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Heading: Things to Do in Dubai For Kids

Heading 1: Museums

Uncover captivating arts and history that both amuse and ignite your child's curiosity, inviting
them on a journey of expanded world knowledge.

Heading 2: Waterparks

Give your kids the chance to plunge into a realm of aquatic adventure, where thrilling rides await
to whisk them away by unmatched fun and exhilaration.

Heading 3: Zoos & Acquariums

Expose your children to the enchanting underwater realm of diverse marine life within
aquariums, or let them discover the untamed wonders of zoos, fostering an appreciation for
nature and wildlife.

Heading 4: Adventure Sports

Let your children taste the excitement of adventure sports, allowing them to safely experience
indoor skydiving or the joy of skiing. These activities will create lasting memories of thrilling
moments for your kids to cherish
2. CMS Proficiency:
To schedule my blogs efficienctly and not miss the deadlines:

1. I would use a content calender to keep all to-be-published blogs at the same place for quick
and easy reference.

2. Organizing is the key to maintaining consistency! The calender should also have further
sections for title of the article, category, date of update, status in terms of review and approval,
date of posting, backlinks, images to be inserted, etc.

3. The blog must include the meta titles beforehand and description with added keywords, so
that we have everything we need during the time of publishing.

4. The blogs must have highlited keywords so that the publisher doesn't have to waste a lot of
time locating them

5. Check analytics for each blog post regularly to understand which topics are trending and
publish the relevant topics first.

3. SEO Knowledge:

Top 10 summer destinations for adventure seekers in Dubai

Primary keyword -

Adventure Travels - 1K-10K monthly searches

Secondary keywords -

Adventure trip 1K-10K

Solo travel groups 1K-10K
Adventure holidays 100-1K
Adventure vacations 100-1K
Adventure tours 100-1K
Outdoor travel - 10-100
Adventure travel - 10-100


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