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Social sciences

Questions and notes
Grade 4 - 7
Mr T Manema
Phone : 0775382555

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
A group of people connected to each other through birth is called
Mr and mrs Bradley were involved in an accident . They died on the spot leaving three
children behind
Due to their death the family is now
A child headed family
Mr Moyo has one wife, four children and also owns some domestic animals.
Name the type of family Mr Moyo has.
Nuclear family/ Monogamous family
Give any other type of family.
Nuclear family single parent family Child headed family
A family with one husband and two or more wives
Polygamous family
Which family consists of a husband, wife and children?
Nuclear family
Who has the responsibility of taking care of the children in a family?
State factors which lead to one parent family
Death Divorce Separation
What do you call a family made up of father, mother and children?
Nuclear family
Who plays the parental role in a child headed family?
The eldest child
Maternal relationship is connected through one’s
biological mother
Paternal relationship is connected through one’s
Biological father
Communities are made up of _______________.
Which of the following cause family dynamics?
migration marriage religious affiliation
Which is an effect of family dynamics?
Divorce and separation of parents
Fights and quarrels child abuse

Examples of totems elephant/nzou/ndlovu

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555

Which is not true about totems?

People of the same totem are not related
What is a totem?
An emblem representing a family /clan
Most people’s totems come from
Describe how totems help in preserving animals
people do not kill animals from their totems
People of the same totem are considered as ……………
What do people use as totems in indigenous Zimbabwe?
Trace their origin Regularise marriages Identity
____________ shows the order of one’s line of decent.
A clan is ……………
A group of people from the same ancestor
How can a family help in a community?
taking part in community projects
How can the community support at a funeral?
paying condolences
To whom does the woman belong to before marriage?
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Her father
What is counselling?
Giving people advice when they have difficulties in life.
Why do people marry?
For companionship
Tolerance is ………………
accepting other people’s beliefs
State why domestic animals are a valuable family possession.
Paying lobola draught power
Identify how family members can depend on each other.
Suggest why family roles are important in the community.
Help during funerals celebrating weddings together
What is sexual abuse?
Forcing someone to have sexual intercourse without their consent.
Where should one report sexual abuse?
Police Parents trusted relative
Ways religion can help an abused person.
Substances which can be abused.
Tobacco Mbanje Drugs
Glue Alcohol
Identify one way in which a community can assist people who abuse substances.
Teach people on negative results of substance abuse
Encourage people to abstain from drugs
Abuse is…………………..
treating someone badly/ ill-treating someone
……………………… is a form of abuse.
State forms of abuse.
Sexual abuse emotional abuse neglect abuse Physical abuse
Sexual abuse is forcing someone to take part in
sexual activities
Give any one way a person can be sexually abused.
Showing pornographic pictures/ videos to minors
Touching/fondling or petting
Sending sexual messages
State one action to be taken when a learner is abused at school.
Report to teacher /headmaster
Give two importance of belonging to a religion
It teaches good morals and values

