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Chapter 1

A study of Dargo et al. (2021) about “Modular Distance Learning: Its Effect in the

Academic Performance of Learners in the New Normal” The teachers noticed a gap in the

performance of the learners, which raised concerns among them. A study revealed a significant

decrease of 2.25% in the Grade Weighted Average (GWA), indicating a decline in academic

performance among the learners. The transition to Modular Distance Learning as the mode of

teaching and learning in schools has posed additional challenges for parents, learners, teachers,

and school administrators.

Theoretical Frame Work

Learning Style Theory (1987) of Fleming as cited by Binyu Xing (2023), Visual

learners primarily learn through visual stimuli. They prefer to receive information through

visual means and may struggle to remember information that has only been heard. With their

ability to visualize, they often create mental images or pictures when recalling information and

may utilize tools like mind maps to organize their thoughts. They are inclined towards activities

such as writing, drawing, and imagining, and prefer to create their own notes rather than rely

solely on provided materials. They have a tendency to grasp concepts as a whole rather than

focusing on individual parts.

Visual learners benefit from clear aims and objectives in learning sessions, as well as

understanding the purpose behind the session. They rely heavily on their senses and enjoy

working in groups, where they can observe non-verbal cues from their peers. They learn

effectively through activities like role play and watching others perform or demonstrate skills.

Additionally, visual learners may have good proficiency in sign language, as they often

have a strong connection to visual communication methods.

Visual learners often excel in spelling but may struggle with remembering names. They

thrive in less formal learning environments and may find traditional classroom settings less

conducive to their learning style. They are typically organized and able to concentrate well

when presented with visual materials.

While reading, visual learners may tend to daydream as they visualize the content they

are absorbing. They are often drawn to color coding, diagrams, and symbols as study aids,

finding them helpful for revision and recall. Additionally, they may prefer to rewrite

information in their own style as a method of reinforcement and comprehension.

Theory of Academic Achievement by Walberg’s (1992) as cited by Kievit et al. (2020)

This statement posits that the psychological characteristics of individual students, along with

their immediate psychological environments, play a significant role in determining educational

outcomes across cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal domains.

In essence, it suggests that factors such as a student's cognitive abilities, learning styles,

motivation, attitudes, and emotional well-being interact with the educational environment,

including aspects such as teaching methods, classroom atmosphere, and peer interactions, to

shape the overall educational experience and outcomes.

This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the

diverse psychological needs and contexts of students to support their learning and development

effectively. It highlights the interconnectedness between psychological factors and educational


processes, advocating for a holistic approach to education that considers both individual

differences and environmental influences.

Definition of Terms

Cost of effectiveness. Achieving a desired outcome at the lowest possible cost is the

essence of cost-effectiveness. It involves measuring how efficiently resources are utilized to

achieve specific results. A cost-effective solution is one that successfully attains the desired

outcome while minimizing the expenditure of financial resources. In essence, it's about

optimizing the relationship between inputs (resources) and outputs (results) to ensure

maximum efficiency and value for money.

Parents Informant A
One of the benefits in modular distance learning is having a less budget
for their children particularly in their fare for having no commute.

Expense management plays a crucial role in the realm of education, extending far beyond
simple budgeting. It is instrumental in maintaining financial stability, facilitating efficient
resource allocation, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of academic institutions.

Financial Stability: Effective expense management helps educational institutions

maintain stability in their finances. By carefully monitoring expenses and identifying
areas where costs can be minimized, institutions can avoid financial strain and ensure
they have the necessary funds to support their operations and initiatives.

Efficient Resource Allocation: Expense management allows educational institutions to

allocate resources effectively, ensuring that funds are directed towards areas that have the
greatest impact on student learning and development. By prioritizing investments in key
areas such as curriculum development, technology integration, and faculty support,
institutions can enhance the quality of education they provide.

Sustainability: Sustainable expense management practices are essential for the long-term
viability of educational institutions. By controlling costs and avoiding unnecessary
expenditures, institutions can operate more efficiently and reduce their environmental
footprint. Sustainability efforts may include initiatives to minimize waste, conserve
energy, and adopt environmentally friendly practices.

Strategic Planning: Expense management is integral to strategic planning in education.

