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31. surface

32. environment

33. impact

34. urban





39. traffic

40. weather

The maps below show information about the change of Riverage college 30 years
ago and now.

The maps illustrate how riverage college has changed between 30 years ago and

Overall, the college’s construction is stable and it just have some detail changes in
some area through the period.

During the 30 year period, the most noticeable changes are 4 office and the car
park in the right side of the map. Furthermore, at the middle building of the map,
the common room have transfered to a cafe and the refectory have been replaced
by the office.

In addition, most of the building have not had any changes. For example, the sport
hall in the left side of the map is still there until now. However, in contrast, the
music room have been added to the building which next to the tree.

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