small way.

How can people learn about history?


I think, nowadays, it's, you know, it's not even a question about
how to learn anything. There's like not any topic that is difficult for
people to learn. It's mainly about how much dedication you have
and how much effort you're willing to put into actually learn
something. Because as you know, the internet has become the
most powerful tool for any person to use in any situation and you
know specifically with AI being a part of, you know, the internet
now, I think there's no way that if you don't want to learn history,
sorry, there's no way that if you want to learn history, you won't
be able to. I think it's more about finding the willpower and the
need to actually learn history.

How can children learn history?

I think a lot of children mainly, you know, dip their toes in into
history and into the study of learning about past events. When
they're in school a lot of schools offer different history programs,
whether that be world history or the history of the country where
they grew up. But, I think, that most children will be learning
history by extrapolating from the information that they already
know. And I think that when they talk to their parents about
certain events and about certain objects, that's what really gives
children the motivation to, you know, learn something about
history. It's not easy subject. It's not something that is for
everybody but children definitely can learn, I think, it's something
that they can and a lot of them do learn.
How can technology make learning history more interesting?

Um, well, firstly, 3D technology. I think the coolest thing is - a lot

of different museums, nowadays, offer virtual tours, they offer the
ability to visit the museum without physically going there which
can be great for, you know, disabled people or for people who are
financially unable to say travel to that country. Right, if you want
to visit the Louvre, but you cannot go to Paris and you cannot go
to friends, how are you gonna visit the Louvre? It's impossible. So,
I think that it's mainly about 3D tours, I think that's the biggest
thing. And also, the preservation of history, that's also an
incredibly important part of, actually, learning about it because if
it's not preserved, you're not gonna find any place to learn about
it. Those two, I think, are the biggest tools that's people that are,
you know, participating in the study of history are using,

How do museums teach people history?

A museum is kind of like a gallery, I think, for the events of the

world. When you go to a museum, you can see not only paintings
which are usually also at museums because they are culturally
and historically significant but also you can see a lot of objects
that participated in forming culture as it is today and I think that's
the most significant aspect. These objects are usually curated by
people that know how anthropology and the flow of time and the


flow of human development actually works. And so, whenever
they put an object in a certain place, it's not just because they
have it, it's because they know that by looking at that object and
by identifying how those things happen people will be able to see
history for what it really is. It's a linear progression of events and
evolution and things that are changing

Why is it that some leaders fail to learn from the past?

I think that the main thing that would cause a leader to falter in
the same way that are past leader has is because they have the
same aspirations that are past leader has. A lot of leaders and, I
would say, historically it's probably one of the biggest, kind of red
flags of a leader is the aspiration for a world domination. You
know, Napoleon, he wanted to conquer all of Europe and his
ambitions were so large that eventually they just outplayed him,
his own ambitions were his downfall. And the same with, uh, you
know, Alexander the Great all these people they have the same
goal and that's why they take the same steps to achieve it. Even
if, you know, the small factors are different, in terms of, you know,
maybe who they are with or etc. The key thing is the same, they
want to achieve world domination and that requires certain steps
and, I think, that is the main reason why a lot of leaders fail to
learn from the past because they want to achieve the same things
as people did in the past.


Will museums be replaced by technology someday?

I think that there's a chance that libraries will be replaced.

Because libraries, at this point, are relatively unnecessary.
Libraries, I think, in the future are going to become a type of
museum where people will go solely for the purpose of being able
to see what it was like to read a book in a physical sense. I think
that there will certainly be a point of history when these paper
books are going to become a rarity. Maybe not soon, maybe not,
you know, even not soon, I think it will happen at one point. But I
think that museums will not, I think that physical objects that
don't have that kind of, you know, physical aspect to them and
that kind of environmental impact like, for example, rocks or
different pieces of ancient pottery. They don't really have that
much of an impact on the environment as much as books, paper
books would say for example, would have for example.

Are history museums useful?

That's kind of debatable. Um, I think that it's important to have

them but the word useful is a very, you know, it's a very
subjective word. To me, I would say that yes, it's great to have
museums because, for one, and this maybe is even the most
important point, by going to a history museum people are
learning to think about themselves not only as their own universe,
but as a part of a larger hole. And by doing that, I think people
really start their journey on personhood on understanding and
realizing themselves as a person because you cannot be yourself
without understanding where other people are and what point
they lie on. That's why I think that history museums are certainly
important, but I'm not sure whether I would say that they are
useful that is still in my opinion up for, up for debate.

Should museums be free?

Um, in the perfect world, I think every Museum would be

available for people to visit, you wouldn't have to pay any money.
You wouldn't have to do anything you would just have to show up
and you could do whatever you want at the museum. You could
take pictures you could do this and you could do that. But in the
real world museums are a business and a lot of museums,
nowadays, are solely created not for history, but just as a way to
earn money, for example, Instagram museums, and I think the
main thing to keep in mind here is that just like any business they
need some kind of financial scheme to earn money and the most
streamlined and fastest way to get money by being museum is to
take money from people for seeing the exhibit and, I think, that's
it's probably gonna stay that way for a while. I think, people
should remember their family history. I think that it is each
person's individual choice whether or not their family history is
important enough for them to relish and to, you know, maybe
show to other people and keep it for themselves. Some people
want to cast that part of themselves away and they don't want to
be associated with that. Neither in the public sphere with other
people that they talk to nor in their own inner world. Sometimes
people just want to go as far away from that as possible. And I
think that decision should and in most cases is respected, and I
think that should say, that way I think, that is a good way to
operate in terms of family history. I don't think it should be
something that people should always remember if they want to
forget it. They can forget, I think, that's perfectly fine.

Topic 3, Part 3- Neighbors

Do you think it's easier for people to get to know each other if
they live in the countryside?

I don't think that living in the countryside can be a factor of

whether or not two people are going to get to know each other
easier. I think that it is a factor of how long their friendship usually
lasts and how much potential there is for that relationship to
develop. I think that a lot of friendships that are forged in the
countryside are really like dependent on each other. These people
know each other for a long period of time and they trust each
other with their deepest secrets and their biggest worries. If a
person in the countryside if they have a problem say with their
children, for example, if something happens, if one other child
gets sick, they are much more likely to go to their neighbors for


help because. I feel like they trust each other much more than
people in cities.

How do children build relationships with others in a community?

I've actually done some research on this and I find it really

interesting that children are kind of like a computer algorithm.
They start with the most basic levels and they start building up
blocks one by one and the further they get in a friendship the
further they actually get in their own personal development most
children actually start becoming teenagers, adolescence and then
later in life adults through friendships by understanding how
friendships work. I think the first thing in this whole, you know,
topic of children making friends would be that they start from
common interests that is one of the first things children or
children talk to each other like about you know games or TV
shows and things like that, and by building up those blocks
starting with the most basic facts, they can decide whether
somebody should be their friend or not.

Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with


I think it can be. I think if you are kind of, like, the black sheep of a
neighborhood group and everybody around you hates you then
most likely that will have a negative impact on your property
value. It'll have a negative impact on, you know, you if a dire
situation arises, for example, if there's like a crime in the
neighborhood or if there's some kind of I don't know extra
extraordinary situation with a house fire or something like that.
It's just if people hate you, you're less likely to be vouched for and
nobody's gonna say that you are a good person if they don't think
you're a good person, so let's help each other. I think that
neighbors like the relationship between two neighbors is basically
the same as the relationship between you know, any other two
people apart from the fact that neighbors usually have a sort of
reverence for each other whenever you have a neighbor, you
know that you can destroy them, you know the problems that are
happening with their property because you live on the same
block, you know the situation and they're in their neighborhood
because Live in that neighborhood. And so, there's, it feels like
there are a lot of things that you could potentially do in order to
like mess with them. But, you know, for a fact that they could do
the same exact thing back because your neighbors. So, I think
that neighbors can help each other in a lot of ways and in the
same vein neighbors can also like, you know do bad things to
each other.

How can people improve relationships with their neighbors?

I think the first thing is keep in mind who your neighbors are if it's
an old person you could help them buy carrying their groceries.
Regularly, you could help them by knocking on their door and
asking them: what do you need. And I feel like that goes for every
type of neighbor. You could knock on their door and say hey, I'm
your neighbor, I want to help you out, let me do something for
you. A lot of neighbors, maybe they don't feel like they need any
help in those cases. You could bring them a gift. You could bring
them a cake a housewarming gift something nice. I feel like
there's a lot of options for you to make friends. It's the same way
as you make friends with other people, I think. How can people

Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today are

the same as they were in the past?

As I have now lived in the city, I think for it for a longer period of
time I would say that the answer to this question is no. I would
say that, nowadays, relationships are much more surface level
much more shallow and less about helping each other, but I think
that is also because as I said, I don't live in the countryside
anymore, I think in the countryside friend relationships are the
same as they were before. I think that even though the internet
has really disrupted life in the countryside, It is not changed the
way that friendships function between neighbors in the

Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?


I think that some people are, I think that there are a lot of people
which have problems with specifically looking for their neighbors
to be friends with and some people have a problem with that
some people don't like being friends with their neighbors because
by breaking down those barriers of, you know, just being
someone who lives next to each other and by going to the next
level it can produce some unforeseen consequences, like, for
example, if you know something happens and your neighbor
thinks that it's okay to blame it on you because your friends now,
there's like a lot of things that go in into play here and I feel like it
just makes the social situation more complex.

What factors help neighbors to have good relations with each


Well, the first factor would definitely have to be the specific

neighborhood if you live in a neighborhood that is like not
diversified where is mostly people living together that have had a
similar background. I feel like that could help unity what I mean
by this is that you know, if you're, for example, living in a dorm
with a bunch of foreigners and you're also foreigner in the country
where you're living in the dorm, that would actually, I think, have
a good result and a good effect on your relationship with those
people because you have the same background. You're
foreigners, right? Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean you are
you know from the same cultural background. I just mean that
the same kind of status and the same goes, for example,
neighborhoods like suburbs where it's a bunch of people that you
know, their kids go to the same school. They all have the same
hobbies, etc.-etc. Those kinds of things definitely help people
become better friends as neighbors.

What makes a neighborhood a good one to live in?

Low crime rates. I feel like that's the biggest thing. There's not
really anything else. You don't want a house in a neighborhood to
be expensive but it's the same for every other thing in life. And so,
I feel, it's kind of trivial to mention that I feel like just buying a
house in a low crime neighborhood is already a very big step. To
not only entering but excelling an adult life most people who live
in you know, high crime neighborhoods their life becomes much
less stable just by moving into a high crime neighborhood. Your
life becomes a constant lottery. So, I feel like it's important to get
a house in a neighborhood that doesn't have high crime rates.

Topic 4, Part 3- Eating out

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at a


If you look at it in the simplest sense and I guess the most basic
things that people look at when they're making a choice of
whether they want to or they don't want to eat somewhere. Or
specifically eat out. The biggest benefit of eating out is not
washing dishes getting your food quickly and getting your food
effectively when you eat out. Usually it's much more effective
than cooking at home faster more industrial and it's usually more
comfortable whenever you eat at home. The biggest benefit is
that it's cheap. I think that's the biggest thing and of course if
you're a good chef and if you know how to cook. Well you could
get restaurant quality food. But, at the same, time it's kind of like
a gamble, you know, when you go to restaurant usually it's you
have a much higher chance of getting something that you will like
for certain.

Will you choose a cafe or restaurant when you meet others?

For the first time or when I meet someone for the first time, I do
choose cafes and restaurants very often. It's a very neutral place
to meet because it's not a place that is like considered a man
space or a woman space or any specific groups space usually
restaurants are just a place to go to eat and because of that
because they're really simple function. You can have a very low
barrier for like uncomfortableness, right? You don't really
necessarily have to talk you can just sit down get your food and
eat and even if you do talk, you can choose some really like
uninteresting and not risky topics. Like you can just talk about you
know, the food that you're eating and that's a great topic to talk


about when you're first meeting someone because it's not

What are the differences between a cafe and a restaurant?

The biggest difference is that restaurants are more expensive.

Usually I think there are a lot of high-end cafes nowadays that try
to pose as like a, you know, the next generation of food
dispensaries and the next generation of dining but really, I think
that it all comes down to when are you eating and what are you
eating if you're eating in the evening, usually you'll be going to a
restaurant because you're going to be looking for dinner and
you're going to be looking for a nice atmosphere when you're
eating at a cafe. Usually you want to get your food faster. You
want to get it in a less like cluttered and a less difficult
environment. You just want to come in get your food, get out.
That's it.

What kind of people like to go to cafes?

I think most young people most young adults and a lot of

adolescents go to cafes restaurants can be definitely on the more
expensive side. They usually have like a high percentage that you
need to pay for tips. Whereas cafes usually have self-service. So,
I'd say cafes are definitely visited by people who are not
financially able to you know, participate in in cuisine like fine
dining and restaurants.
What kind of things do you think can make a cafe or restaurants
environment better?

I know for a fact that any environment can be improved by plants.

Trees, like small ornamental plants different types of flowers.
They can have a very good effect on how it feels to be at your
cafe or restaurant by being there with that flower together.
Number one. It's a sign of something else being alive. It's not like
a desolate and dangerous environment plants are usually a sign of
safety a sign of nature and the color green is generally a positive
and so because of that I feel like plants are definitely one of the
ways to go if you want to improve the atmosphere, even if it's like
a building underground or somewhere where there's no direct
access to sunlight you can get like a UV light or something plants
are cool. Is it expensive to eat out in your country in Uzbekistan, I
have noticed a very dramatic increase in the price of food inflation
has always been a major factor in you know the life of people and
it's been really difficult to get food on affordable price, especially
recently, but I would say that specifically eating out has taken
some of the biggest hits. The first thing I would say is that the
price of eating by yourself has increased at least twofold. I think
that it's much more difficult to find a comfortable and delicious
place to eat if your budget by yourself and you don't want to you
know, spend a fortune on whatever food you're eating. So yeah, I
would say right now it is quite expensive.


Why do young people like to study in a cafe instead of at home?

Well, I am actually one of those people I am definitely one of the

people that really enjoys and really benefits from the environment
of a cafe and I can tell you specifically why the reason is when
you're in a cafe or in an environment, which has a lot of stimuli
there are a lot of people there's a lot of motion. There's a lot of
sound it can actually be beneficial for focus it can help you
concentrate on your work because you will be prioritizing paying
attention to what you're doing rather than paying attention to
your surroundings, and it kind of produces an effective running
water. It's like after a while it becomes white noise, you're not
really listening to what the people are saying and it's especially
positive and especially a cool thing for me when I listen to music
at the same time as being in a public place like that.

Topic 5, Part 3- TV and libraries

What's the difference between the internet and television?

The first thing is are you able to change and have a major effect
on what you're actually watching and what you're actually
participating in. When you're watching TV, you are a passive
observer, you are sitting there and receiving whatever the TV
wants to give you and specifically whatever the cable company
and the people who are running the cable company want to give
you whenever you're using the internet. You have a choice will I
find and look for the information that will benefit me or will I find
and look for the information that is easiest to access.

What are the differences between old and young people when
they use the internet?

Well, actually in relation to my last question, I think most old

people, nowadays, prefer to find the most accessible and the
easiest thing whereas a lot of like younger people they will put in
the effort and they will put in the work to learn or to kind of take
the steps to find new information. Basically, this can not
necessarily be about information. This can be about tech. I think a
lot of younger people if they have some kind of problem
connected to their you know computers or to their phones or
something like that. They will fix it. Whereas an older person will
just say hello, son. Can you please help me fix my phone? So, you
know, it's just about the ease older people like to take it easy
younger people like to solve their problems more effectively.

Can cybercrime be curbed?

I think the cybercrime has definitely been curbed. I remember in

the last couple of decades probably like in the last decade
especially closer to the beginning. There was a large surge of
Internet scammers that have been plaguing old people
specifically old people they've been targeting them because old
people are usually the most susceptible to fall for their schemes,
but with the increasing amount of available information
connected to how these scammers actually function and how
their employees work on you. I think that cybercrime in this
regard has definitely been curbed.

Why do people like to read news on the internet instead of on TV?

Well as I've already mentioned when you are on TV, you get a
curated specifically designed agenda that will try to I guess
brainwash or heavy-handedly give you some kind of idea or some
kind of set of ideas. Whereas when you're using the internet you
have free. Will you have the choice to find or to not find whatever
information you need to so I would say the Internet is just more
free. It's a lot more freedom than TV.

What are the most and least popular apps in your country?

I would say the most popular type of app in Uzbekistan right now
is social media as probably with most of the world and I would
say the least popular is probably different kinds of sports apps. I
think most people in Uzbekistan go to a gym where they get a
trainer and it's relatively accessible here. Whereas in other
countries gyms are especially trainers that are at gyms. They're
usually less accessible for people. So that's why I think that Sports
programs are not as popular where our social media as with every
other part of the world is the most popular out of all the types of
Topic 6, Part 3- Technology

How does technology affect our lives?

I think technology affects our lives in every way. I don't really

think there is a way nowadays in which technology does not
affect our lives. I think that one way for you to look at it is this
because of how advanced and how improved technology has
become a lot of people nowadays need to have a certain part of
the week or maybe some like days and a month where they
completely abstain from using technology. I think that is a good
example of how all, encompassing technology has become in our

Does the development of Technology affect the way we study?

Well as with everything I think yes, it does. I think it has changed

the way we study and I feel like one of the best ways is that
because the internet we have been able to create much more
powerful surveys much more powerful like, you know information
searches where we are learning about the way that people
actually like learn and remember information. and I think that that
has sparked a lot of change in the educational system, whether
that be the national education system of almost every country or
the educational system that most teachers use

Why do technology companies often upgrade their products?

Money makes the world go round and money makes Apple
release the same iPhone every single year ( ). I think that it's
mainly about of course being and having the newest thing most
people want to be respected and liked and because of that
whenever they are purchasing a product. They're also keeping in
mind the social value when you buy a car you don't really want to
buy a used car. Even if it's the same quality in the same type and
you know the same thing you don't want to buy it because buying
a used car has a certain social stigma. So, I think it's mainly about
keeping people spending money on your products because
people want to be cool.

Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

In in the atmosphere in which most companies reside in

nowadays, you have to always be on your toes. You have to
always be ready to switch whatever program you have, whatever
ideas you have whatever, you know, your main product line is you
have to be able to shift to a new sphere because if you don't have
that versatility you can end up like one of the myriad companies
that have been decimated by the of time by the evolution of
technology by the incredible pace at which life happens
nowadays and most big companies don't want that. So, they have
the capability and abilities to change things in the in the at the
snap of a finger. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even
though they haven't changed much from one to the next why
phones are actually one of my primary examples for why tech
companies as a whole upgrade their products. I would say that
iPhone specifically has been one of the most influential
companies in the whole world whether that be in the texture or
not and because of that iPhones have become a status symbol.
It's not really about how good they are as a piece of technology. I
believe I think it's about status and whenever people, you know,
see somebody who doesn't have an iPhone. It's kind of like
depending on what social circle they're in it's kind of, like a peer
pressure. Factor where if you don't fit in if you don't align you are
losing out, so yeah, I would say that is the main reason why
iPhones are still so popular.

