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English LT Quick Review

Sentence Patterns
• S+LV+PN (Subject + Linking Verb + Predicate Noun)
ex: The rottweiler is a working dog.

• S+LV+PA (Subject + Linking Verb + Predicate Adjective

Linking verb – can use “sense” verbs (look, sound, smell, taste, feel)
ex: The peacock looks regal.

• S+IV+AP (Subject + Intransitive Verb + Adverb Phrase)

Intransitive Verb – verb that has no object or receiver
ex: We went to Manila Ocean Park.

• V+S (Verb + Subject)

- reversed order
- may use prepositional phrases
ex: Here comes the Emperor penguin.

Sentence Types
Simple Sentence
- Subject and predicate
- One thought
- One independent clause

Compound Sentence
- Two independent clauses
- Joined by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)

Complex Sentence
- One independent clause + one dependent clause
- Joined by a subordinating conjunction

- Two or more independent clauses + one or more dependent clause
- Two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction
- At least one dependent clause joined by a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun

Idiomatic Expressions - a type of informal language that has a meaning different from the
meaning of the words in the expression
• Bite the bullet • Cat got your tongue?
• Break the ice • Turn a blind eye

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