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如何检修故障代码 01/Trouble shooting for error 01

Suitable for SAKO inverter/三科适用机型: SUNSEE/SUNON/SUNON PLUS/SUNPOLO

故障 01、当逆变器关断时风扇被锁定(Fan is locked when inverter is off )
Error code 01: Fan problem (Fan is locked when inverter is turned off)
故障排除/Trouble shooting:
Step 1. Disconnect the load, grid input and solar input,just connect with battery and turn on the inverter. If
still problem, go to step 2
2. 检查是否有风扇不转,如果是风扇不转引起的故障,请检查风扇是否有异物卡死, 如果风扇无异物
Step 2. Check if the fan works or not. If fans doesn’t run, check if anything block the fan. If the fan is blocked
and doesn’t run, go to step 3
3. 断开电源打开电池接线盖板,检查风扇排线与主板连接针座是否有脱落,如果有脱落现象把连接器
Step 3. Disconnect the input power source, open the cover, and check if the fan wire is well connected or get
loosed. If get loosed, make the well connected. If there is nothing block the fan and wires are well
connected, fan stil not run, go to step 4

4. 如果以上步骤都进行,风扇还是不转,请更换同类型风扇排除故障。
Step 4. If step 1-3 have been well checked and the fan still not work, replace the fan (need same model)

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