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Determine blood glucose level for Fasting and Non-Fasting

Fasting Non-fasting
114 mg/dl 98 mg/dl
97 mg/dl 103 mg/dl
159 mg/dl 126 mg/dl
113 mg/dl 95 mg/dl
95 mg/dl

3. Interpret the result of the blood glucose level

Fasting Category Non-fasting Category

114 mg/dl prediabetes 98 mg/dl normal
97 mg/dl Normal 103 mg/dl normal
159 mg/dl diabetes 126 mg/dl prediabetes
113 mg/dl prediabetes 95 mg/dl normal
95 mg/dl normal

4. Explain the difference between a normal and abnormal glucose level

Blood glucose, or sugar, is sugar that is in your blood. It comes from the food you eat that contains
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are an important source of energy for the body. Such as
bread, pasta, and fruits are the main contributors to blood glucose. The cells in our bodies need glucose for energy
and we all need energy to move, think, learn, and breathe. The brain, which is the command center, uses about half
of all the energy from glucose in the body. When we eat food, the pancreas works, it releases enzymes that help to
break down food and hormones that help the body handle the influx of glucose. One of these hormones is insulin,
and it plays a key role in managing glucose levels in the blood. If the pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin or stops
making it altogether, glucose levels in the blood can rise too high.

A small device called a glucose meter or glucometer measures how much sugar is in the blood sample. The
drop of blood you get with a finger prick is often enough to use on a test strip. A finger prick can be done with a
lancet or with a spring-loaded device that quickly pricks the fingertip. A fasting blood sugar level of less than 100
mg/dL is normal. A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL is considered prediabetes. If it's 126 mg/dL or
higher you have diabetes. If you had a random blood glucose test, a normal result depends on when you last ate.
Most of the time, the blood glucose level will be 125 mg/dL or lower.

January 13, 2016 Amy Campbell, MS, RD, LDN, CDCES Diabetes self-management

University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York 2023
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2023

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