Topic 7 Part 3- Cities

Why do people like planned traveling?

Traveling as much as it's supposed to be a way to relax for a lot of

people is a hassle. It involves a lot of stress that is not present in
your daily life, which is why if you could remove one of the
biggest uncertainties of traveling which is, you know, not being
able to plan and not being able to figure out every single little
detail. I think a lot of people would jump on that by being able to
reduce that. It can really make your traveling into a way to relax
rather than the usual stress.

Why are historical studies popular?

Most cities nowadays are the same whether you go to you know,
Tashkent or you go to Kazakhstan, you know, a lot of cities in
Canada or in Russia or etc. Etc. Most cities have a lot of very
similar elements. You have supermarkets. You have shops you
have, you know, some cities have casinos some cities don't but
most places have become very homogeneous in terms of what
they offer and because of that historical cities offer something
unique when everything else is blending in to the mush that cities
have really become

Why do people go to other cities?

When you go to another city, you can parse the history that has
been. The that has that has took taken place there and the
elements that have led up to the current presentation of the city.
The let's say governmental impact of that, you know country. How
does it affect the current presentation of the city, is the city
presentable, does it look good is it clean these kinds of things can
really show you where a country's values are so that's number
one. I guess it's about it's about you know, historical value. A lot of
cities are interesting and the second thing is you can see how a
country governs their cities by visiting them.

Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?

I think that tourists are usually one of the most I guess violated
groups. They they fall into a lot of scams, especially in countries
and in cities where they don't know the the language that people
speak there and I think that that's why most of the bad things
that you know foreigners and travelers come across and tourists
specifically come across are the things that are going to be
playing them, you know scams thieves and then different
negative things like that. So, I would say that yeah, they definitely
have the ability to and they definitely do come across a lot about
stuff when they're traveling.

Topic 8 Part 3- Skills

How can we know what to do when we want to start learning

something new?

Well, it can actually be very difficult to get an accurate road map

of the things that you should be learning as you're developing in
some sort of skill. I would say the first thing to try is to maybe get
someone who is like higher level than you in that skill for example
a teacher or a mentor and work with them to create like a plan for
the things that you should be learning. Another thing you could
do is you could look up some online forms for that topic or for
that skill almost every single one of them has some kind of,
beginners guide to get you acquainted with you know, the basics,
you know to learn the ropes.

Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn

I think the culture for that in Uzbekistan is not as developed as in
other countries. One of the biggest reasons for this is because
most people that make online videos explaining different topics
are from countries where their English is usually some with
lacking for example, India, if you ever want to, you know, fix some
kind of tech issue 99% of the time is going to be fixed or at least
the video with the fix will be with an Indian accent. So, I think that
most people here do not really enjoy that and that's why they
don't watch videos to learn things.

Do you think showing is a better way than telling in education?

I think that education is not the only place but definitely the place
where this rule is the strongest and it really stands up to scrutiny
because if you are not letting somebody actually understand the
process of how something works or how something happens
most of the time they will very quickly forget whatever you
taught them and especially as a teacher myself. I know very well
that my lessons have to be structured around specifically showing
students rather than telling them.

What practical skills? Can young people teach older people?

I think mainly the you know, the first thing that jumps to mind is a
technology, things like phones how to handle applications how to
maneuver all of the interfaces. I guess. That would be the biggest
thing. But also, young younger people can really help older
people with exercise. I feel like back in the day. Most exercise was
just I don't know pertaining to lifting weights and running for a
long period of time whereas nowadays most young people have
like a very planned out fitness routine that they could maybe pass
on to their elders.

How can we teach an older generation to use new technology?

This really comes down to good UI design where you have like
tech that is created for people by people and it is tech that is
intuitive. It has to be easy to understand very very intelligible and
also very simple from the onset. It should be something that
should feel intuitive and it's like you already knew how to use it. I
guess that would be the first thing make better UI design.

What's the difference between children learning and adults

learning things that they have to learn?

I think that children usually take a very experimental approach.

They really try to probe and feel every single part of whatever
they're doing and they try to get a get an understanding through
trial and error. They try to really use their hands a lot use their
mouths. You know, they usually try to taste every object that is
around them. Whereas older people do a lot less tasting and a lot
more thinking as you get older you realize that most problems are
similar to the ones even countered before and so just by doing
some mental gymnastics. You can really come up with a lot of
really good Solutions. So, I think that's yeah. That's the biggest
thing. That is the difference.

Where can we learn practical skills?

Well, I think nowadays. There are a lot of platforms that center

around practical skills, you know online platforms. Corsaira Khan
Academy as much as they are usually for theoretical skills, like
sorry theoretical knowledge, like for example science or
mathematics, etc. Etc. In reality. It's also very popular for different
Hands-On things, like for example Pottery or you know
electronics like soldering not necessarily the the mathematical
approach to electronics, but specifically the soldering in the
physical aspect. So, I think online services have really become the
hot spot for every kind of learning nowadays and I think that is the
way that it will continue going into the future.

Topic 9, Part 3- Being late

Do you always avoid being late?

I would say that a trauma best toy being late. I don't remember
single time in my life where I tried to be late on purpose and
where I you know wanted to delay some kind of meeting or you
know, something by literally just being late, but I can tell you that
because of the fact that I perceived time and a slightly different
way. I have trouble measuring how long things actually take and a
lot of the time I will start some kind of lengthy task before having
an appointment and I will have trouble switching from that task
to going to that appointment until I finish the task which can be
very difficult if it's important.

Why do people miss important events?

The first reason could be that people often misattribute how

important an event actually is. If you don't really know the value
of something you could put it at the back of your priority list and
in the end, you would never see you would actually happen in
that event and how important it really was. Another reason could
be that you know accents happen. You could be on your way to
your car and you stub your toe really hard and you fall down and
then I don't know coyote decides to naw on your ankles and I
think that in that situation a person would be late regardless of
how much time they spent planning beforehand. So, I think that
you know, there are just a lot of freak accidents.

Are people born with time management skills, or can they

develop them?

I think that people are always born with a certain capacity for
every single skill. They have a certain amount of like inbuilt
understanding of how that skill could actually work and how they
could use it. But in reality, every skill needs to be developed. I
don't think there are any babies who will be, you know earlier to
an appointment than I ever am and that's why I think that it is
definitely something about development. It's something where
you need to practice the skill. You need to learn the different
techniques that help you enhance it and then over time you will
improve your time management.

Why are people often late from meetings or appointments?

Well, I think in Uzbekistan the main reason why is because the

culture is just overbearingly late not lazy, but just late people
don't really. I don't know. I don't want to say don't really care. But
I think it's not in the culture to worry about that so much. Almost
every appointment almost every official meeting or official
anything is delayed and that can be with an announcement or
without an announcement. And as I've lived in Uzbekistan for
around four years now, I feel like that's really rubbed off on me in
the wrong way because as much as I, you know, always like to be
on time what what happens is I I've kind of adopted In the worst
way and now I'm almost always late, which is very unfortunate.

Do you think it's important to be on time?

I think that it is I think that being on time is a sign of respect for

the people who are you know waiting for you. It's a sign of
diligence usually people who are on time, you know, spend time
working and they do this and they do that and because of that
they don't have time to dilly dally and you know kind of float
around in in space they have to be places and they have to do
things at a certain time. So I think that being on time really
portrays a certain, you know, feeling of power and of being a
good worker and I think that is certainly important

Topic 10, Part 3- Pollution

Is there more pollution now than in the past?

I think that's this is something that has been studied and I think
that there's definitely evidence there is there is evidence that
proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt there is much more
pollution now than it was, than, there was in the past because as
production and factories and industrialism are all rising and
growing so is the amount of pollution and byproducts that are
created and I think we are fighting against that but we have not
reached the plateau or the decline of pollution yet. We're still you
know somewhere on the rising parts of the graph.

Do you think cities are cleaner or dirtier than the countryside?

I also think that there is an overwhelming amount of research that

says that cities are much dirtier and I think even from their
Inception like, you know, the first couple of cities and in England
and whatever country where they first came from the main
problem of the cities was the fact that they were hot spots and
they were like breeding grounds for new diseases and you know
for rats and insects and fleas to all mingle together and create
new diseases, you know, and it's certainly a reason why cities are
much dirtier and why it's more difficult to live in them.

Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution?

I think that wind patterns and tornadoes and these kinds of you
know, natural disasters certainly do I know that like natural
disasters usually create a lot of pollution because you know a lot
of human built Things become basically garbage and also I think
that's if you take into account wind patterns, a lot of them will
carry whatever kind of pollution for example from a factory. They
will carry that pollution into areas where people are living and I
think that can be a hazard. It can be dangerous it can you know
have devastating effects to your well-being especially to your
lungs. So, yeah.

What can factories and plans do to reduce pollution?

Well, I'm not really a factory worker and I've never designed
anything like that. So, I'm not sure exactly how this could be done,
but I can tell you for a fact that. Actually, caring about this topic
would be the first step most factories and most plants only care
about pollution as much as the government tells them to care
about pollution. If there are some regulations that require a
factory to do something, they will do that. Anything extra will be
completely ignored because I feel like, you know factories and
plants usually come from businesses and they never really take it.
Count the environment where they operating so yeah, I would say
if a company or you know a plant or factory starts caring about
the environment where they're operating. That would be the first
major step.

What can people do together to improve the local environment?

There there was a really cool movement where people would take
like pictures before and after with some like natural location. For
example, some kind of scene, you know somewhere in the
mountains or somewhere on a beach and they would get
together and they would all clean it and then they would take you
know before and after pictures and I think something like that,
you know, publicizing and popularizing and raising awareness for
the positivity and the real benefits of actually cleaning and caring
for the environment. There were a lot of pictures online of like
Mother Earth as a as a cartoon as a cartoon character and like
people and how they're embracing and how that you know, that
is what we should really be like and as much as you know, it's kind
of funny that I'm comparing this to cleaning the environment. It
really is it really is about the environment caring for us and US
caring for the environment in return.

How can air pollution be reduced effectively?


Once again, I'm not a scientist, but I think that if we had some
kind of air filter, for example, like imagine a plane in the shape of a
dragon, right and this plane had its more. It had like this this
gaping mall which consumed all of the air that is in front of it and
as it's flying it releases that air already purified, you know, I kind of
flies through there and it collects all the smog that's in front of it
and you know, like a worm everything all the all of the cleaner air
comes out of the back if we had some kind of mechanism like this
would be really cool. Imagine if it was like a bunch of a bunch of
these flying contraptions in the sky just momentarily cleaning up
the smog that would be really cool or maybe some kind of other
filtration system something like that maybe could reduce air
pollution more effectively.

Do you think modern means of transportation cause harm to the


Um, I think that they could I mean I actually I've read some
studies that say that as much as you know, electronic vehicles are
an improvement to you know, diesel and gasoline and all these
other types of cars. I've heard that electric cars in specifically,
they're batteries the lithium ion batteries. They're also incredibly
damaging and it can be very hard to replace them and they are
kind of main problem. There are the next big problem batteries
are difficult to work with. And definitely much more difficult than
gasoline, and another things, so I would say that as much as I
don't think they cause as much harm to the environment as the
other means of transportation modern means do also need to be
worked on and developed further.

Should we take who should take responsibility for protecting the


Um, as always, I will argue 100% for the fact that the government
should be responsible. The environment is something that is for
every single person and it is in the interests of that people of that
group of people and you know in the interest of humanity as a
whole to take care of the environment and the people who have
the biggest power to do that are the government. So, I believe
that they should take the steps to do that without pressure from
you know groups like Environmental Protection groups and and
you know different groups like that. It just should be something
that every single government has inside of their codex or inside of
their rules.

Topic 11, Part 3- Transportation, Leisure facilities

What Leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

The first thing that comes to mind here would be those little like
exercise areas, like especially in Parks or in in public zones. There
are these little little places kind of like a mini outdoors gym where
you can go to do different types of exercises. Usually the
equipment there is very like low-key. It's focused on calisthenics
and different types of body weight exercises, but I feel like these
kinds of places are really a positive influence for people of all ages
specifically older people and younger people. I think they benefit
the most from these little areas.

What is the popular most popular means of transportation in your


I think a touch can the most popular means of transportation

right now would be metro. They've been steadily and very
consistently extending and expanding the branches of the metro.
And right now, I think they're working on like a radial kind of train
line that goes around the whole city and I feel like it's really cool.
It's a really nice system and as much as you know, it has some
issues specifically, I think it's a bit too slow to be used, you know
consistently for every single person. I think that it is a great thing
and I do really enjoy the lot of stations are very beautiful.

How do people travel to work?

I think most people travel to work by car in trash can, specifically,

working class people. They can afford cars and that's why they
buy a car usually as a status symbol, but also because cars are a
bit more or quite a bit more. comfortable than the Metro as I said
dimitro does have some of its own issues which is why whenever
you are like planning to use it on a consistent basis, you have to
come to terms with a lot of things that make it unpleasant. So
yeah, I would say that the most popular way to get to work for
people is by car.

What needs to be improved in public transport?

The first thing is probably smell there needs to be more

ventilation, you know with public transport. There's the risk of
being together in a car with somebody who maybe hasn't taken a
shower in a while, you know, somebody who is poor or just
somebody with with bad body odor. They don't know how to take
care of themselves. And that's why I think the biggest thing that
can help public transport become more popular is to either
improve ventilation or maybe raise the price. I don't know
something to make sure that the smell is better.

Do people in your country still like to go to Cinemas?

I think that in Uzbekistan cinemas are still relatively popular

because they're quite affordable. Most cinemas in the US or in
Europe. I think nowadays, they have gotten to a point where
they're too expensive to visits like neither not even like on a
regular basis, but just generally like when you visit it you feel like
you've been scammed and you feel like you've been ripped off
because it's so expensive as compared to even paying for movie
online, you know Netflix and that is not even mentioning the fact
that you can just watch movies for free bite by pirating them.
Where do people watch movies?

So yeah, I think most people nowadays they watch movies at

home. It's much more comfortable and it's become mainstream
to use services like Netflix Hulu your HBO all these kinds of paid
subscription services that deliver the movies directly into your
living room. It's much more comfortable. I feel like and that's why
it's become so popular. But also, I think a lot of people do still like
to just download movies because it takes all the comfort of
Netflix and it makes it free.

Topic 12, Part 3 - Old people selfishness

Do you think old people and young people can share interests?

I think that a lot of them do there are a lot of different hobbies

that you know, they overlap for front old people and for young
people and I think one thing to keep in mind is that old people
were young people at one point in their lives and, you know, they
had hobbies and there were those Hobbies developed for
example gaming, you know, like 30 years ago games were
completely different but the people who played games back then
they still probably do in a different way. So, I think that you know,
it's something that you have to find different areas of common
interest in if you want to find an interest that you share with
somebody older or somebody younger.


What are the benefits of being interested in other people?

If you take an interest in the lives and in the I guess situations that
take part in a person's life, you can really learn a lot more about
them. Especially if you take care in remembering those moments
it can help you like build rapport with that person and to further
your relationship and to develop that connection. I feel like that
would be the first thing, you know, for example, if you're out of
business meeting and you are building a relationship with
somebody and you're remembering all these things and then later
you're bringing them up and that person feels like you're better
friends that can help you with your job, you know, usually
relationships are built by talking to people and by being
interested in them. And so, you know romantic relationships work
relationships every type of relationship really focuses on you
being interested in them and then being interested in you.

What problems in society can being self-centered cause?

If you're too focused on yourself, you can really end up feeling to

other people like your I don't know psychopathic or sociopathic
where you are not really participating in normal social rituals.
You're not really engaging with other people in expected ways.
You are not You know fulfilling the social contract, for example, if
you know somebody sneezes and you just look at them and you
don't say bless you it comes off as very arrogant and quite


disrespectful. Even if you don't know the person usually, you
know, it's expected for you to say bless you and I would say that if
you're really self-centered and you're really focus only on yourself
other people really quickly start to catch on and they start
shutting you for that because a lot of people feel disdained and a
lot of discomfort whenever they're faced with a person like that.

What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?

I think younger people can learn basically everything, you know,

most older people. They are aware of how life is and they know all
the ins and outs. I think that it's better to ask. What can they not
learn and that's a probably how to interact with technology
especially if the person is somebody much older. They're
technical knowledge will most likely be very outdated and very
old and you know, it's about having skills and experience and
most older people. They have a lot more experience than they
have skills, which is why they will know most of the time they will
know how to approach some kind of new technology, but they
probably won't know how to master it. They will not know all of
the details that can lead them to using that technology for
example in their work or in their daily life.

Topic 13, Part 3- Goals, rewards, and feeling proud

Does everyone set goals for themselves?


I would say that it's something that most people strive to do. You
know, it's something that's very ingrained in our society, you
know, being a go-getter being an achiever right being a goal
center. You're a person who knows what they're doing because
they told themselves their task and then you are working on
completing that task from beginning to end every single person
like from the moment you go to school you already have a goal
you need to finish school. Every single person is forced to adhere
to these rules. So, I would say that yeah, most people do set goals
from themselves because of the fact that society is kind of forced
it upon them.

Which is more important personal goals or work goals?

I would say that most people when they're at work. They have
personal goals work goals. I would say are defined as you know,
something that your boss or somebody who's in charge tells you
as your goal. Usually that kind of goal leads to company
development, which is cool. Of course. It's the purpose and the
main goal of a company to develop itself and to usually further
and expand the wallets and the pockets of the people who are
running that company but most people when they're at work
regardless of where they work. They have their own goals for their
own personal development. Even you know people that are
working with let's say garbage collecting they usually set goals for
themselves. Like they have to do their work faster better more
efficiently and you know, it's something that I think keeps most
people sane regardless of their job is kind of playing that game
with themselves of how far can I push myself to improve?

Do people usually set different goals at different stages of life?

Yes, I think they do. I think that it's impossible to like remain at
the same stage as you're getting older because for example when
you're a baby your goals are usually, you know, eat get that toy
play with someone, you know, enjoy yourself. Those are the kind
of goals that you're set when you're a kid, even if you don't really
realize it. But as you get older, right, for example, like from the
moment, you are entering the educational system and you're
entering academia and in those moments. Everything changes on
a set completely and you are learning new things and you're really
mixing up what kind of goals you're setting because now you
have to focus on your school just as much and usually much
more. So yeah, I would say as people grow older the situations
that they encounter caused them to develop and change the
goals that they're setting.