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Help people make friends
People help each other in times of problems
It teaches togetherness, love and tolerance
The founder of Christianity
Jesus Christ
Parable - it is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
Festivals in Christianity
Christmas Easter Pentecost
State religious artefacts in Christianity
Cross Bible The crucifix
Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus during
Name disciples of Jesus Christ
Simon Peter Andrew James John
Philip Bartholomew Thomas Thaddeus
Simon (the Zealot) Matthew James (son of Alpheus)
Judas Iscariot
State the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ
Judas Iscariot
Who presides over a marriage ceremony in Christianity?
Who helped Jesus Christ to carry his cross?
Simon of Cyrene
Who buried Jesus Christ?
Joseph of Aramathea
Who baptised Jesus Christ?
John the Baptist
……………………is an occasion on which Jesus Christ was brought back to life after death.
The place where Jesus was crucified
Golgotha Calvary
Key teachings in Christianity
Resurrection Eternal life
name of the founder of the Jewish religion.
Name artefacts in Judaism.
Menorah Star of David
The Yad The Mezzuza
The Pentateuch comprises books of
Ceremony of the Jewish religion.
Hanukah Rosh Hashanah
Passover Pentecost
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Day of Atonement Tabernacles
Jews worship in a
State practitioners in Judaism
Priest Rabbi
Prophets Scribes
On which day do Jews worship?
State one function of a rabbi in Judaism
Kosher refers to
Jewish dietary law
Identify key teachings in Judaism
Monotheism – belief in one God
Ten commandments - Decalogue
State the Islamic ceremonies
Name any one group of Islamic religious practitioners.
Imam Ulamma Muezzin Mujahid
Identify a practitioner who calls Muslims for prayer
Who is the founder of Islam?
State any one of the Islamic artefact.
Greeting card Prayer mats The Koran stand
What is the use of prayer mats in Islam?
Muslims kneel on the mats to avoid getting unclean
How many times do Moslems pray in a day
Moslems pray five times a day facing a place called
Identify the five pillars of Islam.
Shahadah Salat (prayer)
Sawn (fasting) Zakat (almsgiving)
Hajj (pilgrimage)
Shi’a is one of the two main groups in Islamic religion.
Name the other main group.
Which of the following believers wash before prayer?
Name key teachings in Islam
Resurrection Judgement
Give the name one national sacred place in Zimbabwe
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Njelele shrine Chinhoyi Caves
Name any one group of Indigenous religion practitioners
Traditional healers Chiefs
Sprit Mediums Midwives
A spirit medium is
a person who is possessed by an ancestor
State any one national ancestor in Zimbabwe.
Chaminuka Mbuya Nehanda Sekuru Kaguvi
Identify ceremony in indigenous religion
Bira Kurova guva
Marriage ceremony Rainmaking ceremony
Cleansing ceremony
Name any one ceremony held to bring back the spirit of a dead family member
Kurova guva ceremony
State any one ceremony where family success and happiness can be celebrated
The rest day in indigenous religion is
Chisi /izolo
Key teaching in indigenous religion
Ancestral spirits
Sacred places
Identify traditional Indigenous religion artefact
Wooden plate Animal skin
Snuff container Ceremonial spear

Religious practitioners in Islamic religion

1. ……… Muezzin …. calls Islamic believers to come for prayers at a mosque.

2. …… Imam …. is one who teaches about Islamic traditions.
3. … Ulama …… guardians of legal and religious tradition in Islam, an educated specialist
of Islamic law.
4. …… Mujahid ……… holy warriors prepared to fight to defend Islamic religion, also analyses
the Quran.

Moslems festivals
1. ……… Ramadan …….. the holy month of Muslims /month of fasting, it is considered the
holiest period in Islamic year.
2. ……… Eid- Al- fitr ……. is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
3. ------- Al-Hijra ---------- 03 October Muslims New Year.
4. …… Lay-la-tul baraat ……… Muslims seeks Allah’s forgiveness, blessing and repent their sins.,
also commemorate their deceased during all night prayers.

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Five pillars of Islamic religion
1. …… Shahada ……….showing commitment to Allah and prophet Muhammad.
2. ___ Salat __ Moslems must pray five times a day.
3. __ Almsgiving __ Moslems are encouraged to share their wealth with the poor.
4. …… Ramadan ……..fasting and praying
5. … Hajj ……….a journey to a religious place.

Jewish Festivals
1. … Passover ………. celebrating the deliverance of Jews from slavery in Egypt.
2. …… Day of Atonement ……. the holiest days on the Jewish calendar, Jews pray and
fast on this day.
3. ----- Sukkot -- lasting for eight days. Celebrating the harvest and commemorating
the passage through the wilderness.
4. Shevat ---celebrating the day of new year for trees.
5. Purim celebrating the deliverance of Jewish from the wicked Haman.
6. ___ Pentecost __ remembering the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount
7. ---- Hannukak --- remembering the reopening of the temple.
8. -- Rosh Hashana --- ( starting in September or October) remembering God`s creation
and judgment of the world.

Religious Practitioners and their roles in Judaism

1. … Rabbi …..a Jewish teacher of religious law, an educated person in the Jewish law
and tradition.
2. …… Scribes …..responsible for writing Jewish scriptures.
3. …… Prophets …people who foretells the future, people who teach and proclaim the will of
4. … Priests ……offer sacrifices, lead in services and festivals

Artefacts/ Symbols in Judaism

1. …… Star of David ….it is a hexagram, a compound of two equilateral triangles.
2. Menorah …….it is made of gold and used as a portable sanctuary, it is a seven
branched candle lit daily in the temple.
3. ……… The Yad … a pointer made of silver and used when reading from the Torah.
4. … The Torah scroll ………contains the law by which the Jewish try to live.
5. …… Mezuzah ……. a reminder of God`s presence

Artefacts in Christianity

1. … Cross ……….an empty cross which remind Christians on which Jesus was crucified
for their sins.

