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The goal of tic-tac-toe is to be the first player to get

three in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally).
You can play in teams or player VS player.
Use a marker/Zoom annotation tool to mark the
squares with Xs or Os.
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE
or DO.
There are 5 different boards to practice and have fun!
_______ your _______ the train
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE or DO.
_______ you like
parents from station far from Play in teams or player VS player.
to read books?
Italy? here?

_______ your _______ it rain a _______ the

sister play the lot in your restaurant open
piano? country? on Sundays?

_______ your
_______ she work _______ it cold
friends like to
in a hospital? outside today?
watch movies?
_______ your
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE or DO.
_______ the shop _______ he have
parents speak Play in teams or player VS player.
near your house? a lot of friends?

_______ your _______ the cats _______ your

sister work on play with each favourite colour
Saturdays? other? blue?

_______ you _______ your

_______ you like
know how to brother play
ice cream?
cook? basketball?
_______ your _______ the _______ the
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE or DO.
parents have a restaurant serve flowers smell Play in teams or player VS player.

car? vegetarian food? good?

_______ your _______ this _______ you

boss happy with place busy on know how to
your work? weekends? swim?

_______ your
_______ they _______ your
grandparents live
have any friend often go to
in the
children? the gym?
_______ you _______ she
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE or DO.
_______ he a nice
remember his usually come Play in teams or player VS player.
name? early?

_______ you
_______ the _______ she
excited about
weather nice always buy
your trip to
today? healthy food ?

_______ they
_______ we need _______ you a
usually play
to go there? creative person?
tennis here?
_______ it a
_______there a Tic-tac-toe
Complete the questions with the correct forms of BE or DO.
_______ she like lot of interesting
popular song in Play in teams or player VS player.
studying? places in your
your country?

_______ you _______ your

_______ it often prefer chocolate mum cook tasty
snow in spring? or vanilla ice breakfasts?

_______ you play

_______ it a tasty _______ winter a
board games on
dish? cold season?

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