Is there any difference between children's Ambitions and those of


I would say yeah usually children's ambitions are related to their

own inner world, you know, they want to kind of understand
themselves just as much as they want to understand the world.
Usually when children are playing and they're setting goals for
themselves. They're trying to understand and they're trying to
break the boundaries of what they know about themselves, right?
They're trying to achieve new goals in terms of their own.
Personal ego and personal Horizon, right? Whereas as you get
older you realize that what's much more interesting is to you
know compete with other people and prove to other people that
your horizon so much higher than theirs and that you're so much
more dominant and prominent and better and cooler and I think
that ,yeah, if I'm being honest, this this is development is not a
very positive one, but that's the biggest difference in my opinion.
It's about changing your goals from developing yourself to
proving your development to others.

On what occasions what adults feel proud of themselves?

Most adults these days focused on materialistic things and they

really try their best to show off as I previously said. I think that,
you know, getting an apartment. There are a lot of people that
like throw a party as soon as they start renting a new apartment,
they move in or when they buy a new house for example, like a
housewarming party. When they get a new job or when they
when they leave a job that they don't really care about and that
they've wanted to leave for a while. They would usually feel proud
and also, I mean most adults do feel proud when they achieve a


new goal that they don't necessarily tell anyone about but I think
these instances are few and far between

What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?

I would say the biggest benefit that employees want to see from
a company and the biggest reward is money, you know, well
person that works harder and more usually wants that work to be
rewarded with the currency that is usually exchanged at work the
money they're exchanging their time and they're changing their
effort for the funds to live their life and probably to support their
families. So, I would say that, you know, the biggest reward that a
company can give is to just increase the payment that employee
receives especially if a person is like improving the skills that they
have over time. I would say that it is do and very like it's a very
good idea for that company to invest in those. a financial way

What rewards are important at work?

Other than money, I would say that the personal satisfaction that
you get from doing your job is very important. It can be very easy
to feel burned out. As soon as you realize that the work that
you're doing is not important. I remember there was a game
called the Stanley Parable where a man pressed the button over
and over again for like, you know his whole career and then
eventually he goes on this grand adventure where he understands
that life isn't all about pressing buttons. And I feel like that's the
main thing that a job can give you that the main reward the
feeling that your life is more than just pressing buttons and more
than just, you know, doing the tests that you're doing you have to
feel like there is a a greater something and that there's something
that you're building up to I feel like that's the biggest reward that
any kind of job can and should be giving you

Topic 14, Part 3- Leisure Time

Do you think nowadays people have a better work-life balance

than in the past?

I think that people, nowadays, are more conscious about actually

getting enough rest. I don't think that work-life balance has
improved dramatically, but I do think that nowadays people really
value doing outdoor activities and you know kind of having some
time to soak in the sun and to really relax by going outside. I think
people really prioritize that a lot more and I think that is
something that is improved in comparison to the Past.

Do people balance life and work?

I think the biggest way to balance life and work is to take a look at
your average day and visualize how much time you really want to
be spending at work visualize how much time you're already
spending there right really count up every single hour every single
moment that maybe you're not directly at work. But indirectly you
are working like for example, just thinking about work and by
taking all of that together into account you get a you get a
number you get to see what your work-life balance really is your
life and work balance.

Is it important to have a break during work or study?

I think it's crucial. I think that without taking a break regularly or

at least taking a break in the moments when you realize that you
really need it. You're stuck just being more and more demotivated
with every moment. I think the best way to counteract. This is by
regularly going outside by stepping out into the sun by touching
some grass your mind resets and you can really start focusing
with increased I guess with increased concentration. Yeah, it
helps a lot.

What leisure activities do old and young people prefer?

I think in this day and age old and young people prefer the same
types of activities, but I would say that increasingly younger
people prefer to play group sports things such as you know
football soccer teams ping pong all these kinds of sports not only
do they encourage being active and you know being physically in
tune with your body, but they also encourage you to meet with
your friends and meet with people that, you know, who are also
good at the sport and I think that really does help sell the idea to
younger people.
How do people spend their Leisure Time in your country?

I think in Uzbekistan most people spend their leisure time doing

sports. There are a lot of different sports facilities nowadays on
because of that people really do prefer to like figure out maybe a
new sport a lot of people like playing new sports and I think that
this kind of craze it is already passed in countries, like the USA or
Canada nowadays. They just play the same exact sport over and
over again, but in Uzbekistan, most people enjoy finding out how
to participate and how to do new sports, which I think is really

What do young people do in their free time?

Most younger people. I think they like to participate in different

physical activities. And I think also nowadays people really enjoy
learning new things. I think that with the accessibility of
information due to the internet, it has become a kind of cultural
phenomena that people just learn new things for fun. I don't think
that's something that has, you know been so popular in in past
years, but nowadays, I think it's something that people do take
pride in that they can they can learn so much new information
and that they will benefit from that.

Do how do students relax?


I think the most students relax by trying to get as far away as
possible from their studies and I think that's fair because most
people who are studying at University or at school, nowadays,
their program is more rigorous than ever because with how much
education has been advancing in in recent years and you know in
the past couple of decades our programs have really adopted and
they've become They've become laser focused on getting
students results and I think that because of that whenever you
have any free time, you try your best to distance yourself from
that because these kinds of results can be very straining and very
taxing on your mental health. So yeah, I think that most students
they try to get away as far away as possible from that. Maybe they
like to take a hike in the mountains. They try to go somewhere to
relax with their friends these kinds of things certainly help with
relaxing. Young people nowadays have more ways to relax than in
the past. I think so. I think that young people nowadays they have
the most ways than any point in in the past and I think this is this
is twofold. I think the first thing is nowadays. We have more
available technology to relax in terms of you know, actually create
a technology we know More different things like for example, AI
nowadays we can spend our free time talking to a robot rather
than you know talking to a friend and VR we can now spend our
time playing a video game that is like on our face and if we feel
like we're inside of the video game. So, these technologies have
been created and other technologies, like for example, you know
sports thing things like, you know, for example soccer pitches or
soccer fields and football pitches, they have become more
available more have been built and the technology to build them
has become more cheap. It's become cheaper which is why I
think that the old and the popular types of relaxation have
become more popular.

What sports do young people like to do now?

Sorry, what is the difference in the way young people spend their
free time nowadays and 20 or 30 years ago, 20 or 30 years ago. I
think people would spend their free time by I don't even know it's
difficult for me to imagine because you know, I was I was quite
young back then so I don't have a clear picture of how people
spend their time. I guess. It was very similar to nowadays but a lot
less technologically advanced and also, I feel like people like that
or much more not necessarily gullible, but it was a lot more of
fun. You know, it was a lot more fun because it was much easier
to make people impressed. You could you know throw on a movie
that had color or for example, it had like a 3D filter so that the
movie looked like it was 3D and people would be amazed by that.
They would Marvel over that for weeks and months because it
was so new but nowadays there's not really anything new. I
cannot imagine a technology other than AI for example, which is,
you know, completely changing everything in our world. I cannot
imagine any technology that has been you know, that interesting
at this point. Everything is really incremental and it's not nearly as
fun as it was before it's not as groundbreaking.

How do people in your country what do people in your country do

in their spare time?

Most people in Uzbekistan spend their time I think joining

different courses whether that be learning courses like, you know
educational courses or maybe they're joining courses for some
kind of handiwork or you know, things like art things like
Plumbing. Maybe I think people are learning a lot which is really
cool. I feel like it's important to always put new information into
your head so that it's, you know, always working. It's been proven
that learning new things helps to curb diseases like dementia and

What sports do young people like to do now?

Nowadays, I think people really like to learn new sports. So, for
example, just recently I have gotten into ping pong. Right and I
would consider myself a young person, but I think a lot of other
people they've also recently gone into ping pong. A lot of people
have recently gotten into frisbee. It's quite a not outdated. But
kind of unusual. It's an unusual type of sport that hasn't really
changed in in a long time. So I think that most people like to do
sports that are unusual because whenever you whenever you
learn a new sport, there's a lot more room for improvisation a lot
more room to practice and try new techniques and new things
rather than like for example chess where it's literally just the same
like 300-500 positions every single time, you know, chess has
been learned to such an extent that if you haven't had thousands
of hours of practice you cannot compete at all.

Why do so many people nowadays say there aren't enough hours

in the day?

Well as we've already talked about there have been so many new
developments with what you can actually do with your time.
Right? There's AI there's VR, etc.-etc. Every single day new
technologies come out and if you are not constantly engaged
with what's new. Then you always feel like you're missing out
which is why whenever you are participating in something you
always feel like it's not ideal. Even if you're actively having a good
time. You're actively enjoying yourself. You will still you will still
feel burned out because they're always be that thought creeping
in the back of your mind that you could have done something
different and you could have done something more interesting.
So, I think that could be the main reason why because people
nowadays really don't have enough time. For example, YouTube if
you wanted to watch every single YouTube video you would have
to watch like 500 hours of content every second to keep up with
what's already being posted and then also on top of that you
would have to watch more to catch up with what has already
been posted. So, basically that is to say that. With how many
things and how much stuff there is you cannot really keep up. It's
impossible. So, you just need to learn to be satisfied with what
you already have.

Do you think that not having enough time is a feature of our

Modern Life?

Yes, I certainly think so and this is this is presented in two ways. I

think the first thing is right. We don't have enough time to
participate in all the content that we want to participate in. It's
impossible for us to take all of the courses that we want to take.
We cannot learn every single thing that we want to learn. But also
I think that we are running out of time in terms of our lifespan,
you know, as humans and as people we have a limited amount of
time and a limited amount of years that we will be alive at some
point our physical body will expire and we will not be able to live
any longer.

Topic 15, Part 3- Classmates and colleagues

Can children choose their desk mates in schools in your country?

I think a lot of them do but it depends on the type of school. I

think in public schools mainly students don't have the opportunity
to do that. But in private schools most of them do I feel like
generally the classroom environment in Uzbekistan is quite
oppressive and a lot of people are against schools at this point
and I feel like not letting students choose. Their seating is
probably a big part of that.

Why should children be kind to their classmates?

A lot of people say that school and you know, the things that
you're learning in school aren't really about actually the
information in the lessons. But mainly it's like a playground for
social interaction where children learn how to actually be a real
person and how to interact with their peers. So, I feel like they
should be kind because in the future, they're gonna have to be
kind to other people may most people that are you know, like
negative and always against others. They are not gonna make it in
life. So, I feel like that's why children should learn to be kind at a
younger age.

What do you think makes someone a good colleague someone

who is a good colleague is somebody who takes the efforts to
make your work environment positive?

They don't like say things to you that's disparage you they don't
try to one up you or make you seem in significant. It's a work
environment and so a good colleague in a good work
environment makes the best of they make an effort to keep it
professional. I think that's the main thing. Most about a
colleague's personality, I guess whether or not they're combative
whether or not they like to prove their points when somebody at
your workplace really tries and makes it a point to prove you
wrong. It can be a very negative thing. So, I think as long as they
don't really care about being right all the time. They can be a
positive influence and a positive force in the work environment.

Do you think that having good colleagues is the most important

thing at work now?

I don't I think that good colleagues are not nearly as important as

a good boss. I feel like as much as colleagues are a very important
part of your work environment the person who actually, you know
pays you your salary and the person who dictates what jobs you'll
be doing. It's more important for them to be adequate rather than
the people that you're working with even though I think both of
them do play a vital role in keeping you sane at work. colleagues
important at work they certainly are important it is very important
to have good colleagues. And if you don't have any colleagues it
can it can be you know difficult. For example, if you're doing some
kind of delivery job where you're completely on your own, but if
you have bad colleagues, then your work quality and your time.
The comfortability of your time. Sorry the quality of your time
drastically reduces every hour that you spend at work will feel like
two hours because you have to spend it with people that you
actively hate which I think is a negative. So that's why I think it's
important to have good colleagues.
Does it matter if a child likes their classmates?

It's not that a child has to be best friends with every single person
in their class. But I think that children should get the chance to
befriend at least some of the people in their class and if they're
actively bullied by every single other person in that class. I feel
like it's important to transport that child to another school. For
example, where they will get the chance to, you know, kind of
show themselves off in a more Paul in a more positive light. I feel
like it's not as I said, it's not about being friends with every single
person, but just having at least someone in the classroom that
likes you.

What can children how can children get along with their

The first step would be to not stand out nowadays in schools. I

feel like there's a very big movement towards unification and if
you stick out like a sore thumb people will bully you for it in the
US. It's gotten a lot better thankfully, especially with Gen Z and
the generation after Jenny. I think Jen alpha or whatever they're
called. I think that they are much more accepting of people with
differences. But in most other countries, you know, there's a
there's a Japanese saying which is the nail which sticks out calls
for the hammer. So, basically it's about being the same as
everyone else and I think through that you will gain friends much


more quickly than by sticking out.

Topic 16, Part 3- Gifts and rewards

What rewards do children want to get?

I feel like most children, um, like getting candy, and food, and
things that are sweet. I think, as with any person, the thing that
you want most is the thing that you like most. As people get
older, I think they start understanding the benefits of things like
clothes, for example, socks. So if I got a if I got a sock or, you
know, a pair of socks as a gift nowadays, I wouldn't bad mind at
that, I wouldn't feel any kind of negative, you know energy about
that, but I wouldn't have any negative emotions. But I feel like
most children, they don't like socks as much as they like candy so
they wouldn't like that gift as much.

What are children usually rewarded for at school?

School is all about conformity, and it's all about doing the thing
that you're told to do. And, so I think, most children are rewarded
when they participate in activities in the best way. I think, also,
the the next level of like reward is when children encourage
others. That's a very big step in a child's, I guess, like path to
leadership, where do what they do is other than just being a a
model students. They encourage other students to also
participate in activities, and I feel like those children are the best.
And in my classroom, those are the children that I like to reward
the most.

What rewards can children get from school?

I think in Uzbekistan a lot of students get things like diplomas

from their schools. Maybe sometimes there are some school
activities where, you know, there are some games where you can
win some kind of prize, I guess. I haven't been in school for a
while, so I'm not sure exactly which like rewards people get
nowadays, but I think a certificate is probably the highest level of
reward, that people expect.

What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?

So I've said this before and I'll say it again. I feel like a company
with employees has a very easy to see and very direct clear
relationship with their employees, right money. It's a financial
relationship. People working on a company are not your family
people, that are working that company are not like a collective or
some kind of group, there there because they want money you're
working for money. And, if you, you know, it's important to keep
your eyes on that, and remember that, and I feel like the best
reward that a company can give out sending employees, is a
financial award. I feel like that's fair, and I feel like that's positive
for both the employee and the company, so that's that's what I'd
say money.
Topic 17, Part 3- Complaints

When are people more likely to make complaints?

I feel like the biggest… sign, that someone is gonna make a

complaint, for example, like somebody who orders a Yandex taxi,
or somebody who eats at a restaurant. They're more likely to
make a complaint in a situation, where their ego is hurt, not
whatever they get subpar service, but specifically when they feel
like, they themselves have been harmed, sorry not letting
themselves, but their ego has been harmed by the situation.
Some bar service is, of course, a big factor, but I feel like,
specifically, ego is when the most scathing reviews are left.

Who is more likely to complain to make complaints older people

or younger people?

I'm pretty biased in this, because I myself almost never make

complaints. I all only make complaints when I feel like my
complaint could lead to a positive outcome for myself, and for
people around me, for other users of a service, for example. But I
would say that older people are much more… I guess, um It's
much easier for them to make complaints. It's much easier for
them to see the negatives, and things because they have more
experience with, you know, what other people owe them. It's
easier for an older person to say, you know, okay, you have to do


this, this and this, because they have experience with that.
Whereas I feel like, I don't

What do people often complain about?

I think, most people complain about bad service, for example, at a

restaurant or, you know, for example, food right?! Food is also a
type of service, even though, it's it's a product. If it's being cooked
at a restaurant, I feel like it's easier to look at that, as a service
because it's not always the same. Products are usually always the
same, whereas the food or restaurant can sometimes be great,
and sometimes be terrible. So, I would say, people most often
complain about service, and, and restaurants are probably a big
part of that.

Which is the better way of making complaints by talking or by


I would say that it depends on what you're complaining about. If

you're complaining about a restaurant or some kind of food or,
you know, something, something of that sort, it would be easier
to complain when you're talking, because you can formulate your
ideas quicker and and these kinds of feelings are not always very
concrete, you know. Whenever you're writing a complaint, it's
usually because you have something very very objective, and
something that is very like easy to measure. For example, if your
food came with a hair inside of it, a hair and a rat, then it would be
easy for you to write that out. But if the food just didn't taste, you
know, as good as you expected, then that kind of review doesn't
feel very objective. It's a very subjective review, actually.

Which products or services do people in your country like to

complain about?

I, honestly, hope that, there are no people who like to complain. I

feel like complaining is a for most people at least it's it's it's, you
know. It's by a product of a situation right? It's something that
happens because something else happened to you. But I feel like
if, you know, if you look at it, if you look at it that way people in
Uzbekistan, most often complain about taxi, taxi services, most
taxi drivers offer terrible service. You get into their car and the
smoke from their cigarettes starts assaulting your nose their car is
either usually too hot or too cold, and it's it's always
uncomfortable. So as a taxi drivers are probably the most
complained about service.

Would you buy things in the shops, which you complained about

I think so, I think that, if a shop makes the necessary changes to

become more palatable, for example, if it's a restaurant, if the
food becomes tastier, or if a shop fires a salesperson who was like
disrespectful before. I would go back there, because they have
amended the negative situation, that I had. And I feel better now,
and I feel like in that case, I don't have any reason to not go there

Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

Absolutely, it is one of the key parts of customer service,

because, I'm sorry, t's the key part of a company. Because if you're
working with customers, you need to see, and monitor and
understand how your product is affecting them into the future.
Does it have a negative or a positive effect? Do those customers
genuinely feel like they, you know, spend their money in a
positive way and by monitoring all of that, you'll be able to, I
think, improve your product into the future, and continue to be
competitive in the market.

Are there any disadvantages to setting up customer service?

The biggest disadvantage would be transparency, and being able

to see what your issues are. If all you wanna do is you just want
to repeat the same thing over and over again, each time, and,
even if, it's like a bad thing, right, even if, even if the product that
you're selling even if, you consciously know, that subpar or, that
it's not what you advertise it is. When you do do that, when you,
when you're selling that kind of product and you open up
customer service, your eyes are open to that. You start seeing
how people respond to your product, and that can be
Do you think customer complaints will improve products or

I guess, will, would be too strong of a word. I don't think, it

always improves the product or service. For example, … take
game companies. A lot of game companies, what they do, is they
look at the things, that their customers want based on their like
advice, and their questions, and their feedback. And, then, they
implement it without actually thinking about it. The problem with,
you know, feedback and complaints from customers is that most
often customers have no idea what they actually want. They say
that, they want something but, when they have that product in
reality, it's not nearly as good as what they asked for. So yeah, I
would say not always.