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
2. … The Crucifix ………the cross with Jesus` body on it reminding his sacrifices and suffering for

3. … Bible ………..the holy book comprised of two parts the Old Testament and the New

ATR festivals
1. …Rainmaking ……. is done as a rain making ceremony.
2. ………… Kurova guva ….. is a festival to remember the dead, bring back the spirit of the
3. ……… Thanksgiving ………. was done to give thanks for a good harvest to the supreme
being. (God).
4. …… Cleansing ceremony ……. was done when bad things happen in the community.
5. …………… Bira …… ceremony was done to celebrate the family`s success and also done to
make ancestors aware of family problems and help solve them.
Religious practitioners in indigenous religions

1. …… Sprit mediums ….. speak to the ancestors on behalf of people and interpret messages
from the ancestors.
2. ……… Traditional healers … heal illness and able to see the cause of the disease and help
when seeking knowledge for the future.
3. __ Midwives _ assist pregnant women in giving birth safely.
4. __ Chiefs ___ protect culture and the land and settle disputes in the community.

Identify the law which suppresses Indigenous religion.

Witchcraft Suppression Act
Name any one group of Indigenous religion practitioners
Traditional healers/herbalists Chiefs
Sprit Mediums Midwives
In indigenous religion people who use herbs to heal the sick are called
In indigenous religion , spiritual guidance and protection is offered by
State any one national ancestor in Zimbabwe.
Chaminuka Mbuya Nehanda Sekuru Kaguvi
Identify ceremony in indigenous religion
Bira Kurova guva
Marriage ceremony Rainmaking ceremony
Cleansing ceremony
Identify traditional Indigenous religion artefact
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Wooden plate Animal skin
Snuff container Ceremonial spear
What are family dynamics?
These are changes that takes place in a family.
What is human migration?
Movement of people from one place to another
Which one is a push factor of migration?
When people move to a new country for new jobs it is ____________.
External migration
A negative effect of migration is ______________.
Squatter camps overpopulation
What causes squatting?
Land shortages
Identify reasons why people migrate from rural to urban areas./ pull factors
Employment Better living conditions
Better education
Give push factors which contributes towards migration.
Unemployment Drought
Natural disasters
Write one solution to migration.
Creating growth points
Give characteristics of an ideal marital relationship
Trustworthy Faithful
Honesty Respecting each other
What is conflict?
Fighting or quarrelling
State forms of conflicts
Quarallering Fighting
State causes of conflicts
Dishonesty Being unfaithful Favouritism
Conflict can be solved through________________.
___________ is a result of conflict.
Strained relationship
What makes learners fight at school?
We should __________ people who are different from us.
Give examples of needy people in a community
Orphans old people
Blind mentally challenged
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Crippled leprosy patients
Which voluntary organisation care for orphans in Zimbabwe?
Matthew Rusike Children`s Home
Who started a home for the disabled in Zimbabwe?
Jairos Jiri
Zimcare Trust caters for the welfare of the
mentally handicapped
Where is Copota School for the blind?
How do we support the underprivileged people in our communities?
Giving them food and clothes
Write places where children are taught morals.
School Churches
At school, who are the learners’ stewards?
their teachers
Identify one quality of a good friend
Honest Helpful Respectful
Give one quality of a bad friend
Dishonest Disrespectful
List examples of negative peer pressure
Stealing Taking drugs
Sex before marriage Smoking
Explain how one can resist negative peer pressure
Avoid bad friends
Have wisdom when making decisions
What does HIV stands for?
Human immunodeficiency virus
What does AIDS stand for?
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Ways of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Having unprotected sex with an infected partner Sharing needles
Mother to child
Ways of reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS
Abstaining Use of condoms
Stick to one sexual partner
Name false facts about HIV/AIDS
You can get HIV by being around people who are HIV positive
You can tell that someone has HIV by looking at them
Mosquitos can spread HIV/AIDS
If you are HIV positive your life is over
If you test HIV negative you can safely have unprotected sex.
Having sex with a virgin person cures AIDS

