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Row​ ​1​ FDHDC 20 ST ​OR​ 9 1/2 inches, CH 2, Turn (​Important Note:​ Turning CH will count as a ST so we
should have a total of 21 ST including Turning CH. If you are struggling with foundation chaining you
may choose to CH 22 , HDC 3​ ST from hook, continue HDC to end.)

Row 2​ HDC BLO to end, CH 2, Turn ​

Row 3​ HDC FLO to end, CH2, Turn
Row 4-28/32​ Repeat ​Row 2 ​and ​Row 3​ until ​19-22 ​inches in length ​(Important Note:​ Take a moment
to measure for the best fit!)

Assembling your Cat Hat

Step 1​ Fold the rectangle in half wrong side out (​Important Note: ​There is a right side and
wrong/inside. The picture to the upper right shows the right/outside. You may have to turn your work
so that when you fold in half the wrong side will be out.)

Step 2 ​Holding both sides together SC along the edges making a tube
or cylinder. When you reach the other side 2 SC in the last ST before.

Step 3​ Continue to SC both edges together for​ 5/6 ST​ (​Important Note:​ The amount of ST may differ. I
recommend taking measurements with the bow placed in the middle. Add markers to help keep track
of when you need to add the bow in.)
Step 4 ​Drop one edge and add the hair bow. Continue SC along one edge and around hair bow for 4
ST. (​Important Note:​ You may want to add extra SC ST for this step to help add elasticity around
the band or it won't have very must stretch. If you do not wish to to use a bow then just SC along one
edge for 4 ST.)
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Step 5​ Drop hair bow and pick the other edge back up (Make sure they are lined up properly) and
continue to SC into the ST along the edge. Turn your work.

Step 6 ​SL ST back along the edge to the hair bow. Pick the bow back up and SC into the edge and
around the bow for the next 4 ST (​Important Note:​ Remember you may want to add extra ST for
elasticity.) Finish off leaving a long tail, do not weave in.

Step 7​ Turn hat right side out and pull the tail to the outside and set aside. Cut a length of yarn and
add it to your hook, SL ST it onto the hair bow on the opposite side of the tail, pull yarn through to
knot it and attach it to the hat. Count up 13 ST or measure 5 inches from the bottom and add ST
markers on both sides, this will be the bottom of your ears.

Step 8​ Thread tail and sew through both sides from top to ST marker
(Use ST marker as your guide while sewing.) This should make a
triangle in the corner. Leave tail for the moment and repeat this step
for the other side.

Step 9​ Gently pull tail strings tight to shape your ears. When you are
satisfied with the shape knot the tails to the hat and weave in all of
your ends. (Feel free to add a border to the bottom if you wish!)
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Enjoy! You now have the cutest Messy Bun Cat Hat!!!
Thank you for purchasing this pattern. I hope that it was easy to follow and understand. Please
feel free to sell hats made from this pattern! I would just like to ask that you do not give out
this pattern or claim it as your own. If anyone would like to purchase this
pattern please refer them to my page. Happy Hooking!

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