Topic 18, Part 3- Making decisions, learning things

Why do some people prefer to study alone?

I guess the biggest thing would be the lack of outside stimuli

when you study alone. You have a chance to put yourself into the
zone faster and you don't have to distract yourself with you know,
things that other people say in different questions and things like
that. You can just sit down do whatever work you have to do and
and you know get out of there me personally, I almost never
studying or work alone. It's it's easier for me to focus when I'm
around other people.
Which makes people choose a major which makes young people
choose a major interests or income?

I would say a very popular educational path for a lot of people,

when they enter university for the first time, is to choose some
kind of major or whatever kind of career path, that they think will
bring them the most money, but then eventually drop out, and
move on to, what their actual interests are. When they realize
that, it's difficult to study something that, you don't genuinely
care about. Colleges a lot more difficult, college or university is a
lot more difficult than school, which is why, if you don't have a lot
of drive behind your education, it's it's much easier to drop out.

What's the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

I think, Tashkent there are constantly three to four different

career paths that are very popular, and they are usually
connected to some kind of job that's is low-income, but has a
high enough salary, that you can support yourself. These things
right now would probably be something like SMM, like English
teaching, IELTS, and also Logistics. I think all these are the most
popular, because they have as I said a low barrier for entry, but
also they are quite lucrative.

At what age can children make decisions on their own?


I think the age when children should have the opportunity to
make decisions is when they have responsibilities. When you
make children do things like clean the house, mow the lawn, and
maybe work with some kind of work with with dangerous tools,
and in these cases you need to give children the right, and the…
the authority to make decisions. Like, if they want to stop, if
they're too tired to mow the lawn don't make them work with the
lawn mower, because it can be dangerous for them. So, I think,
it's just about, whether or not they actually have some kind of
responsibility, in that case, they should be able to make decisions.

Do you prefer advice from your family or from your friends?

I actually prefer advice from neither. I like to get a third party,

which is usually not involved with the situation, because, when
you are getting advice from your friends, they usually like to give
advice that's based on themselves rather than your own personal
situation, and getting advice from family can be difficult, because
your family is not impartial. Your family usually cares about you
very deeply, and so when you are, you know, telling them your
problems it can be difficult for them to remain neutral.

Who do young people who do young people turn to who do

young people turn to for advice?

I think most young people nowadays, uh get advice from

impartial third parties, like me. I don't think, that many people talk
to their family for advice. I think that's really rare, but I think most
people get advice from their friends, especially with like small
problems and and issues that are not catastrophic. It's much
easier to solve them when you have a group of friends helping
you, rather than getting your family involved, because usually that
can lead to more severe consequences. So I'd say probably the
most popular for young people, nowadays, is friends, which is
why a lot of people feel like… they have a second family with with
their friend group.

Topic 19, Part 3- Actors

What are the differences between actors and actresses who earn
much and those who earn little?

I guess the biggest difference is notoriety and the amount of

influence that person has. Mostly, actors who are really influential
are those who have had the chance to star in some kind of cult
classic movie. These people just became lucky, but through that
luck, they got the chance to start influencing society. Most of
these actors, when they go on talk shows or enter the public eye,
the decisions they make and the things they say are kind of final,
you know? Their opinions are considered to be more important
because they are popular.

Why do children like special costumes?


I think children really like dressing up for things like Halloween
and, you know, for different holidays. Firstly, because dressing up
is fun. I think that everyone likes it, even adults, even if, you know,
they hide it. But also because when you're a child, it's interesting
to see and to put yourself into different positions, into different
societal roles. For example, you know, you want to try yourself
out as a policeman or a fireman. How would it feel to be
responsible for other people? How would it feel to be, you know,
someone? And I feel like that is a very important step for children
to be able to see how their actions influence other people. I think
that's an important step.

What can children learn from acting?

I feel like there are a lot of things that people learn as they age
that are related to acting. I guess the first thing would be
communication skills. It's very important for actors to be able to
communicate with each other and to be able to be on the same
wavelength. And as you're growing up you learn that that's a
necessary skill for every single person every person needs to be
able to connect to others to talk to others to see things from
other people's perspectives. And I feel like that's the one of the
one of the primary things that you know actors in part is that
sense of communication and that that channel of you know
transferring information between children because that's not a
very natural thing for a lot of people especially introverted people.
What are the differences between acting in theater and acting in

I feel like acting in theater is a lot more raw, as much as it's really
rehearsed, and you have to nail down every single line in the
perfect way each time. I feel like in theater, there are a lot more
chances to mess up because it's something that's happening in
the moment. Whereas in a movie, even if you do mess up on set,
that's never gonna show up in the movie, right? It really rarely
does, and every single time it does, it becomes a popular piece of
trivia, like in this movie, you know, the actor actually said the
wrong line, and because of that, the movie director thought it
was funny and put it in. You know, these kinds of things are edge
cases, corner cases, rather than the status quo.

Is it interesting to be an actor or actress?

I think it's the same as any profession. Every profession has its
benefits and has a lot of interesting elements to it. When you're
an actor, you have to keep in mind a lot of things. And somehow, I
feel like actors have become, I don't want to say confused with,
but I think actors have become kind of connected with another
role, which I don't think they should be, which is public
influencers, right? Most actors have become the philosophers of
today. They have become the people who say what things will be
like. And I feel like that's a drawback of today's acting world, that


as soon as you become an actor, you have to also participate in
this public discourse that most of the time you don't have any say
in actually. So yeah, I would say it's interesting to be an actor, but,
sorry, it's interesting to act, acting itself is interesting, the art of it.
But being an actor is a lot more difficult.

Are there many people in your country who want to work as an


I think there's Mexican acting is not that popular because the

movie industry here is not very developed. There are, of course,
actors, and there are a lot of people in theater. I personally know a
lot of people that are interested in theater, but I feel like that's
generally a lot more rare, for example, in the US. I feel like there's
a whole subculture of people who move to big cities like LA
where all they do every single day is just try their best to develop
their acting careers, and I feel like that is the biggest difference.
Nobody here really does that. Maybe they do acting on the side
as a hobby or as an extra job, but I don't think that's anybody's
primary source of income.

Topic 20, Part 3- Noise

Should children not be allowed to make noise under any



I think that any person who advocates for this should go to a
mental hospital or should be reprimanded, and they should never
get the chance to have children because it's very important for
children to make noises. If we're talking about kids learning to
speak, making noises is the primary way in which they learn how
to form sounds and how to pronounce words. If you try to stop
them from doing that, they will end up just never being able to
speak and never developing those, you know, speech patterns. I
would say that if you're talking about kids just making noise, kids
like to have fun, and if you don't let them have fun, they will
develop problems in the future that they will need to deal with in

How can people consider other people's feelings when chatting in


If you're talking to somebody in public, you need to keep in mind

the circle rule. If you draw a circle around you and your partner,
the noise should not go outside the circle. Of course, sound
waves don't travel in a circle. They don't just stop in the middle of
space, but what that means is you need to be reasonable and
always respect other people. I feel like it's more important to
respect other people rather than respecting your conversation
partner. If they have to come closer, then that's okay, but if other
people have to go further away to not hear you, then that's
already a problem.
Are cities becoming noisier?

I heard that there are some studies about this, and I think
undoubtedly cities are becoming noisier due to all of the
construction that is happening. But actually, a lot of the usual
noise-polluting culprits, the culprits of noise pollution, such as
airplanes and nightclubs and things like that, they're actually
becoming less noisy because there has been a lot of scientific
research to develop noise reduction technology, which I think is
one of the most futuristic things that we are working on right

Where is there louder noise in cities or in the countryside?

I feel like in cities, you mainly hear a lot of chatter and a lot of very
negligible and insignificant noise. There's a lot of it, such as cars
passing by constantly and people talking in apartments. But when
you look at it in the grand scheme of things, in the countryside, I
feel like there are more massive events such as meteorites or
landslides or different natural disasters, and these, I think, are
much noisier and produce a much higher decibel level than cities
and their small, tiny noises.

What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?


I feel like most noise that I come across is noise that I make
myself. Most of the time when I'm sitting somewhere, I'm either
playing with an object with my hands, which is making noise, or
clacking my teeth, which can be quite loud and disruptive if I'm
trying to fall asleep, or I'm tapping my foot. So I feel like most
noise that I come across is noise that I make myself. But if not, it's
music that I'm listening to in my headphones. Sometimes I even
forget to turn off my music, so the music will just play without me
listening to it in my headphones.

Do you mind noises?

Noises can be distracting. They are also a very big problem for
me when I'm trying to record something. I put a lot of effort into
finding a computer that has been proven to be noise-proof and a
computer that doesn't make a lot of sounds because, for me, it's
important to have a very quiet environment whenever I'm
recording my lessons. So in those situations, I do mind noise, but
usually, I don't because, as I said, I'm the main noise-polluting
culprit in my life.

Do any noises bother you?

Even as I'm thinking about that, I can feel the sting and how
uncomfortable it is when you take nails on a chalkboard, and it
sounds like screeching and also when you take like a fork on glass
plates. All of these really high-pitched sounds feel like they're
vibrating your inner ear, and it's like an explosion in your head. I
really just dislike those sounds.

How do people usually respond to noises in your country?

I think it depends on the neighborhood where you live. I used to

live in a neighborhood that was not so, how do I put it, not so
peaceful, and the people there were very combative and they
usually did not enjoy getting their day somehow affected by you
and your noise. So if I was recording a lesson and I was speaking a
little bit too loud, I would immediately hear a very loud clang on
the pipe that goes between all of our apartments, and they would
just hit that really, really hard so that I would know that I'm
upsetting them. So yeah, I feel like it depends on your
neighborhood because now I'm speaking into an open window
and nobody has said anything; nobody has thrown anything into
my window, and I hope that's not going to change, but I feel like
in this neighborhood, people don't really care that much.

Where can people hear a lot of noise?

You can hear a lot of noise near water. Water makes a usually
pleasant white noise that is actually really nice to fall asleep to. If
you live near an ocean or near a river, you will hear noise
constantly because that doesn't stop; it's always there. So yeah, I
would say near those kinds of natural water containers, water
What can be done to reduce traffic noise?

The first thing is switching to electric cars. Electric cars have

been proven to make a lot less noise, and because of that, I think
that is one of the reasons why we are making the shift to electric
cars very quickly. I heard some things or I guess I heard in a
podcast recently that the switch from gas cars to electric cars is
going to be as quick as the switch from horses to cars. So yeah, I
would say that electric cars are the first, the biggest, and the
most important step to reducing traffic noise.

Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?

As I said, there is a lot of research being done and a lot of studies

and a lot of amazing technology being developed in the field of
noise reduction because it is a big problem. Genuinely, noise
pollution is something that you don't really think about, but
there's this disorder called tinnitus where you constantly hear a
ringing sound in your ears, like when you're falling asleep, when
you're doing anything. There's just this little ring in your ears, and
it's a sign of hearing damage, and I feel like in the future, in order
to avoid that, we will need to prioritize solving this issue.

Topic 21, Part 3- Routines

How do people's routines differ on weekends and on weekdays?


Usually people's weekdays are dictated by other people. They
have to attend school or University or college. They are needed at
work and they need to attend their job site and you know do
things most of the time and most people whereas on weekends.
They are much more. They're basically free to do whatever they
want. That is the the definition of a weekend for most people they
have free time off of work where they can do whatever they
want. So, yeah.

What daily routines do people have at home?

Uh, I guess the first daily routine that every single person must
attend to is, you know, washing their face brushing their teeth
combing their hair and making sure that they look nice and ready
for the day. That is the first routine. That is also the most
important one. Otherwise, it depends on whether or not you take
care of the home because if you regularly take care of the home,
it's much easier to like standardize that and just have several
routines for like washing the floors washing the dishes doing this
and doing that and by standardizing that and just making it into a
routine. It makes the work go by much faster.

Should children have learning routines?

Most children actually do have learning routines that are put in

place by their teachers most good teachers that are worth their
salt will have some kind of routine or trick or some kind of word
that they use to get their students to be on the same page a lot of
teachers. They do special dances whenever they start reciting
vocabulary or like the alphabet or something like that or
whenever they reach a certain part of their lesson. They will do
some kind of like singing routine. So most most teachers actually
do this already.

What are the advantages of advantages of children having a

routine at school?

The biggest advantage is that teachers? Sorry, the biggest

adventures the students who have a routine know what's going
on. A lot of people that feel a lot of students specifically that feel
disconnected from their school. And what's going on in their
learning environment. feel that way because they are not 100%
clear on what is happening and the best way to reduce that stress
and that negativity is by making a clear routine of what happens
when kind of like a rota or like I guess um, A timetable or
schedule that really really helps.

Do you agree that having a routine gives people more time to


I don't think so. I feel like at least for me when I have a routine. I
spend all of my time thinking about how I will adhere to the
routine and that after I inevitably fail at that and after I mess up all
of my schedules and and I I, you know destroy every single
deadline after that. I basically spend the rest of my time thinking
about how I will plan the next I'll plan the next routine and
everything will work out.

How important is it to have a daily routine?

It can be important, but I think it's more about having positive

habits. I feel like washing your teeth brushing your teeth and
washing yourself shouldn't be a routine. Rather, it should be a
habit. It should be something that you feel is necessary to do
regardless of whether or not it's in your routine. And if it's in your
plan, it's more about just like knowing that okay. I'm not really
that clean today. I need to go shower or you know, okay. I just
woke up. Let me go brush my teeth. So I feel like it's it's more
about standardizing what you do every single day and knowing
when and what you should be doing, especially for a personal

Do you think that having a daily routine is boring?

I feel like it can be but I feel like most people that have a daily
routine. Don't let it completely take over their lives. It's not the
focal point of their lives and it's not like the the be all end all of
what they're doing. It's just something that happens to them. I
guess, you know these kinds of small things that by collecting
them all into one big idea of a routine. It's much easier to follow
Would you agree that people who have fixed routines are not

I don't think so. I feel like generally all these questions are
following the same line of likening a routine to a robotic lifestyle. I
feel like routines are a tool that you can use to eliminate the
tedium of these kinds of small but necessary tasks by removing
the the stress of having to remember them by just, you know,
doing them every single day. I feel like that helps in alleviating
that uh alleviating that that meticulousness

Are there people who don't like routine?

I am one of those people I don't enjoy doing the same thing more
than once I have had a lot of routines that have been imposed
upon me at school at home and the things that I, you know have
to do all the time and almost always my reaction was negative. So
I would say that I am I am one of these people and I can tell you
that it really sucks because most of the world and and most
things in life are centered around routines.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of routine?

The biggest advantage is that by having a routine and by having a

fixed schedule of things that happen you don't have to spend
time thinking about what is happening in and when it's it's usually
easier for people to follow like small tasks when they are in a
routine because it generally people remember things. In relation
to other things rather than just as a point in time by itself the
disadvantages that if you have a routine it can feel like you must
follow it always even when there are outside. External factors that
you should take into account but you forget to because your
routine is prioritized.

Topic 22, Part 3- Sharing news

What kind of good news do people often share in the


I feel like in Uzbekistan, the most popular news is about specific

people with medical problems. I've seen a lot of these online
donation services where people upload pictures of someone in
their family or someone close to them who has some kind of
health issue. And people donate money to support those people,
and I feel like that is, whenever those people get better, those
news become popular, and that's cool. I like that.

How does social media help people access information?

On social media, rather than having information dripped down

from the top levels and from the presses of news companies,
most information is spread horizontally where peers share the
information between each other based on the merits of the news,
whether or not the news are actually important for those people.
And I feel like that is an interesting difference in the model
between social media news sources and regular old types of news
sources, traditional news sources.

Should the media publish only good news?

Absolutely not. Anytime the media tries to filter or sort out news
into some categories or into, in this example, positive and
negative, I think it always results in a catastrophe. I think it's
always negative because news is not positive and negative. News
is a very interconnected network of things that happen, and if you
only try to focus on the good, you will end up neglecting a lot of
the real situations in the world.

Is it good to share something on social media?

It can be good. You can do a lot of good by sharing people's

stories. If somebody has, like I said, a health condition and they
need support for that. But if you share a lot of your own personal
data, that can end up devastating. That can have devastating
results for you in the future because when a lot of your personal
private data is publicly available, you end up losing a lot of
yourself, and people can hack you and find out a lot about you,
and it's just not a good thing. So, don't share personal data online.

Topic 23, Part 3- Jobs, school, and kids


How do children socialize with each other?

I think school and I mean especially kindergarten but mainly

school is kind of like a playground of socialization. Kids begin the
journey of learning how to interact with others and how to you
know correctly present themselves in public. And I feel like the
way that they do it is just by pushing the boundaries they figure
out that okay, the other people understand jokes, okay other
people understand this and this and then eventually they they
come to the understanding that other people are just like them.
Whereas I feel like when you are alone and you don't have you
know other kids your age around you you feel like everyone is in a
different world because you know adults are in a different world.
So yeah.

Is socialization important for children?

Socialization can be important for children. I know for fact that

developmentally. If children don't socialize they will have
problems down the line, but in terms of just being alone, I feel like
if it's for short periods of time kids will be okay. It's not like they
have to talk to somebody every single day humans generally need
socialization, but it's not that humans have to socialize 24/7

Is it better to work in big companies than in small ones?


When you work in a big company, I feel like the biggest problem
with that would be feeling like you're just one cog in a massive
machine and that you are replaceable. You are disposable if
something changes in the company, you could be let go any day
and that you're not actually valued. Whereas in small companies
that doesn't happen. There are of course benefits, but I would say
that working in big companies is more difficult. So no.

What advantages and disadvantages come along with changing


When you change your job to a different one in the same field, I
feel like the biggest Advantage is competitive salary. You have a
chance to bargain for more because most likely you've already
gotten all of this experience from that one job, and now you are
technically worth more. But the biggest downside is that you lose
your stability when you're when you're changing jobs, you know,
you lose stability and there's a chance that your new job
something could go wrong or you know, something something
along those lines and it can be that it can be scary. That's that's
the biggest thing. It can be scary.

Why do so many young adults keep changing their jobs?

As I said, I think it's about money. But also I feel like when you're
when you're younger you are not looking for that stability. It
doesn't really matter to you whether or not your salary comes
next month or the month after that. Most people have at least
some money saved up when you're a young adult, but when
you're getting older, even though you have probably more money
saved up that's stability is very important to you. You need to
keep money. You need to have money coming in constantly
because you you know, you have other people to support so I
would say yeah, it's it's more important for young young adults to
to change their jobs.