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Define the term HIV negative
Someone is not infected by HIV virus
Define the term HIV positive
Someone is infected by HIV virus
Which of the following is a positive attitude towards people with
involving them in recreational activities
supplying them with balanced diet
Reassuring them that the Supreme Being is capable of helping them in their healing.
Reproduction is one of the five circles of sexuality. (i) State any one circle of sexuality
apart from reproduction.
Identity Sensuality
Intimacy Sexualisation
Explain reproduction from the circles of sexuality
Production of young ones through sexual means.
Examples of national heritage sites
Great Zimbabwe monuments Chinhoyi caves
Nyangani Mountains Njelele
Heritage site popular for rainmaking ceremonies in Zimbabwe
Which is a natural heritage resource?
Victoria Falls Chinhoyi Caves
Spirits medium who played a big role in the first Chimurenga
Mbuya Nehanda Sekuru Kaguvi
Causes of the first Chimurenga/Umvukela.
Loss of land Loss of dignity
Taxation Loss of livestock
What attracted the white people to Zimbabwe?
Minerals Ivory Fertile lands
livestock To spread Christianity
Causes of the second Chimurenga
Loss of land Poor wages
Taxation Loss of livestock
The Lancaster House Conference was held in
Reasons for land reform
 It was meant to share land equally between whites and indigenous farmers.
 Minimizing rural poverty
 Improving the standard of living of indigenous people.
 Bringing underutilized land into production
Give one example of an Indigenous Court in Zimbabwe.
Village court Headman`s court
Chief`s court King`s court

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
The Kudus on the national coat of arms represent.
Unity and success
What marked the beginning of the second Chimurenga?
The Chinhoyi battle
State any examples of a traditional leaders.
Chiefs Head man Village head
Name one role of a village head
Solving cases at village level
Carrying out orders from the chief
Upholding culture
Who appoints the village head?
The headman
Which is the correct structure of the Indigenous governance?
Village head, Headman, chief
The diagram below represents traditional levels of leadership.



Village head
Xvillage head
Who were the first people to live in Zimbabwe?
The Khoisan depend on
hunting and gathering
Long ago people wore……………….
animal skins
Which people built the Great Zimbabwe?
Shona people/ Rozvi
Identify one material used to build Great Zimbabwe
Granite stone
Who founded the Mutapa State?
Nyatsimba Mutota
Who founded the Rozvi State?
Changamire Dombo
From which tribe was Mzilikazi a king?
Ndebele tribe
List one pre-colonial state.
Mutapa state Ndebele state Rozvi state
Torwa state Great Zimbabwe state
Identify a pre-colonial state which was near Bulawayo

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Torwa state
Which king was converted to Christianity by the Portuguese?
Those who showed interest in Christianity and converted were __________
by Mzilikazi.
Who was tricked into signing the Rudd Concession?
Give the name one national sacred place in Zimbabwe
Njelele shrine Chinhoyi Caves
People in Zimbabwe are called…………….
Identify one national symbol in Zimbabwe.

National flag
National Coat of Arms

Zimbabwe Bird
The Motto ‘Unity Freedom Work’ is found on the
National Coat of Arms
The Kudus on the national coat of arms represent.
Unity and success
What marked the beginning of the second Chimurenga?
The Chinhoyi battle
What is the meaning of the white triangle on the national flag_
At school, the national anthem is sung at……………
State national celebration days in Zimbabwe
National Youth Day Independence Day
Heroes Day Defence Forces Day
Unity day
When is the unity day celebrated in Zimbabwe?
22 December
When is our our Independence Unity day?
18 April
On Heroes day we celebrate…………

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
the heroes who fought in the Liberation struggle
State examples of a natural disasters
Name one natural resources
Trees Soil
Water Minerals
Stones Mountains
Rivers Forests
Reasons for conserving natural resources.
It is the growing of trees where there are no trees.
The process of replanting trees on an area which had trees before is called reforestation
The cutting down of trees without replacing them.
Effects of deforestation
Soil erosion
Poor soils
Loss of animal habitats
State one of the children`s right
Right to food Right to a decent shelter
Right to education Right to protection
Right to love
Give on responsibility of children.
To obey parents
To respect elders/ teachers
Do household chores
Love their family/community/country
Effects of veld fires on the environment.
Destroy crops Destroys animal shelter
Kills wild animals Destroys forests
Destroys homes
State the cause of a drought.
Little rainfall
Identify one effect of drought.
Death of animals
Death of people
Give one way of reducing poverty in Zimbabwe
Create employment
Educating people
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Empowering people with skills
Forms of pollution
Air pollution
Water pollution
Land pollution

Suggest one way of preventing water pollution.

