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Master in Public Health Research Project

Marking schedule for plain English

Student name: Shringarika Pratesh

A Qualitative Exploration of Media Coverage on Health Inequalities

Project title:
Faced by the LGBTQ+ Community in the UK

Date: 20/10/23

Examiner name: Grace Brough and Gillian Carleton-Boylan.

Word count: 495 including headings

Components Degree class

(Distinction, Merit,
Pass or Fail)

Clarity of language/flow Pass

Completeness and narrative Pass

Accuracy Pass

Examiners comment on all components. Components are equally weighted in the final mark

Overall information included is appropriate but some areas such as the method could been more
detailed, state software system, year studied etc. Repeated aims that differ from each other.

Explanation of the more academic/scientific terms could have been more strongly demonstrated
within the work.

Potential areas of confusion – in key findings say found three themes but then discuss six points.

Choose a percentage from the scale below as an overall mark for the plain English summary.
Components are equally weighted in the final mark:

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

0 5 15 25 35 42 45 48 52 55 58 62 65 68 72 75 80 85 90 95 100

Mark =
(Select a number 58
from above)
Signed: G.K.Brough and Gillian Date: 20/10/2023

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