Topic 24, Part 3- Having rest, doing exercise

What are the benefits of doing exercise?

The biggest benefit is probably losing weight and, you know,

keeping physically fit. The entire human body is a collection of
systems that interact with each other, and doing exercise is
crucial to maintaining the stability of that system, of all those
systems, because if you're not doing exercise, your brain function
starts slowing down, your bones start losing their strength, and
there are just so many things that you lose by not doing exercise

Which is more important: mental relaxation or physical


I would say, in today's world, mental relaxation is undervalued,

and it is the most underrated hero of today's world because
people don't realize that mental relaxation is important. They
don't understand mental relaxation because it's not something
that comes naturally. Physical relaxation makes sense. Your body
tells you that it's tired of running, so you stop running, whereas
your brain can't directly tell you that it's tired of thinking or tired
of stress. It does it in indirect ways. And so because of that, most
people have these stress-related issues where their body
deteriorates not because of a physical issue but problems and
mental stress caused by their lives.

What is the place where people spend most of their time in their

I think most people spend time in their own little corner. Most
people, when they have a house that they share with other
people, they try their best to carve out a little space only for
themselves where they can affect the environment around them
to suit their needs. So, for example, most teenagers and young
adults, they really enjoy having decorations on the walls that are
made by them: their own posters, their own art, their own things
that they want to see on a daily basis. And I feel like any person,
every person, actually, when they have a shared house, they feel
the necessity to make something of their own.

Why is it difficult for some people to relax?


I guess with how the economy is today, most young adults don't
really have a moment to relax. If you are letting go of the reins of
your life and of your work, and you're not feeling the pulse 24/7,
even one moment of concentration that was lost can lead to
really bad financial outcomes. Specifically, if you're working, for
example, in social media like me, anytime I'm not plugged in and
I'm not in the stream of information, I feel like I'm losing
thousands of hours of work because by not following what's
happening, you're kind of, you know, falling behind, and that can
rack up like a lot of hours that you've lost very easily and very

Topic 25, Part 3- Meeting people, communication

How do people start a conversation?

I feel like there's two camps of people that want to start a

conversation. The first one is the awkward people. They begin a
conversation with the most random and most inappropriate
thing. Like if you're out a funeral and you come up to someone
and you say man, the weather today is really nice. And you know,
this is this is one way to start a conversation certainly, but the
other camp would probably be people that don't start a
conversation unless they really really feel like it's significant and
important. So they approach the person that they're talking to
with an individualized and usually, you know, as I said significant


conversation topic in one situations would people be willing to
get to know new people. uh, probably in a new social setting so
for example, if somebody's leaving the country or leaving the
place where they're where they live to go to another one for
example for college or for school like a boarding school in most of
these situations people would love to get to know new people
because of the fact that They would love to get to know new
people because of the fact that new people provide connections
and they provide communication which can be crucial when you
are at a new place. There's so many things that you have to find
out and doing all that on your own can be excruciatingly difficult.

Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with


If you like this question can be a bit deceptive because a lot of

people aren't necessarily unwilling to have conversation, but it
can just be more difficult for them to do. So a lot of people are
introverted or they have some developmental disorders that
cause them to not interpret conversation in the same way as
other people some people conversation is something that is, you
know, just different I guess I can't really describe it because I'm
not one of those people but conversation can be really difficult
and I feel like Saying that they're unwilling to is kind of deceptive,
you know, most people I think are just they find difficulty on


conversation. And so they would rather abstain from it, even
though they do want to talk to other people.

Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?

It can be difficult. I feel like it should be easier. I feel like most

adults that have some basic understanding of child. development
and you're just generally children. They understand how children
work. It's easier for them to talk to kids because kids are
generally, you know, fun conversation Partners, they aren't as
difficult to work with but it really depends and if you don't have
that basis of you know, like how does it get think what is a child
then it can be more difficult because you interpret them as an
adult and that's not what you're supposed to do.

How and where do people in your country make friends these


I think in Tashkent, there are a lot of different like parts of the city
different zones where the public spaces have been kind of
divided for each type of person right? Whether you're into skating
you're into rock music or any type of music whether you are into
learning English or learning some kind of language. There are
these like parts of the city where you go and there's just people
there that are interested in that and you can just talk to them and
you know strike up conversation and make friends and I feel like
that's really cool specifically in Tashkent is just the the ability to
make friends is very it has been greatly facilitated by the city

What places are popular for meeting friends in your area?

So around me I would say shaken pair shaken pair is a restaurant

where people go to just sit and study. It's a 24-hour place and
they have like a kitchen and you know, you can eat food there.
But also you can just sit down and study and they have like quite
good they have they have quite a good internet connection. So
you can just sit there and work anytime and I would say that
shaken pair is a great place to meet like-minded people
connected to like-minded people that are valuing learning
languages. So for me as an English teacher, I I meet a lot of these
people because a lot of ESL teachers also go to that Cafe, which I
think is really cool. So yeah.

Topic 26, Part 3- Advertising

Which one is more effective newspaper advertising or online


I would say nowadays, online advertising has become magnitudes

more effective because of the fact that nobody reads newspapers
anymore. I'm not even gonna have any reservations with what I
say because I feel like newspapers are a dying business. I think 10
- 15 years down the line newspapers will become a type of
souvenir that is given as a way to remember the good old days.
But yeah, no nobody is affected by newspaper advertising

What role does social media play in advertising?

Nowadays, it plays a crucial role because if you don't have a social

media presence your business does not exist. If you're not at least
on Google Maps, then nobody will ever find you and if you are not
like available to chat with, you know, for people to ask you
questions at least half of the hours in the day, like for example
from - from you know, 12 to 12, then nobody will ever visit you
because most people ask about you know, what time is - a is a
restaurant or a shop open through social media?

What do you think of celebrity endorsement?

I think the celebrity endorsement is one of the ways for celebrities

to start making money online, especially like celebrities that are
smaller in size not like massive internet celebrities like Pew Die
Pie or Mr. Beast but smaller celebrities, like local people that have
like a social media page where they - they create some content.
It's the first way for them to really start making some kind of
profit of their work because by endorsing local businesses, those
businesses gain a benefit just as much as the business as much as
the creators do, celebrities and creators.


What are the advantages of advertising?

The biggest advantage of advertising is running your business, I

mean, it depends on what kind of business you run, but I would
say that most businesses need advertising there was - there was
a there was a really cool phrase a quote by Henry Ford. I think was
something along the lines of advertising is like breathing. If your
business stops advertising it will die or something like that. But I
think it's -it's it rings out true today because if people don't know
about you people will not visit you I feel like awareness is one of
the most important aspect of a business.

How do ads make us buy what we don't need at all?

A lot of ads are very persuasive especially ads that are made by
experienced advertisers and marketers. They're created to make
you believe that you have some kind of deficit or you're missing
something and because you're missing something you necessarily
need our product. You cannot live without it. We promise you and
then by falling into this pattern of you know, believing that
advertising you eventually succumb to purchasing that product.

How do ads make people buy new products?

I guess the biggest thing is when a product enters a new or not a

new but an already established market right that product needs
to have benefits that other like, you know competitors in that
market don't have whenever you enter a new market you need to
be able to prove that you are significant. You are important and
other people should, or you know, not other people but people in
that business should treat you with respect and they and they
need to try you. That's the biggest thing. Sorry. Not - not try you
but, you know try - try your product. So yeah ads bring awareness
to those benefits that your product has but other products in the
market don't have

How does marketing make people choose particular goods and


Well, as I already said it's kind of a combination of two things

right, there is awareness brand awareness where people
understand and they know about a certain product in a market,
right. For example, even if you've never in your life bought Coca-
Cola, you have heard the name Coca-Cola. You probably know
about the Coca-Cola truck because it is a product that everybody
knows about. Whereas if you look at things like, you know, seven
up maybe you - you haven't really heard of it. So that's number
one brand awareness and number two there is benefits what kind
of benefit does your product have that other products don't so
those are the two biggest ways that marketing can help with
making products and Brands more recognizable and more


Topic 27, Part 3- Bringing up children

Do you think parents should help children choose friends?

I think that when you are very small when you are unable to make
your own decisions and you're at a stage in your life when your
brain is just developing not like an adolescent developing but like
really it just not there yet in those situations parents are obliged.
They must choose the friends of a child. But I feel like when you
already get to a stage when you can be called a teenager or like
an adolescent it's - it's bad for - for parents to choose friends
because that removes some of the individuality from a person.

Do you think children should have a lot of toys?

I guess this, there's different sides to this. If you're parents the

question is right. Should I buy a lot of gifts in the form of toys for
my kids? I think the answer is no right like most toys, especially if
your child is very small, most toys are gonna be thrown out kids.
Don't play with the things that you buy them. Just listen buy them
a tablet buy them a phone and they're gonna have so much fun
with it much more fun than if you buy them toys. So I think that
it's - it's not a good idea to spend a lot of money on toys,
especially when the kids are very young.

Do you think that parents should make decisions for their

I think that kids need to start and need to be given at the
beginning a lot of small choices that they can make. I know that
there's this technique for bringing up children where you give
your kids like a false choice, like for example, you tell them do you
want to eat now or after one hour and in any case they have to
eat but the thing is they feel like they're so much more intelligent
than so much more capable than they are because they have all
these small choices so they should be able to make like some
small decisions about their life, but not necessarily all of them.

What age can children make decisions on their own?

I feel like children really start coming into their own and being
their own people somewhere around let's say probably around 11
11 12, like before you're 13, right like those years, you're already
beginning to make like big decisions. And then when you're in the
teen years, you're really entering like, you know kind of
elementary. Yes, sorry middle school and then after that entering
high school and those are the years when you start really
branching off an individualizing and making yourself, you know
more of your own person rather than an extension of your
parents. So I think yeah, those are probably the years when the
children when each child begins to make more of their own

Topic 28, Part 3- Getting lost


How do people react when they get lost?
It depends on the age. I guess most kids probably are very
startled by getting lost they lose themselves and it can be a very
scary experience because most of the time when you get lost, this
is your first time as a kid being completely on your own. Most
adults and especially older people right like older folk with you
know, maybe memory loss issues. They probably get lost as well.
If you're like, you know, someone who is like an adult like not too
old getting lost. It's probably just because you're kind of clumsy
and you have trouble with orienting yourself.

Why are there some people who never get lost?

Each person has their own level of ability in terms of navigation.

Some people are very good at knowing where they are in a
physical space like knowing where is North where South, there
are some tribes for example in Africa, which are literally able to
tell which direction North is all the time because it's a part of their
language. So some people are just more naturally gifted I think
with navigation than others which is why it's easier for them to
not get lost.

Why do some people have a good sense of direction?

I think the biggest reason is because some people are just as I just
as I just mentioned they're more gifted but another very strong
reason for this is there are some people who are more talented in
terms of visually telling where they are. So for example, I believe
that I'm one of these people when I go outside most of the time I
can very easily identify some visual clues that tell me which
location I'm in. I almost always remember all the places that I've
been in my life whether that be in a different country in a
different neighborhood in a different city. I remember almost
every single road I've traveled down and I'm not sure whether it's
like some kind of, you know special ability, but it's - it's something
that I've noticed in my own life.

Do you think that children should be taught to read paper maps

at school?

I think nowadays it's not that interesting. It's not that necessary.
Sorry paper maps are a thing of the past. I feel like nowadays, it's
the same as like calculators. Your mathematics teacher will tell
you you're not gonna always have a calculator me me. But in
reality when you look at the vast majority of situations and people
you will have access to a calculator for any mathematical
calculations you need to do as well as a map. You're not gonna
need a paper map to navigate most of the time. There are
probably some regions of the world where it's impossible to travel
without like a paper map, but I've never been to those so I don't

Are paper maps still necessary?


As I just mentioned. I am not you know omniscient - I'm not
omniscience. I'm not omniscient. I don't really know every single
place in the world. So I believe that there is a chance of some
places in the world being unreachable without a paper app. For
example, some maybe destinations in Africa like where you have
you can go on a safari but this requires you to use a map. There
are probably several places like this that I don't maybe know
about completely.

Topic 29, Part 3- Clothes

Does the climate effect what people wear?

I think that the traditional clothing of a country largely depends

on what kind of weather the country usually gets. I mean, that's
not I don't think that's a surprise it would make sense, like people
in you know, let's say people in Saudi Arabia most likely wouldn't
wear the same clothes as like Inuits, you know around Iceland or
wherever they live in cold regions, the clothes that people wear
for example traditional ones are 100% based on the - the climate
and I think other clothes are also influenced by how hot or how
cold it is in a certain place.

When should people wear formal clothes?

I feel like there's a certain list of occasions when formal clothes

are appropriate and this list, I think it comes down to how
important is it to be presentable at the event. So like the number
one. The number one thing is probably a wedding when
somebody is getting married you want to do your best to look
good and especially if you're the person getting married you have
to be you know in the nicest form that you've been in your life.
Um, some other situations would probably be a funeral or a job
application. These are like very formal societal events.

Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?

I think they don't I mean for example take a look at you know
weddings as I just mentioned that is when most people used to
wear formal clothes as a rule. It used to be very important to wear
formal clothes to a wedding nowadays a lot of people get married
in like small gatherings very small events where there's no strict
dress code. You can wear flip flops you can wear whatever kind of
clothing you want. Some weddings are done not in like, you know
traditional let's say church or like a place where people get
married but in a let's say on a beach right? This is talking about
like I guess um Western weddings, right? They are most likely um,
very different from weddings and in other countries.

What kind of clothes should people wear at work?

I believe that the best type of clothing would be the the - the
clothing that is comfortable the clothing that you know provides
you with the most comfort and the most satisfaction with what
you're wearing. But most likely the clothing that actually people
wear at work is the clothing that the - the job site or the office
that they work at mandates. So most likely each office has a
certain of rules like - like, you know, like a like a code or there's a
certain vocab board for it. I forgot sorry clothes. Dress code
there's a certain dress code that each office probably requires.
And so that's probably what people have to wear.

Why and when do people from different countries wear different

traditional clothes?

I feel like most countries have a set of traditional clothes that they
wear for celebrations. So for example, I know that's for for Navruz
the people in Uzbekistan really like wearing the clothes that are
traditional for their country. In Ukraine. there are a lot of different
celebrations. I had a friend from Ukraine who is really into
traditional Ukrainian celebrations. They have certain yearly events
where they dress up in their clothing. I forgot the name, but they
have some beautiful names for their you know, traditional dresses
and so each country. I guess mainly wears traditional clothing
during traditional events. That kind of makes sense.

Do old people change their style of dressing?

I think that when you get older it gets harder to innovate it gets
harder to change up, you know everything about yourself and so
it's easier to just stick with what you are comfortable with to stick
with what you know, and I think because of this old people most
likely do not change their clothing. I mean, they probably change,
you know, exactly which clothing they wear because they can't
wear the same shirts for you know, tens of years and for decades,
but they probably stick to the same general idea. I - I think that
when I get older when I become, you know, like a like a like a
boomer when I become really old I'll probably be wearing the
same exact clothes that I'm wearing. Now the same type the
same t-shirts, you know, the same types of shorts, you know, I'm
not looking to change up my clothes when I get older.

Topic 30, Part 3- Information

What is the difference between giving information by phone and

by email?

I think one thing is how concise you can be whenever you are in a
phone call. Your public speaking ability is on display. If you have
trouble presenting information in a clear and simplistic way the
person who is listening is gonna have a lot of trouble
understanding whereas if you are writing an email with the same
abilities, you could spend some time to just summer summarize
your essay and summarize, you know, your email whatever you
need to write and make it more simple for the reader.

Do people trust information online?


I think they do probably much more than they should. I've heard
of people who like Google all of their health issues anytime. They
have a health problem. All they do is they just go on Google and
they say Google am I gonna die and then Google gives them
some, you know, terrible advice, even though a lot of advice on
Google can be helpful. It's a good idea to consult with real people
real people are not machines and real people are much more
experienced usually with diagnosing situations where you have
variable outcomes. And so it's I think it's - it's an issue people trust
the internet way too much for a lot of things.

Why do some people not trust the information on the internet?

Those people probably have trust issues. They were probably

burned in the past with something on the Internet sometimes for
example, you get into an argument with someone you Google
your answer, right? So you Google the question to find the right
answer. And what happens is you think you are correct. Because
you feel like the internet told you that you are correct. And so you
look up the answer to whatever the topic was and you have this
false sense of being correct and that has caused you to you know,
kind of dig deeper and try to prove your point when in reality
you're wrong. So I think this is probably one big situation that has
happened to - to a lot of people for as a reason for why they don't
trust the internet.


What professions are related to giving information to others?

The first one is probably professors. Professors and educators and

teachers these people need to be able to present the information
that they have their skills their knowledge in a clear concise and
quick weight effective. If you are information is in the form of like
a boring long lecture, most likely nobody will ever listen to it. So it
is recommended by a lot of people that you summarize your ideas
and you try your best to put an effort into your lectures to make
them as appealing as possible to a wider audience.

How can people check whether a piece of information is correct

or not?
There's different ways. I mean the first thing is Google probably
but the thing is Google can give you false advice and false
information the most kind of you know wide and - and effective
thing you can do is you can take different sources. So for
example, if you want to know about some let's say political issue.
The best thing you could do is you could look at sources from
different sides of the issue from like, you know, different
perspectives and by doing this you would have a chance to really
open up and broaden your own perspective and your own world
view on this topic by doing this you would be able to draw your
own conclusions and make your own opinions about whatever
you are trying to figure out.


How do people determine the accuracy of information

I think there's a couple like little techniques. Let's - let's do

something. Let me explain something which is quite popular in
high schools, for example, if you are trying to check whether a
source for your essay is valid or not. What a lot of people will do is
they will check whether the essay. Oh, sorry, whether the source
has the following links at the end like the the hawk not the whole
thing. Sorry. the domain so the domain for a government website
is usually very trustable. It has a lot of very real information. So for
example, like take a look at dot gov gov government websites
almost always they have very reputable and very real information.
Whereas websites that end are not always like this
because they are usually company websites.

What are the ways of getting information nowadays?

I guess the most popular one is probably Google maybe some

people use Bing, but those people need to be admitted to a
mental hospital. They're crazy Bing is like the worst resource.
There is in the world. I'm joking, of course, but I feel like the main
way for people to get information is to just look it up online and I
feel like that's appropriate. You know, there are different search
engines. Some of them are for scholarly resources, like for
example Google Scholar, it only shows you the results of research


surveys and different, you know, kind of academic information. So
any kind of search engine right can be found to fit your needs
whatever you need to look for. You can find an instrument to use
to find that information.

