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What is Mental health

Prepare by: claudine

According to world health organization "mental health is a state
of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities,
can scope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively,
and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
Managing Extreme emotions and
live mentally healthy

Handing stress and Emotions vary from one person to

another. This basically is in Accordance with How a
person looks Onto his current Circumstances. A number
of Variables may either aggravate Or simplify The issue
or concern To how well people Can his Stress And
extreme emotions.
1.Seek help
2. Explore
3.Be positive
4.Practicing breathing technique
5.Use mantra
7.Keep your self busy
8.Protect yourself by improving your self-esteem
9.Develop hardeness
10.Take a break
1. Seek help- From th ose wh o u n dersta n d y ou r con cern , pa rti cu l a rl y wi th y ou r
f a mi l y a n d th ose men ta l Hea l th prof essi on a l s.

2 . Explore- On T h ose i ssu es T h a t gi v e y ou mu ch S tress a n d i s su bj ecti n g y ou to

Extreme Emoti on s. Kn owi n g ev ery th i n g a bou t y ou r i ssu es a n d worri es wi l l sh ed
l i gh t a n d prov i de y ou en l i gh ten men t.

3. Be positive- "posi ti v e th ou gh ts a ttra ct Posi ti v e peopl e a n d posi ti v e ev en ts

Accordi n g to th e "T h e S ecret". On e sh ou l d S ta rt f rom a n a tti tu de of gra ti tu de so h e
ma y see th e th i n gs th a t h e posseses ra th er th a n h i s defi ci en ci es.

4 .Practice breathing technique- to rel a x y ou r mu scl es y ou r body a n d y ou r

mi n d.du ri n g momen ts of stress a n d extreme emoti on s by brea th i n g i n f ou r cou n ts
("i n h a l e 1,2,3,4") a n d exh a l e 8 cou n ts (: exh a l e 1,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) .
repea t a ga i n a n d a ga i n a n d f eel y ou r sy stem rel a xi n g.

5. Use mantra- l ook u n to a mi rror a n d do posi ti v e sel f -ta l k. Fu cos on y ou r

bea u ty, y ou r stren gth s, y ou r u n i qu en ess a n d th e th i n gs th a t y ou h a v e.
Pra cti ce deep brea th i n g wh i l e doi n g th i s a n d sta rt a n d sta rt bel i ev i n g i n y ou trou gh
posi ti v esel f -ta l k. An exa mpl e of th ese a re:
➡There's no need to worry!
>Everything will be fine!
>I'll cross the bridge when I
get there
➡ One step at a time my
➡ Your the best, you can do
it !
6. Humor- is helpful in these circumstances. one should find comic relief by watching funny
films and reading feel-good books.
7. Keep your self busy-An idel person is subjective to more negativity as he is preoccupied
more of these issues.
tendency is just to discuss more about he's hurts and pains as there is nothing relevant pre-
occupies him.
8. Protect yourself by improving your self-esteem-. A person with high with high sense
of self-esteem develop a shield that will secure him from greater pain. if one ihas a positive
assessment of his over-all worth the he creates a positive outcomes in his life.
9.Develop hardeness- a syndrome that mitigates the impact of stress and extreme
emotions. Hardeness may reduce the effects of stress by altering stress appraisals or fostering
more active coping (Crow-ley et al 2019).
10.Take a break- Go on vacation and commune with nature. Go back to the basics of life and
find a place that can relax and soothe the mind.
Identify the following questions:

1-3. give at least 3 ways how will people Can

his Stress And extreme emotions.

4-5. Why we need to Keep our self for being


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