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Present: Jessica Addis, Mark Bowring (Chair), Lizzie Culverhouse, Kerry
Geaney, Astrid Goodwin (joint Vice-Chair) John Henley, Michaela Luckett, Jo
Miller (Joint Vice-Chair), Guy Moss, Dan Turvey (Head Teacher), Kate
In attendance: David Robson – SBM, Jenny Stiff – DHT
Governance Professional: Jan Davies

Agenda Discussions & Outcomes Action

1. GM opened the meeting with a prayer
2. Apologies for absence – None received. Mr. Bullock was
3. Declaration of business interests – None declared against any
item on the Agenda
4. Presentation by English Subject Lead – One of the aims
within the School combined SIP/SEF was the improvement of
writing across the School for all pupil groups. Writing progress
had been slow in all year groups following recent lockdowns
and return to school. The subject leader gave a presentation
to Governors on the progress in English and writing through
the new Talk 4 Writing Scheme which the School re-
introduced in September as a way of improving writing across
the School. A copy of the learning pathways developed by the
School were shared with Governors for every year group.
Literary texts used included poetry, narrative and factual.
5. Minutes of last FGB meeting – The minutes of the last
meeting on the 29th September 21 were unanimously approved
and signed by the Chair. All actions arising had been
completed and updated within the minutes.
6. Head Teacher’s report – A detailed written report from the
HT had been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting.
Did the School have continuity in supply staff who were
covering for staff off sick? – The School was often unable to
secure a regular supply teacher to provide cover for staff
absences and quite often the supply teacher that did cover
did not have the expertise to carry out the interventions
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which the School was putting in place. This made the delivery
of interventions more difficult as they were lacking in
momentum and consistency.

How did the School ensure that supply teachers were up to

date with safeguarding requirements? – Supply teachers were
well supported by other staff in the particular year group they
were teaching. Supply staff had their DBS checks and knew
what to do and who to approach if they had a safeguarding

Long Term Strategic Action Plan – The LTSAP was presented

in draft to Governors which outlined key objectives to be
achieved by 2024. The Strategic Intentions were the same as
the Ofsted key judgements with the focus being on teaching,
curriculum, academic progress, assessment, sport and extra-
curricular activities, parent and community links, behaviour
for learning, SEND inclusion, spirituality, online safety and
trauma informed.

Was a sum of £2,000 to cover phonics resources sufficient?

The School was hoping to buy into a scheme which was cost
effective and had been researching the different schemes on
offer as well as visiting other schools to look at the schemes
used by them.

What was meant by the School becoming a Trauma Informed

School? – Scientific research had taken place to look at the
impact of adversity in early childhood. The Diocese had
provided useful training webinars on the effects of trauma in
childhood. These webinars had been shared with staff.

Governors unanimously approved the new Long Term Strategic

Action Plan 21-24. Outcomes would be regularly monitored
through the Strategy Team and fed back to Governors.

Internal data documents – The Head Teacher had provided

Governors with internal data on KS2 pupils on reading writing
and maths. Data tracked year groups year on year compared
to current year group.

The impact on reading particularly on the current Year 6

cohort had dropped considerably due to the pandemic.
However, year 6 staff had predicted that 86% would reach
expected level in reading at the end of the academic year.

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Writing had seen a drop due to the pandemic with children
not using pencils/pens for a period of time as learning had
been online.

Arithmetic skills had not been retained due to manipulatives

and other classroom resources such as working walls not being
available to children when the School was closed.

A graph tracking the progress of pupil premium children

against non-pupil premium children in reading, writing and
maths for each year group had been provided for Governors
which allowed them to easily understand the data presented.

KW and AG would be planning a data monitoring visit so would

prepare some questions based on the in school data provided.

What might the future data look like, was the School on an
upward trend? – This was hard to predict particularly as this
year there had been 13 children in Reception who were of
below average ability.

Staff monitoring schedule – The HT had made this monitoring

schedule available to enable Governors to see what senior
leaders and subject leaders would be monitoring week by
week over the whole academic year. This document would be
useful for Governors when thinking about planning their
monitoring visits.

Staff CPD – There had been less individual training taking

place in terms 1 and 2 due to the School being unable to find
appropriate supply cover, but 83 individual courses had been
attended since September. Safeguarding training for staff had
taken place as well as first aid training so that the School had
well above the required number of first aiders. The Nurture
and Trauma training had given staff practical strategies to
work with.

