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Assignment 2 – Continuous Improvement in Kanban Environment and Scrumban Practices

You support the “MarkSphere” team as a Kanban Coach through their Kanban Journey as
needed. It has been 4 months since your last check-in with them. The “MarkSphere” team
reached out to you with concerns that they lack predictability, capacity planning does not
work well, and there is a growing desire for inspections and adaptations.

Results from the internal interviews:

Product Owner Feedback:

 Concerns about unpredictable delivery timelines.
 Desire for more visibility into work progress.

Team Members Feedback:

 Frustration with unclear capacity planning.
 Desire for more collaborative planning sessions.

The “MarkSphere” team failed to monitor metrics they can provide you. They have
incomplete data. But they mentioned that:
 WIP limit for “In Progress” items is regularly breached, resulting in increased cycle
time by 20% average.
 Customer Satisfaction Rate in the previous quarter was 6/10.
 Approximately 40% of the team works remotely, utilizing collaborative tools for
communication and task tracking.
 The team relies on platforms like Slack for real-time communication, Jira for project
management, and Zoom for virtual meetings and ceremonies.
 Remote work introduces challenges related to synchronous collaboration, with
occasional delays in responses and potential miscommunication due to the reliance
on digital channels.


You think that incorporating Scrumban Practices can help this team. You are going to meet
with them and provide:
 A roadmap for continuous improvement and specific practices they can use
 A step-by-step plan for introducing Scrumban practices to the team
 Address any challenges or resistance that might arise during the transition.

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