What information can people get from television ?

I think nowadays the most popular thing or sorry the thing that is
most widespread among every TV in the world is propaganda. I
think almost every TV is now used as a tool for governments to
control the masses to give you an example during the
coronavirus. I remember seeing like there was a - there was a
video of people compiling and collecting different YouTube videos
like recorded of TV stations. And what happened was they were
all reading the same exact text. It was crazy. It's - it's basically like
they were you know, they were giving all these TV productions
scripts and they told them that they have to read exactly this and
yeah, that's about it. It was it was it was pretty crazy. It was it was
something that I think is it's a sign of the times for TV. Nobody's
gonna use TV in the next couple years.

Topic 31, Part 3- Traveling

Do most people like planned traveling?

I think that plans traveling is probably one of the things that is

very neutral. I mean, I think every person is very neutral towards it
because most people experience travel as a planned thing at the
beginning of their lives. If you've ever traveled with your you
know with your parents most of the time that is literally just
planned traveling because your parents are planning the trip for
you. You're not really doing anything spontaneous or figuring
anything out. So I would say most people probably do or at least
they probably don't have any major opinions against plans

What factors affect how people feel about traveling?

Well, I've actually talked about this already but I think the biggest
factor that can affect how somebody feels about traveling as a
whole is their financial ability. It's - it's very logical and it's very
natural that if you don't have the finances to be able to travel
comfortably the way you're going to be traveling will be subpar.
And that is why you know, there are different types of planned
travel. For example, there's like, you know budget plan travel.
There's you know, looks luxury plan travel all these different types
and different Financial categories and I think depending on how
much money you have to spend on your trip. You will either enjoy
it a lot or not as much.

What do you need to do before you travel before you travel?

You have to make a lot of plans. I feel like it doesn't really matter
what country you're going to or what, you know, maybe city
you're going to in in your own country. You have to really
understand what's going to happen. If you travel without any
preparations, it can lead to a lot of devastating results. You can
lose a lot of your belongings. For example, I know of a lot of
people, a lot of my friends who would travel without making any
preparations thinking that they are some kind of like hippie, you
know that they are so good at just moving from one place to
another like there are free soul, but then when it comes time to it,
sorry, but you know when it comes time to actually controlling
the things that they have like their possessions and not losing
anything. They can't really do anything. They just they lose
everything that they have they lose all their money for example or
something like this. It can be difficult to travel without planning it
all so I think planning probably

What preparations should people make before going on holiday?

The biggest preparation is probably accommodation right the

place where you stay is very important because if your place
doesn't have let's say Wi-Fi then how are you gonna be able to
contact the outside world or contact, you know, the people you
love if you're a place doesn't have food. What are you going to be
eating if your place is far away from the city? How are you going
to be traveling to the city? I feel like the most important part and
they most important aspect of your journey is the place or the
places where you stay and I think this can also be like a focal point
a main selling point of a certain journey. I've seen like for example,
some attractions are sorry not tractions, but some like planned
vacations which include staying at like a yurt for example in in the
what's it called? In the Errol C desert, you can stay at a yurt and
that's that's sounds like a very cool part of the journey other than
seeing the arrow sea itself.

Do old people and young people choose different places to go on


I think they do and actually another thing is I think it also depends

on where you are from like what country you're from. I think a lot
of like Chinese tourists. For example, they go to neighboring Asian
countries. I feel like it's, you know kind of much easier and when
you're when you're you know, like choosing where to go. Another
thing is probably age as I just mentioned, you know, it depends
on several factors. And in this case, let's say age, right? Why
would somebody choose a different location depending on their
age probably because the difference because of the different
attractions and different landmarks which are available some
countries mainly have natural landmarks and most of the time in
order to access those you have to be physically fit. So as an older
person it would probably be easier to just travel to a different
country and see more urban locations like for example big build
Are you know some historical buildings? That's probably easier as
an older Traveler.
What kinds of problems do people have when traveling?

Uh theft, I think one of the most prevailing and difficult things to

deal with is theft when you're a foreigner in a country, you are
susceptible to people tricking you there's a lot of different scams
that are targeted specifically at foreigners, people that don't
understand the language people that don't understand the
culture. It's very easy to fool them to believe you because they are
in another place. They're in a situation where they feel like, you
are more experienced just because of the fact that this is your
country and so this is why there are so many different like popular
tourist scams where people will do anything to make a tourist
lose their money lose their, you know items for example their
passports or any - any of their personal belongings.

When traveling on a long journey, what do you think people need

to pay attention to?

I guess energy level is the biggest thing in my experience when I

undertake. Or when I when I take when I take on a challenge like
a big Journey for myself what I don't realize is by the end. I am
not really enjoying it anymore. Right? It just feels like I have to do
it because I started so I guess the - the biggest thing you should
keep in mind is how capable are you of actually participating in
the Journey what is the point of you know, making yourself and
torturing yourself into doing something that in the end you're not


going to appreciate as much as you feel like you should have in
the end. You're gonna just be left with guiltier feelings about how
you wasted money on a certain trip because you didn't enjoy it as
much as you should have so I I feel like probably your own
personal capability.

Some people don't like to travel abroad why ?

I actually used to be one of these people for the longest time. I

had a fear of traveling and what I mean by this is I had a fear of
moving not necessarily the journey itself not necessarily traveling.
I enjoyed that immensely and I still do I I particularly enjoy long
bus and train journeys, but what I really feared and what I really
disliked in the you know, the aspect of traveling that made me
feel uneasy was the feeling that by the time I come back
everything will be different. I used to be deadly afraid of like
losing people that were close to me, you know and and losing
friends not necessarily that they were gonna die, but that we
were just gonna drift apart. And as much as I still feel some
negative feelings towards traveling because of this I still have
some like residual discomfort. I have learned to let go of that it's
not as important to me now to stay in the same place because I
realize that it doesn't matter how long you stay in a place. You're
not gonna be able to control other people and their emotions. So
it's much easier to just let go and you know, if you want to go
somewhere just go.
Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?

I think both have you know their own merits both feel their own,
both feel like their own type of experience I would say that when
you are traveling on your own it's a much more adventurous thing
because when you're traveling with your family, you have to
balance your needs and desires with, you know, a whole group of
other people if you have kids it is especially challenging and
honestly, I feel like most travel that you do with your kids is travel
about your kids. It's not really something that you partake in as
much as you help your kids partake in and so I would say that
probably the biggest difference is that when you probably their
family you have to keep your family in mind the whole time.
Whereas when you're traveling by yourself, sometimes you can
just let yourself suffer. You know, like if you're hungry, you're not
always gonna go and you know eat if something interesting is
happening, for example, if you're like in an interesting part of the
city, it's - it's more about managing your own needs with your
own wants whereas in the other. Situation you're balancing your
needs against the needs of your family.

Do you like to visit popular places or less known places?

I feel like most tourist traps have become better. Like I feel like if
you look at you know the past let's say the 50s and the 60s when
tourism was just kind of beginning to become more civilized and


becoming a more, you know industry like it was taking on an
industry like approach at that time. It was much more difficult to
find a place that was authentic. Like, you know, I just have this
feeling like I'm not, you know, very - very acquainted with this
because I wasn't alive back then but how this feeling that most
tourism back then was like tourist traps. It's a place that you go
because you think that you - you know, kind of you should go
there not necessarily because it's actually a worthwhile
experience. So I would say that nowadays because of the fact that
tourism has become much more open. And it's become televised
or I mean not televised. Sorry, but kind of popularized because
the Internet you have much more authentic experiences that are
popular amongst people.

Do people prefer a long trips or short trips?

I think most people would prefer short trips. I personally really

enjoy long trips more. I feel like there are more rewarding but
that's about it. Traveling is a very interesting topic. I think for each
person and each person has their own approach to how they like
to travel and what kind of Transport they like to use what
destinations they have to go to traveling is very individual. I think
it's - it's between person to person.

Topic 32, Part 3- Memory

What early childhood memories do people usually have?

I've heard that some people actually have the memory of coming
out of their mother which sounds very strange and I cannot
imagine this that sounds like a very strange memory to me. I feel
like most of our early childhood memories consist of like learning
and personally, I can't remember any of them. But I feel like there
are probably a lot of people maybe especially younger people
who are able to remember like learning how the world functions
right? Like, for example, when you're a kid when you're drinking
water or you're drinking something with a straw most children
will blow into the straw to make bubbles appear in the cup. And
this is like an early childhood memory. A lot of people have
because you are experimenting with the world.

Why do some people remember more of their childhood than


I think it depends on the capability of your memory. Every person

has a different amount that they can remember and I feel like you
know, depending on how your brain is kind of wired how your
brain functions you will be able to remember more rather than
less or the other way around. So I feel like I feel like truly. Um. It
depends on your brain depends on you know, what's up there?

Why do some people have better memory than others?

I think there have definitely been some studies related to the the
function of memory how memory actually works the different
forms of memory and I think that the biggest Probably reason
why somebody's memory would be better than another person's.
Is how developed they are how developed their memory is? Sorry.
There are a lot of exercises you can do to work on your memory.
Another thing is probably genetics how good is you know, your
capability for memory and this depends I think on each person
and they're you know their family. In what situations is it
important to remember information very well. Well first definitely
when you are at definitely when you're at my lesson, it is
important to remember all the information that I say, but also I
think it's important to remember information when you are It's
important to remember information when you are trying to solve
a an issue. For example, let's say like you have a problem with
your computer. If you're trying to fix it. You need to remember
every single step. You took like did you turn it off at this moment?
What did you do here? What did you do there solving issues?
Whether that be in conflicts with people or with tech or you know
with any kind of issue. You should remember what's been

What kinds of things do people prefer to remember?

I think people like to remember emotions and they like to

remember things that made them happy. I don't think people
enjoy remembering negative things and because of this most
people only focus on the good things and I think to some extent I
think that's good. I don't think that there's anything bad about
remembering the positives and the good stuff. I think that if you
want to remember and focus on things that make you happy, you
should have all the right to do that. That's within your prerogative
to you know, kind of surround yourself with happy thoughts and
happy memories. Why do you think some people? Oh, sorry.

How can people improve their memory?

I think the best way to improve your memory is probably to as I

said develop it. There are a lot of games which you can play to
work on your memory, like little games with, you know squares
where you have to open up different squares to see which one
has like, you know matching boxes under it something like this.
There's a lot of different games you could play to work on your
memory and I believe that memory is a skill to some extent like I
remembered I was I remember a time when I was terrible at
remembering vocabulary, but I learned several different
techniques. I learned several different skills to visualize
vocabulary and over time. I got better at it. So I think it's a skill.

Why do you think some people have better memory than others?

As I already mentioned the biggest thing that changes between

different people is their genetics and also how much time they
spent improving their memory. So in terms of genetics, right as I
mentioned, every single person has a capability they have like an
upper limit how much vocabulary and things and situations they
can actually remember it really does depend on each person and
you know, how how - how much their brain is able to soak up like
a sponge?

Why is it difficult for some people to remember things?

For me, for example, I have trouble remembering things. I have

trouble remembering things when they are not. Significant for me
if something happens and I think that it's just, you know, not
notable. I will probably forget it pretty quickly. But if something
happens and I feel like it is the most important thing. I will be
remembering this event or this situation for a long time. It really
depends on how important the thing or the event is for me. What
kinds of things what kinds of people are more forgetful? Probably
the people that don't care. I think the people that don't actually
like put any effort into remembering things about other people.
They seem more forgetful when in reality. They just never cared
from the outset. They never cared from the very beginning. And
so I think that's forgetfulness is a quality that it doesn't really exist
people attribute. Others to being forgetful when in reality, there
are other more accurate words to describe those people.

Topic 33, Part 3- Games

Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing

I think that for most games? Yes. There was a there was a quote. I
remember hearing from a I think a basketball player. He said
that's the point of the game you play to win and in most sports,
for example, I think the goal is to win in most games and most
real games. The goal is winning. But in reality a lot of games also
have ulterior goals, like for example to have fun or just to enjoy
yourself or to - to improve yourself.

What kinds of games do children play these days?

I think nowadays most children play computer games computer

games or specifically phone games because actually the phone
the mobile games Market is one of the most developed markets
in the world in terms of technology. It is incredibly large. If you
look at the research data regarding which you know kind of
games or popular nowadays, you will see that almost every single
big game is on mobile. Another funny thing is like for example, if I
ask, you know kids nowadays if I say hey, have you ever played
Minecraft? They will say oh, yeah the game on your phone. And I
think that's very funny because originally Minecraft it was never
for your phone. Your Minecraft was for your computer phones
were never powerful enough, but nowadays almost everybody if
they play games. It's on the computer.

Which do you think is better indoor or outdoor games?


So if we're talking about like the games that you would play, you
know kind of sport games or kind of games that you would play
with your friends for fun. I would say probably indoor games are
better. There's different reasons for this number one is probably
because it is easier to partake and to participate in those games
regardless of the weather. I think one of the most popular
memories that people have as a kid is wanting to play outside
with your friends, but being unable to because of, you know rain
or some kind of weather phenomena that stops you from being
able to play so I feel like indoor games like Ping Pong or maybe
like indoor volleyball something like that. Would probably be the
optimal sport to play with your friends.

Are outdoor games important for children?

I think they are I think that outdoor games and - and not just
outdoor games. I feel like outdoor games is not the correct term
the games that you play when you're a kid right thing like tag, or
you know, sorry, I'm kind of struggling to think of to think of
examples I I wasn't a kid for a while. The games that you would
play on the playground these kinds of games teach children rules
of society. Like for example, here's - here's one game that is you
know, kind of it's not a playground game, but I think it
demonstrates my idea pretty well Mafia a lot of kids they play
Mafia for the first time when they're you know, kind of growing
up and they think you know, oh this is gonna be really fun game,
you know, we're gonna play with my friends and stuff and then
when they play they realize that their friends have betrayed them
and that they cannot trust anyone and so, you know over time
these children realize that not everybody can be trusted and
these kinds of games that teach you social dynamics and social
rules are incredibly important for kids.

How can kids benefit from playing team games?

Team games are very similar I think to as I mentioned like
playground games because they teach kids how to work with
other people. They teach kids the Dynamics of the real world of
society and of communication, like if you tell somebody that you
think they're stupid and that you hate them very logically. They
are not going to like you back and this is something that you have
to learn as a kid like when you're just born you don't know what
it's like to talk to other people. You have never talked to anybody
else other than you know yourself in your mother's womb. So
when you're going up you have to have those experiences talking
to other people understanding where other people are in terms.
Of you, right like how do they feel about you? And how do they
see you? You have to see other people through your own eyes
and yourself through their eyes.

What's better, individual games or team-based games?


I think that team-based games are probably better as I
mentioned. I'm not really sure what kind of games you would play
by yourself maybe video games. And the thing is I believe that
video games can be quite detrimental to children. Here's - here's
something a lot of people don't say right video games are a form
of Art. I completely believe that video games are away for artists
and also engineers like, you know computer engineers to create
experiences for people in the form of art. The thing is though
when you're a kid. This form of art can be highly addictive and I
believe that it's detrimental. I believe that a lot of kids get harmed
from playing video games whether that be from wasting too
much time or from spending time thinking about things that are
not completely necessary. So as much as I I love video games
myself if I could choose to not have played them so much when I
was a kid, I think I probably would

Why do people like to play different games?

Different games are fun learning and starting to become

acquainted with you know different forms of game and different
types of game can be a very interesting experience for kids. It's
like a formative experience. This is why most teachers for
elementary and you know beginner classes at school and at
kindergarten they do their best to implement games and
activities into the class because learning should also be about
play - play is a very important aspect of human nature enough
people as a whole. Is it good for a kid to be ambitious? I think it's
good for a kid to develop their own ambitions, but I think it can
be harmful. If an adult tells a child what ambitions they must
have. I believe that if a child really does believe that they have,
you know, the capability and the desire to achieve greatness in
some field. For example, like let's say, you know child prodigies
that play chess or you know, something like this these people
should have the right to be ambitious. They should be ambitious if
they want to but I believe that if I if an adult forces a child to be
ambitious and to set goals that are unrealistic. I think that that
can be that can cause a child a lot of trauma and a lot of stress
growing up and even later down the line.

Do you think it's good for children to play games?

As I already mentioned children are? Playful children are playful
by Nature that is a human trait to have especially when you're
growing older when you're growing up you like to play games
some people like to play games even - even still, you know, even -
even after they grow up and they retain that childlike nature and I
think that the main reason why it's good for children to play
games is because that nature can be developed further into
adulthood most creative people. I think we're very playful when
they were kids. So yeah, I think that's about it. It's an important
aspect of a human and I think there has been a lot of research


about what kind of effect playfulness has on the future
development of people. people and personalities

How do you think children can benefit from playing games?

So as we have been talking about so far about games and -- and -

and being able to learn about the world and about yourself. I
would say that the biggest benefit the children can get from
playing games is to make decisions on their own for the first time
most decisions that children make will be in games during games.
This is the reason why I believe Minecraft was so immensely
popular at the beginning whenever it was first being released and
- and being, you know developed. Uh, what happened was the
whole generation of children? Got to experience their first choices
in life through Minecraft through this like small game. They had
the chance to decide. What color do they want the floors to be
how do they want to present themselves? Do they want to kill
animals or not, you know and and I think through Minecraft and
through every other game, children have a chance to figure out
who they want to be without necessarily already making that
decision in their life and affecting their life for you know their
whole future. Important

Would you say it is to develop a sense of competition in children?

I think that competition is a double-edged sword as a teacher.

Sometimes it's helpful to have competition in the classroom
because it can teach children that wanting to achieve something
is a good desire. But the thing is competition can also be a
double-edged sword it can cause a lot of stress it can cause a lot
of strife in a classroom. I know of a lot of friends like people in my
classes who are friends who stopped being friends because of
competition and I know that a lot of my friends that I have been,
you know friends with they were Led - Led away, I guess you
could say from being my friend because of my competitive
nature. I'm a relatively competitive person and in a lot of
situations if I have a chance to prove that I am more capable at
something. I will try to do it not always seriously sometimes in a
joking way, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. So I would
say that it is not important but it is something that can be done.
You know, it's it's kind of a choice that you have to make as an
educator and as a parent should I develop competition and
competitiveness in my child?

Topic 34, Part 3- Shops

Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?

I don't think it's the key factor. It definitely not the most important
thing but it is something to consider especially when you are
opening your shop. You really need to think about what kind of
foot traffic is happening outside of your you know outside of your
outside of your shop. For example, why do I think intonation near


Westminster is like one of the best locations for a Learning Center
because most people who are at Westminster what they're gonna
do is they're gonna walk across to KFC and while they're walking
what are they gonna see? They're gonna see the information logo.
So generally foot traffic is important, but not the most important

What kinds of shops are popular in your city now?