Subject leader training had had a positive impact as had

training on using the new Early Years Framework.

7. Combined SIP/SEF – An updated rag rated document had been

circulated to Governors prior to the meeting. Outside
pressures had meant that the School had needed to re-
introduce additional actions into the Plan. A large number of
milestones for Season 1 had either been completed or in
progress. Evaluations for Season 1 would be updated at the 1

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end of Term 2 and made available to Governors at the January
Looking at the targets for July 22 how confident was the
School that the targets were achievable? – The School had
been fairly realistic and would have a better idea by the end 2
of Term 2. The targets would be re-addressed at the January
8 Monitoring reports –
SEND – JA had met with the Inclusion Manager to receive an
update on the SEND status of pupils within the School. A
written report was presented to Governors. Currently 10
Pupils had an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) with a
further 2 submissions having been made by the School. The
report provided an update on the work of the Rainbow and
Saplings classes.

Pupil Premium – JA had met with the Inclusion Manager

regarding the implementation of the PP Strategy, the impact
that PP support had had on Pupils and the impact of Covid on
PP pupils. A written report was presented to Governors.
Eighty-one children were eligible for PP funding which
accounted for 12% of all pupils compared with 8% last year
While low compared to the national average it was
anticipated this would increase further in the coming months.
Monitoring would continue to gauge how successful current
interventions were proving to be and what further
interventions might be required as the year progressed

Mental Health & Well-being monitoring – JA and JH met with

the Inclusions Manager to understand what was happening in
school within the area of Mental Health and Wellbeing and to
discuss plans for the remainder of the School year. A written
report was presented to Governors. Having achieved a Bronze
Reward for Mental Health the School was now focusing on
achieving a Silver Award. Wellbeing ambassadors would be
introduced into School and for the first time Staff would be
asked to consider wellbeing targets at their appraisals. There
would be a continued focus on aspects of the three school
rules Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible. Rewards such as hot
chocolate champion, certificates, dojos and house points
continued and the School carried on with engagement with
parents about positive experiences rather than just poor

Safeguarding – The Safeguarding Governor met with the

designated DSLs and had submitted a number of questions
prior to her visit. A written report was presented to
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Governors. Safeguarding training for all staff took place
annually with catch-up refresher courses for staff joining mid-
year. Staff had recently received training on Trauma to
reinforce the need to spot opportunities beyond safeguarding
to support children. A weekly newsletter to Staff highlighted
any safeguarding updates. The Family and Attendance support
officer played a key role in working with families where
children were absent and staff had concerns. The Admissions
and Pupil Data Manager followed up pupils who were not on
the morning register.

The correct Safer Recruitment procedures were in place with

interview panel members needing to undertake training on
these procedures.

There was a need for Governors to ensure they included 3

comments on the safeguarding culture of the School when
carrying out their monitoring visits.

Health & Safety Check – The Business Manager, AG and RB

had carried out a H&S check and a report was presented to
Governors. The School had recently undergone an external
H&S Compliance Audit in which they had done very well with
only three minor issues which had been rectified. The report 4
had not yet been received by the School but would be
presented at the FGB meeting.

Quality of Teaching – GM and EC had carried out this visit on 5

the 25th November. Their written report would be presented
at the January FGB.

SIAMS – GM and KW had carried out this visit just prior to the 6
FGB meeting and would present their written report at the
January FGB.

9 Monitoring priorities – Term 3

- 9 month statutory return – SBM, RB, AG, LC
- Quality of Teaching – GM and EC (from Term 2)
- SIAMS GM and KW (from Term 2)
- Curriculum development – AG & KW
10 Finance
Governors noted the statutory 6 month monitoring return
which had been produced by the SBM and agreed by the
Finance Monitoring Group. The return contained detailed
explanations of variances. Six month figures showed that on
Revenue, at year end, there was a predicted in-year deficit
of £87,831 but a surplus overall rollover of £98,171, a
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variance of -£17,602 from when budget was set on an income
of around £3.1million. Capital fund showed a predicted year
end outturn of a surplus of £9,702.

Governors were provided with a copy of the feedback from

KCC on the 6 month monitoring return. Of the 8 comments
received most were for information only whilst others
required an adjustment to the school’s figures being made.