Avoid use of agrochemicals
Avoid littering
What is desertification?
creation of desert conditions
Ways of overcoming desertification
Planting trees
The picture below shows a wife serving food to her husband.

Which respecting manner is being shown?

Kneeling when serving food
Which is an indigenous game?
Pada tsoro chihwande- hwande
What does the game tsoro teach?
critical thinking
How many languages are in Zimbabwe?

The picture shows a religious ceremony.

Which religious activity is being performed in the picture?


Which people built the Great Zimbabwe?

Shona people/ Rozvi
Identify one material used to build Great Zimbabwe
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Granite stone
Identify one national symbol in Zimbabwe.
National flag National Coat of Arms
Zimbabwe Bird
What is the meaning of the white triangle on the national flag_?
The Kudus on the national coat of arms symbol represent
State national celebration days in Zimbabwe
National Youth Day Independence Day
Heroes Day Defence Forces Day
Unity day
When is the unity day celebrated in Zimbabwe?
22 December
Give one example of a national heritage site found near Masvingo town.
Great Zimbabwe monuments

Identify one way in which heritage sites are important to the country
Preserve culture
Promote tourism
State examples of a natural disasters
Identify materials needed by victims of natural disasters
Food Clothes
Medicines Blankets
Which town was called Fort Charter during colonial era
Identify towns which developed as a result of mining
Hwange Kamativi
Shurugwi Zvishavane
Kwekwe Mashava
What led to the development of Victoria Falls town?
Types of shelter

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Why animals need shelter
For protection against bad weather
For protection against predators
State one material used when building an igloo
Ice blocks
An igloo is a housing/shelter used by………
Where do we find huts on silts in Zimbabwe?
Why do Tonga people build their huts on silts?
For protection against wild aniimals
For protection against floods
Name one material used to build a traditional rural shelter
A person who builds a shelter on a piece of land without government or local authorities`s
permission is called a
What is puberty?
Changes from childhood to adulthood
State one change that take place in girls during puberty
Pimples Breasts develop
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Pubic hair develops menstruation begins
Hips develop develop interest in boys
Name changes that take place in boys during puberty
Pimples pubic hair develops
Voice deepens muscles widens
Develop interest in girls
Which is a Puberty and fertility dance?
Who plays an important role in indigenous courtship?
aunts’/ uncles
A boy and a girl exchantaging love tokens in the presence of the girl’s aunt.
Give any one purpose of the practice.
Symbol of love to know each other`s character and intrests
Build relations
Preparation for marriage
State one role played by aunts and uncles during courtship.
Teach boys and girls about marriage
Guiding girls and boys
What is courtship?
Preparation for marriage
What is the main role of courtship)
Build relations
A good boy girl relationship involves…...
friendship respect trust faithfulness love
The person who mediates in the marriage negotiations is called____
A bride price can also be called___________________
Which one is a modern way of marriage?
White wedding
Name any practice for girls who reach adolescence in Zimbabwe.
Chifase for the Venda people
Name one indigenous language in Zimbabwe.
Shona Ndebele Tonga Kalanga Venda
b) Identify any African marriage cultural practice.
Kutizira musengabere ugariri
Which is a motherhood item?
Pots plates Laundry basket cooking stand winnowing
Who pays the bride price?
The man

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Which of the following marriage ways is not allowed by the constitution?
.How did the poor pay for their bride price in the traditional system if they
did not have money to pay for bride price?
Which marriage practice is found in both Christianity and Indigenous
Civil marriage law states that a man marries_____________.
One wife
A ___________ is given to show a civil marriage union.
Marriage certificate
Which of the following strengthens marriage?
State arms of government
Executive Legislature Judiciary
Name one arm of government responsible for making laws in Zimbabwe
Who is the head of the executive?
The president
Who is the head of the judiciary?
Chief justice
Who is the head of the legislature?
Speaker of parliament
Who enforces the law?
Who appoints the chief justice?
The President
An area represented by a member of parliament is called a
A government voted by people for the people is
a democracy
A person can be a citizen of Zimbabwe by
birth descent
Give example of a communicable disease.
Chickenpox measles hepatitis B
Rabbies tuberculosis monkeypox
The parable of the two sons teaches
Give the name of a sacred place in a traditional hut
Long ago, people lived mainly on hunting and gathering. They used different hunting tools.