By analyzing spending patterns and identifying areas for improvement, institutions can
develop informed strategies to optimize their financial resources and achieve their
educational goals. Strategic planning may involve setting budgetary targets,
implementing cost-saving measures, and aligning expenses with institutional priorities.

In summary, expense management is a multifaceted process that plays a fundamental role

in the financial health, resource allocation, and long-term sustainability of educational
institutions. By adopting effective expense management practices, institutions can
enhance their operational efficiency, maximize the value of their investments, and ensure
they remain well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of their students and

Parents Informant B
They are the one who helped their children for answering the
modules and it is away to spend more time for their children
which cause them to have family bonding.

Absolutely, recognizing the diversity of families and their needs is essential in

supporting at-home learning during these challenging times. Here are some quick
and easy-to-implement strategies that educators can share with parents and
caregivers to support their child's learning at home:

Establish a Routine: Encourage parents to create a daily schedule that includes

dedicated time for learning activities, breaks, meals, and relaxation. Consistency
and structure can help children stay focused and engaged in their studies.

Designate a Learning Space: Suggest setting up a quiet and organized area in the
home where children can focus on their schoolwork without distractions. Having
a designated learning space can help create a conducive environment for

Set Realistic Goals: Help parents set achievable learning goals for their child,
taking into account their abilities and interests. Break tasks into smaller,
manageable steps, and celebrate progress along the way.

Stay Connected with Teachers: Encourage parents to maintain open

communication with their child's teachers to stay informed about assignments,
expectations, and progress. Virtual meetings, emails, and phone calls can help
bridge the gap between home and school.

Encourage Exploration and Creativity: Support parents in providing opportunities

for their child to explore new interests and engage in creative activities at home.
Encourage reading, writing, drawing, and hands-on experiments to stimulate
curiosity and imagination.

Utilize Online Resources: Recommend educational websites, apps, and online

resources that align with the curriculum and cater to the child's learning needs.
Many educational platforms offer free or low-cost access to a wide range of
learning materials.

Promote Family Involvement: Encourage parents to involve the whole family in

learning activities and projects. Engaging in activities together can strengthen
family bonds and create meaningful learning experiences.

Practice Self-Care: Remind parents to prioritize self-care for themselves and their

children. Encourage activities that promote relaxation, such as mindfulness

exercises, outdoor play, and hobbies.

By providing parents with these strategies, educators can empower them to

support their child's learning at home effectively. Building positive relationships
between educators and families is key to navigating remote learning and ensuring
student success during these unprecedented times.

Parents Informant C
Parents can get to know more about the learning capacity
of their child and understand what situation they have,
opportunity to be close to each other and express their
feelings to their parents.

Understanding child development is indeed crucial for parents in various

aspects of parenting. Here's how it can positively impact parent-child
interactions and discipline:

Setting Realistic Expectations: Parents who understand child development

are better equipped to set age-appropriate expectations for their children.
This helps prevent frustration and disappointment when their child's
behavior aligns with their developmental stage.

Effective Discipline: Knowledge of child development allows parents to

tailor disciplinary strategies that are developmentally appropriate and
effective. Instead of expecting young children to have the same self-
control as adults, parents can implement strategies that align with their
child's cognitive and emotional capabilities.

Promoting Positive Interactions: Understanding child development helps

parents anticipate and appreciate their child's milestones and behaviors.
This fosters a positive and supportive environment where parents can
celebrate their child's achievements and provide guidance through

Enhancing Communication: Parents who are knowledgeable about child

development can communicate more effectively with their children. They
can use language and concepts that are appropriate for their child's age and
developmental stage, leading to clearer communication and mutual

Encouraging Empathy and Creativity: Recognizing the stages of child

development can foster empathy and understanding towards children's
behaviors and emotions. This encourages parents to approach discipline
and interactions with compassion and creativity, promoting a healthy
parent-child relationship.

Boosting Parental Confidence: Continuous learning about child

development can increase parental confidence and competence. When
parents have a better understanding of what to expect at each stage of their
child's development, they feel more confident in their parenting abilities
and decisions.

In times of difficulty, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing

education on parenting and child development becomes even more
important. It equips parents with the knowledge and skills needed to
navigate challenges effectively and support their child's growth and well-
being. Ultimately, investing in continuous learning on parenting and child
development benefits both parents and children, fostering healthy
relationships and positive outcomes.

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