Extension to the School’s Cleaning Contract – The initial 3

year contract with Solo was up for review and the SBM
provided an update to Governors on the service the School
received from the Cleaning Company. Being satisfied with the
service received, particularly with regard to the additional
cleaning required due to the Pandemic, and with expenditure
on the Contract in line with budget the School wished to
trigger the option to take up a 2 year extension of the
contract until May 2023.
Governors voted unanimously to agreeing that the School take
up the 2 year extension to the Cleaning Contract until May 23.
11 Chair & Vice-Chair actions – A Governors’ Disciplinary Panel
meeting involving 3 Governors including the Chair and one
joint Vice-Chair had taken place which related to the Head
Teacher’s decision to permanently exclude a child. Having
heard all the evidence presented by all parties the Head
Teacher’s decision was upheld by the Panel and the child’s
education was now in the hands of KCC.
Other actions included attendance at the Long Term Strategic
Plan meeting on the 12th October. JM had met with new
Governors as part of their Governor Induction process.
12 Policies – The following policies required FGB approval. They
had been reviewed by a link Governor prior to presentation.
- Admissions Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- ECT Policy
- Pay Policy – The Policy had been updated but would be
reviewed in due course against the Cantium Model
Policy when it is made available.

Governors unanimously approved these Policies.

The following Policies had been reviewed and updated by the

School but did not require FGB approval although had been
shared with individual Governors.
- Debt Recovery Policy
- Homework Policy
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- School Emergency Action Plan
- Pupil Premium Policy
- RE Policy

13 Governor Training –
The Governance of Safeguarding – both JM and AG had
attended this training which provided a good overview of what
Schools should have in place and the responsibility of the GB
to challenge and monitor the School’s safeguarding
procedures. Governors should ensure they comment on the
safeguarding culture within the School when carrying out their
monitoring visits. There was already a section within the
Monitoring Report pro-forma for such comments.
Experiences of Ofsted – GM had attended this training and
provided the presentation slides which could be found on
GovernorHub in the Governor Training folder. The
presentation included some questions which might be asked of
Governors so would prove useful in the School’s preparation
for Ofsted.
Curriculum essentials and the experience of Ofsted – GM 7
had attended this training which he found informative. When
the handouts were available from The Education People he
would send them to the Clerk to upload to GovernorHub.

WRAP (Prevent) Safeguarding awareness and the Kent

context for Governors – JM had attended this training with
one of the main themes being around radicalisation of
children online. The slides from the presentation were on
GovernorHub in the Governor Training folder.
Governor Induction – JH had attended a one day Governor
Induction day and had provided the slides for Governor
All pupils every ambition (Governors for Schools webinar) JA
had attended this and would provide feedback
Role of Training & Development Governor – JD had attended
and a written report submitted to Governors. The training
reinforced the need for Governors to be prepared to give time
to develop themselves in order to create highly effective
governance. Governors were reminded that the School has
taken out an E learning subscription with NGA E Learning
which provides a number of online training for Governors and
Clerks This can be accessed through NGA Learning Link - e-
learning for school governors, trustees and clerks - National
Governance Association
The NGA had updated their skills audit and matrix which 8
would be circulated to Governors in Term 3.

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14 AOB – Head Teacher Appraisal – The HT Appraisal Panel had
met and, with the support of an External Advisor, had
reviewed targets set for the last academic year and set new
targets for this academic year.

The Governor work planner had flagged up there may be a

need to carry out a Parent Survey on mental health and well-
being. As this had taken place during the last academic year
the action would be carried over into the next academic year.
15 Confidential items – There were no confidential items
16 Date of next meeting – Wednesday 26th January @ 5.30pm.

Actions arising from this meeting

Action Action Lead Outcome
No Governor
1 Provide SIP/SEF evaluations for HT On January FGB
season 1 for January FGB Agenda
2 Re-address targets set for July 22 at HT On January FGB
January FGB meeting Agenda
3 Include comments on the All On-going
safeguarding culture of the School Governors
when carrying out monitoring visits

4 Present H&S Audit at January FGB if SBM On January FGB

available Agenda
5 Present Quality of Teaching GM/EC On January FGB
monitoring report at FGB meeting Agenda
6 Present SIAMS monitoring report at GM/KW On January FGB
FGB meeting Agenda
7 Send training handouts to Clerk GM Not yet received
when available
8 Circulate NGA skills audit to all Clerk On January FGB
Governors in Term 3 Agenda

Signed: M. Bowring Date: 26.01.22

Chair of Governors

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