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Name any one indigenous hunting tool which was used in Zimbabwe.
Identify one material which hunters used to make indigenous hunting tools.
A rite of passage is a ceremony or event that is held to mark an important stage in a
person’s life. Name any one occasion which symbolises the rite of passage.
Marriage rite
Birth rite
Death rite
After a funeral, the property of the deceased is shared. Identify the person who shares
the property of the deceased after burial in the Indigenous religion.
A relative selected by the family
State an Indigenous ritual ceremony done a year after the death of a family member
Kurova guva ceremony
The gestation period of a human is
The period from pregnancy until birth.
State one advantage of immunising babies.
To protect children from child killer diseases
Explain why the mother’s milk is the best for babies.
it has the nutrients needed by babies
Name one protective clothing used when using a welding machine.
State any modes of transport
Air transport
Road transport
Water transport
Rail transport
Give any means of transport
Bus cars lorry
Aeroplane helicopter
Which one is a major hazard in road transport?
Road acccidents may lead to loss of life
Name one cause of a road traffic accidents
Drinking alcohol while driving
Poor roads
Suggest one way of reducing road accidents
Putting roadblocks
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
Give types of communication used in Zimbabwe
Identify any means of communication system which can reach many people at the same
Identify any ancient means of communication
Social Sciences Paper 2
1.(a) Name any two indigenous processing tools. Mortar and pestle/ Mvuto/grinding stone
(b) What is a shrine? A place of worship in indigenous religion
(c) Great Zimbabwe is in which province?Masvingo
(d) A man with many wives is called a............. polygamist
2(a) State any two rights of any citizen. Right to food/ right to education
(b) The San lived in .......................caves
(c) Our National Heroes' Acre is found in ................ Harare
(d) The main duty of the police is to ...................arrest law offenders./enforce the law
3.(a) Why is the Tonga hut built on stilts? To protect against floods and protect against wild
(b) List two things that can be donated to an orphanage. Food and clothes
(c) People who cannot ............... use sign and hear
(d) Solar energy comes from .......................... the sun
4.(a) Write one role of a parent. Provide food /provide education
(b) Name any two religions that you know. Islam and Judaism
(c) Give one example of a needy person. Old people and mentally challenged people
(d) Esau's twin brother was .......................... Jacob
5.(a) Why do people sing and dance? (1)entertainment
(b) Name any two artefacts in christianity. (2) cross and chalice
(c) State one way of talking to God ............prayer and singing
Section B
Answer three questions in this section.
6.(a) One of the qualities of a bad person is ................back biting and dishonest
(b) Families provide children with food, .....clothes...... and
(c) ......bullying................... can cause conflict at school.
(d) Name any one National event. Independence Day and Natonal Youth Day
7.(a) Name any two forms of abuse physical abuse and emotional abuse
(b) Gender roles are based customs and practices
(c) The virus that causes AIDS is called ..................HIV human immune Virus
(d) The first person to see Jesus after his resurrection was .............Mary Magadalene
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
8.(a) The holy book for the Jews is ...................Tennak
(b) Good personal hygiene involves .....brushing teeth ..... and ...........bathing..
(c) Two ways of communicating with God are ......prayer.......... and ....singing...........
9.(a) Name two groups of people who need help. Old people/blind people/ mentally
(b) Christians believe in ........Jesus christ....
(c) Name two animals that can be used as totems. Elephant and zebra
10.(a) What is an orphan? A child whose parents are dead
(b)What is food? Anything that you eat or drink
(c) Who founded Islam? Mahommad
(d) State two ways in which you can help the poor in your community. Give food and give
Section C
Answer 2 questions in this section
11.(a) When a person does wrong,they are tried in a............. court
(b) Give two reasons why people need shelter. For protection againt wild animals and
protection against
(c) A ..........volunteer.. works freely and willingly for no pay.
(d) Veld fires must be avoided destroys vegetation
12.(a) Name any two responsibilities that children have respect elders and help with
household chores
(b) List any two ways of modern communication cellphone and radio
(c) Define the term leisure. Free time
13.(a) Where do we find Hwange National Park? Hwange
(b) One reason why people work is to ................earn a living
(c) Family gatherings are important because ............unite the family
(d) List any two indigenous processing tools. Grinding stone/ mvuto /morter and pestle
14.(a) Give two examples of indigenous courts headman`s court and chief`s court
(b) What do you call your father's mother? grandmother
(c) Eskimos use............... to build Igloos. ice
(d) Why do people need shelter? For protection agaist wild animals and protection against
bad weather
smoket1. They movement of goods and people from point A to B is called_____
A. Transport. B .communication. C. satellite. D. running
2. A person who travels on foot on road is called a A. poor. B. driver.
C. footwork. D. pedestrian
3. Which one of the following is a private transport? A. Bus. B. Train.
C car. D. Aeroplane
4. Which one is an ancient means of communication?