I'm not sure whether this can be considered a shop, but I can tell
you that like language centers, you know, IELTS centers and
language centers are by far the most important Sorry by far the
most popular and you know widespread type of type of business
type of you know, kind of work that people are doing the most
popular kind of business place is language centers.

Why do young people enjoy going to boutiques?

I don't really think young people nowadays. Enjoy going to

Boutique so much. I don't think that most people have money to
you know pay for for the prices at a boutique. I would guess that
most likely. young people probably enjoy the If they do go to
boutiques, they would probably enjoy the fact that they have a
chance to feel more Rich than other people. I guess they would
they would feel more. Wealthy because you know, they can go to
a boutique and they can show that off.


Topic 35, Part 3- Inventions, Inventors

What are the qualities of a scientist?

I think the most important quality that a scientist needs to have is

the ability to see the bigger picture when your scientist. Your job
is to be able to invent new things. I feel like the main job of a
scientist, you know, I'm not a scientist myself, but I think it's to be
able to see what things have not been invented yet and take the
time and put in the effort to invent them. I feel like that's probably
the most important thing for - for scientists.

What do you think have been some of the most important

inventions in the past 100 years or so?

I guess in the last 100 years the most important one has been the
internet. It has kind of spiraled into a whole web of other
inventions. It has snowballed into the AI Revolution which is you
know, upon us now and I think that is probably the number one
biggest invention the most important one. If you look at some
other ones that are they're also quite important you would have
things like probably medicine different types of medicine maybe
penicillin. I don't think penicillin was invented in the last hundred
years, but whenever it was invented it was groundbreaking.

What inventions do you hope to have in the next 20 years?


Honestly, I want to be able to have air, which is integrated in
every job every type of work should have some kind of artificial
intelligence which will be able to make that job easier. Like it's
gonna be more accessible for other people to be able to enter this
field, you know copyrighting for example has been almost
completely reworked and changed because of AI and I hope that
more Industries will be kind of developed further because of how
AI will make them faster more accessible and easier.

Topic 36, Part 3- Public transport driving a car

Which jobs require people to be good at driving?

Most jobs where the title is driver need you to be a good driver.
For example, like an ambulance driver a taxi driver a bus driver
specifically, I think probably ambulance driver and bus driver
because in these situations you are required to be more focused
than just in regular taxi driver. In fact, I think most taxi drivers
probably spend most of their life on autopilot. It's like they're kind
of have a sleep which is why most taxi drivers are either very
aggressive or it just seems that they don't know what's happening
around them, you know - yeah, that's about it.

What qualities does a driver need to have?

I've never driven a car myself, you know, I'm critiquing taxi drivers
so much when I myself have actually never been good at driving a
car because I've never done it in my life. I think that the most
important quality for a driver is concentration. You need to be
focused on the road. If you take your eyes off the road for even a
second that could be, you know, a disaster. It could lead to a
catastrophe, you know hundreds of people dying in some
situations. I think that the most important quality is
concentration, but also you need to follow the rules, so try your
best like It needs to be a person who is able to follow the rules,
you know, yeah, that's about it. Pretty simple.

What benefits does public transport bring to the world?

Public transport is one of the most important parts of

infrastructure for modern cities. If a city does not have
infrastructure, it is not a good city. In fact, I would say modern
cities are defined by their infrastructure. When you go to Moscow
when you go to New York when you go to Tokyo, the first thing
that comes to mind in the first thing that you remember is the
Metro system the underground system. This is what defines cities
because this is how people experience cities. You can work on the
architecture all you want, you know, make your city look as
beautiful as you want, but if somebody cannot get to that part of
the city without paying ludicrous amounts for taxi or for car
transport, the people are never going to see that part of your city.

Topic 37, Part 3- Books

What books do children like to read?

I think most children are engaged by books with a solid story. It
depends on the age of the child, but if we talk about, you know,
most preteens like really small, like growing children, right like
somebody who you would generally call a child, they probably
want to see something happen in the story. They want to find out
who killed the big bad monster, who is you know, the next hero in
the village, who is the next king of the town. And so -these -
these kinds of stories probably engage them the most whereas if
you have like small babies, they probably enjoy the books with
the big pictures and all of that pretty colors.

What's the difference between paper books and e-books?

The biggest thing - the most I guess - the most noticeable thing is
probably the color. Sorry, not the color the the smell. So for
example: you know - when you- when you buy a book one of the
first experiences that you have with it is probably opening it up
and smelling it. When you buy like a physical book. Whereas when
you buy a paper book. Sorry when you when you buy an e-book
you can't really have that experience, but it is usually much more
accessible: It's much more accessible, It's much more
comfortable, there are a lot more options to, you know, do things
with -with the book - with an e-book. Sorry.

How can reading help children?


Children can develop their brains and their brain structure by
reading. Reading is one of the most important things that children
should do especially as they're growing older and it's a habit that I
believe a lot of people lose in a very unfortunate way: they just
stop reading books that are their level. When you're like really
small –right- you would read a book that is for babies: it has like a
lot of pictures, it has some nursery rhymes, maybe, it's -it's- a very
enjoyable fun time for everybody. But as you grow older, you lose
the books that are your level, instead of reading a book that is,
you know, kind of the next step after the baby book, you start
reading Harry Potter and it is much more difficult and so you lose
track you lose focus and eventually people just don't read as
much as they should.

What can children learn from books?

Children can learn anything. There's a lot of information which can

be found in books. I think that books that children read probably
result in them learning about- the -the basic information of the
world, you know, the basic things the things that most children
probably read and find out in books have to do with relationships
with other people. They also probably have to do with let's say
relationships with their family. I think family is a very popular - It's
a very popular motive in a lot of children's stories and folktales.

Topic 38, Part 3- Living on your own


What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?

I feel like most people have a period in their life where they live by
themselves, especially at the beginning, like, at the beginning of
your adulthood before you start your own family. I feel like most
people have a short period - some people have a short period,
some people have a longer period of time where they live
completely on their own. They don't have anybody to live with
and they just, you know, they spend time kind of doing their own
stuff. These people are not really like any specific kind of person I
think is just –a- an age group.

Besides cooking are there any other skills that people need to
learn if they live on their own?

Cooking is definitely a highlight. It is like one of my top five skills

for people to become more independent. It doesn't matter If
you're a man, if you're a woman, you must learn to cook because
even if you know, you don't need to cook for your own sake one
more thing you can do it you can just like enjoy your own cooking.
Can you imagine that? You can make something which you
yourself enjoy something that makes you happy so I would say
other than cooking probably knitting like imagine if you rip your
pants down the middle. This is something that happens to me
almost every month. You need to be able to control your pants.
You need to be able to control your clothes. And sewing and


knitting and these kinds of like, you know, clothing manipulations
–are- are a step in the right direction.

Should young adults live on their own?

I don't think they should. I think it's something that they should
consider, they should think about. And I think most young adults
do consider this right most young adults do spend time as I
already mentioned living on their own. But I don't think it's
something that they must do. You know, if you want to move
directly from your parents’ house into the house of your spouse
and live together with someone- that's perfectly fine. I think that
there's no problem with that. Or if you want to live with
roommates - that's also cool. But it's just it's something you
should consider ,right, it's something you should think about
because living on your own is a certain type of experience. It can
be difficult, but -it's- it's something that you can try.

Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?

I think it can be negative in a lot of situations. Like, let me give an

example. I used to live alone. I lived alone. I think in 2020 - like
somewhere around the end of the quarantine. Sorry, no, not 2022
somewhere around the end of the quarantine I moved to an
apartment. I don't remember the name of the region. I just I
moved there because ,I, I needed to you know get a place for
myself make some space relax a bit more every day. And over
time I realized that it's incredibly lonely. Living on your own can
have a lot of negative impacts for your personal like well-being
and you can feel very stressed just because you don't have
anyone to talk to or because there's nobody there for you. It can
be tough. So I don't feel like it's always positive but I feel like it
can be positive if you are good at introspection.

Topic 39, Part 3- Popularity. Famous people

What kinds of people are famous in your country?

I think in Uzbekistan nowadays, most people that are famous are

celebrities, you know people who are famous in the media and
also there has been a growing number of - there has been a
growing number of internet celebrities. Like for example IELTS
teachers. I know there's a lot of IELTS teachers in Uzbekistan.
There is a big - there's a large amount of tech. Like people like
“Technoplav”. I heard there's a guy named “Technoplav”. He has
been creating content related to technology and I think a lot of
these kinds of influencers have become popular in Uzbekistan as

Do you think the media is putting too much attention on famous


I think that media has been -a- for a long time media has been
one of the main causes for people to lose energy for no reason.
When you look at ,you know, people like celebrities like for
example, let's say the royal family in Britain, for most people for
like 90% of people this family will have no effect on their lives
ever. You don't live in Britain. You don't know anybody who's a
royal. So what's the point of learning information about them.
And I feel like most people nowadays know too much of us
celebrities. more than they actually want to know. I think that the
media –is- is kind of it has been for a long time creating hive mind
of people who are just engaging in Celebrity content even though
it's not that engaging in reality.

Are there any differences between the people who are famous a
few years ago ,10 to 15 years ago, and the people who are famous

I think most of the people who have become famous recently are
famous because of the internet, like for example tik-tokers or you
know, different kinds of like media celebrities, sorry social media
celebrities –not- not media, but social media. These people have
become famous because of their tendencies and ability to
become viral. To become kind of popular in the whole world. And
so I feel like celebrities it's hard for them to contend with that
because of the fact that it's hard for them to become as viral. You
know, celebrities are more people who have certain skills, like for
example actors musicians and people like this. So yeah, that's
about it.
Do celebrities need to have real talent?

I think that most of them do. I mean for example just becoming
viral and becoming popular is a real talent. Being able to produce
interest for your persona is a real talent as much as people like to
believe it isn't by marketing yourself in a certain way that is a
certain talent. But also I think when you look at, you know,
popular, like, real celebrities not influencers, but celebrities those
people most likely have some kind of talent. Most of them write
books most of them, you know, -they- they sing or they act, they
can do something to actually the gain that attention.

Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?

I don't think so. I think that there have been a lot of cases where
like, for example, let's say Nicola Tesla. He was incredibly good in
his field, but during his time he was not nearly as popular as
Edison who basically just plagiarized most of Nikola Tesla's ideas.
And so, when you look at the real situations, the real life, kind of
experience of people, It's very variable. There are so many
different things that could happen and it's not always that you get
rewarded for your intelligence or for your abilities in the media

What kinds of people are popular at work?


I think mostly the people who bring a lot of food, honestly. Like,
from, from my experience with working, right, every single
person can become your friend as long as they're open and
extroverted. That's like the first step. And the second step is how
much food do they bring to work? Most of my best friends from
work that I still talk to nowadays, they used to bring some extra
snacks, and, and share them with me. And in return I would share
some of my food with them. And this kind of relationship, I feel
like, is a very easy way to kick start, you know, friendships and
relationships at work.

Are knowledgeable people popular at work?

They can be. It depends on the type of job you're doing, but I feel
like most knowledgeable people actually lose out when they are
working. Because of the fact that when you are, you know, kind of
excelling in your field, what happens is -you are not able to - not
able to slack off. If people know that you are able to provide the
highest level of, you know, benefit, the highest, you know, skill
people will never expect anything less from you.

What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?

I don't think there's a lot of benefits to this child popularity and

child, like, media stuff. I think it's all negative. I think that children
should stay away from popularity for as long as possible. Most
child stars from TV shows and movies end up in very bad
situations. because of the fact that they are unable to handle the
influence that they attain and also the finances which usually
come with these kinds of jobs.

Topic 40, Part 3- Movies

Do You Believe movie reviews?

I certainly do. It depends on the movie. Some movies I really enjoy

even if I don't actually think they are critically acclaimed, I don't
think they're like, you know popular with the with the reviewers –
the- the movie reviewers of the day, but personally I tend to
believe movie reviews when it comes to movies that I don't care
about. Like for example, if I haven't watched a movie yet, I will
make a decision for whether I should walk it or not most of the
time based on what reviewers say about it.

What kinds of movies are popular in your country?

I think in Uzbekistan a lot of melodrama movies are popular a lot

of movies where you have like, you know relationships happening
here and there and you get to see love blossom. I think this is
quite popular because people enjoy kind of fantasizing about
that. And I mean, that's the same for most countries. Most
countries like movies and TV series about love, but I think in
Uzbekistan, this is especially common and I think the biggest


group of people that like this are grandmothers and I believe that
they really do control most of the movie industry.

Do you think films with famous actors and actresses would be

more popular?

I think so. There's a certain thing called like the star effect. I think
it's something along those lines. It's basically when a movie tries
its best to incorporate and add as many popular people as it can
just so that the movie will become more popular. You know, it will
take –the- the widespread influence of those actors and actresses
and it will use them for the movies benefit. And I think in some
situations, this is okay, but in some situations, it could be negative
like for example There's this actor, his name is, his name, I forgot
Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis has dementia. He has memory problems,
but he used to star in so many movies especially closer to the end
of the to the end of his career because people loved him and
knew him for his previous acting work.

Topic 41, Part 3- Helping others, volunteering

What can children help parents with?

I feel like most children help their parents by helping them raise
the rest of the family. This is a phenomena that is very often seen
in families with many children where the eldest or the two eldest
will usually take responsibility, take some of the responsibility
from the parent figures - parental figures to help with raising the
kids. They will explain to the kids how to live life and how to, you
know, do things instead of the parents.

How do you think the volunteers themselves benefits whenever

people volunteer?

I think volunteers benefit in a lot of ways. Most volunteering

positions give you some kind of perk because you know a lot of
businesses or for example, a lot of events, they don't have the
finances to pay a lot of salaries for their workers. So what they do
is the event has some kind of benefit like for example, you get
backstage access. Let's say you're an organizer at a at a music
festival. Recently, I heard of a music festival called “Stihia” in
Nukus. And in this event the people who were organizing they
didn't get paid that much money as far as I remember, but they
could talk to the musicians. They could get free food - free access
to you know, all of the areas and it's kind of like a bartering

Why do people do volunteer work?

One of the biggest reasons other than having the perks of a

volunteer job is being able to put that on your work resume.
Imagine if you could put the phrase, I worked at SpaceX on your
resume. It doesn't matter what it would take. Most people in the
world would do that job or do that volunteering just so that they
could get this thing on their- just so that they could get their
thing on that CV. So that they could say I used to work at this
company. Even if they didn't get paid any money, it's still very
important for them.

In your view should children be taught to help others?

Yes. I think they must. I think this is something that is ingrained in

a lot of cultures in the world. I think that -it's- it's a part of human
culture helping others, right. But also kids need to be I don't want
to say indoctrinated, that's kind of negative, I mean, they should
be taught, gently taught to help others as they're growing older
so that in the future that would become a part of their daily habits
and daily, you know, necessities to help others.

How do students such as high school students help each other?

I think mainly with studies. I think I think in a lot of high schools,

there's an issue with like cheating and the thing is most high
school students are very intelligent. So they help each other cheat
in different ways, like for example by sharing answers by, you
know, cheating during tests together. I honestly think that the
systems that high schoolers, and, and you know, people in school


use nowadays to cheat have gotten incredibly sophisticated. So I
think that you know, they help each other through different ways
whether that be as a positive influence or as a negative influence.

Do you think people nowadays should participate more in


I think that right now we are probably volunteering as much as

we have ever. Like I think that there is more volunteering today
than there has been in the past hundred years. I think the
volunteering is a is a very big part of society for a lot of young
people. I think young people are taught to volunteer from a young
age by their parents, by their siblings and by their peers and I
think that's great. I think that if we could maybe somehow, you
know, let's say promote volunteering more by offering more
benefits to people who are volunteering it would be, you know,
more widespread, but, but I don't know I think already
volunteering has a lot of benefits at least emotional benefits.

Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?

It's good to do volunteer services because when you volunteer

you feel like you are part of something bigger. Most of the time
when you're working a job, sometimes you can feel like it's
important for you. But most of the time you're working in a job
because you need money. When you're doing a job, when you're
doing as much work as a job just for the feeling of doing it-that is
something completely different. That is an emotional need which
I think a lot of people don't get nowadays. This kind of job
satisfaction, which I think volunteering Can give much easier than
a normal regular kind of job.

Should students do community service?

I don't think so. I think that students probably already spend

enough time volunteering in their classrooms. If students could
do service in their school, like for example by helping teachers
organize lessons, but organizing classes themselves by creating
clubs, which actually a lot of schools already do a lot of schools
already kind of prioritize and let's students take control over their
classroom experience with clubs and different kinds of activities
like that. I feel like that would be much more beneficial than
having people who are you know, so young out in the streets.
Helping you know the community. I think that's not as helpful.

Is it important to teach children to donate money to support

those in need?

As I mentioned the same with, you know teaching children to

volunteer, I think it can be. I think, it's , it's something that, is ,is a
part of our society. Needing people to develop the next
generation and through that having the next generation develop
the further generations, right like who's gonna raise your
grandkids, of course your kids. So the best thing you can do is
raise your kids the right way. And so the thing is right ,like, when
you want donations to become a societal thing right for each
country to have a certain amount of charity that they do to other
countries or to certain foundations in their own country. You need
to start with the kids.

Who should teach children to help others parents or teachers?

I think both. I think there are different types of helping. for

example, there's charitable helping where you help people in
need who will never be able to give back to you, like for example
the poor or –the- the impoverished part of the populations, right,
Let's say the people who have health issues that are that they're
unable ,to, to fix or to cure. This is one type of volunteering. But
when you're in a classroom and you volunteer to help your peers
that is a different type of volunteering that is a different type of
motivation. You are doing it for the purpose of helping others who
can help you in the future. And I feel like both are necessary in
their own way.

What are the benefits of children helping their parents?

When a child helps their parents, I feel like they will be more
invested in the safety, well-being and future of their household.
By having and letting a child ,sorry, by letting a child participate
in activities that are you know about the household, let's say like
washing the dishes, cooking food, cleaning, these kinds of things-
the child will be more interested in living in house in the future. If
you want to live with your kids in the future so that they feel more
comfortable with you, It's a good idea to let them start early.

Do you like helping others?

Personally, I never really had that as a part of my upbringing. Like

when I was a kid, It wasn't like important for me to help every
single person. But as I've become a teacher I have realized the
importance of helping others. I've realized the importance of
investing in other people. So often I will see a student who I have
seen before let's say in like one of my live streams in one of my
marathons in the future join my courses or in the future i have
seen them become teachers on their own . And I feel like this kind
of atmosphere where you give to others because you know that
they will give to others in your stead produces like a pyramid
result where you are at the top and your influence trickles down
into this massive sphere of influence for so many people. And I
feel like that is what has been driving me to help others for a
while now.