A. B. C. D.
5. What mode of transport would you use to go to your friend's house which is 500m away
from your place? A. air. B. Water. C.rail. D. Road

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
6. What mode of transport can you use to transport perishable goods from Zimbabwe to
Singapore? A. air. B.water. C. road. D. Pipeline
7. The cheapest mode of transport which can be used to carry goods from point A to B of a
map below B

A. rail B air. C.road. D pipeline
8. One advantage of road transport is that ________________ A. it provide door to door
delivery B.It is the fastest C. it can carry perishables D.fuel is cheap
9. Complete: All work without play makes Jack a ____boy
A. bright. B. Clever C tall. D dull
10. Which one of the following common cooperative in Zimbabwe nowadays?
A. teaching. B. Aqua culture. C.nursing. D. game ranching.
11. Which one is a blue collar job?

A. B. C. D.

12.To help local to have own Job is to________. A. employ. B. Indigenise.

C. Industrialise. D. Teaching
13. Which one is a leisure activity? A. swimming. B. Weeding.
C. Studying. D. Milking cows
14. Everyone has a right to choose a ____ A. father. B. religion.
C. mother. D. totem
15. Which picture is showing children's right?

A. B.

C. D.
Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
16. What is the majority legal age in Zimbabwe?
A. 16. B . 18. C. 20. D. 40
17. What determines whether a behaviour is right or wrong? A. King or chief. B. moral
and values C. needs and wants. D. peace or conflict
18. Who said these words? ‘Do unto others as you want them to do unto you’.
A. Mohammed. B. Jesus C. God. D Allah
19. Most children copy their behaviour from the following except____
A. stranger. B. parents. C. friends. D. teacher
20. Complete, like father like________.
A.son.B. daughter.C. grandfather.D. teacher.
21.A set of rules of a country is called._____________.
A. by laws B. Order. C. trustee. D. Constitution
The people in a certain area did not care about their environment. The streets were dirty,
the wind blew papers all over and litter and rubbish covered pavements. One day these
people chose a new mayor who everybody loves and respected.
Again and aain the mayor asked the people to clean upthe town, but they just didn’t care.
They said, “Somebody else can do it”, because they were all too proud to pick up rubbish.
The mayor waited until the next Saturday when everyone was doing shopping. He took a
bucket and a broom and started sweeping the pavements and picking up the rubbish. The
people were ashamed. Within minutes, they started helping him clean up.
The mayor showed the people in this tow that he was humble enough to clean up their
rubbish and so, the people also started being humble. From that day on, they all kept the
town clean.
22. The mayor of this town showed his A. responsibility. B. Right. C. cruelty.
D. Selfishness
23. What was wrong with the town? A. There were too many people. B. There
was dirt all over. C. People respected their new mayor. D. On Saturday everyone do
24. Later on the people of the town kept their place clean because ____________.
A. they were imitating their mayor. B. They were afraid of their mayor.
C. they would be sent to Prison. D. they were now workers.
25. One attitude shown by the mayor is________. A. humility. B.
Obedience. C. trustworthy. D. aggressive
26.When someone tear up my book by mistake I should ______ to the police
B. tear up his/her book in revenge C.immediately beat him/ her up D.forgive
him or her
27. The following help in managing conflict except________. A. never talk to someone who
wrongs you B. Listen carefully to each other C. finding help from other senior members
D. working together
28. Values are taught in _________. A. school only B. Churches only
C. Families, school and religions D. Society only