Why are some people willing to help others?

I feel like most people are willing to help others and interested in
helping others. Uh, a lot of people are at least because they
expect something in return but I feel like with this generation a lot
of people want to help others just out of the kindness of their
own heart. I feel like it has been a ,with, with generation Z and
now an Alpha. I think it's called the next generation. It has been a
cultural thing that we need to help each other. It's kind of like the
idea of the global village. We're all in it together. We're all have
one planet together and there's no reason to start wars and
destroy each other over stupid reasons ,where, when we should
really just be living in harmony.

Topic 42, Part 3- Living in the city, accommodation

What difficulties do people have living in the city?

The biggest difficulty is probably the accessibility of things. This is

also the biggest benefit but I believe that it can be difficult
because when you live in the city, what happens is you feel like
everything is close by and you have a wealth of choices and this
usually leads to ego depletion, which is basically when you don't
know what to do, you have so many choices that you feel lost. So
I would say the biggest problem is also the biggest benefit having
too many choices.

What's the difference between living in an apartment and in a


I would say when you live in an apartment. It is much less flexible.

You have much less choice of what to do. When you live in a
house, you usually have some property you have some land
where you can let's say do some gardening if you want. You can
have a bike there in some place, you know, you could, you could
do whatever you want on your own land. Whereas when you have
an apartment there are rules of the apartment and there are rules
of the house which you must follow which can be kind of
uncomfortable. It can be difficult to live in a place where you
don't have complete control and you know artistic integrity over
what you actually want to do with your living space.

Topic 43, Part 3- Adventures

Who likes to read adventure books?

I think the people who enjoy adventure books the most are the
people who lack adventure in their life. I mean as much as
adventure books can be fun for everybody, the people who need
to travel and the people who need to engage in, you know, kind
of hobbies like this, they're the ones who probably read the most
of this kind of book. I feel like your brain subconsciously makes
you read more of what you want, you know. So for example
people who read psychology books, they probably usually want
to either control people, to sell things to people, you know, things
like that. So I feel like probably the people who lack adventure are
the ones who read the most adventure books.

Do people prefer Adventure novels or adventure movies?

That's an interesting question. I feel like today people have the
lowest skill in terms of having a mind eye. What a mind's eye
means is you have the ability to imagine things, imagine pictures,
imagine ideas as a visual rather than as a you know text. And so I
feel like nowadays people are not able to imagine text nearly as
much as they were in the past. In the past you could read a book
and you could basically see a movie in front of your eyes, whereas
nowadays you really need to watch a movie if you want to have
an experience like that.

What kinds of people don't like to take Adventures?

Adventures are probably a risky thing. In most situations an

adventure is risk and because of this people who are risk averse,
people who don't enjoy taking risks are probably the ones who of
course take the least adventures and they participate in the least,
you know, spontaneous Rendezvous Adventures where they go
on, you know different journeys to different places. I would say
that probably you know, the ones, who , who are afraid of risk.

Topic 44, Part 3- Making decisions

What important decisions do young people need to make after

the completion of high school?

I think after the completion of high school kids and you know
teenagers actually at that age, they have the most important
decisions that they can ever make in their life. The first most
important decision is career. You start working on your career
from the very moment that you finish your school. As soon as
your school is done. As soon as you're kind of finished, you know
learning whether that be university or you know, graduate you
have to choose what you're going to be working in and
depending on what you studied your choices may be very limited.
So The first thing is work. The second thing is probably, you know
your partner, for , for your future, you know family these kinds of
things. They can be very difficult.

Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when


I think it's not that they can I think it's that they do. The reason
why advertisements work. The reason why advertisement has
become such a massive business is because it's impossible
nowadays to run a business without advertisement. And I think
it's not just nowadays forever It has been that the backbone of a
business is it's advertisement. A business cannot function If you
do not have customers and the main way to get customers is to
advertise, of course. When we're shopping most of the decisions
that we make, it has been proven there have been several studies,
most of the decisions that we make are because of
advertisement. So, you know, yeah they do - the answer is yes,
they do.
Do you think the influence of advertisement is good?

That's a very debatable topic and I think it's very funny for me to
answer because I have been working on advertising my channel,
advertising my courses, advertising myself for over four years
now. Every single year I have been working on making other
people interested in me as a teacher. And so, you know, I feel like
in this case the influence of advertisement is good. But when
people make me buy products, I don't need for example KFC
when I see an advertisement for KFC what do I do the same day? I
remember I love KFC and I go buy some. I hate that kind of
advertisement because it makes me spend money I don't need.

How does advertising influence children?

I am really glad that there are a lot of regulations towards, and ,

and kind of regulations about advertisements for children. There
have been a lot of advertisements on TV, for a long time that were
specifically targeted at kids and made, to , to teach kids to force
their parents to buy them something. For example, like toys
which tell the parents sorry, which tell the kids go ask your
parents to buy you this toy and I think that is that is a terrible
influence. I think it's terrible for you know advertisement to mess
up the family dynamic in this way.

Does advertising have a bad impact on people?


I think that generally people are influenced by advertising and in
most situations It's a bad thing. For example, you lose your
concentration. Like for example, when you go to supermarket,
let's say you go to supermarket. You have a goal, you have like a
list of things that you're planning to buy you have a shopping list.
When you see an advertisement for something you don't need
but something that you want because it looks scrumptious is,
something , something that looks delicious for example, like a
burger advertisement you spend unnecessary money. You spend
money that you didn't plan to and in this case, It's ,a it's a very bad
effect. In other situations advertising can influence the beliefs of
people which can also be pretty negative.

Topic 45, Part 3- Money

Why is it hard for some people to save money?

Uh, a lot of people lack Financial intelligence and financial skills. In

the modern world there are a lot of ways to become destitute and
to completely lose all of your finances to lose all of your money,
you know to invest in some kind of scam like for example,
cryptocurrency and become poor in minutes. So the reason why
it's so hard is because in the modern world, you need to have
these kinds of skills. You need to know what is a good investment,
what is an asset, what is the liability, you need at least the basic


Financial knowledge to begin earning money more substantially
than before.

What is the best way to save money?

The best way to save money is to not spend it. I think that's that's
a - that's a very productive answer. I know but the main way in
my opinion to save money is to use a method where you do not
have the opportunity to spend it. Even if you will die of hunger,
even if you are like actually going to become homeless, you need
to keep that money. Don't spend it, just put it away somewhere
into a bank and tell the bank not to give you your money. You
could give it to a family member, you could put it away
somewhere where you will never find it. There's a different
techniques different people do ,you know, different things to save
their money, but it's just about not spending it which can be very,
very difficult.

Should children have pocket money.

Absolutely. I think they should but more than that I think that
parents should invest some time and invest some thought into
how this pocket money will help the children in the future. Rather
than just giving your child some money, you know for holidays or
for their birthday and being like, you know, here you go - Happy
birthday what do you want. That's not a very positive effect, that
teaches children that money just appears in their life out of
nowhere. I recommend, you know ,for, for real parents and real
parenting to be implemented with pocket money. For example,
teach children that by doing chores they can earn some amount
of money in the household. That can be a very good way for
money to - for pocket money to influence a child's upbringing
and future financial career.

Topic 46, Part 3- Water Activities, Water transport.

What are the pluses and minuses of transporting goods on water?

I think the biggest drawback to transporting on water is the

chance for your goods to be lost at sea. Unlike with let's say land
transport if your car crashes- if the driver's car crashes, it can be
relatively easy to fix up the cargo and to you know, kind of to get
back the goods that were lost, you know, not-not regenerate
them, but I guess you could say to be able to restore what the
customer paid for by, you know, taking a look at the crash site
figuring out what happened. Whereas if your ship with all of your
goods is lost at sea, it's gone forever. The sharks are gonna be
sleeping in your blankets that you bought off of Amazon and
you're not gonna be able to do anything about it. That is the
biggest drawback. The big benefit would probably be the fact
that it's cheap and fast.

What water sports are popular in your country in Uzbekistan?


I think water sports are not entirely a popular thing because the
fact that there's not that much water, you know, it's a double
landlocked country, which means that if you want to go to water
you have to go to Turkey or you have to go to you know, Dubai or
something. So I would say the most popular Water Sports in in
Uzbekistan is traveling to Turkey or Dubai. That's a joke, of course.
But probably swimming a lot of swimmers,I have as friends in
Tashkent for some reason. I don't know where they would ever
use this skill. I don't think that's very applicable here.

Why do people like water sports?

I feel like water sports are probably a way for people to engage
their whole body. Usually whatever you play a water sport,you
have to be completely immersed in the atmosphere and you have
to be completely ready to move any part of your body at any
moment, especially swimming. It's like a whole body cardio
exercise where you must be able to use your legs and hands in
tandem to produce, you know, the effect of swimming. It's
impossible to do it just with your hands or just with your legs.

Topic 47, Part 3- Communication

what is better being in Communicator or a listener?


I would say in today's society, a lot more positive feedback is
given to people who are communicators, even though I believe
that it's much more important to be a affectionate empathetic
speaker. Sorry, not speaker listener. It's much more important to
help people feel valued. This is a much more rare skill, I think in
today's society because this society as I said it emphasizes being
able to speak your ideas rather than being able to listen to others

What personal qualities does a good communicator need to


A good communicator -a good communicator must be able to

understand the emotions of their partner the person who is, you
know, kind of listening to them. Let's say we're talking about
somebody who is kind of presenting information. You cannot
present information to an audience that you don't understand .If I
was to speak to a group of 10 year olds as if they are university
graduates, they would look at me with wide open eyes and be in
the most confused state that they have been in in their whole life.
But when you look at, you know a good communicator, they
would analyze the 10 year olds need to be spoken to like 10 year
olds. So that's the biggest thing. You need to understand your


Does technological development have a negative impact on
communication among people?

I think to some extent it does but also I think there have been
more there has been more accessibility for people to
communicate I think in the past what would happen is on
average, there would be a group of people who are really good at
communicating and a group of people who are terrible at
communicating and this disparity would never be bridged. You
would have people who are you know, they identify as extroverts
and they would always talk to everybody and introverts who are
always shut in. Whereas nowadays because of the internet even
introverts have a chance to talk to other people and make
connections as if they are extroverts, which I think is good. I think
that it has had a positive impact on communication among
people per capita on average.

Topic 48, Part 3- Cues, Crowds of people

What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?

The biggest problem with living on a floor that is like closer-closer

down to-to ground floor is probably the danger of tsunamis or
different floods. If you say live in Uzbekistan, I think the danger of
this is completely I think the danger of this is much less. For
example, if you live in Japan, this is something this is something
that people have to deal with all the time. There's always a lot of
water in the cities because of the you know, the things that are
going on. So I would say that the biggest disadvantage is that
kind of danger? Otherwise, it's it's all right, you know, it's it's
faster for you to get to ground floor. It's faster for you to go
outside. I don't think there are many negative effects other than

What do you think of the phenomena of people queuing in

restaurants for more than an hour?

I think it's it's really it's really dumb. You know, I will never
understand that I feel like most times in today's society when you
feel like you need to queue, you could actually just not queue like
you have so many choices nowadays. For example, there are
different ways to queue online. There are different ways to call in
advance and book your place rather than you know, waiting in
line waiting in line in today's society is the dumbest thing you can
do in my opinion. It's like a pure waste of time and this is one of
the reasons why I don't like Theme Parks in the USA because
most of them have wait times of over two three hours, especially
if you didn't pay extra money for like fast cues, it's ridiculous.

What are the advantages of living on a high floor?

The biggest advantage is probably the view honestly. Every single

person that I've asked this question because generally, you know,
it's kind of when you're when you're looking for apartments you
want to get different opinions. Most people who tell me about
their experience with partners will say that the best thing about
an apartment with a with a high apartment at a high floor at a at a
floor closer to the top is that they get to see the city in all of its
glory. It doesn't matter which city you live. In most skylines today
are incredibly beautiful and I think most like big cities for
example, New York Chicago, you know, Manila all of the big cities
in the world. They have more expensive high floors because of the
fact that you get to see more of the city.

Topic 49, Part 3- Careers

Do you think it's important for secondary schools to offer career

advice to students?

Yes, I think it's very important. I think that going into adult life
without any guidance from you know, peers and people that you
look up to is very difficult. Of course, you could have your parents
but the thing is usually the advice that parents give is very heavy-
handed. It feels like they're trying to live out their own failed
dreams through you which is why most children and most
offspring are resistant to the advice of their parents, which is why
I think that giving children and you know people leaving high
school a way to kind of mediate that by getting advice from a
high school counselor is a great thing.


What professions are most popular with young people in your
country now?

I think most people in Tashkent fall into several categories,

especially younger people. Uh, let me tell you a bit about people
who speak English because I have a feeling that I know a lot
about people in this in this position. I feel like most of them are
either obliged to go into teaching. This has been like one of the
most popular positions in Uzbekistan and specifically in Tashkent.
But there are also a couple more another one that I know is
copyrighting another one that I know is something and one last
one that is like incredibly popular for people who are living
independently is logistics they're able to work at night and thus
they can work in logistics in other in foreign markets like the USA.
For example

What kinds of jobs are well paid in your country?

I think the most. I think the people who are paid the most are the
people with the most access to. The people who are paid the
most in Uzbekistan are the people who provide the most benefit
to the country. So the people who really work on developing let's
say infrastructure that people who work on developing new
methods of transport new methods of education. These are the
people who are in the most money because their job is the most
influential and the most powerful


What kinds of jobs deserve higher salaries?

The jobs which require higher salaries are the ones which have
more responsibility. For example, let's take a look at jobs where
what you do can affect other people. Let's say like a policeman. I
believe that these jobs should have a higher salary because these
people are on like they're putting their lives on the line every
single day and the more lives you affect the more your salary
should be. So for example, somebody who does like architecture
they are actually in most situations. I believe paid accordingly, but
I believe that they should be paid more because of the fact that
It's like if you build a building incorrectly, you're gonna go to jail
for the rest of your life. But if you build a building, well, everyone's
gonna be like wow such a such a beautiful construction. And so
it's it's you know, it it depends on how high the risk is for your job
and how many people it's affecting

Which jobs pay low wages, but require a high level of skills?

In the US I would say it's most likely teaching. I would say

education in the US has been on the decline in terms of like
people who actually want to be teachers in the US. It's incredibly
difficult to be teachers teenagers in the US at this moment like in
the past couple of years teenagers have had there have been a lot
of very dangerous trends. Regarding teenagers they have been
doing some crazy things. Like I know of the fact that some


teachers have been like quitting in droves because of the fact that
their classrooms are actively upsetting them everything that
happens in their classroom makes them upset. So I would say
probably teachers in in the US teachers, but in other in other
markets, maybe you know other other professions

Topic 50, Part 3- Traditional Festivals

Is it important to celebrate traditional festivals?

I believe that tradition is the backbone of society brushing teeth,

even though most people see it as a habit. I believe it's a tradition
making your bed, you know cleaning yourself. Let's say two times
per day, even though there are health guidelines about this, I
believe in most societies this is a tradition and so I believe that
traditional festivals are one way that society can continue to
develop itself while still remaining the same society that was
before retaining the same values in the same traditional qualities,
whether that be hospitality, you know respect for elders in
Uzbekistan, for example, celebrating traditional festivals is a way
for people I think to connect with each other regardless of age.

Do you think these Traditions will be lost in the future?

I think that we are moving towards homogeneity, which means

everything is kind of mixing together and everything is becoming
one and you know, most people are celebrating holidays and
traditions from the world rather than just the traditions from their
country, but I believe that every country and every government is
going to make an effort to retain and continue these traditions. I
think that it's important and I am very glad that a lot of
governments are prioritizing this it is back. It's time for example,
every single year never was is celebrated and I have seen a lot of
these celebrations and it has made me very happy to see this
national spirit built up in the country. I think that is a very
important thing to cherish and nurture are traditional festivals
disappearing? I think in some regions there are some groups of
people who are unable to celebrate their traditional festivals to
the fullest extent. For example, there are some like let's say
cultural groups like The the I I remember reading about a group of
people in the nagar nagorno caraba region in in like between
Armenia and as our by John where there were there was a group
of people who have their own Traditions, but the thing is because
of their like conflict that is going on in that region. They are
unable to celebrate their festivals and their own traditions. So I
think that with a group of people disappearing in a group of
people having difficulty to express themselves, the traditional
festivals will so disappear into thin air over time they will just kind
of they will stop being as prevalent in that society.

Should children learn about traditional festivals at school?


I think the answer is yes. I think that traditional festivals are a part
of school life. I feel like school is one of the jobs of school whether
that be for the good or for the for the for the for the bad for the
benefit for this for the benefit or for the for the detriment of the
students. It does impart a cultural education on students almost
every single school has a part of the curriculum dedicated to
learning about the culture and the history of the country and a
part of that is always celebration of the national holidays and the
different, you know festivals and I think. Honestly, I think that this
is a good way for these festivals to continue their life through the

Topic 51, Part 3 - Sports/ keeping fit

which sports do you think most people like to do?

I think the most popular sports for people are probably let's say
the sports that they grew up with for example in Uzbekistan. I
know that one of the most popular sports is football because it's
something that a lot of people do and a lot of people play
throughout their you know, childhood with their friends in parks
in their kindergartens. It's something that has been a part of
Uzbek culture for a while and I think that that's the reason why a
lot of people like it and you know, you you basically you like what
you grow up with. That's what you feel nostalgic about and that's
what you enjoy the most.


What are the benefits of sports for children depending on what
type of sport it is?

The kids get a chance to learn things like balance moving and
using their body in the most efficient ways fuel economy, which is
basically like, you know running for a longer period of time being
able to use your body in the most effective way, right that is one
of the biggest benefits but the second one is depending on the
type of sport you get a chance to interact with other kids and
other people for some kids sports will be the first way that they
will actually, you know, begin building relationships with others.
And so that's why I think sports can be very beneficial to a child's

Do children need to exercise?

I feel like exercise is necessary for everybody. Some people put

like a certain amount of sentimental value into the exercises that
they do because they feel like they are, you know, better than
others for example pull-ups. I know that a lot of people do pull-
ups with their friends because they are important for them the
same thing with push-ups and planks. There are several exercises
that are like really popular amongst people, but I think that for
children the most important thing is to make them to give them a
chance to see what they will be interested in rather than pushing
a certain type of sport or a certain exercise on them giving it


giving children a chance to figure out what their body enjoys and
what they feel comfortable with on their own will provide
children with the best benefits. And yeah, it's absolutely
necessary for them to exercise.

The next book will come out on the 23rd September, 2023

Stay ready


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