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
29. Those entrusted to look after community goods should be ________ . A. hard
B. honest C. greedy D. kind
30. Peaceful communities are known for ______ their moral values. A. respecting
B. disobeying C. ignoring D. development
31. Which of these bring peace and unity to communities?
A. Fairness and justice B. Selfishness C. Greed D Dishonesty
32. Who is encouraged to be exemplary in the Zimbabwe National Anthem?
A. Teachers B. Fighters C. Leaders D. Heroes
33. Which religion practice halaal as a way of keeping their meat clean?
A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. Indigenous Religion
34. Name two religious that regard a pig’s way of life and feeding as dirty and therefore do
not eat pork. A. Christianity and indigenous Religion B. Judaism and Islam
C. Judaism and Christianity D. Indigenous Religion and Islam
35. Jews, Moslems and some indigenous ethnic groups have a common ritual health
practice for boys called ________.
A. circumcision B. purification C. mass D. rainmaking
36. Which two books in the Torah talks of diet and health practices?
A. Genesis and Leviticus B. Leviticus and Deuteronomy
C. Genesis and Deuteronomy D. Deuteronomy and Acts
37. ________ is a form of sexual abuse. A. School B. sexual-Inter course with a
minor C. Beating up a woman D. Community
38. ______ abuse is any touch of child’s private parts. A. Sexual B. Emotional C.
Neglect D. Spiritual
39. Sexual abuse can cause ______ pain. A. emotional B. religious C. sound
health D. yelling and name calling
40. A person who sexually abuses children _______ their future.
A. Build B. supports C. destroys D. lack education
Answer any 4 questions in this section
1. (a) What is conflict? Fighting or quaralleliing
(b) Give two ways in which you can manage conflict dialougue/ respect (2)
(c) __bullying_and _shortage of textbooks__ causes conflict at school
2. (a) Which religions use these? (4)
i) Judaism ii) Christianity iii) indigenous religion iv) Islam

(b) Name any one place in Zimbabwe where we can buy religious artefacts religious
3. (a) State any three social platforms where children can get information.Facebook
WhatsApp and Twitter (3)

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
(b) Give two problems which were bought by technology. Lack of privacy /more
time is spend on internet , neglecting each other (2)
4. (a) What is a neighbour? A person living nearby[1]
(b) Explain why neighbours are important. [2 Sharing food / sharing problems]
(c) Name any two things which neighbours can share. food / ideas[2]
5. (a) What do we call a group of families living near one another and sharing goals and
problems? [1] community
(b) Write down three ways in which families can work together to make their
community a better place to live.participate in community clean-up campaigns/participate
in maintainance of a road/make nutritional gardens [3]
(c) Explain what we mean by vulnerable children. [1]exposed to attack or harm
6. (a) Give two examples of (I) rights of a citizen.right to vote and right to be heard
(ii)responsibilities of a citizen love and defend your country/ obey laws/respect rights of
other people/assist yhe needy of the society(4)
( b)What is a citizen?(1) is a resident of a country/ a member of a country by birth
or decent
Answer any 4 questions in this section
7. (a) What are national monuments? [1]important historical and cultural sites
owned by the country
(b) Give two examples of national monuments. Great Zimbabwe and Khami
ruins/Matobo hills 2]
(c) What is heritage? [1] inheritance/ benefits taken from the past
8. (a) List three ways of modern transport used today. Air transport , rail transport
and road teansport[3]
(b) State one disadvantage of traditional ways of communication. [1] they are slow
9. (a) What type of work did early people do to earn a living? Hunting and
(b) Write two weapons made and used by the San for hunting bows and
10. (a) People with HIV/AIDS have the right to learn. (True/False) [1]
(b) Why is it bad to throw away used baby pampers everywhere?[2] it leads to land
(a) Write one causes of poverty in communities. [1]
11. How can we reduce land pollution:
At school [1] pick up litter/sweep the school yard
At home [1] throw litter in a rubbish pit or bin
In the whole country [1] refuse should be collected/ clean-up campaigns
Write at least one way of reducing air pollution. [1]
Answer any 1 questions in this section
12. (a)What form of abuse is shown on the picture?(1) physical abuse

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555
(b)If you see someone being abused as shown on the above, what would you do
report to police (2)
(c)State one types of abuse that you know emotional abuse and sexual abuse
( 1)
13. (a) State three examples of gender based violence. Sexual violence/domestic
violence/ physical violence (3)
(b) State one qualities of a good citizen respect laws/loyal to the
nation/respect the national flag/ support the country`s programs

Social sciences revision questions and notes 0775382555

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